Johnny Harris om Kristen

It must have been a privilege to be part of a dwarf gang alongside Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane...
I said to Ray one day on set that if it wasn’t for the likes of him and Bob Hoskins it wouldn’t have been possible for me to enter the profession. But Ray said it was exactly the same for him, and he went back to people like Michael Caine, even further to Charlie Chaplin. With these guys I can quote lines from their films so to be standing next to them and performing was kind of dreamlike. Going home after work and explaining what had happened that day was like explaining a weird dream. Ray Winstone was there… Bob Hoskins was there… We were in a forest - but we were all dwarves, and Kristen Stewart was crying… It was surreal.
And how is Kristen Stewart to work with?
For such a young lady to be steering the size of ship she was, she’s amazing. She just got her sleeves rolled up and stuck in. She’s very diligent, very inclusive. We were a real unit. We formed a real bond.
I said to Ray one day on set that if it wasn’t for the likes of him and Bob Hoskins it wouldn’t have been possible for me to enter the profession. But Ray said it was exactly the same for him, and he went back to people like Michael Caine, even further to Charlie Chaplin. With these guys I can quote lines from their films so to be standing next to them and performing was kind of dreamlike. Going home after work and explaining what had happened that day was like explaining a weird dream. Ray Winstone was there… Bob Hoskins was there… We were in a forest - but we were all dwarves, and Kristen Stewart was crying… It was surreal.
And how is Kristen Stewart to work with?
For such a young lady to be steering the size of ship she was, she’s amazing. She just got her sleeves rolled up and stuck in. She’s very diligent, very inclusive. We were a real unit. We formed a real bond.