Kristens intervju med Milenio Magazine - Mexico

It seems as thought you’re not very happy with your new found celebrity status.
Happy? I don’t know. No. I’m not, I’m mean it’s not bad, but I don’t enjoy being the center of attention. When we have a red carpet and there’s fans screaming, I get extremely nervous. Why do they do that? I can’t understand the attention, and how sometimes reality and a movie can’t be told apart. I’m not Bella. And the truth is, I’m very very shy, and I’d rather not go through some of that stuff.
Do you read what the tabloids write about you?No. That’s just a way to make yourself go crazy. When the first movie came out I did read stuff, I googled myself often, I was curious. I ended up reading a bunch of stories about me that were not true, and it was awful. I mean, even if half of that stuff was true, or even less than that was true, that would mean I’m a pretty terrible person (laughs). So I decided to stay away from all of that, because in the end people are going to write whatever they they want. I prefer to not get pissed off.
Friends like Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner? You’re one envied girl.
(Laughs). We spend so much time together on set that I think it’s normal to hang out together afterwards, and try to have fun. We’re young and we need to release stress sometimes (laughs).
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