Kristen i Instyle - England
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Bella som action figur för "Eclipse"
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Kristens intervju med Telegraph - England

A couple of years ago, Kristen Stewart could have walked down Hollywood Boulevard unnoticed, despite having appeared in nearly 20 films. Now, because of a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire, she cannot go out without attracting a pack of paparazzi and swarms of fans, mainly young girls.
Her role as the tortured teen Bella Swan in the Twilight films, based on the bestselling series by Stephenie Meyer, has rocketed her from being just another Hollywood-raised teenage actress to international star.
With the three films released so far – Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse – Stewart has won the hearts of legions of teenage girls as Bella, who becomes entwined in a passionate, unorthodox Romeo-and-Juliet-style romance with the handsome vampire Edward Cullen, played by British heartthrob Rob Pattinson.
The four-book series has sold
17 million copies, and there are more than 350 fan sites devoted to the stories, so the burden of expectation was high, and casting the right couple in the leading roles vital.
“It’s just surreal to be a crucial part of a machine like this,” says Stewart. “I’m sort of the vessel. These girls are obsessed with Edward through me. If I wasn’t right, I’d be persecuted and put on a cross.”
A little over-dramatic, perhaps, but it is an exciting and somewhat difficult time for the 19-year-old actress, who tries desperately to maintain her privacy while keeping fans of the Twilight saga happy. At the same time, she is reaching for roles that take her beyond the teenage romance genre.
So far, she seems to have succeeded remarkably well. Between Twilight movies (a final one, Breaking Dawn, is being developed), she has found time to star in two vastly different movies. She plays a troubled teenage prostitute in Welcome to the Rileys, which was produced by Ridley Scott and his brother Tony and directed by Ridley’s son Jake. It had its debut at the Sundance film festival this year.
The other film, The Runaways, which also debuted at Sundance, is creating a major stir with its story of the groundbreaking all-girl rock band and its gritty depiction of the 1970s Los Angeles rock scene.
The Runaways released five albums before breaking up in 1979, and their story is the stuff of rock mythology. Their tough, sexy, jailbait style inspired a wave of female rockers and paved the way for other all-girl bands such as the Go-Gos and the Bangles.
Stewart portrays the band’s bisexual leader, Joan Jett, who was executive producer of the film and whose black hair and lean, punk look earned her fashion-icon status.
“It was tough because I only had a really tiny window of free time, but I wanted to make the movie. And I didn’t want to get any older because I’m already older than Joan was when she was in the Runaways,” says Stewart. “I just crammed it in, and hoped that it would work. And it did. It’s nice to switch to movies like this between Twilights, but I’m excited to go and do the next couple of years of Bella’s life.”
She arrives for our interview looking elegantly sophisticated in a black mini-dress with her dark hair pulled up behind her head in a bun. Yet she confesses: “When I dress up, I have to have a lot of help. I was in a T-shirt until a few minutes ago.”
Like the teenage Joan Jett, Stewart has a sullen, almost surly look, which proves to be misleading, because she willingly attempts to answer questions, thinking carefully before she speaks but sometimes finding herself unable to articulate her thoughts.
“It’s impossible to always get across what I’m trying to say, but, if I just stay honest, then I’m not going to look back on any of these interviews and wonder what I was trying to do or be,” she says.
“I’m asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn’t say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don’t know myself at all yet.”
It was probably inevitable that Stewart would find a career in some form of showbusiness: her father is a director and producer, her mother is a scriptwriter, and she was brought up in Hollywood, where, in true fairytale fashion, she was spotted by a talent agent in a school Christmas play when she was eight. She landed bit-part television roles, and when she was 12 she was cast as Jodie Foster’s daughter in David Fincher’s Panic Room.
She worked steadily in movies of varying quality, ranging from the poorly-received Cold Creek Manor to the underrated space fantasy Zathura.
The sudden arrival of fame with Twilight is something she is still trying to cope with.
“I’m 19, and, being a public figure, I’m supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it’s hard and you’re never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media,” she says hesitantly. “It’s sort of impossible. It’s much easier for a guy to say what he wants and not to be cute and funny all the time, but, if you’re a strong sort of woman, you’re just, for lack of a better word, a bitch.
“But I’ve been really lucky for a long time, and I’ve worked with amazing people, and I just hope that that continues. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have this.”
According to the gossip magazines and the buzz on the internet, she has been dating Rob Pattinson ever since they met on the set of Twilight, but until now they have managed to keep everybody guessing. So the question has to be asked – are they or aren’t they?
“I wouldn’t tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life,” she says firmly but pleasantly. “I would never tell you if I was dating anybody.”
With three movies awaiting release and the final Twilight movie yet to be ready for filming, Stewart finds herself at a rare loose end.
“I’m kind of goofing off right now,” she says. “I haven’t had a clean slate with nothing ahead of me for a long time, so it feels good.”
Kristens intervju med News Magazine - Österrike

