Bild på Kristen och Daniel Radcliffe från Oscarsgalan
MyAnna Burning pratar om Kristen och Robert

"Kristen and Rob are incredibly cool, they deal with things in quite an admirable way, I think.
"People forget how daunting that kind of attention can be ... I don’t know if [staying out of the limelight outside of films] helps or hinders them, it’s such a personal choice and there’s no right way or wrong way.
"What I love about them is that they tend not to comment on anyone else's private lives and that’s why people who work with them don’t comment on theirs."
And while there were fans queuing outside the set to see the pair during filming, MyAnna says their fame was never an issue on set - or even mentioned.
She said: "I can’t remember anyone talking about it ... it was never an issue on set, no one could get on set! You had to have special access – it was like Fort Knox.
"We had a few people queuing outside who had placards telling us that we were doing the ‘devils work’, so that was kind of interesting… but the majority of fans are just so lovely."
"People forget how daunting that kind of attention can be ... I don’t know if [staying out of the limelight outside of films] helps or hinders them, it’s such a personal choice and there’s no right way or wrong way.
"What I love about them is that they tend not to comment on anyone else's private lives and that’s why people who work with them don’t comment on theirs."
And while there were fans queuing outside the set to see the pair during filming, MyAnna says their fame was never an issue on set - or even mentioned.
She said: "I can’t remember anyone talking about it ... it was never an issue on set, no one could get on set! You had to have special access – it was like Fort Knox.
"We had a few people queuing outside who had placards telling us that we were doing the ‘devils work’, so that was kind of interesting… but the majority of fans are just so lovely."
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Screencaps från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Kristen ute i Hollywood - 26 februari
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Kristen presenterar pris på Oscarsgalan 2013
Ny bild på Kristen innan Oscarsgalan

"Here's the night's lineup, all set up and ready to go—with backup flats as options for each look. Not even crutches can stop this girl. She's simply stunning." — Tara Swennen
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Ny still från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Ny/Gammal bild från inspelningen av Twilight
Kristen på Oscarsgalan - 24 februari
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Reser bort
Uppdateringen från min (Kimberly) sida har varit kass ganska länge nu, har fullt upp i skola (sista året) och den här veckan har jag sportlov. Åker bort imorgon och kommer hem på fredag vilket betyder att jag inte kommer ha tillgång till en dator.
Så nu vet ni det-
Kristen kommer att presentera pris på Oscarsgalan
I natt kommer Oscarsgalan gå av stapeln och Kristen kommer vara där för att presentera ett pris. Här nedan kan ni hitta länkar för att se både röda mattan och själva galan live (alla tider är svensk tid). Själva galan börjar 03.30 inatt!
Röda mattan:
OTRC Red Carpet / Börjar sända 23.30
MTV Oscar Night Live / Börjar sända 00.30
E! Red Carpet / Börjar sända 00.30
AP Red Carpet / Börjar sända 01.00
TV Guide Network Red Carpet / Börjar sända 01.00
ABC Red Carpet: 1 | 2 / Börjar sända 01.30
Live Show:
Oscars Live Show: 1 | 2 / Börjar sända 03.30
MTV Oscar Night Live / Börjar sända 00.30
E! Red Carpet / Börjar sända 00.30
AP Red Carpet / Börjar sända 01.00
TV Guide Network Red Carpet / Börjar sända 01.00
ABC Red Carpet: 1 | 2 / Börjar sända 01.30
Live Show:
Oscars Live Show: 1 | 2 / Börjar sända 03.30
Bilder och videos kommer att komma upp under dagen imorgon!
Kristen ute med sina vänner i Los Angeles - 22 februari
Kristen ute i Los Angeles med sina vänner - 19 februari
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Kristen kommer närvara på Oscarsgalan

