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Soundtracket till "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" är klart!
Förhandslyssna på Bruno Mars "It Will Rain"
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Hela soundtracket till "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" avslöjas på måndag
The entire tracklist for the "Breaking Dawn" set will become available on the "Twilight Saga" Facebook page and Twitter on Monday (Sept. 26).
Mars made the announcement on his own website, with the single artwork, posted below.
Just this week, rumors began to swirl that the film's co-star Robert Pattinson would be contributing music to the soundtrack. As we previously surmised, Muse may contribute again, considering the British band contributed tracks to all of the other sets.
And if Summit/Chop Shop/Atlantic want to keep a trend going, every song on "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" will be an exclusive contribution, meaning they're songs or remixes unavailable anywhere else.
"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" will be released on Nov. 8
Bruno Mars: "I'm team Bella all day"
Tdigare i veckan fick man reda på att Bruno Mars nya låt "It Will Rain" skulle bli en av låtarna på "Breaking Dawn: Part 1"-soundtracket. I en intervju med Billboard.com berättar han om låten och hur han kom på den, och att han kan tänka sig att jobba med Robert Pattinson i framtiden.
Just hours after it was announced that Bruno Mars' "It Will Rain" would be the first single from the "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" soundtrack, he was already talking about going to the movie's premiere.
"Do I wear a Team Jacob shirt or a Team Edward shirt?," jokes the singer/songwriter. "You know what? I'm Team Bella all day."
Co-written and produced with the Smeezingtons (Mars, Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine), Mars had been working on what would become "It Will Rain" on the road before getting the call to contribute to the soundtrack. He says "after seeing the movie, I thought that it would be a perfect fit."
"It Will Rain" will be released globally on Sept. 27, for sale exclusively via iTunes (save for in the U.K., which will get the song in early November). On Sept. 26, the full tracklist for the Summit/Chop Shop/Atlantic album, due Nov. 8, will be revealed.
Mars says that "the 'Twilight' movies for me (are) a love story. But it's a dark love story. And I think the best way to describe the song is: it's the darker side of love. I think that pretty much sums it up."
"It Will Rain" "started off with me and the guitar," Mars says, "and I just had this melody in my head and basically laid it down after I saw the film."
Lucky Mars got to see "most of the movie" so he "could catch the vibe and feel where they were going with it." But, he doesn't know (or won't divulge) where the song will be heard in the film itself. "I have no idea! As long as it's not after the credits. I hope it's in a good (scene)!"
Mars says that "It Will Rain" is intended just for the "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" soundtrack and not for his own on-the-horizon second album. "I personally think if I did this for the 'Twilight' soundtrack, then this is for the 'Twilight' soundtrack," he says. "This is not for my album."
His first album, "Doo-Wops & Hooligans," debuted and peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard 200 in 2010 and has sold 1.3 million copies in the U.S. according to Nielsen SoundScan. The first two "Twilight" soundtracks hit No. 1 on the Billboard 200, while the third, "Eclipse," reached No. 2 last year. Collectively, they have shifted 4.5 million in the U.S.
Could we possibly see a collaboration in the future between Mars and "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson? The latter has been in the news after rumors started swirling about how he was working on his own album. (Turns out, he's not "working on an album right now.")
Don't rule it out: "Why not?," Mars says. "I'm down for anyone that wants to work and thinks I can contribute."
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"On the Road"-traliern visades på en fransk privat visning igår
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Ny/gammal video från Berlin- 19/6 2010
US weekly- Fall's leading ladies
Taylor Lautner om Kristen som vampyr i "Breaking Dawn"
What could be more dramatic than Isabella Swan’s transformation from clumsy love struck teen to powerful vampire vixen in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn? If you are like me, you are probably wondering if Kristen Stewart’s on-screen make over will be as dazzling and spectacular as the one in the book.
Why don’t we check and see if Stewart’s hunky co-star Taylor Lautner can give us a taste of what lies ahead as Bella Cullen poises to kick some Volturi butt? Check out our Twilight video of the day just below.
A scruffy Taylor says he has already seen the finished Breaking Dawn, part one film. He is as well spoken and articulate as ever in the Access Hollywood interview. Lautner credits director Bill Condon for the unique dynamic of the film. He calls Bella as a vampire, in a word, “Hot.” He reminds fans how many changes occur in this chapter of the series. Readers of the book know Edward Cullen will have to face the terrors of fatherhood, Jacob Black will tango with the prospect of becoming alpha wolf or lone wolf, Rosalie will remember what she gave up most as an immortal and poor Charlie, he’ll give away his only daughter. Breaking Dawn takes over theaters this November.
