
Hej, alla läsare!
Uppdateringen från min sida har inte varit den bästa på sistone. Och nu blir den inte bättre för ikväll åker jag iväg till Turkiet för en veckas sol och bad. Så det kommer bli zero uppdatering från min sida!
Hoppas ni har det toppen här i Sverige!


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Kristen besöker yogastudio i West Hollywood

Fler bilder hittar ni [här].

Kristens signerade skor för Shoe Revolt

Kristen Stewart Helps Fight Human Trafficking with Donation to ShoeRevolt:

While we sleep peacefully at night, down corner alleys, behind old buildings, and along abandoned railroads, horrible and unimaginable crimes are being committed against our youth.

Shoe Revolt has committed resources to educate the masses, stop traffickers, and heal victims of these human trafficking crimes, and now we are thrilled to announce a new strategy; a teen revolt. For teenagers who live in a stable environment, the issues of sex trafficking are distant; most youth have difficulty simply grasping the concept.

Many teenagers are unaware of what sex trafficking really entails and don’t understand that it is occurring on domestic soil.

These teens are not aware of the tricks and strategies that traffickers use to exploit and imprison youth like them against their will. Because this issue is so secretive and unimaginable, teenagers simply ignore it.

Shoe Revolt feels that teens can no longer be complacent; human trafficking affects the very freedom that the United States of America promises to them all. It is time to educate and get teens involved to start a teen revolt against human trafficking.

Why shoes and celebrities? For teens, this combination is an outlet. It’s a passion. Combining something that the youth of America loves is a simple, yet powerful way to begin a dialogue about this imperative issue.

A celebrity such as Kristen Stewart donating shoes helps us connect with all teenagers despite language, ethnic, and cultural differences. Shoe Revolt is incredibly thankful for Kristin Stewart’s donation of a pair of black Keds.

Her donations will be used to raise money for shelters and to create awareness about this issue in the teen community. We can eradicate the attack on our youth in the United States by spreading the word and getting teens educated. Trafficking affects thousands of teenagers each and every day and will never be stopped without education. Shoe Revolt will give teenagers the opportunity to understand sex trafficking, which will help keep them safe. Shoe Revolt is determined to create a teen revolt by reaching out and spreading the word about sex trafficking, one celebrity donated shoe at a time.

Purchase for Kristen’s shoes will begin on August 1st.

Shoerevolt mot trafficking

Kristen har donerat ett par signerade skor till en välgörenhet som kommer att gå att buda på från och med den 1 augusti.

Vem bar den bäst?

Rösta i kommentarfältet, vem av dem bar denna klänning bäst, Kristen eller Leighton Meester?


Dagens bild


Nya HQ-bilder från MMA 2010


"Breaking Dawn Del 1" har premiär i Sverige 16 november

Vi i Sverige kommer få se Breaking Dawn Del 1 hela två dagar innan den kommer ut i USA. Detta bekräftade Nordisk Film för [TwilightSweden].

Fanbild från premiären av "A Better Life"


Kristen på #6 på PopSugar's 'Top 10 Sexiest Women of 2011'


Giru Weinberg om en rolig händelse från BD-inspelningen

Guri Weinberg spelar vampyren Stefan i Breaking Dawn.


GFYS started one day as Noel and I were walking back into our trailer after a long day's work. We each had one half of the same trailer as dressing rooms and our doors were on opposite ends. As we were opening the doors to our dressing rooms, I called out to him,

"Hey, Noel..."

He earnestly looked at me. "Yeah?"

UBER casually I say, "Go f*** yourself."

On his look of shock, I went into my room and shut the door. I admit, I was laughing pretty hard. The look on his face was priceless.


So, what could I do? I had a talk with Kristen, then Rob to arrange a spontaneous GFYS from each to accent the rest of Noel's day. They were SO into it. However, before I know it, Rob is wrapped for the day and I'm thinking he forgot. Oh, me of little faith in Rob's silliness. As he walks off set back to his trailer,

"Noel. Go f*** yourself." Rob said it so casually, Noel looked at him for a second, not believing he'd heard what he just heard. Noel looks at me.

"I can't believe you did that. Nice.", he says.

"Thanks, man." I respond. But he hasn't heard from Kristen yet. AND now we're called back to set...

