Kristen på framsidan av "Flaunt Magazine"

Kristen är på framsidan av Flaunt Magazine - aprilnumret. Inuti tidningen finns också en 14 sidor lång intervju samt bilder på Kristen tagna av den kända modefotografen Yu Tsai.

I wanted to reach out to you directly to let you know that Kristen Stewart is the cover story of FLAUNT Magazine’s April Spring Fashion issue “The Census Issue,” which features Kristen in a 14-page story, including both an in-depth interview and 11 new, original photographs by renowned fashion photographer Yu Tsai.

The magazine is printed on a combination of luscious papers (Kristen’s feature is on a gorgeous, elite linen), and the outside cover is a re-imagined paper replica MCM handbag. This issue will augment collections the world over, and fans are welcome to pre-order copies directly through our office.

The issue itself costs $8.95, shipping is approximately $10.00, and fans are welcome to purchase copies by credit card or by checks made out to Flaunt Magazine. My e-mail address and phone number are listed below (which you are welcome to post on your site).

Pre-ordered issues will be available to ship in two weeks. This issue is very likely to sell out on newsstands!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Om ni vill konatkta henne;
[email protected]
F L A U N T + M A G A Z I N E
1422 N. Highland Avenue
Los Angeles, California
90028 – USA




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