Jake Scott: "Kristen improvises everything!"

Apparently many of the words we’ve heard from Kristen Stewart‘s mouth on the big screen are actually her own! The 21-year-old actress’s "Welcome to the Rileys" director, Jake Scott, revealed Kristen doesn’t like to memorize lines…she’d rather just improvise!

“Kristen improvises everything,” Jake told Hey U Guys during an interview promoting the Welcome to the Rileys DVD release, which is Feb. 27. “She can be quite frustrating for a writer because she kind of just makes her own words up. She takes what’s written on the page and then just makes her own sense of it.”

The best part? K-Stew doesn’t ask for permission first!

“She wouldn’t warn you she was doing that, she would just change the words,” her director explained.

We have a feeling Kristen had to follow her "Twilight" scripts a little more closely than that, otherwise there would have been outrage from Twi-hards when Bella Swan said completely different lines than she did in the book.




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