Taylor Lautner: "Kristen Stewart is really cute and cool"
Twilight’s Taylor Lautner revealed he thinks Kristen Stewart is really cute & cool. Twilight Saga,Jacob star recently chatted with the LA Times,and revealed some interesting, new details about his co-star Kristen Stewart’s personality. She’s apparently really cool and supportive as well as shy and awkward. However, Taylor thinks it’s all really cute.
Taylor said,when Kristen gets nervous, she gets shy and quiet,and “I find it very cute. And then I think I over-exaggerate with smiling and laughing. ” He went on to reveal that Kristen was very supportive when they presented at the Oscars.
Taylor started feeling very nervous,and Kristen told him, “it’s gonna be ok,just breathe.” It sounds like Kristen is a pretty cool chick and interesting to be around. In related news,she’s currently filming her new “Snow White and the Huntsman” flick in London,England.
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Kort intervju från "This Morning"
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"Breaking Dawn" får 13-årsgräns i USA
Nu är det offiellt att i USA får filmen "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" en åldersgräns "PG-13" alltså 13 år. Vaf filmen får föråldersgräns i Sverige är fortfarande inte klart. Men eftersom att 13-årsgräns inte finns så får den antaligen 11-eller 15-årsgräns. Vi kommer meddela på bloggen när det är bestämt.
Maybe it isn't that big a surprise to some or most, but it is official that Summit Entertainment's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, directed by Bill (Dreamgirls) Condon, has received a rating from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) of "PG-13," just like the previous three movies.
This rating is based on "disturbing images, violence, sexuality/partial nudity and some thematic elements" according to the MPAA label, so presumably they found a way to film some of the more controversial aspects of Stephenie Meyers' final book in a way that didn't get the movie a deadly R-rating.
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Kristen talar om för Style.com: " I'm really a Converse and jeans kind of girl
"I'm really a Converse and jeans kind of girl," Kristen Stewart told Style.com at last night's Mulberry after-party. "I mean, these," she said, pointing at her heels, "are a big departure for me. But I love Mulberry. They don't take fashion too seriously, which is perfect because neither do I."
Stewart was the guest of honor at the label's shindig, but she wasn't the only fan. Erin O'Connor, Harley Viera-Newton, Amber LeBon, Kelis, Irina Lazareanu, and Tali Lennox all stopped by. The seaside-themed bash saw the ballroom of Claridge's festooned with a menagerie of helium animal balloons, eight-foot ice cream cones, and gigantic beach balls. Cabana boys served mini hot dogs and English chips to a hungry crowd.
Taking it all in, Fuschia Sumner, the daughter of Sting, said, "Being here is like being in FAO Schwarz, and if fashion can do that, that's a good thing."
Sam Claflin: "She's a normal girl"
Pirates of the Caribbean actor Sam Clafin is one lucky man. He has two stunning lead ladies in his life. On set with him is Snow White co-star Kristen Stewart and at home is actress Laura Haddock.
When we chatted to the actor, we couldn't wait to get the gossip on both the girls. Having just started filming for Snow White, Sam seems to be getting on well with Kristen Stewart.
"She's lovely, a very talented girl," he told us. "Meeting her was one of those moments where I was expecting her to be a certain way, but she's a normal girl."
What do the pair chat about in between takes? If we were him we'd be asking all about Robert Pattinson, but it seems Sam hasn't questioned her on that front. Dammit.
"We have the same tastes in music so that's good - it's not all about acting. She's my age which is cool. But we haven't yet had that much time off-set together."
When we asked Sam who his ideal female lead would be, he was very loyal. "My girlfriend," he revealed. Then again, his girlfriend is none other than Laura Haddock, star of the Inbetweeners Movie, so we'll let him have that one.
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Video: Kristen intervjuas på Mulberry-visningen 18/9
Kristen pratar med Vouge och Telegraph om Mulberry-visningen
Kate Moss and Twilight's Kristen Stewart made for quite the starry front row this morning at Mulberry - where all the fun of Brighton Pier was brought to life with balloon animals, ice cream and fizzy pop. On the catwalk it was all rain macs in bright yellow and big Brigitte Bardot hair. "I loved the yellow, it's actually my favourite colour," Stewart told us backstage after the show, confessing that going to shows isn't something she'd usually do. "But I was really glad to come to this one."
Stewart, who rose to fame through her role in the Twilight saga, admitted she was a big fan of British fashion, and said of the show: ''Oh man, it was great.''
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Filmtips: "Adventureland" på Canal Hits
Idag visas "Adventureland" på Canal Hits och Canal Hits SW med start klockan 18.15
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Mulberry's modevisning 18/9
Tidigare idag så var Kristen på Muberry's modevisning i London.
