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Move over, Angelina Jolie! Kristen Stewart has plans to help the world, too.
The Twi-star reveals...She plans to develop a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get their lives back, an idea that was inspired by her research for the role of a runaway in the sex trade.
"Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, ‘Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?' " Stewart says in the new issue of Vogue magazine.
Stewart, who reportedly is banking more than $25 million for the two Breaking Dawn movies, says of the halfway houses, "Right now it's the thing I feel most connected to."
Even though the actress can now help the less fortunate in Jolie-esque ways, that doesn't mean she doesn't miss having a so-called regular life. "There's no way to eloquently put this," she says. "I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often. And also to not ever be just ‘some girl' again. Just being some chick at some place, that's gone.' "
However, we do learn that during the fall (when the interview took place), she was reading Anna Karenina, Dave Cullen's Columbine and Into the Wild author Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven. She admitted that L.A. musician Jenny Lewis leaves her utterly starstruck. "She's the only person I've ever met that I can't function around," she said.
She also listens to the Shins and Broken Bells and she's a Food Network junkie because her new hobby is cooking. Oh, and she also really enjoys playing—ready for this?—golf!
And remember when Jodie Foster told us she didn't think Stewart was going to pursue acting after working with her on Panic Room? Well, now K.Stew even admits, "At that time I just thought it was fun. I don't think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at 9 years old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, ‘I'd like to star in the play.' "

The Twi-star reveals...She plans to develop a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get their lives back, an idea that was inspired by her research for the role of a runaway in the sex trade.
"Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, ‘Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?' " Stewart says in the new issue of Vogue magazine.
Stewart, who reportedly is banking more than $25 million for the two Breaking Dawn movies, says of the halfway houses, "Right now it's the thing I feel most connected to."
Even though the actress can now help the less fortunate in Jolie-esque ways, that doesn't mean she doesn't miss having a so-called regular life. "There's no way to eloquently put this," she says. "I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often. And also to not ever be just ‘some girl' again. Just being some chick at some place, that's gone.' "
No surprise, but Stewart refused to talk about her relationship with Robert Pattinson. "It's not my job," she says.
However, we do learn that during the fall (when the interview took place), she was reading Anna Karenina, Dave Cullen's Columbine and Into the Wild author Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven. She admitted that L.A. musician Jenny Lewis leaves her utterly starstruck. "She's the only person I've ever met that I can't function around," she said.
She also listens to the Shins and Broken Bells and she's a Food Network junkie because her new hobby is cooking. Oh, and she also really enjoys playing—ready for this?—golf!
And remember when Jodie Foster told us she didn't think Stewart was going to pursue acting after working with her on Panic Room? Well, now K.Stew even admits, "At that time I just thought it was fun. I don't think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at 9 years old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, ‘I'd like to star in the play.' "