Ny intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor från USA Today

USA Today intervjuade Kristen, Robert och Taylor då de var i Chicago för att spela in Oprah och här nedanför är intervjun.
But all three take their Twilight-related duties to heart, whatever they might require. Stewart even leaps up in a panic at one point, fearing she misspelled a word in her salutation to Winfrey. She checks the book: ”Believe — ie or ei?”
”I before e except after c,” Pattinson responds. She checks. ”Oh, yeah,” she says with a triumphant fist pump.
Pattinson laughs. ”I almost spelled Oprah wrong. I almost wrote Opera.”
The actors are keen to know how Eclipse played to the crowd at the screening and are pleased to hear that every element has been heightened: the horror, the romance, the three-way interaction among their characters, the touches of humor that often come at the expense of Edward and Jacob’s rivalry — especially after they forge a testy alliance to save Bella from a roving gang of rabid newborn vampires.
Stewart says of Eclipse’s positive early reception: ”It is a well-oiled machine at this point. We have had a lot of time to establish what this thing is about and a lot of time to consider it. And they gave us so much more money this time. So that is exciting.”
Pattinson, looking bemused, quickly clarifies her statement. ”For the film. The budget.”
Stewart is chagrined. ”Oh, my God. No, no. That didn’t even occur to me. They gave us so much more money to make the film look good!”
The leads did get raises — Stewart and Pattinson are taking home a reported $7.5 million each plus a percentage of the gross, Lautner gets $5 million — while the production’s price tag grew to $65 million, still modest compared with similar franchises.
Yet the few extra bucks seem to have paid off, especially with the effects. Even Lautner’s CG wolf alter-ego is more adorable than in New Moon. ”Yeah,” says the actor, sheepishly. ”It was very cuddly. I don’t know if that’s what we were aiming for.”
He waffles over the wisdom of sharing an anecdote about the scene in which the vicious horse-sized beast sweetly nuzzles Bella and she scratches his ear. After a little coaxing, he relents.
”That day I came on set and put on this tight gray spandex suit …”
”There is dialogue and I talk to him,” Stewart explains. ”I said, ‘How am I going to do this without Taylor?’ ” So instead of the actress pretending that a massive computer-animated wolf was nearby, Lautner volunteered to be its stand-in.
”Basically, it looked like a Teletubby,” he continues about his outfit. ”I had this circle on the face but everything else was covered. It was weird. But, yeah, I stood there and would literally bend over …”
”I would actually pet his head,” Stewart adds.
Pattinson, meanwhile, struggled with Edward’s rather formal proposal to Bella, which reflects the fact that although his vintage vampire looks 17, he hails from the turn of the last century.
”I was dreading the day it was coming,” he says of the scene that was held until the very end of the shoot. ”The first time I read the script, I thought, ‘This is impossible.’ ” References to ”promenades” and sharing ”iced tea on the porch” as Edward explains how he would have courted Bella in the old days especially stuck in his throat. ”It’s so earnest. I finally convinced the producers that you can play it with a bit of awareness of not being a fictional character. I’m not trying to be part of a Gothic novel.”
When Pattinson finally watched it, however, he was pleasantly surprised. ”It seems different when you see it.”
Their profiles have grown with each film, and celebrity status does afford them the chance to mingle with their own idols. Although, more often than not, the other stars are the ones bedazzled as they request autographs for their Twilight-crazed kids.
”I took a picture with Ron Howard last year at the Oscars,” Pattinson recalls. ”I thought it was the funniest thing. I asked, ‘Is it for your kids?’ He said, ‘No, it’s for me. I want to have it on my phone.’ ” Making the situation even odder: Howard’s daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard, is in Eclipse.
Alas, Pattinson has yet to run into his favorite, Jack Nicholson.
Stewart pipes up: ”I have.”
Pattinson: ”What? When did you meet?”
Stewart: ”At a screening for Into the Wild,” her 2007 coming-of-age drama directed by Sean Penn. ”He was exactly like you think he would be.”
Pattinson, sounding peeved: ”You never told me that.”
Lautner joins in. ”I didn’t meet him but I sat next to him at a Lakers game.”
Pattinson, utterly exasperated: ”What?”
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