Hey guys, I’m no demi-godess.”
Kristen Stewart. About the “Twilight” hype, her desire to visit foreign countries and why she’s gonna learn arabic in the near future.
News: You are role model for a whole generation. How do you deal with all the hysteria concerning your person?
Stewart: Girls my age identify with Bella, that’s obvious. But that has nothing to do with me. These girls love Bella so much they project that onto me. I’m a rather shy person. All this hype and euphoria is not about me, but about the person I represent in the movie. I would like to clear that up: Hey, I’m not some kind of demi-godess. I adore “Twilight” as much as you do. I was just lucky enough to get the role. I’m expected o be better than the fans but I’m not.
News: They also love you as a person, your understatement and that you’re down to earth .
Stewart: People also hate me for that.
News: In “American Girl” you play a marine in training. The director predicts an Academy Award for you. Will you learn how to speak arabic? Are you interested in politics?
Stewart: Yeah, I’m very interested in that. But the focus in this story lies on a family. A girl and what she thinks about her country. It has nothing to do with what her homecountry does. It’s a tragic story. A girl without any options joins the marines and eventually lands in Afghanistan. And it’s also about how she deals with this after her return. If they are actually gonna go through with the project then I’d love to learn arabic.
News: You are also a part of Kerouacs classic “On the Road”?
Stewart. Yes, for sure because that was my first favourite book. A great inspiration. For 25 years now the projects awais realization and I’m a part of it!! I’m really lucky!
News: Is traveling an inspiration for you?
Stewart: That’s what’s really cool about these exceptional circumstances. We travel a lot. On the one hand I love traveling, on the other hand I nearly have to force myself to do it. Maybe that’s chracteristical for Americans since we aren’t exactly known as globetrotters. I’m a control freak and I always have to know what’s happening. I think backpacking would be therapeutic for me.
News: Pattinson was quoted that be would love to see a hardcore version of “twilight” for adult eyes only.
Stewart: He was just kidding. I, for one, wouldn’t do a porn version of “Twilight”.
News: In “Eclipse” there’s this one spectacular kissing scene with Taylor as Jacob. Did it take you long to shoot that?
Stewart: It took the whole day. I just thought: Oh god this better be good.
News: Are women like Jodie Foster role models for you?
Stewart: Jodie Foster’s great. I can’t even express how important she was for me. I think it’s impressive in general if women rock a movie. Because most people just want to see stories about men.
Ed Westwick om Kristen
In a recent interview, you mentioned that Kristen Stewart isn't your type...
I don't know why that all went crazy! I'd love to clear that up. I think she's a great, great, great girl, who's gorgeous and talented, and I don't know what the hell happened. Clear that up for me, please!
Maybe you need to get her on Gossip Girl.
She's not going to do that.
Kristen i Belgiska ELLE

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Ny/gammal intervju med Kristen och Dakota
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Kristens intervju med INSTYLE - Tyskland

Här är en översättning för er som föredrar Engelska framför Tyska:
Kristen Stewart wears jeans, a black and white squared shirt and a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses in her hair when she arrives to the interview in the four seasons hotel in Beverly Hills. Shooting Eclipse, which is in theaters since 15th July, she was wearing brown contacts but in real life her green eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun which is shining through the window of the suite on the 12th floor. But looking deep in Kristen Stewarts eyes is very rare because her eyes are mostly directed to the floor or her hands. The actress who plays the lovesick Bella is enjoying the confusion about her person not so much. In our interview she is saying why.
Does the fame scare you?
I’m still not familiar with being in the spotlight. Screaming fans make me nervous. I could pass on that attention. I’m very, very shy by nature.
Do you have to dig yourself in the hotel because the fans siege the building?
No, it’s not that crazy. I’m reading a lot of stories about me. If they all were true I would have a horrible life (laughs).
Some fans are annoyed because you were critizing the “Twilight-hysteria” on the internet.
I don’t understand why people spend their time on forums or facebook and don’t even post something meaningful. For me there are more important things than spending hours on the computer. I love to read a book, listen to Led Zepelin, U2, play guitar or watch a play. And instead of chatting I meet my friends in person.
Such as Robert Pattinson?
Such as.
Why do you still make a secret out of your relationship?
I don’t make a secret out of it. I just don’t talk about certain subjects because most of it is interpreted wrong.
Do you read articles about yourself?
Yes, most of it is amusing. And I have to know what crime I just committed because it is guaranteed that I will be asked about it in the next interview (laughs).
What do you think about the comparison you are going to be the new Angelina Jolie?
Who comes up with that? But I don’t complain. She is a great actress and looks beautiful.
You are a role model for many girls. Also fashionable. Do you like it?
I’m not an expert. I have my own style. I buy vintage and wear old rag and funky t-shirts. I only wear things which I really love. That’s why I don’t like stylists. I want to be as authentic as possible and I don’t care about the labels on the t-shirts.
You’ve been chosen to be one of the 100 influential people in the world. How do you take it?
As long as nobody writes that I’m one of the 100 worst people I don’t care. The positive thing is that I’m now more perceived as actress. I get better offers for a role and can choose instead of taking all.
Are you scared of falling back when the Twilight-Saga is over?
All actors have that problem when they played a role for a longer time. There are two sites. On the one hand it is a huge compliment that I get when a Twilight fan always sees Bella in me. On the other hand is that I did different projects during Twilight as well.
For someone who dropped out of school you are pretty successful. Why did you quit school?
Because of the acting I had no time for it anymore. From the 8th grade on I had a private teacher. But I didn’t missed the school for one second. It was horrible and I hated too sit still in class. I’ve always been rebellious and needed my freedom. I was really relieved when I could study at home. Studying was fun. I’m interested in many things, for example writing. But school was never the right place for me.
What would you advise to young people who are interested in acting?
If that’s it what you really want you have to try. Otherwise you would regret and that would be sad.
If you wouldn’t have become an actress. What would you do today?
Writing scripts. If that wouldn’t work out I could imagine working as a property master, too.
Bild från behind the scenes från "The Runaways"
Kristen t-shirt från märket "Dead and alive"
Klicka här för att beställa tröjan. För tillfället är de slut men det kommer nog in mer - håll utkik!