The minute I walk on set, Kristen is READY to do this thing with Noel. She keeps looking at me when he's not looking, mouthing, "Now?" I'm mouthing back, "Not yet." She keeps shooting me looks every few seconds, "Now?" and I keep going "Not yet. Rob just did it." I am thinking to myself, MAN, she REALLY wants to tell Noel to go f***himself. Did he piss her off or what?!? There's a break coming up and we all come back on set. Except Kristen. I look for an A.D.

"Where's Kristen?"

"Oh, she wrapped."

NO WONDER she wanted to do it so quickly. Dammit.

Tillbaka på banan

Stängde ner bloggen i helgen, det känns inte som att jag har tid längre och jag har ingen lust att börja sätta bloggen framför mina kompisar, min pojkvän eller familj. För det börjar nämligen kännas så! :) Jag trodde jag skulle ha all tid i världen nu när jag inte hade något sommarjobb och eftersom jag har sommarlov, men det är så mycket annat som kommer emellan. Dessutom: vart är alla besökare? Förra veckan gick det neråt rejält. Det är ingenting jag bryr mig om mycket egentligen, men det är helt klart roligare att blogga om man vet att någon faktiskt läser bloggen.
Jag ska försöka uppdatera så gott jag kan! Men nästa torsdag åker jag till Italien och är borta i ungefär två veckor och i helgen är jag inte heller hemma. Jag har fullt upp kan man säga och jag tror även Kimberly har det! :) Alice kom fram till att blogga inte var hennes grej men att hon fortfarande vill översätta texten när hon kan och vill. Så nu undrar jag, är det någon som är intresserad av att hjälpa till? :) Kommetera i kommentarsfältet eller skriv till [[email protected]].
Det var väl allt jag hade och skriva! :)

Videos från premiären av "A Better Life"


Inte hemma

Jag (Erica) är inte hemma nu under midsommarhelgen :) Därav den dåliga uppdateringen. Kommer vara borta ganska mycket nu i sommar och i juli åker jag till Italien.

Dagens bild


Chris Weitz twittrar om Kristen

Chris Weitz twittrade om Kristen efter premiären av A Better Life.

Kristen på efterfesten för "A Better Life" - HQ


Kristen på premiären av "A Better Life"

Fler bilder hittar ni [här].

Ny/Gammal video när Kristen och Rob lämnar inspelningen

En ny/gammal video där Kristen och Robert lämnar inspelningsplatsen för Breaking Dawn när de filmade i Brasilien tidigare i år.

Frågade Garrett Hedlund Kristen om en roll i "Twilight"?


Ian McShane som ledardvärjen i "Snow White"

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to "Snow White and Huntsman" that Ian McShane will go.

The actor, currently seen on screen as Blackbeard in Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", has signed to play one of the dwarfs in Universal's Snow White adventure movie.

The project, being directed by Rupert Sanders, is a revisionist take on the fairy tale and features Snow White (Kristen Stewart) as a princess who escapes her evil stepmother (Charlize Theron) with the help of a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) who was to have killed her but now trains the princess to survive and fight back.

The movie is on track for an August production start. Universal will release the film in theaters June 1, 2012.

McShane will play Caesar, the leader of the dwarfs. Universal is in the process of casting the rest of his crew. With Universal and Relativity Media racing separate Snow White projects into theaters next year (Relativity's untitled project also is ramping up production and is currently set to hit theaters in March), there could be serious competition to find strong character actors to fill the roles.

McShane, repped by ICMGallant ManagementIndependent Talent, and attorney Mark Wetzstein, is currently shooting Bryan Singer and New Line's "Jack the Giant Killer", in which he plays a benevolent king.

Ny/Gamla bilder från Sundance 2008 - HQ

Fler bilder hittar ni [här].

Kristen på premiären av filmen "A Better Life"

Enligt Movieline kommer Kristen att närvara på premiären av filmen A Better Life, tillsammans med sina costars Taylor Lautner (The Twilght Saga) och Garett Hedlund (On the Road). Men man kan ju inte alltid vara säker på att det stämmer så vi får se.



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Peter Facinelli berömmer Kristen och Rob

Are you amazed at what he (Rob) and Kristen Stewart have to put up with?

I'm very proud of how they've handled it. It's been fun for me to watch them rise to fame the way they have and the way they've handled it. When your life is put under a microscope like that it's very difficult to function and I give them great credit for functioning and living a normal life within the realm of their fame.