På bilderna sitter hon bredvid modellen Kate Moss.
Robert och Kristen på dubbel dejt i London
Tydligen så var Robert och Kristen på dubbel dejt igår med Sienna Miller och Tom Sturridge i London igår.
HollywoodNews.com: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart may be laying low right now, but that does not mean they aren’t enjoying their time together.
The two were reportedly recently spotted out on a double date with Sienna Miller and Tom Sturridge, states UsMagazine.com. Pattinson and Sturridge are allegedly old friends from Harrodian School.
All four were reportedly enjoying drinks at Groucho Club in London where they allegedly seemed to be having a great time just hanging out.
Which celeb couple would you want to double date with?
Filmtips: "What just happened?" på TV4 Film
Om ungefär en halv timme visas filmen "What just happened?" på TV4 Film (klockan 19.15), Kristen har visserligen en väldigt liten roll i denna film, men det den är värd att se ändå!
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Rösta på Kristen i "J-14 Teen Iconic Awards 2011"
Kristen är nominerad i dessa kategorierna på "J-14 Teen Iconic Awards 2011":
Iconic couple:
Krsiten Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Iconic Movie Actress:
Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1
Iconic Movie:
The Twilght Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1
Iconic Female Star:
Kristen Stewart
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Sam Claflin: "Diamond to work with!"
Kristen Stewart works with some of Hollywood’s most supportive leading men! The 21-year-old’s "Snow White and the Huntsman" co-star Sam Claflin tells "Digital Spy" that although he hasn’t had much on screen time with Kristen while shooting in London, the experience is moving along fabulously!
“I’ve only done one tiny scene with Kristen so far, but I have every hope in her,” Sam says. “I truly believe and trust in her and I’m pretty sure she’ll do an absolutely diamond job of it. I’m pretty sure she’s excited about the challenge.”
“They’re two completely different projects altogether. As much as they’ve obviously got the same premise, you could say that about so many things. "The Hangover" and "The Inbetweeners", for example, are different films but basically about boys going out and getting drunk,” he says. “The beautiful thing is I think both directors have very different ideas of where they’re going with it. I have a friend whose in the other one so it’s nice that we keep each other updated. I’m excited to see that one as much as I’m excited to see the one I’m in.”
Filmtips: "Eclipse" på TV1000 Drama
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"We want their hair"
There are some celebrities who are just blessed with amazing hair - and we love a celebrity hairstyle over at GLAMOUR.com towers - even though it may drive us mad with hair-envy. Here are our favourite hair heroes du jour.
Twilight beauty Kristen Stewart drives us mad with envy with her effortless style. We'll bet she wakes up looking this good with her hair in voluminous waves.
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Anna Kendrick: "I'm just awe of their ability to handle that stuff"
Green Celebrity Network: Twilight cast destined to be typecast like "Star Wars"-characters?
Here’s a strange news prediction. Pet friendly actress Kristen Stewart from the Twilight movie series is destined to become the next Carrie Fischer. That’s right… we said it. Just like the Star Wars movies made her popular back in the 70s and 80s, Stewart is likely to become as well-known and sought after to make new films as Princess Leah.
That’s the prediction for the career of actress Kristen Stewart — that no matter how many films she does in her future, none will draw as much attention at the box office than her character role played as Bella Swan romancing and marrying vampire Edward Cullen did.
Perhaps that is why she is terrified about what will happen to her career after the teens who made her rich and famous grow up and stop paying attention to her.
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Before they were stars: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
They weren’t famous back then, but this power couple was always super-cute!
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are huge stars now, but a fun new video reminds us how adorable they were before they were marquee names!
Access Hollywood put together the segment, which has an adorable interview with K-Stew, 21, from her "Panic Room" days — along with an interview from costar Jodie Foster, who raves about her acting skills as a young girl. Meanwhile, we get some great vintage Harry Potter-era Rob!
What do you think, HollywoodLifers — do you think Rob & K-Stew knew they would be A-listers back then?
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Elisabeth Reaser pratar om Kristen och Robert
Elisabeth Reaser spelar rollen som Esme Cullen i "Twilight"-filmerna.
If you ran into Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the street would you be disappointed because they’re nothing like their Twilight characters Bella and Edward? HollywoodLife.com spoke with Twilight actress Elizabeth Reaser at Time Warner’s Beyond 9/11 Photo Exhibit and screening on Sept. 8 and she revealed exactly what Rob and Kristen are like off set — and you’ll never believe what she says!
“I adore Rob and Kristen. They are like family to me,” Elizabeth says. “They are both very shy and very sweet. Kristen is just a little sweetheart and I love her. And Rob is the same guy I met four years ago. I don’t even think of them as celebrities until I’m going somewhere where they will be and then there’s screaming and freaking out. It almost doesn’t register until we’re in a setting like Comic Con.”