Kristen och Garrett Hedlund förbereder sig för "On the road"

Action film actor, Garrett Hedlund, talked to MTV about his upcoming Disney sequel to Tron: Legacy and, his future cast mate, Kristen Stewart, for 2011's On The Road. For years there have been rumors about who and if Jack Kerouac's beloved book, On The Road, would be made into film. Supposedly, Hedlund and Stewart have been signed on for the project since 2007!
Hedlund had nothing but nice things to say about Stewart, commenting, "She's got it all there. She's where she needs to be and further. She's fantastic." Hedlund's kind comments are a far cry from previous co-star, Adam Brody's, comments on Stewart's attitude. The pair along with co-stars, Sam Riley and Kirsten Dunst, are in "beatnik bootcamp" for four weeks in Montreal to prepare for filming next month.
Yesterday, Hedlund and co-star Olivia Wilde, were promoting their sure-to-be box office gold, Tron: Legacy, at Comic-Con in San Diego. Every time I see a new photo from Comic-Con I get a bit more jealous that I am not in attendance.
Kristens förändrade utseénde
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Bild från behind the scenes från "The Runaways"

Sky's 2nd most hottelst talent of July
Taylor vill dejta en tjej som Kristen
Taylor Lautner may have thousands of willing girls to choose from, but he says his dream girl would be more like Kristen Stewart. Uh oh, watch out Robert Pattinson!
Taylor Lautner has turned into one of the hottest teen heart throbs on the planet, but don’t expect him to settle down with a model type. Even though girls all over the world literally throw themselves at him, Taylor says he’s interested in a more ordinary type of girl.
He dished to Now Magazine about his preference in women, and said he’s attracted to “plain” girls like Kristen Stewart. “She’s just this plain girl, which sometimes, I know for me, is attractive…She’s just an average girl, she’s clumsy, but I think she’s good looking, so I don’t know…she just has this thing about her.” How sweet! Taylor has previously said he wants to find a girl he can talk to and be open with. He sounds like a real romantic.
Too bad Kristen Stewart’s already taken. But there must be a ton of “plain” looking Twilight fans out there who’d be more than happy to spend some time with Lautner. What do you think about Taylor’s choice in women?
Ett klipp från "Adventureland" bluray DVD Extra
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Ny still från "The Runaways"

Garrett Hedlund pratar om Kristen
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Ny promotional poster för "The Runaways"
Nya outtakes från Entertainment Weekly
Emire's 100 sexiest movie stars

The subject of much fangirl opprobrium, thanks to her on-and-off-screen relationships with Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, Stewart still places high on the list because a) she's staggeringly beautiful and b) her don't-give-a-fuck attitude is sublimely sexy. In the likes of Twilight and Adventureland, she's a world away from her debut in Panic Room, when she looked like a Macauley Culkin tribute band.
Most alluring as... Em Lewin in Adventureland - sparky, human, and plenty sexy, in a surly, take-no-shit kinda way.
Interests include... She's a voracious reader, with favourite authors including Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski and Albert Camus. No word yet if Stephenie Meyer's on the list...
Vad vi kan förvänta oss av Kristens roll i "On the road"

