Ny/Gamla bilder från Sundance 2004
Dålig uppdatering..
Jag vill bara be om ursäkt för en kass uppdatering från min (Kimberly) sida. Men förra veckan var sista riktiga skolveckan för mig så det har varit mycket i skolan, och jag har mest bara uppdaterat när jag har haft tid. Jag tror att Erica har haft mycket att göra i skolan med. Men, ah. Alla känner väl igen sig i det. Och denna vecka blir det inte bättre, för jag flyger till London ikväll. Jag vet inte om jag kommer uppdatera när jag är borta, men vi får se. Annars får Erica klara sig själv. Och de gör hon så bra. :)
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Ny/Gamla bilder från visning av "New Moon" 2009 - HQ

Catherine Hardwicke om Kristens MMA-nomineringar

The third "Twilight" flick is up for eight Golden Popcorn statues this year, and given the series' past record, Twi-hards probably don't have to worry too much about its chances. The director of the first "Twilight" flick, Catherine Hardwicke, says she is not surprised that people are still as frenzied about the movies as they were back in 2008.
"Well, I think it's great. I love it that people are so passionate about it and that people are really into it and following the characters," she told MTV News when we chatted with her about the June 14 DVD release of "Red Riding Hood", which she also directed. "I think it's a great tribute, obviously, to what [author] Stephenie Meyer created. ... Rob and Kristen and everybody's been able to just keep it going and keep people loving it all this time, and, of course, all the directors, everybody. I think it's awesome. It's great."
Stewart is nominated in the Best Kiss category for locking lips with both Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson. So which kiss does the director think she should win for? "Maybe it can be a tie? That would be perfect! I think [that's] the safest solution to this problem," she laughed.
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McFly tycker Kristen är mystisk
Tom: Mystisk
Harry: Mystisk vacker!
Översättning av Kimberly, om du änvänder denna text länka till [stewartdaily.tk]
Filmtips: "The Runaways" på CANAL+ Drama
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10 child actors who have turned into the biggest stars

Vi vet alla vad den här tjejen är känd för idag, men Bella började sin karriär som elvaåriga Sarah i thrillern Panic Room.
Översättning gjord av Erica. Kopierar du så länka till [stewartdaily.tk].
Make up-artisten Beau Nelson twittrar om Kristen
Glöm inte att rösta på Kristen i MMA

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MTV Movie Awards promo med Jason Sudeikis
Ny bild på Kristen med ett fan i London igår
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Classic couture to casual red carpet moments

Ny/Gammal video från promon för "The Runaways"
Ny/Gammal video från promon för "Zathura"
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Taylor berättar att Kristen var upprörd
Vid 4.25
Filmtips: "What just happened" på TV4 Film
Celebuzz skriver att Kristen kommer närvara vid MMA

So what's next for Rob and Kristen? The MTV Movie Awards are in Los Angeles on June 5 where sources close to the show tell us Stewart will attend. Rob will also likely be there as long as no last minute Cosmopolis conflicts come up
Den första postern för "Breaking Dawn"
Garrett Hedlund pratar om Kristen
Kristen på Heathrow flygplats imorse - 24 maj

Kristen Stewart was in her round sunglasses this morning when she touched down at Heathrow airport. She's in boyfriend Robert Pattinson's hometown of London for a few days, following a couple low-key weeks of rest after wrapping up work on Breaking Dawn. The end of shooting the Twilight series didn't offer much rest for Robert, who was then busy promoting Water For Elephants with costar Reese Witherspoon. Kristen was there to support him at various stops on the press tour and with kisses at the big NYC premiere. She stuck around the Big Apple afterward to hit up this year's Met Ball in a black and red Proenza Schouler number, and was later seen leaving the Bowery Hotel with her and Robert's rescue dog, Bear.
Se mer bilder [här].
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Filmtips: "New Moon" på TV1000 Drama
Ikväll (tisdag) visas "New Moon" på TV1000 Drama klockan 21.00
De 5 mest minnesvärda kyssarna på event

