Grazia Fashion: "Nail Rock 'n' Roll style, The Runaways way!" - Spanien

Here's a quick recap: Aged just 16, Joan Jett joined forces with four other teenage girls to form The Runaways, the first all-girl rock'n'roll band, and the film tells the tale of their sexual experimentation and addictions. So in celebration of the badass biopic, Grazia chatted with rock’s first lady herself - pick up the new issue (out today!) to read the full interview - and naturellement, she’s got us in the mood for some '70s hipster edge. So why not take inspiration from Kristen Stewart's surly portrayal of the punk-pop queen
by digging out those Ray Ban Aviators and throwing on your rocker threads? Go on, you know you want to.

After all, as Grazia columnist Polly Vernon recently noted, the Dyke-con is having a moment. And what better icon of sexy subversiveness is there than Joan Jett? We're especially loving the skinny leather trousers and logo tees that K-Stew swaggers about in, nailing that boy-meets-girl attitude topped off with her raven shag and teenage scowl. In fact, Jett's no-frills aesthetic isn't far off the actress' own scruffy style. 'I felt comfortable in Joan's clothing,' Kristen confessed. 'It's like armour...With everything she wears she's not trying to be cool, she is trying to be tough.'
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