The 20-year-old will leave Twilight behind to play Marylou Moriarty, the slutty young wife of arty wanderer Dean Moriarty (Tron: Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund) in the film adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s iconic Beat Generation novel, On the Road.
She sleeps around! Marylou bumps uglies with both Dean and his best friend, Sal (British actor Sam Reilly), has car sex with Dean while Sal sleeps AND gets it on with at least nine sailors!
• She says ‘I do’ – TWICE! Marylou marries Dean, divorces him and then gets hitched to a…car salesman. Trading up baby, trading up.
• She’s got blond ambition! Buh-bye brunette beauty – Kristen has returned to her strawberry blond roots (believe it or not) to play Marylou!
• She’s FINALLY get to dress like, well, Kristen Stewart! “Beatnik” is just an old-fashioned word for “hipster’, which is just K-Stew’s style! Think striped shirts, oversized sweaters, cowl-collared tops, slim-fit pants or pencil skirts, skinny Capri pants and eastern religious-symbol jewelry. However, female “beatniks” are a bit more feminine than the tomboyish starlet – so she might not TOTALLY love her new look.
• K-Stew will struggle to be smoking hot! Literally. Beatniks roll their own cigarettes.
• She wants to hold your hand! We know how Kristen loves her indie bands, but if she really wants to get into her character, she’s going to need to embrace Beat bands like Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd and, of course, The Beatles.
Kristens intervju med
LOS ANGELES - Kristen Stewart continues to be in denial about her relationship.
If you're wondering with whom, you're probably a cave-dwelling hermit, and don't know what everybody else knows whether they want to or not - Robert Pattinson.
We also understand that Stewart plays Bella Swan, who is a devoted teen to Pattinson's vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie series based on the wildly popular Stephenie Meyer books.
The first two movie versions of the novels - Twilight and New Moon - didn't do so badly either, raking in a sensational $1.1 billion US at the box office worldwide.
The third film in the series, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which opens June 30, is poised to set new records, too.
That's even as the final chapter, Breaking Dawn, begins production in October for a six-month shoot of two separate movies of the one book. Breaking Dawn Part I has already been set to open in theatres Nov. 18, 2011.
So inquiring minds will have more time to speculate about whether the off-screen chemistry between Stewart and Pattinson falls into the lovey-dovey realm or the just-good-friends category.
The gossip guessing might continue as the Twilight craziness ramps up again, but some day, when all is said and rumoured, the truth will come out.
"Probably," teases a smirking Stewart during a recent interview for the latest Twilight major motion picture filmed in Vancouver last year.
Now back to the David Slade-directed Eclipse. In this one, the Bella-Edward love connection is challenged by the wolf pack's Jacob (Taylor Lautner).
As the threesome squabble, the avenging vampire Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard, replacing Montreal's Rachelle Lefevre) returns with a vicious band of "new blood" vampires obsessed with terminating Bella. This leads to a violent confrontation between them and the Cullen coven of vampires who unite with their wolf pack enemies - while the treacherous ruling vampire clan Volturi look on.
It's not all extreme blood-letting and close-up emoting, though. There is some humour to lighten the tension and a showcased brief interlude between Bella and Jacob.
"Bella's definitely in conflict in that she's pushed to the point where the decision needs to be made," says Stewart. "She does that in each movie."
Of course, the Twilight fanatics will be waiting for the Jacob kiss in Eclipse. And Stewart says they won't be disappointed.
"It is the most unique moment," agrees the 20-year-old. "It's also a mistake by Bella, but I think it's cool to see her a little bit ashamed, and at the same time scared. I always say that Bella makes a lot of mistakes but she's willing to own them."
For a change, however, Bella is more of an observer than a participant in the Eclipse running, jumping and falling down.
"The action is absolutely everybody else's responsibility," she admits. "I just stand behind the people who are stronger than me. I didn't get to run around as much as I did in the second movie."
No matter, her Bella portrayal is just as vital to her in Eclipse as it was in Twilight and New Moon. "This was a part that I really wanted to play," she says, "and luckily for me I got to do it for a really long time."
Of course, Breaking Dawn will offer new, perhaps more controversial, challenges as a pregnant Bella makes the transition with Edward to vampire.
"I can't wait to see how Bella transforms," confesses Stewart, "and I can't wait for her to get married and have a kid. It's all of that."
And what kind of vampire will Bella turn out to be on screen?
"I've been on the outskirts of what it would feel like to play one of them," she says. "I've thought about it a lot and I can't wait to actually be it. It's going to be a trip ... and I think she's going to be the coolest vampire out of all of them."
Another Breaking Dawn bonus for the actress is that the book's multiple storylines won't be streamlined or edited like the Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse books-to-movies.
"That's why I'm glad that Breaking Dawn is going to be two movies," she says. "So there's going to be less of that - less of having to lose stuff."
Meanwhile, Stewart continues to to take a break from her Twilight world with roles in independent pictures. Earlier this year, she played Joan Jett in the rock 'n roll biopic of The Runaways.
And, she's just as enthusiastic about her new movie role this summer. She's signed on to play Marylou in the film version of Jack Kerouac's acclaimed 1957 novel, On The Road. Walter Salles, of Motorcycle Diaries fame, is directing.
"It was my first, favourite book," she says of the primer for the 1950s beat generation. "I'm doing that (On The Road) right after this press is over for Eclipse. In July, we start a four-week beatnik boot camp."
That part is in keeping with her quest to mix it up.
"For work stuff, I do what I feel and I don't really worry about what it's going to do afterwards," Stewart admits.
"Obviously, the Bella role put me in this sort of epic position, but it's just another movie and I think it doesn't matter if you're doing a studio movie or you're doing an independent movie, it's always going to be the same job."
Från prostitutionen för OSCARS
Kristen Stewart is soaring high on the success of the ‘Twilight’ flicks these days, but the lady’s happy journey is not going to end anytime soon. Kris’ next release ‘Welcome to the Rileys’ is already getting quite rave reviews, primarily her acting. In the film she is a self destructive teenager who is into prostitution. According to many Kristen’s portrayal of the character might just help her to get an Oscar this time.
‘Welcome to the Rileys’ took everyone by surprise after it premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Jake Scott the director of the film portrayed Kristen in a new kind of a role; she is a far cry from the Bella Swan of ‘Twilight’ series and even Joan Jett from ‘The Runaways’. MTV has reported that Kristen has been praised for showing her guts to take up such a role at this age and handles it with lots of maturity that makes the audience believe her in the role of a troubled teenage hooker.
The girl might be receiving open letters from University of South Carolina to change her attitude when in public and even receive criticism from the media for her crass behaviour and unthoughtful use of words. But Kristen Stewart knows her craft, the thing that has made her famous; the 20year old is carving a niche for herself and has joined the A-listers of Hollywood.
Källa och bildkälla
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Kristens intervju med tidningen 15 a 20 - Mexico

