Elisabeth Moss om att jobba med Kristen och "SWATH"

Elisabeth Moss spelar rollen som Galatea Dunkel i "On the Road" som Kristen medverkar i. För ett tag sedan frågade E Online! hur hon tyckte det var att jobba med Kristen och vad hon tycker om "Snow White and the Huntsman".

"She's super nice," Moss told me about K.Stew at this week's Hollywood Foreign Press Association's annual grant-giving luncheon. "She's really so normal and so nice. I was probably more intimidated by Amy Adams because she's like my favorite actress in the world. So everybody was just intimidated by everybody else."

No surprise, but Moss is psyched to see Stewart as Snow White. "I think it's perfect," she gushed. "It's a great idea. I think she's going to be great."




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