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Willam Hurt pratar om att jobba med Kristen
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Ny/Gamla bilder från 'The Today Show' 2009 - HQ

Sam Claflin: "She is THE moviestar pretty much"

Sam: Well, I auditioned for it a while ago, but it just became sort of official like not yesterday, but the day before. I found out a while ago but the offer was there and I'm, you know, very excited about getting sort of my teeth stuck into something new as well.
When you audition for these big parts, are there kind of a group of guys that you know are also going to end up reading for it?
Sam: I've never bumped into another guy. But Max Irons is a guy I keep sort of seeing around and as much as I love him, I hate him because he usually beats me to it, but I know he's an incredible actor and I'm honored to know that I'm even being considered next to him, you know, and it's, I'm very lucky to sort of be in these rooms with these amazing actors, you know. I'm very, very blessed.
Sam: I've screen tested with Amanda Seyfried during "Red Riding Hood". And Astrid, and I think, that's it, really.
You didn't with Kristen for "Snow White"?
Sam: No. No. I didn’t. Unfortunately not.
Sam: No.
Have you met her?
Sam: No. I'm excited to because I'm a big fan of hers.
(I'm genuinely shocked. Can you tell?) That's crazy that they cast and you guys haven't even met each other.
Sam: It's a bit crazy.
It says good things that they think highly enough of you to hire you without basically doing a chemistry test.
Sam: Yeah, I trust the director's judgment. I mean, he seems like a genius to me, so I think he knows what he's doing. I hope he knows what he's doing. But I've heard such amazing thing about Kristen. I have a feeling that there's no way that we wouldn't get on, you know, I'd like to think like that anyway. But she's apparently rumored to be actually amazing. I have a few friends who know her personally and one friend who did "The Yellow Handkerchief" with her, so not a bad word said, so.
Yeah, so I saw her a bit when she was little, around 12 or so, yeah. And she went from being a child actor and kid's movies (like "Catch That Kid") to where she is now.
Sam: She is THE movie star pretty much of the minute and she's incredible as well. I mean, I just recently watched "The Runaways" and also I love her in "Into The Wild" as well as, you know, obviously, "The Twilight Saga" but I'm very, very excited.
Are you going to be an English prince or an American prince? Do you know?
Sam: I have no idea, actually. I auditioned with an English accent.
Kristen på #3 på Glamour UK's lista 'Best dressed woman of 2011"

Up 17.We've seen her evolve from awkward teen to style queen, rocking a host of different dresses in the past year alone, and nailing red-carpet cool.
Ny/Gammal intervju för Westwood One
Sam Claflin: "She's truly an amazing actress"

SC: I’m so excited, from the very beginning of the meetings where I met with the director (Rupert Sanders), he is a genius. I was shown the artwork and some of the costume ideas and the vision. I later saw a three minute trailer that he had put together. He truly is an absolute genius. I have a feeling it is going to be a very special experience.
JJ: Are you excited to work alongside Kristen Stewart?
SC: Oh yeah, I’m a big fan of hers. Not that long ago I watched The Runaways, she’s truly an amazing actress. Even seeing her in Into the Wild, I’m a big fan and the opportunity to work with her will be amazing.
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Egengjord fanvideo. Hoppas ni gillar den! :P
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Ny/gammal video från inspelningen av "Adventureland"
Garett Hedlund om att jobba med Kristen i "On the Road"
Jennifer Lawrence om att träffa Kristen
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Ny/gamla bilder från "49th Annual Grammy Awards Radio Roundtables"
Celebrity Stylists' Top 10 Summer Essentials
Tidningen Instyle har gjort en lista på 10 saker man måste ha till sommaren. En av dem inspirerade är Kristen, med sin neon-gula korta kjol som hon bara på en av många ''Eclipse''-premiärer hon var på förra sommaren.
Celebrity Stylists' Top 10 Summer Essentials
Neon Mini
"Color-blocking is the perfect way to jumpstart an outfit. Pair a loud neon mini with layered printed tanks or fun color combinations for a unique and playful look."
—Tara Swennen, stylist to Lauren Conrad, Kristen Stewart, Gabrielle Union and Paula Patton
Tinsel Korey nämner Kristen
Vid 2:15
Billy Burke om Bellas bröllop