We had the chance to talk to Kristen Stewart at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles. When she walked into the room, she took off her headphones and shook our hands. She’s even cuter in person than onscreen. Her hair is still dark and short from playing Joan Jett, her eyes stand out and her skin is pale but perfect. She’s thin and she’s dressed very casual: white tank top, tight jeans. She pays complete attention to me as she smiles friendly and openly. We’ve spoke about it before, but in this third movie we want to know what she likes about Bella:
“I had never heard of the books before knowing about the project, and to be honest I didn’t have time to read the script the first time they sent it to me. I wasn’t impressed with the synopsis, I thought it was shallow and not vey believable, but I ended up reading the script and loved the story right away, I really wanted to play Bella.”
After accepting the role in the movie, Kristen read the books to prepare for the character: “I read all the books and I love them. But before filming Twilight I only read the first book. The movies are very faithful to the books, so we have a lot of material to work on, you want to know what your character is like, who she is, where she’s going, but not too much. As an actress you can’t forget, or not know something once you know it, I don’t know if that makes sense”.
She makes a pause and chooses carefully her words: “Many things happen to Bella in this saga. I wanted to stay in the moment in every stage of the story. Reading the books is such a vicarious experience. It’s easy to see why so many girls like these books. It’s because you’re Bella whn you’re reading them. I think people can relate to what she’s going through and they live these moments through her”.
Her favorite book is New Moon: “In the first book, she thought she had found true love. I liked seeing her feeling evolve and reconsider everything she thought she had with Edward, who was gone.”
In Eclipse Bella goes through many challenges, especially with the love traingle. We asked her how she feels with the way her charate developes in this saga. Again, she takes her time to answer. We have the feeling she worries a lot about her character and her role in the story.
“It was interesting to explore how Bella deals with different levels of love and how what she thought in the past could’ve changed or maybe not be real at all. Bella is very honest deep down, I really think she is, and this is the first time she lies, she lies to herself and everybody around her, by maybe considering she loves Jacob. And she has to face the fact that the love fo him is not as strong as the love for Edward. Edward and Jacob are mortal enemies, so their actions and choices take meaningful implications for them, for the Cullens, for the wolfpack, and for herself.”
Making these scenes was not hard for Kristen, despite the actors being very different from each other, as well as the characters: “It wasn’t that hard, actually. this is our third movie and the characters and their motivations are very well established, so I just let it take me where it wants me to go. I think it works because we know each other perfectly, we’ve grown together, and the experience with each other as actors, and playing this characters is something that you can see. There’s certain comfort when we see each other again for filming.” she assures with a laugh.
Besides being a romance, Eclipse has more action than it’s previous movies. The Cullens join forces with the wolfpack in a war against the newborn army started by Victoria.
What physical challenges did this bring to you?
She laughs again: “Unfortunately, I didn’t do any of the action sequences, and I didn’t do my own stunts. I was carried by Taylor during most of the scenes” we both agreed that being carried by a half-naked Taylor
Lautner wasn’t so bad, could it be?
So then we asked her about the challenges of working on a greenscreen when Taylor’s character appears to be in wolf shape. “It’s definitely a challenge as an actress, but I think it’s more recommendable to not joke around before filming scenes like these because it can break your focus. The worst thing a director can do is say: ‘I know it’s weird, but I need you to do it. You have to take it seriously and do it”.
She adds: “There’s a scene where Jacob is in wolf shape and I’m supposed to be talking and patting him, so Taylor stood there with his special suit so I could film the scene and make it more real. That made it easier for me”.
What can our readers learn from Bella and her story?
“They should experiment with different relationships and discover things about them along the way. At that age, your feelings are not necessarily being taken seriously, so they should see for themselves what matters to them, like Bella did, and make their own decisions. Bella risks everything, but I think it’s wonderful that she owns her actions and deals with the consequences”.
Time is up and Kristen has been very open through out our interview, but before we leave we ask her if she’s planning to do other things besides acting: “I love what I do. It seems like I work all th time, but I really enjoy it. I think I’ll go to college in the future. I love writing and I love reading words. We’ll see”.
Amerikanska DVD-omslaget till "The Runaways"
Ny bild på Joan Jett och Kristen
Dagens fråga

Jesse Eisenberg pratar om Kristen
Två nya bilder på Kristen och Taylor i Sydkorea
Kristen i TU Magazine

