Intervju med AlloyTV
Intervju med E! Online
Dagens bild(er)
Kristen tillbaka i Los Angeles
Intervju med MTV News
Kristen hos "Regis and Kelly" den 29 juni
Kristen hos "The Today Show"
Kristen och Taylor i New York
Nytt klipp från Eclipse: "Graduation party"
Kristen hos "Late night with David Lettermann"
Älskar Kristens nya hårfärg, för er som inte vet har hon färgat det inför sin roll i hennes kommande film On the road.
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Dagens video
Intervju med LOVEFILM
Kristen på LAX 27/6
Fler bilder hittar ni här!
Nya scans från tdiningen Entertainment Weekly Eclipse Special
Via TwilightSagaFan @ LJ
För att se bilderna i större storlekar så det går att läsa, klicka här
Kristen om att vara gravid i "Breaking Dawn"
LAFF Welcome to the Rileys-premiär
Intervju från Entertainment Weekly
by Nicole Sperling
Kristen Stewart comes bearing a gift. The actress — who’s gangly, strikingly beautiful, and still only 20 despite having made movies for nearly a decade — has baked her interviewer a little loquat pie, which she carries in a mini-aluminum tin, like one you’d find in a child’s Easy-Bake oven set. Stewart and costars Taylor Lautner, 18, and Robert Pattinson, 24, have gathered to talk about Eclipse, which opens June 30 and is, of course, the third installment in the phenomenally successful Twilight saga. The movie, rated PG-13 and directed by David Slade, finds Jacob (Lautner) and his werewolf pals joining forces with Edward (Pattinson) and his vampire clan to defend Bella (Stewart) against an army of new vampires. At the moment, however, no one wants to talk about the movie — the darkest and most compelling of the franchise so far. They just want to try the pie, which features fruit from Stewart’s own backyard. “It’s not warm and there’s no ice cream, and those are really the two things that would make it exceptional,” she says. “But it will be fine.”
When Twilight hit theaters a year and a half ago, Stewart never would have baked something for a reporter. Back then, she was a nervous 18-year-old who fretted over every syllable that escaped her lips and seemed terrified of the publicity circuit. Today, Stewart and her costars exude considerably more confidence. The last two Twilight movies have earned more than $1 billion worldwide and supercharged their careers. Stewart is about to shoot an adaption of a Jack Kerouac;s ‘On the Road’, Lautner’s embarking on John Singleton’s action thriller ‘Abduction’, and Pattinson’s starring alongside Reese Witherspoon as a veterinarian in a traveling circus in ‘Water for Elephants’. The actors make an extremely tight trio: honest, protective of each other, and warmly familial. In person, as on screen, Pattinson and Lautner’s mutual affection for Stewart is the tie that binds.
-How do you think Eclipse ranks against the other two films?
Taylor Lautner: It is definitely my favorite.
Robert Pattinson: I don’t like it as much. {Laughs} Could you imagine if I meant that?
Kristen Stewart: It’s always hard because you’re so close to it. I run this really intense list of, like, checks and balances to make sure everything has come across. But I know I pulled less of my hair out {watching} it.
-Speaking of your hair, you definitely don’t play with yours as much in this movie.
Stewart: {Laughs} No, because it’s not my hair.
Lautner: Nope, it was a wig.
Stewart: I’m just going to be really honest right now: Yeah, I finally dropped my tic.
För att läsa mer, klicka här!
Bilder från Eclipse-premiären i Los Angeles - efterfest
Bilder och videos från Eclipse-premiären i Los Angeles
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Eclipse special
Kristen på Love Ranch Premiere - efterfest
Outtake från Entertainment Weekly
Kristen på Love Ranch Premiere
Intervju med Kristen från Stockholm
25 nya HQ stills från "Eclipse"
Kristen, Robert och Taylor på framsidan av Entertainment Weekly
Ny still från "Eclipse" på Edward och Bella
Min dag under fan-eventet 21/6
dagen började 7.10 då min klocka ringde och jag kan säga att jag bara flög upp ur sängen, fixade mig och lite senare kom linnéa. vi sprang till bussen och då väntade en bussresa på 3 timmar och 30 minuter, som överaskande nog gick väldigt snabbt. vi kom fram till stockholm 12.00 och då sprang vi till tunnelbanan för att kunna ta oss till globen. vi var taggade till tusen! det första vi gjorde var att äta så vi slapp bli hungriga och sedan sprang vi och letade efter en penna som jag kom på i bussen att jag glömt. efter det satte vi oss i kön och efter 2 timmar reste vi oss upp och de som hade hand om eventet bad alla att ställa sig fyra och fyra. efter ett tag (HAHA) kom vi på att vi stod i fel kö så vi fick springa till en annan kö där vi träffade två jättesöta tjejer som vi även gick runt med ett tag när vi kom in. efter en stund letade vi rätt på våra platser och satt där tills eventet började 18.00. innan kristen och taylor kom ut var det artister/band som uppträdde, de visade klipp från eclipse och även en live-konsert med muse. värden (som jag inte minns namnet på) var jätterolig och vi fick oss ett gott skratt. när kristen och taylor kom ut skrek ALLA. jag tror mina trumhunnor spräcktes, men det var bara att hålla för öronen och skrika lika mycket själv ;)! det var dock väldigt jobbigt när folk skrek under intervjun, för man hörde knappt någonting alls. tyckte synd om taylor som knappt kunde öppna munnen utan att alla skrek som galningar. de var max uppe på scenen i 15 minuter och sen gick de ner och skrev lite autografer/tog kort med fans och sedan försvann dom. men jag har sett kristen stewart så jag är mer än nöjd! jag ångrar dock lite att jag inte tog emot jasmines VIP-biljett, varför VARFÖR? menmen. jag hade en toppendag!