Billy: You know what? It wasn't so much that it was emotional. Those days we were shooting the wedding, in all honesty, there was something about them that brought stuff up not only in me, but in other people on the set. Something that was visceral. We ended up saying "this is kinda weird isn't it?" I can't explain what it was, it wasn't like my daughter was getting married, but there was definitely something that was quite touching going on.
Twilightish: Were you ever Team Jacob? Or do you think Charlie would have chosen Edward between the two?
Billy: I have never played that game. I suppose had I ever read the books I may have had a stronger opinion, but I just don't care. Sorry!! It's not my thing. I think Taylor and Rob are great guys but I don't get into the fantasy world of picking a favorite boy character.
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Erica uppdaterar inte i helgen
Glöm inte att rösta på Kristen i MMA

Sam Claflin: "She seems to be an absolute legend of a girl"

Sam: No!
Movieline: So there was no chemistry read, you were cast separately for your roles?
Sam: No, but from my understanding she seems like an absolute legend of a girl. I have a friend who worked with her, my friend Eddie Redmayne, and he says she’s really down to earth, really talented. She’s so talented, I’m a big fan of hers. So fingers crossed there’ll be chemistry. But no, I didn’t have the opportunity to meet her, which is a bit of a shame.
Kellan Lutz om sin favoritscen i "Breaking Dawn"
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Filmtips: "The Cake Eaters" på TV1000 Family
Missa inte det, den är jättebra!

Läs om filmen [här].
Sam Claflin: "I'm looking forward to it"
Sam spelar prinsen i Snow White and the Huntsman.
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Kristen på Forbes lista "The World's Most Powerful Celebrities"
Ny/Gammal bild från Sundance Film festival 2004
Filmtips: "The Runaways" på Canal First
Ny/Gamla bilder på Kristen från "Eclipse"-premiären
Clevver TV: Om Kristens och Lily Collins Snövit-filmer
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David Slade twittrar om Kristen
Första postern för "On the Road"
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Glöm inte att rösta på Kristen i MMA

Kristen: "Vampires are sexy"

"Vampyrer är väldigt sexiga," medger Stewart, enligt Bang Showbiz. "Jag tror det är för att de är menade att locka till dig till en punkt där de kan döda dig." förklarade hon. "Det är som en förbjuden frukt."
Nytt release-datum för Snow White and the Huntsman

UNIVERSAL CITY, CA, May 15, 2011 – Universal Pictures announced today that its epic action-adventure Snow White and the Huntsman will make a bold move into the early summer movie season with its new release date of June 1, 2012. The much anticipated film stars Twilight’s Kristen Stewart, Academy Award® winner Charlize Theron, Thor’s Chris Hemsworth and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ Sam Claflin.
This breathtaking new vision of the legendary tale from Joe Roth, the producer of Alice in Wonderland, and acclaimed commercial director and state-of-the-art visualist Rupert Sanders (Halo 3 campaign) had originally been set for release in late December of next year. With adjustments to the production timeline, however, the film will now be ready for a summer 2012 release date.
In Snow White and the Huntsman, Stewart plays the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen (Theron) who is out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the one girl threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman (Hemsworth) who was dispatched to kill her. Claflin plays the prince long enchanted by Snow White's beauty and power.
“As Rupert and Joe were finalizing casting and preproduction of Snow White and the Huntsman, we realized that the ambitious and fully-formed world they had promised was blowing away all expectations,” said Universal Chairman Adam Fogelson and Co-Chairman Donna Langley in a joint statement. “We’re thrilled that Universal will be bringing this singular version of a timeless story almost seven months earlier than anticipated.”
Jodie Foster är en utav Kristens favoritskådespelerskor

Kristen’s influences don’t only come from her professional peers, she also is a huge music fan and admits her favourite artists have had an effect on her.
She added: “I’m a bit of an old soul when it comes to my musical tastes. My all-time favourite song is ‘Madame George’ by Van Morrison. That song never gets old to me. There’s something comforting and raw about it.”
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113 nya outtakes från ELLE UK