Kristen kommer att närvara som presentatör på Oscars-galan nu på söndag. Läs mer nedanför
Academy Award winner Jane Fonda and "Twilight" star Kristen Stewart are among the Oscar presenters announced today. "Dallas Buyer's Club's" Jennifer Garner and "Django Unchained's" Kerry Washington will also take the stage Sunday night to present the coveted statuettes.
Fonda, Stewart, Garner and Washington join previously announced presenters includingJennifer Aniston, Melissa McCarthy,John Travolta, and Garner's husband, Ben Affleck, whose film "Argo" is nominated in seven categories, including Best Picture.
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Bortrest tills på söndag
Hej på er! :)
Jag kommer att vara bortrest fram tills på söndag, så om uppdateringen är dålig vet ni varför. Ha det bra!
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Gammal bild på Kristen från Kevin Turens bröllop
Demi Lovato twittrar om Kristen
Sam Riley nämner Kristen i intervju med Glamour UK

How much of your own driving did you do?
I don't do as much driving as Garrett. He was amazing - he bought one, a Hudson. So he knew everything about these cars, he was an excellent driver. I needed glasses, which I didn't tell anyone about! And one day they put Eric in the middle of the road with the camera and said, "Drive as fast as you can, and stop as close to the camera as you can." I was sat next to Kristen, and... I don't remember. He was just a dot and a blur, until we got quite close. After the take, Kristen was like, "Wow, you loved that! Dude, you had your face right up against the windscreen!" And I was like, "Yes, because I couldn't see a thing!"
Was it strange that Kristen was in and out of the shoot?
Yeah, but she was there for the first three months. It was strange with the other people. I finished a day after Garrett, but we were there from the very first day of Boot Camp to the very last second of wrap. And on the way, people came and went the whole time. Steve Buscemi was there for a week. Kirsten Dunst would be there, then she'd go, then she'd come back. Same with Viggo Mortensen. We just kept travelling around America, and people would come and work. And I'd never seen America either, really, so that worked for my character, to see all these things for the first time.
I don't do as much driving as Garrett. He was amazing - he bought one, a Hudson. So he knew everything about these cars, he was an excellent driver. I needed glasses, which I didn't tell anyone about! And one day they put Eric in the middle of the road with the camera and said, "Drive as fast as you can, and stop as close to the camera as you can." I was sat next to Kristen, and... I don't remember. He was just a dot and a blur, until we got quite close. After the take, Kristen was like, "Wow, you loved that! Dude, you had your face right up against the windscreen!" And I was like, "Yes, because I couldn't see a thing!"
Was it strange that Kristen was in and out of the shoot?
Yeah, but she was there for the first three months. It was strange with the other people. I finished a day after Garrett, but we were there from the very first day of Boot Camp to the very last second of wrap. And on the way, people came and went the whole time. Steve Buscemi was there for a week. Kirsten Dunst would be there, then she'd go, then she'd come back. Same with Viggo Mortensen. We just kept travelling around America, and people would come and work. And I'd never seen America either, really, so that worked for my character, to see all these things for the first time.
Ny behind the scenes-video från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
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Jared Leto svarar på fråga om Kristen på twitter
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Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen och Robert
Bilden antas vara ifrån när Kristen, Robert och Taylor gick och bowlade i Berlin 16 november 2012.

Amy Adams nämner Kristen

"I've learnt from all the actors I've worked with," she explained. "Meryl Streep was amazing in Julie & Julia, as was Philip Seymour Hoffman during The Master. And it was great to see Kristen Stewart work in On the Road - she had such a gentle spirit. It was really great to get to know her."
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Ny bild på Kristen, Garrett och Kirsten från TIFF
Videos och screencaps från Breaking Dawn: Part 2 - DVD
Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen och Rob
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Max Thieriot nämner Kristen i Twitter Q&A
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Ny/Gammal bts-bild från Breaking Dawn: Part 1
Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen med Bernie
Kristens mamma twittrar om Kristen
Kristen vann i två kategorier i Virgin Media Awards

Hottest Actress
Kristen Stewart
Best Movie
Snow White and The Huntsman
Kristen Stewart
Best Movie
Snow White and The Huntsman
Dessutom vann Robert Pattinson Hottest Actor.
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Ny still från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Kristen nominerad i Kids' Choice Awards 2013
Från och med imorgon, torsdag, kommer ni att kunna rösta på Nickelodeons hemsida Det kommer även att gå att rösta på Nickelodeons Facebooksida och Twitterflöde. När man röstar ska man använda speciella KCA hashtags (uppdaterar mer i detta inlägg imorgon).
Showen kommer att sändas live från USC's Galen Center den 23 mars 8-9.30pm (ET/PT), dvs. 14.00-15.30 svensk tid.