© Copyright på alla bilder
Intervju med Moviefone
Dagens video
"Eclipse" promo-bild på Bella
Aftonbladets repotage om fan-eventet
Bilder från Kristen och Taylors photocall i Stockholm
Bilder och video från fan-eventet i Stockholm
Videos från Kristens och Taylors presskonferens i Stockholm
Intervju med
Intervju med EXTRA
Italiensk intervju med Kristen och Taylor
Intervju med TV Guide
Ny still från "Eclipse"
Kristen och Taylor i Berlin, Tyskland
Mer bilder finns här!
Nya bilder på Kristen, Robert och Taylor tillsammans med Jimmy Kimmel
Intervju med
Nytt klipp från Eclipse: "You'll always be my Bella"
Bilder från fan-eventet i Rom, Italien
Två nya TV-spots för Eclipse: "Protect you" och "Fight"
Ny outtake från ELLE UK
Kristen och Taylor i Rom, Italien
Mer bilder finns här och här!
Är det möjligt att hon blir snyggare och snyggare för varje dag?
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse intervju med Kristen
Kristen vet hur man ska charma killarna
Jag skulle inte tacka nej till att smaka!
Via Alex Meraz Twitter
Kristens intervju med "I never needed 'The Talk' "
Honesty is the best policy, no matter what.
"I've always said that I'm not ashamed of anything that I say because I'm always being honest, even though you can definitely make mistakes. That's Bella in a nutshell, so I can completely relate to her. I think it's a good thing to be proud of who you are, no matter what. Success is always something completely different for different people. I feel like I've succeeded if I'm doing something that makes me happy and I'm not lying to anybody. That's why I feel really good about myself right now."
So does her romance with RPattz go beyond the screen?
"It's hard to actually take details of your personal life and apply them in a scene because as much as you can identify with a feeling, you just get muddled. As soon as you start bringing your own stuff in, it's like, 'No, that's not right.' You're playing a different person. You have to leave that stuff at the door."
Kissing him onscreen wasn't the problem.
"One of the most challenging scenes was probably finally kissing Jacob for the first time. Bella has got such tunnel vision that Edward is the only thing for her. That's a strange perspective. So when Taylor Lautner and I kissed, it felt like such a different dynamic. I was nervous as hell."
Relating to Bella's dad talking about the birds and the bees.
"It was funny the way Bella got so embarrassed in that scene. I guess a lot of girls do because they probably don't need that lecture. I probably had that moment. I guess that everybody does. But I knew everything, from the word go. I was really mature, that way. So, I never really had 'the talk.' I didn't need it."
Giving in to fame.
"I've definitely relaxed because I've like sort of just relinquished control. There's nothing I can do, but who I am, or whatever. It used to freak me out. I still wish I could tell myself to just like calm down. But that's it."
Glamming up for the red carpet.
"I'm definitely having more fun with it. Usually, if I don't like what I'm wearing, you totally know it. It's like written all over me. That's why I have to make sure I get it right for me. I'm much more comfortable with my dress choices now. I feel like it's actually like I'm wearing clothes that I would wear, and not like I'm wearing weird things to events that hardly function as clothing."
Looking forward to Breaking Dawn.
