Kristen blev Queen of summer 2010

And then there were two.
In the beginning we presented you with 32 of the summer's hottest celebrities, 16 men and 16 women, and put the task of crowing a King and a Queen of the hot season in your hands. The votes have been counted and the results are in.
So who in Hollywood truly had the best summer?
Your King and Queen of Summer 2010: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
(Wow. Original, you guys. Really original.)
Now, several factors helped propel each member of this duo into the top spots. Not only did they kinda come out as a couple this summer via a very grainy photo, they appeared in Eclipse, one of the year's biggest box-office hits. And they both were filming high profile "next step" movies, Water for Elephants and On the Road.
With those events supporting them, they each did away easily with their compettion to meet at the top.
In the final round, Robert Downey Jr.'s charms proved no match for Rob's. The veteran actor was sent packing after receiving only 31.3 percent of the vote to Pattinson's 68.7. Likewise, Kristen ended final challenger Katy Perry's Teenage Dream domination, grabbing 61.6 percent to Perry's 38.4.
Here's to the winners—and everybody else who gave it a shot.
Better luck in 2011, OK? Rob & Kristen don't have much going on next summer...