Favorite Movie Actress
Vanessa Hudgens (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games)
Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2)
Favorite Female Buttkicker
Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)
Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games)
Kristen Stewart (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Vanessa Hudgens (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games)
Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2)
Favorite Female Buttkicker
Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)
Scarlett Johansson (The Avengers)
Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games)
Kristen Stewart (Snow White and the Huntsman)
Ny/Gamla bilder på Kristen från Rock on the Range
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Stills från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Vem bar den bäst?

Vem tycker ni bar denna Derek Lam-klänning bäst? Kat Von D eller Kristen, rösta bland kommentarerna.
Alice Englert pratar om Twilight och Kristen
Alice Englert spelar Lena Duchannes i Beautiful Creatures.

"It opened the supernatural genre up to a new audience, but this film is different," Englert told us firmly. "I haven't seen all of the Twilight films, but Beautiful Creatures has a sense of humour and wit to it - at least that's how it approaches the fantasy world. I wouldn't have been able to take it seriously otherwise. And as for the Kristen Stewart comparisons, I just don't think that's fair. I thought she was great in On The Road and Into The Wild. But she's got enough people scrutinising her without me adding my take."
Nya Breaking Dawn: Part 2 "Making of"-videos
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Bild på Kristen från Elle Gouldings show i Los Angeles
Borttagen scen från Breaking Dawn: Part 1
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Kristen i Steven Shainbergs film "The Big Shoe"
Det är nu bekräftat att Kristen kommer att synas i Steven Shainbergs nästa film The Big Shoe. Ni kan läsa mer om det nedan!