Dagens bild


E!Online: "Is Kristen Stewart's huntsman in trouble?"

Forget who's the fairest of them all - which Snow White is better? That's the big Q that people will be asking when the two films hit theatres next summer (that is, if neither pushes their release date forward again). Though, it seems like The Brother's Grimm: Snow White has an edge on Kristen Stewart's installment - cameras start rolling on the film next week!

Whereas Snow White and the Huntsman is going back to the drawing board for a rewrite. Should Kstew fans be worried? Not really. In fact, it might be better off in the end because, to be honest, both films need work. But while Lily Collins and Julia Roberts costume up to film an adventure/comedy whose script is lacking in both exciting escapades and funny jokes, Huntsman can take its time and fine tune to perfection. 

Here's the deal:
We've read the script for Snow White and the Huntsman, and it's basically Twilight meets Amanda Seyfried's Red Riding Hood. The medieval dialogue bounces between being too Shakespearean and too modern, and sometimes it's just plain corny. Plus, the few jokes (usually at the expense of the dwarves) won't really spur any laughs. But strong acting, which the flick definitely has, might be able to salvage it still. The role was basically made for Kristen Stewart, after all, her signature scowl is even written into the friggin' script!

In a nutshell, it's about Snow hiding out in the woods after a beauty-obsessed broad marries and murdered her father, the King. The evil queen then sets out to kill Snow so that, duh, she can be the fairest in the land. Most of the flick focuses on SW. training for combat with her Huntsman, Chris Hemsworth.

Must confess tho: We're surprised Catherine Hardwicke isn't directing this. It's classic Cathy. The angsty love triangle is all there, with the perfect Prince and rebel Huntsman each vying for Snow White's lovin'. And you'll never guess which dude Snow's into. Here's a hint: It's the dangerous one. E
dward Cullen, anyone?

The lovey-dovey stuff is where we think the rewriting will focus, tho. In the script, Snow is 17 and the hunky Huntsman is like, 40. A little icky, right? But the casting peeps decided age is just a number and cast sexy Hemsworth instead, which means they'll change some of the story, at least to make Snow and her Huntsman closer in age. And we're sure the producers want to beef up that deep-in-the-forest flirtation between them to include more than a couple longing glances—and hopefully a few gratuitously shirtless scenes for C.H.

Ny/Gammal bild - HQ och otaggad


Rob och Kristen saknar varandra!


Rob and Kristen are both working nonstop on their new non ‘Twilight’ flicks and now that Kristen is between London and LA, they can’t even find time to talk on the phone!

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not enjoying their time apart. A new report in In Touch reveals that Rob and Kristen are taking their long distance in stride, but it’s emotionally hard on both of them.

“Rob and Kristen are used to spending every second together, working and living in the same place,” a source says. “Not being together has been hard.”

Rob is currently shooting Cosmopolis in Toronto and Kristen is in London working on Snow White and the Huntsman.

The happy couple only have eyes for each other despite recent reports linking Kristen and her On The Road co-star Garrett Hedlund as potential love interests.

Since being together June 5 at the MTV Movie Awards Rob and Kristen really haven’t seen each other! They can barely talk on the phone with the time difference and hectic schedules.
We just hope they reunite soon — especially so that their dog Bear can have both of their parents around!



Dagens bild




Guri Weinberg: "She is funny"

Guri Weinberg spelar vampyren Stefan i "Breaking Dawn". Och han fick frågan hur det vara tt jobba med Kristen under inspelningen.

Bilden är redigerad av mig (Kimberly), Om du änväder denna bild, länka till [stewartdaily.tk]


Hur kommer Bella's bröllopsklänning se ut?

If you’re a Twi-hard, then you understand that every ounce of Breaking Dawn news is like lion to a lamb. And in the latest announcement (via Twilight‘s official Twitter page), Summit Entertainment revealed that Bella’s wedding dress has been designed by couture queen Carolina Herrera. We saw mere glimpses of the white dress in the recently released trailer — lace! a strapless cut! — so we took a look at Herrera’s previous bridal creations to see what design elements Bella could wear come Nov. 18.