"I really can't wait to get into it because I've been on the outskirts of what it would feel like to play a vampire. It's been years of dealing with these issues and I've thought about it a lot. It's going to be a trip. It's going to be weird. I think Bella is going to be the coolest blood sucker of all of them. She's got the greatest power. She's untouchable. She's impenetrable. I think it'll be awesome to see how much she's changed from Twilight, where she was this 17-year-old kid who really didn't care about a whole lot. Now, she's going to become the matriarch."
Looking ahead.
"I don't really plan out my career a whole lot. My choices come from the gut. I need to have a really distinct feeling before I do a movie, and I never know what that's gonna be. So far, I've chosen really different things. I know some people think I've played a lot of disaffected teen-age girls, but that's sort of how girls are at that age. I think to play a completely mindless happy person would be mindless and fun and happy, but boring."
Via KStewDevotee
Roliga bilder från helgens press junket för "Eclipse"
Några som ska till Stockholm den 21 juni?
Är det några av er där ute som ska till fan-eventet med Kristen och Taylor den 21 juni i Stockholm? :) Jag ska definitivt dit, så ni kan ju räkna med att se mig där.
Videos och bilder från "Jimmy Kimmel Live"
Mer bilder hittar du här!
Här kommer även en fan-video:
Mer videos hittar ni här!
Kristen om att "Breaking Dawn" blir två filmer
Intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor från "The Insider"
30 minuter lång video från Eclipse TwiCon
Dagens video
Mer från Access Hollywood
Eclipse press conference
Intervju med MTV
Kristen pratar om hennes musiksmak:
Intervju med Access Hollywood
Kristen, Robert och Taylor på Eclipse-con
Kristens "Teen Choice Awards"-nomineringar
Kristen är nominerad i flera kategorier inför Teen Choice Awards som kommer hållas den 9 augusti. Röstningen har inte startat än men kommer starta någongång nu i juni, men klicka er in här då och då för att se om den har öppnats.
• Best Actor Female (Fantasy) – för New Moon
• Best Actor Female (Drama) – för The Runaways
• Best Film (Fantasy) – för New Moon
• Best Film (Drama) – för The Runaways
Eclipse convention - Live Blog
11:01 a.m. PT As I've already mentioned, Summit has allowed for video recording at the "Twilight Saga: Eclipse" press conferences. And as I've already said, I, alas, do not have a video camera. What I *do* have is fast-ish fingers and a [currently] reliable Internet connection. So follow along as I live-blog today's various press conferences. Taylor Lautner was first. Up second... Kristen Stewart, after the break.
11:03 a.m. PT We're gettin' stoked, but no K-Stew yet...
11:05 a.m. Kristen Stewart says she drives a Toyota Tacoma and also, sometimes, a Mini-Cooper, "Though I feel a little too flashy in that."
11:05 a.m. "If I'm doing something that makes me happy and I'm not lying to anybody," Kristen says regarding what drives her. "I have a lot of ambitions, but for the next few years, I just want to be an actor.
11:06 a.m. Is the saga taking over her life? "This is a unique situation," she says, calling it "lucky" and a "serious indulgence." She says, "This is obviously the one role that has put me in this epic position, but it's just another movie," saying that "I really don't think about my career in terms of planning it out and what this does for me. This was just a part I really wanted to play and I was lucky to play it for a long time."
Message: Ugh lighting sucks! Here's kristen, she says "it was done" decision to pick edward was made in first movie
11:08 a.m. "What's cool is that things change," Kristen says, regarding the major choices that Bella makes in this movie. "As soon as she sees him in the first one, it's done. But it's hard for her to get to the point where everyone will accept that," she says of the Edward/Jacob choice.
11:10 a.m. "I just stand behind people who are stronger than me for the entire movie," Kristen says of the action responsibilities in this movie. She says that her hardest scene was the one where she got to kiss Jacob for the first time, but not for physical reasons. "It was a different Bella," she says, adding, "And I was nervous as hell about it." She calls The Kiss, "a mistake" that Bella makes.
11:10 a.m. "I think if you took all of the mythical aspects away from the story, it would still stand as a really strong, interesting thing to be a part of," Kristen insists. "I don't think it's a big phenomenon because of the vampire mythical aspect," she insists, saying the appeal is about the strength of the characters and the choices she makes, though she acknowledges the vampire stuff makes it "cooler."
11:12 a.m. As I tweeted last night, "Eclipse" features more close-ups than any previous movie. "I didn't do anything differently," Kristen insists, saying that working with somebody different on each movie has been cool, because it requires you to rethink the basic ideas, rather than just coasting along. "He meets Bella through me," Kristen says of working with David Slade and introducing him to the "Twilight" world.