Från Deadline:
Kristen Stewart and Elizabeth Banks are joining Jim Sturgess in Steven Shainberg’s The Big Shoe. HanWay Films is handling the project here at the EFM. Secretary director Shainberg is helming from a script he wrote with Mickey Birnbaum. Sturgess plays a gifted shoe designer forced to break free from a family who want to turn his designs into mass-produced knock-offs. The family hires psychotherapist Mary Kay (Banks) and muse Delphi (Stewart) to lure him back to work. Shainberg says the film will combine eroticism and humor in a similar way to dark comedy Secretary. Andrew Lazar’s Mad Chance produces and Richard Middleton and Christina Lurie are executive producing.
Från THR via @ADarkParadise
CANNES -- Steven Shainberg is returning to the director's chair for sexy comedic drama The Big Shoe, starring Jim Sturgess and Susan Sarandon.
our editor recommends
The Big Shoe -- featuring footwear designed for the film by England's Georgina Goodman -- will be financed by a new $150 million equity film fund announced this week by AngelWorld Entertainment.
Shainberg (Secretary, Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus) is set to start shooting this fall from a script he co-wrote with Mickey Birnbaum. The project reteams Sarandon and Sturgess, who will be seen in Focus Features' Cloud Atlas, from Tom Tykwer, Andy and Lana Wachowski.
Andrew Lazar's Mad Chance Productions will produce alongside AngelWorld's Darby Angel, Tykwer and the Wachowskis. HanWay Films will handle international sales, while CAA negotiated the deal and is representing North American rights (CAA also reps WorldView).
The Big Shoe follows Nate (Sturgess), a gifted shoe designer forced to break free from a family who wants to cheapen his art for their own commercial gain. His overbearing mother Irene (Sarandon) hires a psychotherapist and a muse to lure Nate back to work.
"The Big Shoe provides the opportunity to explore a playful romantic, sexy, intimate connection just as Secretary did. The script combines eroticism and humor in such a unique way -- where shoes are better than sex," Shainberg said.
Goodman recently designed a pair of wedding shoes commissioned by the Royal Mint to celebrate the Royal Wedding. Only 11 pairs of the shoes were produced, the first going to Kate Middleton.
"The project has all the elements we were looking for to satisfy our financing model. The script is strong, as is the cast and the creative team, and it's great to work with an experienced and reputable producer like Lazar. The Big Shoe ticks all the boxes, especially as our investment criteria are non-negotiable," said Angel.
AngelWorld's new $150 million equity fund -- putting investors in the first position -- will finance six projects. The Big Shoe is the first to be announced.
Kristen Stewart is set to join the cast of Steven Shainberg's comedy drama "The Big Shoe." Elizabeth Banks is also confirmed for the cast alongside Jim Sturgess.
Marking helmer Shainberg's first feature outing since 2006's "Fur," "The Big Shoe" follows a show designer (Sturgess) whose family want to use his designs to make mass-produced knock-offs for fast profit. The family hires a muse (Stewart) and a psychotherapist (Banks) to lure him back to work when he breaks free from the family.
Kristen Stewart and Elizabeth Banks are joining Jim Sturgess in Steven Shainberg’s The Big Shoe. HanWay Films is handling the project here at the EFM. Secretary director Shainberg is helming from a script he wrote with Mickey Birnbaum. Sturgess plays a gifted shoe designer forced to break free from a family who want to turn his designs into mass-produced knock-offs. The family hires psychotherapist Mary Kay (Banks) and muse Delphi (Stewart) to lure him back to work. Shainberg says the film will combine eroticism and humor in a similar way to dark comedy Secretary. Andrew Lazar’s Mad Chance produces and Richard Middleton and Christina Lurie are executive producing.
Från THR via @ADarkParadise
CANNES -- Steven Shainberg is returning to the director's chair for sexy comedic drama The Big Shoe, starring Jim Sturgess and Susan Sarandon.
our editor recommends
The Big Shoe -- featuring footwear designed for the film by England's Georgina Goodman -- will be financed by a new $150 million equity film fund announced this week by AngelWorld Entertainment.
Shainberg (Secretary, Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus) is set to start shooting this fall from a script he co-wrote with Mickey Birnbaum. The project reteams Sarandon and Sturgess, who will be seen in Focus Features' Cloud Atlas, from Tom Tykwer, Andy and Lana Wachowski.
Andrew Lazar's Mad Chance Productions will produce alongside AngelWorld's Darby Angel, Tykwer and the Wachowskis. HanWay Films will handle international sales, while CAA negotiated the deal and is representing North American rights (CAA also reps WorldView).
The Big Shoe follows Nate (Sturgess), a gifted shoe designer forced to break free from a family who wants to cheapen his art for their own commercial gain. His overbearing mother Irene (Sarandon) hires a psychotherapist and a muse to lure Nate back to work.
"The Big Shoe provides the opportunity to explore a playful romantic, sexy, intimate connection just as Secretary did. The script combines eroticism and humor in such a unique way -- where shoes are better than sex," Shainberg said.
Goodman recently designed a pair of wedding shoes commissioned by the Royal Mint to celebrate the Royal Wedding. Only 11 pairs of the shoes were produced, the first going to Kate Middleton.
"The project has all the elements we were looking for to satisfy our financing model. The script is strong, as is the cast and the creative team, and it's great to work with an experienced and reputable producer like Lazar. The Big Shoe ticks all the boxes, especially as our investment criteria are non-negotiable," said Angel.
AngelWorld's new $150 million equity fund -- putting investors in the first position -- will finance six projects. The Big Shoe is the first to be announced.
Kristen Stewart is set to join the cast of Steven Shainberg's comedy drama "The Big Shoe." Elizabeth Banks is also confirmed for the cast alongside Jim Sturgess.
Marking helmer Shainberg's first feature outing since 2006's "Fur," "The Big Shoe" follows a show designer (Sturgess) whose family want to use his designs to make mass-produced knock-offs for fast profit. The family hires a muse (Stewart) and a psychotherapist (Banks) to lure him back to work when he breaks free from the family.
Kristen donerar en Pavé Avanyu-ring och armband
Kristen har donerat en ring och ett armband från Pavé Avanyu samt en bild signerad av henne till en organisation som heter Children of the Night.
Kristen wears a Diamond Pavé Avanyu Ring and Bracelet. You will also receive the above portrait, signed by Kristen.
About the ring and bracelet:
- Bracelet: 1.15 carats of microset pavé diamonds
- Ring: 0.2 carats of microset pavé diamonds
About Children of the Night:
Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization established in 1979 and dedicated to rescuing America's children from the ravages of prostitution.
Photograph courtesy of Inez and Vinoodh.
Donated By: Kristen Stewart
About the ring and bracelet:
- Bracelet: 1.15 carats of microset pavé diamonds
- Ring: 0.2 carats of microset pavé diamonds
About Children of the Night:
Children of the Night is a privately funded non-profit organization established in 1979 and dedicated to rescuing America's children from the ravages of prostitution.
Photograph courtesy of Inez and Vinoodh.
Donated By: Kristen Stewart
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Kristen: "I miss that twilight feeling"
Ny bild från Japan Promo Photoshoot för BD Part 2
Gerald Nicosia pratar om Kristen