Herrera is known for her timeless pieces, so it only makes sense that she would craft a Big-Day dress for a girl whose tastes veer more classic than trendy. Knowing lace is a part of Bella’s dress, we see elements of Herrera’s collared Fall 2010 bridal look incorporated into the gown. It’s hard to tell from the trailer, but it looks like Bella will go off-the-shoulder, much like this number (sans the hat of course) from the same runway collection. Think she’ll bare more skin in a strapless dress? We envision something like this lace-heavy strapless dress — simple, elegant and very Bella — from Herrera’s fall 2005 presentation.

What kind of dress do you guys think Bella will walk the aisle in?

Dålig uppdatering

Ursäkta den dåliga uppdateringen men just nu är det ganska tomt med nyheter. Uppdaterar igen när det kommer. ;)


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Kristen's presentationtal på "Glamour Awards" i lite bättre kvalité

Kirsten presenterade vinnaren till priset "Man of the year" på "Glamour Awards". Priset gick till Kristen's co-star i "On the Road" Garett Hedlund. Garett nämner Kristen i sitt tal så sluta inte titta efter att hon gått av scenen.



Borta i helgen

Jag (Erica) ska bort i helgen och kommer hem på söndag kväll igen, så uppdateringarna från min sida i helgen kommer att vara noll! :)

Dagens bild


George Kotsiopoulos pratar om Kristen

What do you think of Kristen Stewart wearing couture dresses with converse shoes?

I love Kristen. I have styled her a couple times and I think she is really cool and smart. She is a bad ass. Although I think there are other options.

Filmtips: "The twilight saga: Eclipse" på TV1000

Idag visas Eclipse TV1000 och TV1000 HD klockan 17.50.



Chris Weitz pratar om "New Moon" och nämner Kristen

"When I turned in my director’s cut for “The Golden Compass,” the studio concluded that I was trying to turn a popcorn movie into the world’s most expensive art film; they fired my editor and took the cut from me.“New Moon” was all about getting back on the horse for me and working with some very talented people - Kristen Stewart, Alexandre DesPlat, the great Spanish cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe. I wanted to make a lush widescreen romance out of a ‘tweener phenomenon and I knew the audience would come. I would say, “They’re expecting a cheeseburger, but I’m going to give them foie gras.”

Dagens video


Reid Weding tycker att Kristen är cool

Who was your favorite person you met [at the MMAs]?

I didn't really meet anybody, except Tila Tequila interviewed me, and she called me a hottie so I like that. That was basically it. I was really up close to a lot of big people. There is something about Robert Pattinson, you know what I mean? I've never actually seen him up close, but he retains his good looks. It's pretty crazy it's like 'Wow, he actually does look like some ancient vampire.'

Having his best accessory there, girlfriend Kristen Stewart, didn't hurt things either!
Yeah, and her little enigmatic persona. She's cool I liked how she represented herself.
Källa och bildkälla

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Hossein Amini fixar till "Snow White"-manuset

There are two ways through life, the way of nature and the way of grace. Or in Hollywood terms, there are two ways to release a movie: rushed on a tight schedule, or finely tuned with a more realistic production. The battle between Relativity and Universal over their respective Snow White films has been ugly, with the former trumping the latter by moving their Tarsem-directed film all the way up to a March 16, 2012 release date—nine months from now and no, it hasn’t started shooting yet. Universal’s “Snow White And The Huntsman” is currently set just under a year away on June 1, 2012, with a comparably luxurious year to get it on screens. And it looks like they’re going to use that time wisely.

Deadline reports that hot scribe Hossein Amini has been brought on board to do rewrites on the film. His most recent credits include Nicolas Winding Refn‘s acclaimed “Drive” and the currently shooting “47 Ronin” with Keanu Reeves, and he also had a hand in one of the many Jack Ryan reboot drafts. Set to be directed by Rupert Sanders, and starring Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Sam Clafin and Chris Hemsworth, the film is a retelling of the classic fairy tale which places the woodsman who is meant to bump off the titular princess front and center of the story.

This move seems to indicate a change in direction for Universal who seem to be saying disengaging from the pissing match with Relativity and saying, “we’re gonna get it right, go ahead and rush your movie out the gate.” As for Tarsem’s film, it’s still gearing up to shoot in Montreal and it will be under the wire with almost zero room for error. All eyes will be on the still untitled film to see if Relativity played it smart or gave in to their own hubris.