"On the Road" kommer till Sverige

Pic was nabbed by Alliance Films for Canada, Noble Entertainment, Future Film and Star Media Entertainment for Scandinavia and Rosebud for Greece.
"On the Road" has already been picked up by Icon (U.K., Australia), Cineart (Benelux), Telemuenchen (Germany, Austria), Medusa (Italy), Filmcoopi (Switzerland), and Falcon (Middle East).
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Chris Hemsworth bekräftat som 'the Huntsman' i Snow White

Jamie Campbell: "Kristen's someone I've admired for ages"
Kristen Stewart: ''I love Vancouver!''

Kristen Stewart fell in love with Vancouver while she was shooting the 'Twilight' movies.
The 21-year-old actress - who recently finished filming the final scenes for the two 'Breaking Dawn' movies in the city and Squamish, British Columbia - admits it was a great experience to shoot in the Canadian city because it has so much natural beauty.
She said: "We shot most of the 'Twilight' series in Vancouver. I fell in love with it - it's such a beautiful city. I found the climate so different from what I'm used to in Los Angeles. The air is clean and fresh and there are beautiful mountain views everywhere. But I didn't get to go out as much as I would have liked."
Vancouver isn't the only place to have captured her heart during the filming of the vampire movie franchise.
Kristen - who is dating her co-star Robert Pattinson - also loved shooting the second movie in the series in Italy and she especially enjoyed the European country's food.
She explained to new! magazine: "When we shot 'Twilight: New Moon' in Italy, I tried all different kinds of pasta dishes - Alfredo, fettuccine with cream, basil and Romano cheese - and gnocchi with seafood. I suddenly took an interest in cooking. It was amazing! It's now my favourite cuisine."
Källa och bildkälla
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Reese Witherspoon: "I'm friends with his girlfriend'
MTV's lista över 'Memorable Style Moments'

Character Name: Bella Swan
Memorable Style Moments: Kristen Stewart's just got good genes and that youthful insouciance where she looks cool no matter where she's at or what she's wearing. Her hair, even in a braided sweep, always has the correct number of stray pieces, and regardless of what color her tresses are it never looks like it required too much effort. Whether in single-sleeved sequins and feathers from Elie Saab that created a FUHRENZY or an architectural bodice with see-through "illusion skirt" hemline by none other than Chanel (whoa, waaaay early on that trend, right?) or a immensely ornate appliqued, skintight mini Roland Mouret dress, K. Stew keeps us on our toes with an unexpected curveball and reveals a confidence that makes us 0.0034 percent OK-er with the fact that her boyfriend is insanely, unfairly, ridiculously gorgeous.
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Booboo Stewart pratar om Kristen
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Jamie Campbell om Kristen och Robert i Glamour UK

Jamie: Terrible, the guy's an idiot.
GLAMOUR.COM: And Kristen?
JAMIE: An idiot as well, they're both awful. No, I love working with them, they're both incredible actors and Kristen's someone I've admired for ages since I first saw her in Panic Room I've thought she was wonderful and Rob is someone who mutual friends of mine now know as well, so it's nice to be able to work with people that you can get along with.
Q: Do you socialise with them a lot?
JAMIE: When we were filming we did a lot, but they're working a lot and they have to go everywhere, they don't really have a home, you know. Well I suppose a hotel would be a home...
Robert fick tips på vad man kan göra i Sydney av Kristen
Kristen i Bravo Magazine - Tyskland
Ny/Gamla behind the scenes-bilder från "Speak"

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Kristen vann 'Best Female Acting' på MIFF

Sam Claflin pratar om Kristen
Universal har erbjudit Chris Hemsworth rollen som jägaren

