Intervju med Kristen om "The Runaways"

Tidningen Self har intervjuat Kristen och Dakota Fanning om The Runaways. För att läsa mer än det här under, klicka här!
”I don’t think a lot of people know what options the first all-female rock ‘n’ roll band had,” Kristen Stewart told SELF during an interview in New York earlier this week. ”A lot of girls don’t realize there was a time when you couldn’t do something, like you really couldn’t do that [be in a band]–it was unexpected and looked down upon. We’ve grown up thinking we can be happy and do whatever we want, but back in the day, in terms of attitude and being who you are just personally, you used to not be able to be.”
The movie, which focus on the relationship between edgy punk-rocker Joan Jett and Bowie-obsessed Bardot lookalike Cherie Curie, is as much a raw, gritty look at the L.A. rock scene as it is a cautionary coming-of-age tale. As Jett, Kristen Stewart has found an outlet for all the buttoned-up angst of the Twilight franchise–from her jet-black hair to rough voice, she channels the musician’s nervous energy and fierce passion to make her dream a reality to a tee. Dakota Fanning plays her counterpart, the 15-year-old Curie who, after being plucked from the roller-rink crowd, goes from sex kitten to drug addict seemingly overnight. The chemistry between the two actresses is as electric as their eyeliner.
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