Carolina Herrera: "Kristen is a stunning girl"

Carolina Herrera är den som har designat bröllopsklänningen till Bella i Breaking Dawn Part 1.
After years of speculating who will design Bella’s wedding dress for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1, Summit Entertainment confirmed Carolina Herrera as the official pick last night! “It is always a great pleasure to design any wedding gown, but this one was particularly special,” Herrera said in an official statement today. “Kristen is a stunning girl and her character, Bella will make a beautiful bride.” In Eclipse, Bella’s dress is described as an early 1900s design with Maid of Honor Alice Cullen’s modern tweaks to the train and veil. We can’t wait to see how the designer interpreted it!

Kristen på #4 på Popsugar's Top 100

4. Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart was eliminated early in a surprising 2010 PopSugar 100 turn, but in 2011 she shot right up to the top! The Twilight star has legions of devoted fans around the world, who love everything from her red-carpet style to her relationship with costar Robert Pattinson. Kristen celebrated a milestone birthday this year, turning 21 just as she finished up work on Breaking Dawn. Kristen landed on her first ever cover of Vogue and further cemented herself as a fashion risk-taker on red carpets while maintaining her t-shirt and jeans style otherwise. Kristen also shotOn the Road and signed on to star in an upcoming adaptation of Snow White called Snow White and the Huntsman.

Kristen på Teen Vogue's lista över de 10 bäst klädda i juni

Emma Roberts
Leighton MeesterElle Fanning, and more make our list of the best-dressed celebrities of the week.
Who: Kristen Stewart
Wore: Balmaim
Where: Glamour Woman of the Year in London
When: June 7, 2011
Se hela listan [här].

Dagens bild


Carolina Herrera har designat bröllopsklänningen - bekräftat

Summit Entertainment har nu bekräftat att det är Carolina Herrera som har designat bröllopsklänningen till Breaking Dawn Part 1.

Första promo-postern för "Snow White and the Huntsman"


Joan Jett: "Kristen Stewart is amazing"


Två nya bilder från Glamour UK Awards


Ny design

Lagt in designen nu, vad tycks? :) Blev ljusare färger då jag var trött på de mörka. Fortfarande några saker som ska läggas till men det märker ni nog! Om något ser konstigt ut så lämna en kommentar! Designen ser bäst ut i Google Chrome och kan se något konstig ut i Internet Explorer. Ska försöka fixa det!
Om ni inte ser designen, uppdatera sidan eller klicka på F5.

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Backstage-bilder från MTV Movie Awards 2011 - HQ

Fler bilder hittar ni [här].

Kenan Thompson vill ha ha Kristen som värd för SNL


Catherine Hardwicke pratar om Kristen och Robs audition

Vid 1.29

"Breaking Dawn" på Comic Con 2011

Summit Entertainment har bekräftat att Breaking Dawn kommer att ha en panel med på Comic Con i år. Det äger rum den 21-24 juli i San Diego, Kalifornien. Förra året släpptes Eclipse för tidigt för att kunna vara med på Comic Con men i år är de som sagt med. Vilka utav skådespelarna som kommer vara där vet vi ingenting om än men när det släpps uppdaterar vi er självklart om det.

Dagens bild



Ny/Gammal video från "Eclipse"-premiären


Två bilder från backstage på MMA - HQ


Popsugar om att Kristen och Rob vann Best Kiss på MMA 2011


Dagens video


Noel Fisher pratar om hur det var att jobba med Rob & Kristen

Noel Fisher spelar vampyren Vladimir i "Breaking Dawn"


Dagens bild



Ny design pågång

Sitter just nu och kodar en ny design, en lite mer somrig än denna som jag börjar tycka är för mörk för årstiden som är nu! :) Förhoppningsvis kommer den bli klar inom de närmsta dagarna. Vi får se hur stor skillnad det blir i jämfört med den här med uppbyggnaden osv. Ska försöka testa lite nya grejer hade jag tänkt. Eftersom det är sommarlov har jag en massa fri tid! :)

Kristen med på E!Fashion Police


Dagens bild


Vem var veckans bäst klädda?

E!Online kan man rösta på vem som var veckans bäst klädda, och de som man kan rösta på är Kristen, Kate Middleton och Jennifer Lopez. Klicka på bilden nedan eller klicka [här] för att rösta!