Our meeting was amazing! She has a striking personality. Despite being so petite, as soon as she walked into the Benedict Room at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, the place lit up!
The girl doesn’t want to be a simple star caught up in the glamour and the paparazzi. She’s an actress that leaves a mark because of her work. Her attitude and casual way of dressing do not overshadow her, because as much as she doesn’t want to be special, she is! She’s naturally beautiful, discrete, but at the same time very impacient.
Dressed in white and black t-shirts (layered) with a black sweater and jeans, she greeted us without stopping one second from squirming in her chair and fixing her hair up on a pony tail, brushing it back with her hand, playing with it from one side to the other…
They say Eclipse is a darker movie, is it true?
Probably because of director David Slade, because his concept is more mature and scarier. A little bit like New Moon, but things get more complicated as far as the dynamic between the characters and their relationship with each other. And of course there’s the whole situation of vampires and werewolves trying to protect me.
Do you find the vampire world appealing?
We all find appealing the fact that vampires live forever and never age. Personally, there’s nothing in particular in vampires that appeals to me, but I love the way they are in Twilight.
Is it hard to choose between Edward and Jacob?
It’s tough for Bella to be in that position, because she ignores the fact that there’s many levels of understanding between loving and caring for someone, and suddenly having the priority to choose someone makes her realize her mistakes, which have nothing to do with being grateful or hopeful about something.
Clearly we can relate to her when she’s confused and says: “I don’t know anything”; she finds herself completely lost and doesn’t know the difference between loving and caring for someone.
You’ve grown up as an actress, from the beginning to now, what has that process been like?
Everyday I grow up and learn something, and in every movie that I’ve been in has given me new experiences. I’ve grown up a lot with Bella, because I feel like I’m projecting myself more with this character than with any other; I feel connected with her in a very personal way. That is how a person grows as an actor, movie by movie, or character by character. Of course, Twilight has been a long project that has changed my life in multiple ways, and it’s the set where I’ve met a lot of my best friends and have had great working relationships.
Jacob and Bella have something more than just a friendship. Is it possible for a man and a woman to be just friends?
Well, it’s very common that the friendship a guy and a girl have turns into something else, but I do think that a relationship that doesn’t go beyond friendship is also possible. But that can’t be determined by me or anyone else, it’s a decision made by the two people in that relationship.
What matters the most to you?
Acting, playing different characters and wokring with people that have more experience than me so that I can keep learning.
How much has your life changed beause of the fame?
Success has made my life a little easier, I’ve managed to get amazing things. Now people ask me “what’s next? what project are you choosing?”. It’s a privilege having the opportunity to have those questions, even if it’s hard to answer them sometimes. I owe it to Twilight. Fame looks more spectacular from the outside than it does from the inside.
Fans complain that you don’t tweet, what is your relationship with social networks?
I can’t be online because, I have to be online! I’d love to please the fans because of the way they support us, but time is not enough. It wouldn’t be enough the ammount of time I spent online with them.
Music means a lot to you. Does it inspire you when you’re on the set filming a movie?
Definitely it’s one of the most sensitive elements I have, and it’s very satisfying to work and listen to my favorite songs. This new soundtrack is amazing.
If you weren’t an actress, what job would you like to have?
I can’t imagine doing something else. This is what I want, and it sounds weird, but I get bored when I’m not filming, I wonder “what do I do now?”. But I like having time to read, listen to music.
Kristen på förstasidan av ELLE - Ukraina
Kristen i Grazia!
Extramaterial ifrån "The Runaways"-dvd:n
Officiell hemsida för "Welcome to the Rileys"
Idag öppnades den officiella hemsidan för Welcome to the Rileys som Kristen medverkar i. Det finns inte jättemycket på sidan ännu men man kan anmäla sig så man får information via mail om de lägger upp något nytt. Klicka på bilden nedan för att komma till sidan.
Personlig bild på "The Runaways"-castet
Ny fan-bild med Kristen från Montreal
"Welcome to the Rileys"-trailern från "The Runaways"-DVD:n
4 nya stills från "The Runaways"
Intervju med 1live - Tyskland

