Fan encounter från 'New Moon-premiären 2009

Anywho, after my NM encounter with her, my likeness solidified to a permanence. I had a great personal experience with her that made me feel quite special after 5 days of living on the streets. If it didn't go against the grain, I might say she was the best red carpet experience of the night. but there's no way I can say that when I got Rob to say my name ;) that being said...if i wasn't Robsessed, she'd get the gold medal by a mile:"
Welch was the first big star from Twilight to hit the carpet and I asked him for a picture but it didn't go so well. It was then that I decided to readjust my plan for taking pictures. I wouldn't ask for any pics with celebs. I'd just take them. they didn't mind you snapping away like a lunatic. I also never planned to get autographs but they expect it. They come to you looking for something to sign. I said what the hell and had them sign my new moon companion book.
So after realizing the celebs were not gonna really be able to take pics WITH you...i ditched that attempt...UNTIL...
The lovely Kristen Stewart came along. She was so calm and looked you dead in the eye and held it. She didn't look away or get shifty eyes. She would look at you, smile and talk...very engaging. Made you feel like you were the only one there. Since she was looking at me longer than the others, I actually felt comfortable asking her for a picture which she graciously said, "Of course." As we were taking the pic I blurted out, "I think you're great as Bella!" That's why I look crazy...I was talking while taking the pic and I was excited...she was so nice! She thought she said something while i took the picture and started apologizing. She thought I took the pic at the moment she said "thank you". Clearly I didn't and she looks fab and I look stone crazy. LOL I told her don't worry about it and to keep going (down the line). She's my 2nd fav encounter of the night. First is obvious. ;)