Moviefone: "20 films we're psyched about"
Moviefone har gjort en lista som består av 20 filmer de är taggade på att se. Welcome to the Rileys är med på den här listan.

'Welcome to the Rileys'
Release Date: Oct. 29
Starring: Melissa Leo, James Gandolfini, Kristen Stewart
One thing you gotta say for Stewart: she's sure not coasting on 'Twilight' fame. (Her fierce portrayal of Joan Jett in 'The Runaways' more than proved her acting mettle.) 'Welcome to the Rileys' should only burnish her reputation as an adventurous actress. Directed by Jake Scott, the indie drama stars the terrific Leo and Gandolfini as a grieving couple whose lives are changed by an underage stripper (yep, Stewart).

'Welcome to the Rileys'
Release Date: Oct. 29
Starring: Melissa Leo, James Gandolfini, Kristen Stewart
One thing you gotta say for Stewart: she's sure not coasting on 'Twilight' fame. (Her fierce portrayal of Joan Jett in 'The Runaways' more than proved her acting mettle.) 'Welcome to the Rileys' should only burnish her reputation as an adventurous actress. Directed by Jake Scott, the indie drama stars the terrific Leo and Gandolfini as a grieving couple whose lives are changed by an underage stripper (yep, Stewart).