Filmtips: "The Runaways" på CANAL+ Film HD

Ikväll (lördag) visas The Runaways CANAL+ Film HD klockan 17.30.


Två ny/gamla bilder från Stockholm fan event - 2010


Dagens video


Ny still från "Breaking Dawn"


Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen med fan från 2010


När är hennes hår som bäst?

Kristen Stewart
Ditching Bella's trademark brunette color, the Twilight starlet adds cherry undertones to her mane.
Rösta [här] på vilken hårfärg du gillar bäst.

Kristen på Forbes lista 'Best paid celebs under 30'

Kristen Stewart, 21
$20 million
Stewart's non-Twilight career hasn't been as successful as her costar Robert Pattinson's so far. Her 2010 film The Runaways grossed only $4.6 million at the global box office. But the two-part Breaking Dawn should bring her enough money to play around with different roles while looking for her next big hit. Stewart is attached to one of two Snow White projects currently in development.
Källa och bildkälla

Nya bilder där Kristen lämnar Glamour UK Awards


Dagens bild


Hiss eller miss med Balmaim på Glamour Awards

Monday night's look: Hit or miss?
Vote on this week's styles including Jennifer Lopez, Kristen Stewart and more stars! You decide - are they fashionistas or flops?
Kristen Stewart
Twilight's bride-to-be shows lots of leg in her ruched Balmain minidress at London's Glamour Women of the Year awards.
Rösta på om du tycker det var en hiss eller miss [här].

Fler bilder från Glamour UK Awards - HQ


Video när Kristen lämnar Croucho Club i London - 8 juni


Sam Riley om Kristen

Did you spend much time with your On The Road co-star Kristen Stewart?

Sam: She is very good. She’s so good that she is not going to be held back by her [Twilight] franchise. To be that good when she’s like 20 years old or whatever is really remarkable.
Källa och bildkälla

Kristen lämnar Croucho Club i London - 8 juni

Fler bilder hittar du [här].

MMA 2011- repris

Har du precis som jag missat MMA 2011? Då kan du ta igen det i helgen, för  på både lördag och söndag visas reprisen på MTV. Se sändnings tiderna här:

Använder du denna bild länka till [stewartdaily.tk]


Dagens bild



Video från Glamour UK Awards


I Sverige

Hej, läsare!

Nu är jag (Kimberly) hemma i Sverige igen (kom hem i natt), så från och med nu kommer jag att kunna uppdatera som vanligt. Jag har inte sett MMA 2011 än, men på lördag går den en repris så då kan jag uppdatera mig... :)


Dagens video


Kristen presenterar 'Man of the year' på Glamour UK Awards


Garrett Hedlund pratar om Kristen


Nina Dobrev pratar om Twilight


Dagens bild


Glamour UK Awards - bilder

Fler bilder hittar du [här].

Stylisten Tara Swennen pratar om Kristens stil på MMA

Day to day she is a jeans and Converse girl,she loves plaid shirts, her Ray-Bans, and tank tops, her style is very effortless — she’s a laid-back girl.”
“She’s more of the ‘vintage shopping on the weekend’ type than anything else,To be honest, I have wanted her in Balmain for years, we just haven’t been able to find the right dress for her. I think it’s a great brand for her and it compliments her personality. I want her to be comfortable, and she manages to pull off the look so well. God bless her for even putting the heels on for just a minute. We looked over all of her sneakers and decided that the Vans were the best ones to wear."
Läs hela intervjun med Tara [här].

Nicki Minaj tycker att Kristen är söt


Bilder när Kristen anlände till London imorse - 7 juni


Kristen kommer att gå på Glamour UK Awards ikväll


Bilder på Kristen från LAX - 6 juni

Igår kväll syntes Kristen tillsammans med sin livvakt på LAX (Los Angeles flygplats) för att troligen flyga till London och gå på Glamour UK Awards som är ikväll.


Dagens bild


Robert om hur Kristen såg ut i bröllopsklänningen


Justin Bieber väljer mellan Twilight och Harry Potter


MTV Movie Awards - vinster

Best Kiss
Best Female Performance
Best Movie
Introducing "Breaking Dawn"-trailer


Kristen och Robert anländer till efterfesten

Robert Pattinson
and Kristen Stewart may have avoided walking the red carpet together at last night's MTV Movie Awards but they couldn't be apart for long! The pair sneaked out of the Chateau Marmont following the awards ceremony and headed to teh exclusive Soho House by limousine for the after party.

