Kristen och Robert's intervju med Access Hollywood
Access Hollywood interviewed Stewart and Robert Pattinson about the first part of the final chapter of the film series, and Stewart said that Pattinson’s character is “terrified” of Bella having a child by him.
“Bella obviously wants to have the baby and Edward is just terrified of it and thinks it will destroy her and thinks that she’s ridiculous for thinking she’s strong enough to have a vampire baby,” she said. ‘He thinks it’s just like Satan’s spawn, because that’s how he feels about himself.”
However, I’m no Twi-hard. If you are a Twi-hard, you might be interested in reading the full interview with Pattinson and Stewart, and tell me why Edward is more worried than I think he is in the comments section below.
Du kan som sagt läsa hela intervjun [här]
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