Rösta på Kristen som MTV's Hollywood Homecoming Queen

It's homecoming time everyone! All around the country, teenagers are smearing on too much make-up and jumping into ill-fitting suits to take part in that great fall tradition that separates the cool kids from the weirdos. One of those cool kids is Dakota Fanning, who was crowned her high school's homecoming queen last weekend. Congrats Dakota; we're thrilled! But we also have to ask: Did you have any real competition? It's just that there probably aren't any other gals in her high school who are HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STARS.
All of this got us wondering, what if there was a homecoming for all of young Hollywood? Would Dakota win? Hell, would she even make it onto the ballot?
We put together our own homecoming ballot of pop culture superstars and Dakota didn't make the cut. Want to know who did? Click below to find out and to vote on who should be crowned king and queen. We added a few other categories to determine who should chaperon the soiree and what the all-important hors d'ouerves should be.
Begin stuffing the ballots immediately. Voting will close tomorrow at 10 p.m. E.T.
Rösta på Kristen som Homecoming Queen HÄR!