Jake Scott: "Directing Kristen Stewart is like 'Wrangling a herd of cats'"

"She's very vulpine—very wolfish—and wily, kind of twitchy. Directing her is kind of like wrangling a herd of cats."

—Welcome to the Rileys director Jake Scott when asked at a recent screening of the flick what it was like working with his leading lady,
Kristen Stewart.

Now, before you get your Krisbian panties in a twist, the dude meant it in a good way. We think. Either way, he ended up über-impressed with Kristen's performance in the movie—and she did, too!

"[Kristen]'s been playing this same character in—what?—two or three movies now, and that frustrates her," Scott dished on Twilight.

"She wants to be taken seriously as an actress—and the crazy thing is, before Twilight, she was doing that kind of work...She's very proud of her work in this movie."

One of those prevamp projects was actually how Kris landed the part as a runaway stripper in this family drama. Scott said he thought, "Oh my god, who is this kid?" when he saw Into the Wild. As he left the movie theater, he called Kristen's people and had an appointment set for the next day. And he definitely got an actress who's serious about her craft.

"Kristen, more than anyone, would go off-script or off-course, but it would be brilliant and it would work. But it would throw [Rileys costars] Jim [Gandolfini] and Melissa [Leo]."

Scott explained that the veteran actors would make adjustments during the scene for Kristen, because they "respected her so," and they were totally into the fact that it "kept them on their toes."

"Also, that was her character. She was unpredictable...an uncontrollable force," Scott explained.

If Stewart's still worried about being taken seriously as an actress, she won't after this low-budget baby hits theatres. Character-driven roles suit K.Stew, if we do say so ourselves.
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