Nikki Reed pratar om Kristen och att "Breaking Dawn" börjar filmas nästa vecka

ATTENTION all Twilight Saga fans, this is the news you have been waiting for: Breaking Dawn will start filming NEXT WEEK!
Twilight Saga star Nikki Reed has been talking to OK! about the schedule for filming Breaking Dawn, and she says it starts next week in New Orleans.
She told OK! USA: "We’re heading to New Orleans first, in just over a week."
And Nikki, who told us she only just received the script for the final film (2 films, technically) in the saga last week, says she can't wait to get stuck in.
She added: "It looks really fantastic. I didn’t know how it was going to happen, how much they’d separate from the book, but it’s all there, it’s great.
"All the really comic moments that Jacob and I have together are all in there. And also, she [Rosalie] really is a sympathetic character in a sense. You get to really understand why she’s been the way she’s been.
"And to see her interact with a child - if I do it the right way, let’s cross our fingers that I portray it accurately - it’s kind of a really intense bond that we have that I think is really relatable. I’m look forward to humanising her a bit, if you know what I mean. Wink wink."
As for the highly-anticipated birth scene, Nikki said: “It’s intense. Once again, it’s going to be a whole other thing to see visually. We have the book and then the transition to the script."
So what about Kristen Stewart?
“Kristen does her thing,” Nikki told OK!.
K-Stew probably wants to spend some alone time with on/off screen boyfriend Robert Pattinson.