Kristen på Glamour's november omslag + intervjun med Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer: So we’ve finally split up after spending the last several years working together. And yet the first movie I go to do [Austenland, starring Kurt Russell], you follow me to the same studio. Are you stalking me?
Kristen Stewart: [Laughs] Yes, I really am. I’m trying to get into your next films.
SM: I remember when we were shooting the wedding scene in Breaking Dawn–I was losing it because we were so sleep-deprived at that point.
KS: Yeah, the last night… I was exhausted, and it’s funny, Rob [Pattinson] was actually way more energetic than I was at the end of it.
SM: How emotional were you filming the final scenes?
KS: Even thinking about it now kind of freaks me out. On the final night of filming, I was literally pulling out my hair and crying and having to walk away for a second because my voice wasn’t working anymore.
SM: It was a big moment. Being there, you could feel that … And I have to say, you embrace Bella so much.
KS: I like Bella so much. In order to play a part like that, you have to believe in every crazy decision that she makes.
SM: What kind of characters do you gravitate toward?
KS: It is such a gut instinct. I’ve yet to play anybody who I don’t really love.
SM: It took a while before I could kind of step back and say, OK, it’s over. [Laughs.] It’s a long time to do one thing!
KS: And the experience of watching is always so strange. I watched this one with Taylor [Lautner] for the first time. It was really fun.
SM: Who can not like Taylor?
KS: No! I mean, definitely! And it’s fun to watch it with him because we actually sit and watch it. Me and Taylor are actual Twilight fans, so we can sit there and be totally into it! Whereas I sit there with Rob… he likes it, but he has just such a different energy.
SM: Oh, Rob and Taylor have completely different energy! Watching it with Taylor, you feel afraid that you’ll get ice down the back of your neck or a grape in your face.
KS: Totally.