Den officella trailern till "Breaking Dawn- Part 1"
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Kristen lämnar en resturang i London 12/9
Mel Bles tackar Kristen för hennes medverkan i Marcus Fosters musikvideo
Mel Bles tackar Kristen på sin blogg för hennes medverkan i Marcus Fosters musikvideo "I was broken". Mel var den som redigerade videon.
Shot my first music video for singer songwriter Marcus Foster at Polydor.
Thank yous to Kristen Stewart, Sylvia Farago, Tom Sturridge and Spring Film London!
Went exclusive on MSN this week. The 2nd most views of any music video on their site this year - in the first 24hrs...
Otaggad "Breaking dawn" -poster
"The women of fall"
As the leaves turn their autumnal colors and the air gets brisker, we like to warm ourselves by the fire of scorching hot babes burning up the screen with hotness!!!
Ahem. With all due respect, coming up this fall is an amazing lineup of actresses, poised to deliver what look to be some of the best performances of the year. These ladies are in it to win it, and by "it" we mean box office loot, Oscars, and a special place in our hearts.
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Men nu vet ni det i alla fall!
17 sekunders sneak peek på "Breaking Dawn"-traliern
Hela trailern släpps på tisdag!
Ny still från "Breaking Dawn"
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21 filmer att se i höst
Peter Travels på Rolling Stones har listat de 21 filmerna som man bara måste se i höst. "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" har fått sin plats i listan.
"The Twilght Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1"
Opening: November 18th
OK, anyone who reads my reviews knows that I don't care much for the castrated film versions of Stephenie Meyer's vampire bestsellers. But I have hopes for "Breaking Dawn, Part 1" and even "Part 2" because both are directed by Bill Condon, who's the real deal (see "Gods and Monsters", "Kinsey" and "Dreamgirls"). If anyone can put life into the marriage and long-awaited sex betweem the human Bella (Kristen Stewart) and the bloodsucking Edward (Rob Pattinson), it's Condon. Twi-hards, I'm with you this time.
Se listan från början [här]
Filmtips: "Panic Room" på TV1000 Action
Lily Collins: "I think she is perfekt for that vision of Snow White"
How do you feel about the fact that there’s another Snow White project being shot right now with Kristen Stewart in the same role?
I’m very aware of the other project and I’ve read the script and I know that they’re so completely different. I am really excited for Kristen. I think she’s perfect for that vision of Snow White and I’m very excited to take on the vision that [director Tarsem Singh] has. They couldn’t be more different so it’s actually kind of exciting.
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Ny still från "Breaking Dawn"
Kristen och Rob på omslaget av den franska tidningen Premiere Magazine
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Bilder från inspelningen av "Snow White"
Filmtips: "The twilight saga: New Moon" på TV1000 Drama
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Ny bild från "Breaking Dawn"
Charisma Carpenter pratar om Twilight, Kristen och Robert

I’m not surprised. I deduce the popularity to be all about the chemistry between the people. On Twilight, the chemistry between Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart … I mean, clearly they’re together [in real life], and it’s palpable in the way they look at each other. That’s what drew everybody in and made Twilight so incredibly popular. It is about that universal feeling of love and connection, understanding and protection, and sex, and that’s so visceral in Twilight.
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Filmtips: "The cake eaters" på Silver
Om cirka två timmar visas "The cake eaters" på Silver klockan 17.30
Fanbild från ett Playstation event i London
Kristen i Marcus Foster's musikvideo för "I was broken"
Filmtips: "The Runaways" på CANAL+ Emotion
Michael Welch försvarar Kristens W-omslag
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Marissa Quintanilla pratar om Kristen & Robert
She worked directly with Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Kristen Stewart (Bella).
“It was surprisingly amazing and easy and just so easy, breezy, cool and casual,” she said. “They had no attitude; everybody on the set was just kind, generous and in a way that I was just really taken aback by because these people are so famous.”
In spite of how some media paint Stewart out to be a snob, she was anything but, Quintanilla said.
“She was just the sweetest thing. She was really nice and shy, if anything,” she said. “She’s so much like (her) character: shy, a little awkward – in the cutest, most endearing kind of way.”
And Quintanilla had nothing but praise for Pattinson, too.
“Rob, as well, (was) just so nice and soft-spoken. Neither of them is ever loud or getting all the attention or anything like that on set,” Quintanilla said. “They’re just really quiet and do their job and nice to everyone.”
Marissa Quintanilla spelar Hiulen i "Breaking Dawn"
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