"Twilight"-castet evekuerade pågrund av säkerhetsskäl
Jordbävningen som mätte 8.8 på richerskalan som skedde utanför Japans kust 06.45 imorse har även påverkat kusterna kring USA, Kanada, Sydamerika och Alaska som nu evakuerats under dagen.
People Magazine har meddelat att Breaking Dawn-skådespelarna evakuerats mest pågrund av säkerhetsskäl från Summit Entertainments sida. Så det är alltså ingen fara med dem utan alla mår bra men inspelningana kan bli lite fördröjda. Den officiella sidan för Twilight på Facebook har även meddelat detta: "Due to the tsunami advisory, filming of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn has been delayed. All cast and crew were evacuated to the movie production's base camp. Everyone is safe and sound."
"With Hawaii and the North American West Coast placed on tsunami advisories early Friday after an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck in Japan, the Vancouver Island beach area in British Columbia where Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart and the rest of the Wolf Pack are filming the Twilight series' Breaking Dawn has been evacuated. The actors are not believed to be in any danger, but for safety measures they apparently have been moved out of the region. The town where production is taking place, Tofino, contains a long stretch of open coast on the furthest westerly point of the island and was seen in the earlier The Twilight Saga: New Moon." skriver People Magazine.