"Twilight" skulle blivit en actionfilm

Wait, what?! That's right. Twilight Producer Mark Morgan gave Hollywood Life the low down on what almost happened to your favorite vampires. In his own words, "[The fans] would have killed us.
"Even if you haven't seen the Twilight flicks or read the series, you probably still know that the plot revolves around the love story between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. But before Summit bought the rights to the books, the original script swapped the brooding romance for non-stop action. At the time, studios didn't think Bella's endless lovesickness would interest anyone. Instead, the studio wanted to turn Bella into a vampire in the first movie and kill off her father.
"We went shopping to every studio around, but everyone passed," Morgan told Hollywood Life. "Finally Summit said 'let's do it.' It was a total blessing.
"Before long, Twilight became an international bestseller and Summit realized they had a blockbuster on their hands. A new script was written to appeal to the rabid fan base.
"I mean, one of their drafts literally had a Korean FBI agent who was hunting and tracking vampires across the coast. There was SWAT in the trees and literally it was like, ‘Red leader, read leader one,′ and the vampires were picking them out of the woods.
"Just imagine if the original script had gone into production! The world might never have seen Taylor Lautner's abs, and Robert Pattinson would just be that guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter.