Wyck Godfrey om åldersgräns, födelsescenen & läckt material

Wyck Godfrey är producenten för Breaking Dawn-filmerna och han pratade nyligen med Hollywood News där han disskuterade kring filmen. Bl.a om åldersgränsen för Breaking Dawn Part 1, födelsescenen och om det läckta materialet.

Wyck Godfrey, producer of the Twilight movies presented his new TV-show Revengeto the Television Critics Association. Afterwards, I pulled him to the side to ask about the latest on Breaking Dawn and landed an exclusive scoop.

Readers know that Bella’s birth scene will be difficult to show on screen
, because of the graphicdescriptions of vampire labor. Godfrey said that director Bill Condon has a solid cut of the scene that should land a PG-13 from the MPAA.

“I have seen numerous cuts,” Godfrey said. “I think that process is taking place right now. We don’t have any word yet on the rating but I think we’re going to be okay. We’re releasing it PG-13 and it’s incredibly powerful already. It definitely captures what the book captures.”

Breaking Dawn
has been split into two parts in order to fit as much of the book as possible into the movies. Part one should not run any longer than Twilight, New Moon or Eclipse though.

“We’re very close to locking picture on part one,” Godfrey added
. “It’s about what the other three are, about two hours. I haven’t seen an assembly for Part 2, so we’ll start to get into it in December.”

The piracy case has been big news for Summit, but Godfrey clarified that his job is to focus on finishing the film. However, he supports the studio’s effort to hold the pirate accountable.

“It’s very important for people to understand that when you hack into people’s private e-mails and private systems to steal material that is not yours, that you’re going to get punished. It’ll work itself out. What happens with this, the material already got out. There’s nothing we can do about that. I do think it’s about just sending a message that in this day and age, you can find that stuff out through your own computer systems and experts who can track that stuff.”

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