She is currently one of the hottest teen idols of the world. Wherever she is, her fans are screaming themselves powerless. Kristen Stewart has just turned 20 years old and an international superstar since people could see her for the first time as Bella Swan in the movie "Twilight".
The second part of the Saga, "New Moon", was an even greater success and now "Eclipse", the third installment. On her promotional tour in Europe 1LIVE reporter Tom Westerholt met Kristen Stewart in Berlin to talk to her about the new movie and the "Twilight-hype" and its exciting jet-set life. A good-humored, petite young woman in jeans, white shirt and sneakers greets me in her hotel room with open, slightly disheveled hair and a pleasant little makeup on her face.
1LIVE: Kristen, since you played in the "Twilight" movies, you belong to one of the superstars. But you are acting for years, for example 2002 "Panic Room", as a small daughter of Jodie Foster. Since she was the only superstar in the movie, how was it like?
Kristen Stewart: Yeah, I was very lucky that my first experience with be an actress...are associated with her. She treated everybody as we should treat people on set. Not everybody is doing that. She only makes what she loves and is fully behind it. She is an absolute role model, I've already said it back then: I want to do it the same way.
1LIVE: You were twelve years old, who were your heroes, who did you idolize as millions idolize you today?
Kristen Stewart: To be honest I have never idolized someone, I've never been like that. I have three brothers. We did a lot of sports and stuff, been hanging out with the guys. And I have played drums when I was I never had any idols. I do cry at concerts if it's great, I once cried horribly at a Van Morrison concert. That was kind of an obsession.
1LIVE: The fans are obsessed with you, no matter where you show up, which is especially the case for Robert (Pattinson, plays her film-lover, the vampire Edward Cullen). How do you back out when it gets too severe?
Kristen Stewart: It is never "too" severe. No, not really. More in specific moments when I stand on stage in front of that incredible crowd and that energy knocks me down. Then it got me and I can not hide it. It seems like I want to get away real quick but its not like that at all. I was just overwhelmed by the situation, but actually I had fun.
1LIVE: Like at the MTV Movie Awards? Robert and you needed to constantly return to the stage, you guys won like all available prices the other day.
Kristen Stewart: You feel kinda weird. I mean, this is a fan award and all the fans have clicked so that we win all the prizes. But its the books that they really love. It is of course nice to see that they like our interpretation in the movie, but I still think that this has nothing to do with me. It is the character Bella, so I don't see myself as role model or something.
1LIVE: Apropos: What is with those who do not like your films? There are almost as passionate anti-fans as fans, what do you think why is that?
Kristen Stewart: On the one hand as I have said, the fact that they dont like our interpretation. These are the fans of the books that have their own pictures in their head. Even we actors, the directors on set have that. We are and werent always agreeing on everything. You just cant. And then there are of course people who are against everything which a mass of people like a lot.
1LIVE: An example?
Kristen Stewart: Lets take the Jimmy Kimmel show where we were recently invited to. There have been many crazy fans and Jimmy started to make fun of Justin Bieber, who has also just so many crazy fans as we do. So just like that Jimmy asked, whether Justin Bieber should be in the next "Twilight" movie and the people freaked out and screamed "No!" Because of that you could realize the different fans. People can get really frightening and aggressive.
1LIVE: Who keeps you on the ground when the fan madness is raging around you?
Kristen Stewart: Well, my family. I have a great family and my parents are in the industry and therefore know all the dangers and traps that you can tap into. I'm lucky. Before I loose the ground, as you say, they would grab me quite quickly. But it is not only their experience, they are just great people. And if you love what you do, then you better not start going crazy. Because if you do, in the end you might loose everything.
1LIVE: That sounds pretty considerate and role model function...
Kristen Stewart: Oh you know ... the truth is the fans are not really looking up to me, they are looking up to Bella. And that's good, because Bella is definitely someone you can look up to, I'm someone else. When its really about me, I say: "Fine, your decision." I'm just young and I want to make movies. I have absolutely no desire to use my status as a celebrity for anything. I want to make movies and that means that I have to deal with the fame.
1LIVE: It must be not that easy to meet guys right? I mean, could your three brothers help you dealing with guys anyway?
Kristen Stewart: Well, a relationship with your brother is something different than someone for whom you are interested in. When you come into that age, the relationship with your brothers changes in a different way, its quite interesting. When we were little, I felt somehow all four of us as equal. And then later, when I came into the specific age, I had to make clear announcements. According to the motto: You can no longer treat me like that because I'm a girl!
1LIVE: Well you definitely have come to that age and you have experienced at lot of things in front of the camera: Including kissing in front of the cameras.
Kristen Stewart: What's next?
1LIVE: You have - at least for the shooting - make out a several times with Robert Pattinson and in your new film "The Runaways" you made out with your co-star, Dakota Fanning. Who is the better kisser?
Kristen Stewart (grinning wide and hesitated with the answer, author's note): Yeahhhh... Who is the better kisser? Dakota, of course! (Laughs). No, of course, Robert. No, but Dakota. Uhhmm, I can not decide ...
Beau Nelson pratar om Kristens Backstage Beuty Secrets
Intervju med VIP.DE - tyskland
Nya outtakes från ELLE UK
Kristen i "Hollywood and Dine"
Kristen i 3D Magazine (Australien)
Kristen och Robert på Eclipse-visning i Los Angeles

Mer bilder och videos kan hittas här!
4 nya stills från "Eclipse"
Dagens video
Kristen om att bli Bella
“This is a unique situation. I get to play her for a really long time, and that also is a serious indulgence and something that’s really lucky because I feel really sad when I lose a character at the end of a short shoot, which typically is six weeks on a small movie, which is what I’m used to,” she said at a press conference for Eclipse. “It definitely is obviously the one role that has put me in this sort of epic position, but it’s just another movie, and I think it doesn’t matter if you’re doing a studio movie or if you’re doing an independent movie, when you get to the set and you’re doing a scene, it’s always going to be the same job. I really don’t think about my career in terms of planning it out and what this does for me. This was a part I really wanted to play, and luckily I got to do it for a long time.”
At this point, after playing her for three films, few people know the character of Bella