Message: Here's a lo fi photo of K Stew. Can't see how beautiful she is in real life here, but belieeeeb... She is! #Eclipse
11:13 a.m. Kristen admits she feels sad about losing things from the book, but she's relieved that "Breaking Dawn" is going to be two movies, meaning fewer cuts. She gushes, "I can't wait to see Renesme. I can't wait to have a kid and get married."
11:14 a.m. "All of the things that annoy me about her are things that I love about her," Kristen says, regarding her favorite and least favorite Bella traits. "My favorite thing about her is that she screws up and doesn't care," Kristen says.
11:15 a.m. "I knew everything from the word 'go.' I'm really mature that way," Kristen cracks when asked if she ever had a birds-and-the-bees conversation with her own father. It's always good when she makes jokes.
11:16 a.m. "Do I believe in marriage? Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to do," Kristen says.
11:17 a.m. "That scene is eternal and I have nothing really to do in it," Kristen says of her role in The Tent scene. She had to play "sleep." She adds, "I just remember it being really hot." She's referring to actual warmth, not to being in a tent between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson, though...
11:18 a.m. Kirsten is listing her favorite designers. My eyes are glazing. I'll snap out of it in a second.
11:19 a.m. Does Kristen rush into things head-on like Bella? Or does she think more. "I do what I feel and I really don't think about what it's going to do afterwards," she says of her work choices. "I'm kind of a control freak," she adds. So apparently she's a bit like Bella and then a bit not.
11:20 a.m. Are Edward and Jacob actually good romantic choices? "None of our characters are perfect. They are all so crazy and messed up and that's why they go so well together," she says. She admits that if she were a friend of Bella's, she might be warning Bella to watch out for both Jacob *and* Edward.
11:21 a.m. She's over-the-moon about doing "On the Road," which was a favorite book of hers. She starts a four-week Beatnik Boot Camp in July in preparation for shooting. She notes that a four-week preparation process is unheard of. She's noticeably excited for this one, which will be directed by Walter Salles.
11:23 a.m. "It's hard to take details of your personal life and apply them to a scene," Kristen says, asking if she can relate to certain scenes. She's referring specifically to The Tent scene, again. "I wish it wasn't as hot," she adds again. Once again, warmth.
11:23 a.m. Kristen suspects "Breaking Dawn" will be PG-13, but admits she has no idea.
11:24 a.m. "For somebody who hasn't [seen the other movies], I do feel like these movies sort of stand alone. There's a lot of backstory, so you don't need to see the other ones to see this," Kristen says. She promises it has "way more action." She also calls it "more dynamic."
11:25 a.m. The "Breaking Dawn" shoot is going to be six months, starting in October, Kristen says. She says she's known that it was going to be two movies "forever" and she admits it's been hard to keep that "secret."
11:26 a.m. Uh-oh. A personal question for Kristen about her relationship with Rob and speculation surrounding it. She has no answer and just says that speculation will probably continue.
11:27 a.m. "I really can't wait to get into that. I've been on the outskirts of what it would be like to play one of them," Kristen says, regarding getting to tap into her vampire side for "Breaking Dawn," adding, "She's going to be the coolest vampire of any of them." She looks forward to charting the full character change in Bella from the first movie through to the end of "Breaking Dawn."
11:28 a.m. Sigh. Somebody ask Kristen to compare kissing Dakota Fanning and Taylor. She says she preferred Dakota, but she's obviously just trying to get on to the next question.
11:30 a.m. Yay! Kind words for Billy Burke, one of the franchise's most underrated pieces. She's all praise for her movie father. He has a couple great scenes in "Eclipse."
11:31 a.m. Kristen emphasizes that people who call Bella a weak, codependent girl aren't reading her correctly. She's learning. She's dealing with things. She's making mistakes and gaining from them and she's becoming more sure in what she wants.
11:31 a.m. That's it for Kristen...
Kristen på "The George Lopez Show" den 30 juni
Behind the scenes från The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Nytt klipp: "Doesn't he own a shirt?"
Eclipse - behind the scenes intervju med Kristen
Ny still från "Eclipse" på Bella och Edward
"Breaking Dawn" blir två filmer!
"Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate
films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start production in the Fall.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions."
Kristen hos "Regis and Kelly" och "The Today show" den 29 juni
GossipCop har meddelat att Kristen kommer att vara med på Regis and Kelly den 29 juni! Samma dag kommer hon även gästa The Today Show.
(Bild från Regis & Kelly den 16 mars)
Nytt klipp: "Jacob brings Bella home" + intervju med Taylor
Nytt klipp: "Blood is thicker than water" + intervju med Robert
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse blir från 11 år
SF skriver:
En vampyrfilm som även riktar sig mot en publik i yngre tonåren kan ju ställa till problem, men nu är det klart att Eclipse får sänkt åldersgräns och blir tillåten från 11 år, till glädje för många fans av serien.