But behind the scenes, prior to "Thor's" big weekend opening, Universal Pictures had been quietly courting the Aussie for his next big part.
That foresight appears to have paid off: Universal is now in talks with Hems-worth to play the male lead in "Snow White and the Huntsman," a rolethat for months has cycled through a revolving door of top leading men, including Viggo Mortensen, Hugh Jackman and Joel Edgerton. In Hemsworth, however, "Huntsman" gets a fresh face, hot off a starmaking turn, to play opposite "Twilight" thesp Kristen Stewart.
His casting gives the project a boost in the face of competing "Snow White" pics from Relativity(which comes six months earlier) and Disney (undated). Universal declined to comment.
Though buzz around Hemsworth built over weeks leading up to "Thor," no studio had taken advantage of his empty slate - until Universal came calling. The studio had no trouble nailing down stars Stewart and Charlize Theron since winning the bidding war on the "Huntsman" spec last fall, but has struggled to hook a male lead.
The 52-year-old Mortensen was the first to get an offer, but protracted negotations fizzled. Jackman (42) also passed, and the studio also showed interest in Joel Edgerton (37) while he was vying for "The Bourne Legacy." At 27, Hemsworth is considerably younger than previous candidates, but sources tell Variety that he can play much older, while Sam Clafin, who plays the prince and Snow White's love interest, plays much younger.
The story revolves around the relationship between the title character and the huntsman, who's ordered to kill the heroine by the evil queen (Theron). In this version, the huntsman decides intstead to help the girl escape, becoming her protector and mentor.
With only the role of the queen's henchman, Finn, yet to be cast, it looks as if project is on schedule to hits its September start date, with an eye toward a December 2012 bow.
Meanwhile, Hemsworth is about to start filming "Avengers," which looked at one point like it could present a scheduling conflict with "Huntsman" - though now that the offer's on the table, it appears they've worked out timing issues.
Sam Claflin: "I'm a big fan"
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Sam Clafin om "Snow White"
Ny/Gamla outtakes från ELLE UK
Clevver TV: Om Kristens stil
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Vem bar den bäst?
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Daglig skönhetstips från InStyle
Polished Skin and Nude Lips
"Kristen Stewart was wearing a stunning Proenza Schouler gown and she and the designers decided they wanted a striking smoky eye with a nude lip," makeup artist Beau Nelson said of the star's 2011 MET Ball look. Of course, the perfect canvas is the start to a flawless face. "I started by applying a silky, lightweight foundation with a synthetic brush in a circular motion to give her skin an even, radiant glow." (Synthetic brushes tend to be less irritating than natural ones, and they last longer.) Nelson swirled foundation on Stewart's lips to blot out their natural color before tapping a moisturizing lipstick on her mouth for a warm nude finish.
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Ny/Gammal video när Kristen och Rob filmar "Breaking Dawn"
Sam Claflin om Kristen och "Snow White"

“I’m excited to work with Kristen,” the 24-year-old British actor, who’ll be playing her love interest, added.
Jaimie Alexander twittrar om Kristen
Sam Claflin är ett fan av Kristens jobb
When MTV caught up with Claflin and his "Pirates" co-star Astrid Berges-Frisbey recently, we asked the young actor about working with Stewart.
"I'm very excited," he said. "I'm a big fan of her work. I'm truly sort of flabbergasted - that's a good word, I love that."
"She's lucky," Berges-Frisbey chimed in about Claflin.
"No, I'm very lucky," Claflin said with a smile. "Very, very lucky."
"They are really lucky [to have him]," Berges-Frisbey continued. "Because Sam is such a good actor and such a good partner. He's really generous."
"I'm just looking forward to getting my teeth into something new as well," Claflin said. "I've never had so much fun [as I did] doing ['Pirates'], working with Astrid and all the other actors. Being able to get my teeth into something new is something I'm really looking forward to."
Based on the legendary fairy tale, "Snow White and the Hunstman" follows the titular princess after the evil queen Ravenna calls for her death, centering on the huntsman who disobeys orders and allows the fair maiden to live. The updated story will break from convention by having the huntsman mentor and train Snow White to fight off Ravenna herself. The evil queen will be played by Charlize Theron, and the search is on for a new huntsman - the current rumored contender being "Thor" star Chris Hemsworth.
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Ashley Greene och Kristen festade ihop på MET-galan's efterfest
Breaking Dawn stars Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene have always seemed fond of each other, but we had no clue they were such good friends! HollywoodLife.com spoke to a source who attended the Met Ball after-party on the 18th floor of The Standard Hotel in NYC’s Meatpacking District, and they reveal that Ashley and Kristen had a great time together!“Kristen spent most of the night hanging out with the designers of her dress [Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez],” says our source. “But she was having cocktails and laughing with Ashley too.”
Ashley and K-Stew had been spotted eating at NYC’s trendy Italian restaurant Scarpetta just a few days earlier!
At least Kristen is keeping her mind off her man Robert Pattinson while he’s promoting Water For Elephants in Europe. Rob was spotted partying late-night with Sienna Miller and Tom Sturridge at the super swank Home House Private Members Club after the London premiere.
Ny still från "Breaking Dawn" - HQ
Filmtips: "Twilight" på SVT1
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Kristen på #13 på FHM's '100 sexiest women in the world 2011"
Hair trend alert: Totally '90s!