“All of the things that sort of annoy me about her are things that I like about her because she always sort of comes around and realizes that she can be a little selfish. She’s definitely not naggy, but because she tries so hard not to be, sometimes I feel like, ‘Why don’t you just let yourself be.’ Sometimes she picks on herself too much. But I completely relate to that,” Stewart said. “I always say my favorite thing about her is that she screws up a lot and doesn’t care. It’s just like, ‘This is the way life is, and I’m young, and I’m growing up.’”
In Eclipse, in particular, Bella makes important decisions about her life, and Stewart gladly took on that challenge.
“She’s pushed to the point where the decision needs to be made in this one, but she does that in each movie. And what’s cool is that things change, and as certain as she is sometimes and as absolutely gung-ho and young and courageous and brave, she’s also willing to take a step back and go, ‘OK, I’m going to reconsider my options and reconsider how I’m treating everybody’ because she acknowledges that she’s being a little bit selfish. She makes the choice, but I feel like the choice has been made as soon as she sees him in the first one. It’s done. But it’s hard for her to get to the point where everyone is going to accept that, and this the one that it sort of happens in.”
Fans of Meyer’s books want to see every aspect of the stories on the big screen. But that’s difficult with books that are, in the case of Eclipse, 600-plus pages. Aspects of the plot are cut out or shifted for the sake of telling the story in movie form. Like those fans, there are things in the books Stewart wishes had made it to the screen.
“There are a million things,” she said. “Every single time we watch one the movies, especially if some of the cast watches it together, it’s always an incredibly frustrating experience. That’s why I’m glad Breaking Dawn is going to be two movies. So there’s going to be less of that. There’s going to be less of having to lose stuff.”
Now that Eclipse is in theaters, Stewart is looking forward to what’s next for her character in the upcoming films of Breaking Dawn.
“I can’t wait to see Renesmee. I can’t wait to have a kid and get married. All of it. It’s going to be crazy,” she said. “She’s going to be the coolest vampire out of all of them. I mean, she’s got the greatest power. Nothing can touch her, and she can literally protect the whole clan. I think it will be awesome to see how much she’s changed from Twilight. She’s a 17-year-old kid who really doesn’t care about a whole lot other than herself and to see her become this sort of matriarch will just be really cool.”
Intervju med BBC RADIO 1
Intervju med BILD (Tyskland)
She is the most mysterious woman in Hollywood.
Kristen Stewart (20) from Los Angeles is "Bella Swan" - the girl that loves the undead vampire "Edward Cullen" - Robert Pattinson (24).
A box office phenomen that scored milliards: "Twilight" - 100 mio. books sold, book 3, "Eclipse", is about to hit theaters July 15 - a bloody love-saga for teenagers.
The phenomenon? Millions of teenagers want to be like her.

In love, lost, cursed.
But how is SHE really?
She is beautiful, pretty, spontaneous.
What is her life like?
"Hotels, planes, journalists, cameras. Where am I anyway? Just a joke! Tomorrow I have a holiday. I'm going to take a look around Berlin."
Do you google your name? There are 25 millions hits!
She fidgets around in her chair. "Yeah, I mean I have to know what's going on. I'm a control freak. I hate it, if I don't know the latest about me. But that's crazy! What's written there is frightening. So much rubbish...
She has a dreamjob.
"I work since I was a little girl." At the age of 11, she became the star of "Panic Room".
She smiles. She's silent.
In love?
She smiles at me. And shrugs. Pert, but very nice. She defends her heart. She's not a vamp. Not a sex bomb. She's a girl who's becoming a woman. She smokes and loves what she wants.
What's making you upset?
The fact that everyone thinks I'm ungrateful, conceited, arrogant. I love my job. Of course I make mistakes. But doesn't everyone have the right for mistakes?
The photographers come in. I smell her hair. "What parfume is that?" She shakes her head. "I don't like parfume! Uh?! You smell the hairspray?" We laugh and leave.
Dagens bild

Tre nya outtakes från Entertainment Weekly
David Slade bekräftar att Kristen och Robert är tillsammans
Intervju med Terra TV
Intervju med ReporterTV
Intervju med Metro
Kristen Stewart has played Bella Swan, the young woman at the center of the hugely successful “Twilight” franchise, in three films now. But she isn’t tired of her vampire-loving alter-ego. “Everybody always asks, ‘It must be so exhausting, you must be so sick of her.’ It’s like, ‘No.’ It’s like writing a thesis as opposed to writing a paper.”
It’s a good thing she isn’t sick of Bella yet, as Stewart has two more films to complete in the series. The 20-year-old spoke with us about splitting the last book into two parts, taking on “On the Road,” and the madness of the MTV Movie Awards.
Are you excited about stretching the last book, “Breaking Dawn,” over two movies?
I’m excited. The fans are going to love it because we’re going to have the time to tell the whole story. What happens when you try to cram such a long story into an hour and a half, the first things that are skimmed off the top are the things I love the most, which are details and the little things that make the characters who they are.
Besides “Breaking Dawn,” you’re soon filming “On the Road.”
It’s finally getting made, which is really a miracle. I can’t believe I’m this age at this time when it finally gets made. Somebody the other day was like, “There’s really no plot.” I was like, “What the f— are you talking about?” There is such a line, and with every single character. I wrote a paper on that, and told [director] Walter Salles about it in a meeting that I had with him. I was like, “It’s not very smart, but you should read it, because you can tell that I really love it.” I mean, I was in the eighth grade.
“Twilight” had a good run at the MTV Awards, didn’t it?
I know. It feels weird. There are other movies that are really good every year, and because of our fan base, we’re going to win the [votes]. I hope there’s not too much resentment. [Rob and I] felt like f—ing king and queen of the prom. I never went to high school, so it was like, “Oh, this is what it’s like.”
You and Robert Pattinson won the Best Kiss category, but who were you rooting for: you and Rob or you and Dakota Fanning for “The Runaways”?
I would’ve been really proud if me and Dakota had won. Had she been there, I would’ve done the whole build-up that me and Rob did last year, and then just stop and say, “This just doesn’t feel right. Dakota, where are you?” That would’ve been so funny.
6 nya stills från "Eclipse"
Kristens och Taylors intervju för Danny Clayton
Kristens meddelande till de Engelska fansen
Sneak peek på trailern till "Welcome to the Rileys"