MTV's tävling om att få träffa Kristen och Taylor backstage
Det har väl inte undgått någon att Kristen och Taylor kommer till Hovet, Stockholm den 21 juni? Nu har MTV startat en tävling där de tävlar ut två VIP-biljetter och även meet 'n greet-biljetter då man även får träffa Kristen och Taylor backstage.
Så här skriver MTV:
Den 21 juni är ett datum vi sent kommer glömma, ett datum då Sverige får nobelt besök av ett par av världens just nu största skådespelare. Taylor Lautner och Kristen Stewart må vara mer kända under deras rollkaraktärers namn Jacob och Bella eller som snygg varulv och hopplöst vampyrförälskad flicka i Twilight-filmerna.
I samband med att den 3:e filmen i berättelsen om den lilla sömniga staden Forks som är tillflyktsort för en vampyrfamilj har premiär så ordnas ett sprakande event på Hovet i Stockholm där just Taylor och Kristen kommer närvara, och DU har chansen att besöka eventet och träffa skådisarna.
En lycklig vinnare får ta med sig en ännu lyckligare kompis och träffa, prata och kanske kanske kanske krama Taylor och Kristen backstage under eventet i Stockholm den 21:a juni. 1- 20 plats får även 2 exklusiva VIP-biljetter till eventet vilket ger dom tillgång till extremt bra platser under eventet där grymma band kommer spela, massa Twilight-grejer kommer finnas samt det viktigaste; aldrig tidigare visat material från nya filmen kommer presenteras.
Vill du vinna?
Klart du vill vinna, men hur gärna vill du vinna? Ladda upp en bild på dig själv iklädd din finast Twilight-outfit och briljera med dina engelska kunskaper när du berättar för oss - på engelska - exakt hur glad du skulle bli av ett möte med Taylor och Kristen så är du med och tävlar om en upplevelse du gladeligen kommer berätta om för dina barnbarn när du sitter i gungstolen och skränar på äldre dagar.
Lycka Till!
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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - "She has the right to know"
Nya stills från Eclipse-samlarkort
Kristen på "The late show with David Letterman" den 28 juni
Nya stills från The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Dagens bild
MTV Movie Awards 2010
Kristen Stewart och Robert Pattinson tog hem Best Kiss
Kristen Stewart vann Best Female Performance
New Moon tog hem Best Movie
Robert Pattinson tog hem Best Male Performance och Global Star
Vill du se mer bilder? Klicka här!
Kristen och Robert vann Best Kiss
Kristen, Robert och Taylor presenterade också ett klipp från The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Panic Room på TV4+
Intervju med Kristen och Taylor i Sydkorea
Två nya EW-outtakes på Kristen och Dakota
Full intervjuv med Kristen och Taylor från fan-eventet i Sydkorea
Bilder från fan-eventet med Kristen och Taylor i Sydkorea 3/6
Kristen och Taylor är just nu i Seoul, Sydkorea för att promota The Twilight Saga: Eclipse och igår (3 juni) hölls ett fan-event. Här är lite bilder och videos från eventet. Kristen har satt i hårförlängninar i håret, jättesnyggt! :)
Källa 1 & 2
Presskonferens för "Eclipse" i Sydkorea 2/6
Ny TV-spot för "Eclipse": Something new
Eclipse kalendern - nya stills
Lyssna på soundtracket till The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Metric – Eclipse (All Yours)
MUSE – Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)
The Bravery – Ours
Florence + The Machine – Heavy In Your Arms
Sia – My Love
Fanfarlo – Atlas
The Black Keys – Chop And Change
The Dead Weather – Rolling In On A Burning Tire
Beck and Bat For Lashes – Let’s Get Lost
Vampire Weekend – Jonathan Low
UNKLE – With You In My Head (Feat. The Black Angels)
Eastern Conference Champions – A Million Miles An Hour
Band of Horses – Life On Earth
Cee Lo Green – What Part of Forever
Howard Shore – Jacob’s Theme
Battles – The Line
Bombay Bicycle Club – How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
Fanfarlo – “Atlas” (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)
Cee Lo Green – “What Part Of Forever” (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)
För att lyssna på soundtracket, klicka här eller på bilden ovan!
DVD-omslaget till "The Runaways"
Kristen och Taylor i Seoul, Sydkorea
Ni kan se en video från flygplatsen här.
Ny bild från ELLE UK
Kristen och Taylor's intervju med Today's Richard Wilkins