Sam Claflin har fått rollen som prinsen i Snövit

Ny/Gamla bilder från Montepulciano, Italien
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Massa plugg
Ursäkta att jag (Kimberly) inte har uppdaterar så mycket det senaste dagarna, men just nu har jag massa plugg i skolan. Och då måste jag prioritera skolan före bloggen. Men det blir nog bättre i helgen, hoppas jag... Hoppas ni förstår..
Kristen rastar Bear i New York - 4 maj

Robert: "Kristen loved the wedding scene"

- "I do quite a few scenes with a baby and that's quite odd. It's so different in those movies because we were doing it with a real baby. But it was fun."
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Jodie Foster: "These actress are amazing"

Jodie Foster: These actresses are amazing. They're great, and their feet are firmly entrenched in drama, which is very nice to see. It is definitely an answer to all those people who say being a young actress in Hollywood will make you crazy. These are very well-adjusted people we're talking about. Their experiences will be very different from mine; it was a different world when I was growing up. News and entertainment were two different compartments, you didn't have the mad reality show mentality about celebrities then, and actresses that were 17 or 18 weren't really worth a lot, financially. It's only recently that young actresses have become a hot commodity in film.
Video när Kristen lämnat Met Galans efterfest
Ashley Greene nämner Kristen
Kristen nominerad till MTV Movie Awards

Kristen Stewart 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'
[Best Kiss]
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse'
Kristen på lista över Glamour's bäst klädda kvinnor 2011

Met Galan 2011 - bilder från efterfesten
''Kristen jeans''

Använder du denna bild länka till [stewartdaily.tk]
Omröstning på Hollywood Life's omröstning 'Best dressed'

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Met Galan 2011 - videos
Met Galan 2011 - bilder
Kristen kommer bära en Proenza Schouler på MET Gala

Still-bilder från "Breaking Dawn" nu i HQ
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Adir Abergel blir Kristens hårstylist för MET-galan imorgon

Förstörde Kristen kemin i "Water for Elephants"?

He goes on: "When they finally make love in a scene that is so dimly lighted you can hardly see them, it has all the heat of a kissy-poo game of spin the bottle played by 11-year-olds."
So with all this lack of chemistry, is it possible the actors' personal lives are affecting their work? Not only was Reese Witherspoon in the midst of planning her wedding to Jim Toth while filming Water for Elephants, but Robert Pattinson is rumored to be with his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, and is further rumored to be uncommonly devoted to her.
Rob and Kristen are notoriously cagey about the nature of their relationship. Not even Oprah Winfrey could get a straight answer out of them. But if the rumors are true Rob and Kristen share a deep bond that could affect the still young actor's ability to play a romantic lead for any other woman.
Hopefully with time Rob's emotions will settle down comfortably and he'll be able to feel secure in his relationship and still play the part of a man madly in love with his co-star, but for now he doesn't seem up to the challenge. Even Reese Witherspoon has admitted their love scenes were a "disappointment." We'll hope for better in the future.