The on and off screen couple changed out of their awards outfits and into their preferred casual attire of jeans and t-shirts. Robsten were joined by a group of friends and they all jumped into the limo and drove to the party together. Surprise surprise, the paparazzi were awaiting to try and catch a glimpse of the notoriously shy Twilight Saga stars.

MTV Movie Awards - bilder från röda mattan

Många fler bilder hittar du [här].

"Breaking Dawn" teaser-trailern i HD-kvalité


MTV Movie Awards - vinster

Best Female Performance
Kristen Stewart
Best Male Performance
Robert Pattinson
Best Kiss
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson
Best Fight
Bryce Dallas Howard & Xavier Samuel mot Robert Pattinson
Best Movie
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

InStyle analyserar förhandstitten på BD-trailern

everywhere are already setting their DVRs for Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, which will premiere the first clip from "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1". Just to bait us a little more, MTV released a 15-second teaser for Sunday's big reveal. It's a snapshot of Bella and Edward's gorgeous wedding day, and while it's only a snippet, there's much to be learned! Here are the wedding facts we derived:

• BELLA'S DRESS: Bella's wedding dress is long-sleeved and fitted at the top.

• HAIR ACCESSORIES: Bella's hair is pulled back into a vintage-style comb with blue and white crystals at the top of her veil. We know from the book this is most likely her "something borrowed" from her parents. "'Something old, too. They were your Grandma Swan's,' Charlie added. 'We had a jeweler replace the paste stones with sapphires.' Inside the box were two heavy silver hair combs. Dark blue sapphires were clustered into intricate floral shapes atop the teeth." - Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

• THE MAN: Edward looks entirely too handsome in his tuxedo waiting for Bella under the gorgeous arch of flowers.

• NO MANICURE: Bella opted to leave her nails polish-less.

• IT'S OUTSIDE: The setting for the nuptials is just as Bella describes it in the book, except they moved it outside the Cullen home. "I was distracted by the profusion of white blossoms that hung in garlands from everything in the room... dripping with long lines of white gossamer ribbons. But I tore my eyes from the bowery canopy and searched across the rows of satin-draped chairs... until I found him at last, standing before an arch overflowing with more flowers." - Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.


Dagens bild



Chaske Spencer tycker Kristen är trevlig


You've stuck up for Kristen Stewart in interviews before. Why do you think the media is so hard on her?

I don't know why. People need to back off her. She's really a nice girl. I just don't think she's into the whole game. I kind of feel that way too in the sense that, "Why do I have to keep selling myself to the media to watch a movie? Why can't you just look at the work?" I think she does that and she's a really nice person. If you sit down and have coffee with her or chill out with her one-on-one or in a group, she's really a cool person. I tip my hat to her for not catering to the media. Because in the end, we're just actors. We like to work. We like to be other people. That's what we do. We're not celebrities. That's the thing. I don't think she wants to be a celebrity. She's not a reality show star. She's just a person who wants to work as an actress. People need to back off from her.



Sittplatserna för MMA 2011



Dagens video


Filmtips: "The cake eaters" på TV1000 Family

Vid midnatt (idag, torsdag) visar TV1000 Family "The cake eaters" klockan 23.00.



Dagens bild


Sorry att vi glömde dagens bild igår....


Tillbaka på måndag

Det är inte bara Kimberly som ska bort utan även jag (Erica). Jag är borta fram tills på måndag men jag kikar nog in med någon uppdatering då och då, hoppas jag. Även jag har haft mycket i skolan på senaste tiden och även nästa vecka då jag har ett prov dagen innan skolavslutningen men sen är det sommarlov! Det är alltså bara att hänga i.

Uppdateringarna från min sida blir normala från och med måndag alltså.

Glöm inte att rösta på Kristen i MMA

Endast 3 dagar kvar att rösta nu, så passa på!
Glöm inte att gå in [här] och rösta på Kristen, hennes co-stars och The Twilight Saga: EclipseMTV Movie Awards.
[Best Female Performance]
Kristen Stewart 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

[Best Kiss]
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'
Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'

[Best Movie]
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Klicka på respektive kategorier för att rösta!

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