Ett fans berättelse från filmandet av 'Waterfall'-scenen i "Breaking Dawn"

I woke up at 5 a.m., see how anxious I was! I got up, took a shower, did the dishes, everything just to kill time. I prepared a bag with some clothes, my camera, the Breaking Dawn book, pens and, of course, my flag. I went to school because I couldn’t miss it, I’d have an important test. I did the test very quickly and met Julia Marques at the exit, as arranged, to go to Taquari. We took the bus and then met her uncle, who would take us to Taquari. We went to a an area where there are a lot of waterfalls, but there were no cars, it was all really desert, and it was 9:30 a.m. We started asking the locals about where they were filming and they said Cachoeira da Usina. We went there and started to see armored cars, doubles’ cars and vans and stuff. We ran up to where they allowed us and we sat quietly. Suddenly, a security guard arrived – who later I found out to be the chief – he was a gorilla, rude, an enormous monster, who asked us to leave. We left quietly, but cursed him a lot. In the meantime, there were about 6 people who knew filming was at the waterfall. We talked to the girls and they told us they got there walking through the woods around. They got there, but one of the girls who was with them started to scream and cry because she had seen Robert. Then 3 other gorillas popped up and made them leave.
Helpers started to arrive. Julia and I became friends with most of them, who gave us chairs, shadow and water. We showed them our flag and they were hopeful for us. When it was about 3 p.m., Kristen came down to change her outfit. We saw her going up in white bikini and shorts. She was gorgeous! My vision of her is of a porcelain doll, white, short, her hair in contrast. We started screaming: KRISTEN, KRISTEN! And some posers started to scream: BELLA! BELLA! After she left, I asked the girls if Kristen was there (at the waterfall) and they Said ‘just Bella’. I was shocked by that. We stayed up to 5 p.m. waiting. Everybody we met was hoping we could give them the flag. When they were coming down, one of our friends said he would wave and that we should be quiet and when he waved we should run and give them the flag. But some paparazzi arrived and Julia and I tried to mislead them, but the posers kept saying they had seen them and stuff. In the end, the paps did a big mess, making the Police set a barrier in front of us. So Julia and I ran and positioned ourselves at the speed bump. When we saw cars approacing, we started to scream. The paparazzi were following, so their car stopped right in front of us for the security guards to do their job. In the meantime, Julia and I covered Rob’s window with the flag and suddenly we heard someone knocking on the glass. We got the flag down and put our faces on the glass. We waved and he replied and sent us a kiss, everything with that crooked smile that makes our legs weak for being so perfect. I died! Then Kris saw him wave, did the same and sent us a Kiss too, smiling. Really, we were shocked! When he was opening the window (according to our intuition), the security guard came back, after going wild and throwing the paps’ keys away (on the other side of the road). They went away. We ran after the car, which is really pathetic.
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