I came to like Garrett, Kristen, and Sam Riley immensely, and to feel as if they had as good a chance as anyone to portray the intense and driven threesome of Cassady, Lu Anne, and Kerouac. To know them was to learn that they all had great gifts as well as great insecurities to match up with the people they were playing. Sam had been a small-time rock-'n'-roll musician who got drafted into being a movie star--he actually had some trepidation about what it was going to be like to be famous like Kristen, for whom we always had to enter the hotel through the secret underground entrance to keep from being mobbed by her fans.
And Kristen--though again, physically quite different from her character, who in real life was large and blonde--had a lot of Lu Anne/"Marylou" inside her. She kept her high intelligence well-concealed beneath her sexuality and good manners; she cared enormously about people, both the ones she knew personally and those whose urgent need seemed to demand that she reach out to them; and, perhaps most like Lu Anne/"Marylou," she had learned to be utterly self-reliant even in her teens, prizing independence above men, money, power, or any of the other lures that Hollywood actresses are known to covet.
I connected him with Anne Marie Santos, Lu Anne's daughter, who came to Montreal and shared memories, photos, and a great deal else with all of them, but especially of course with Kristen, who has many times acknowledged how much she benefitted not only from Annie's help as consultant, but from her spiritual guidance and encouragement as well. In fact, everything seemed on track for a great movie to be made.
And Kristen--though again, physically quite different from her character, who in real life was large and blonde--had a lot of Lu Anne/"Marylou" inside her. She kept her high intelligence well-concealed beneath her sexuality and good manners; she cared enormously about people, both the ones she knew personally and those whose urgent need seemed to demand that she reach out to them; and, perhaps most like Lu Anne/"Marylou," she had learned to be utterly self-reliant even in her teens, prizing independence above men, money, power, or any of the other lures that Hollywood actresses are known to covet.
I connected him with Anne Marie Santos, Lu Anne's daughter, who came to Montreal and shared memories, photos, and a great deal else with all of them, but especially of course with Kristen, who has many times acknowledged how much she benefitted not only from Annie's help as consultant, but from her spiritual guidance and encouragement as well. In fact, everything seemed on track for a great movie to be made.
Outtakes från ELLE US 2012 i bättre kvalité
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Ny/gammal bild och video från BAFTA Awards 2010
Ny/Gammal behind the scenes-bild från Twilight
Visste du att...
...Kristen gjorde till stor del alla sina stunts själv för rollen som Snow White i "Snow White and the Huntsman"

Breaking Dawn: Part 2 på DVD och Blu-ray 2 mars
Summt Entertainment har kommit ut med ett realease datum för Breaking Dawn Part 2. Datumet som gäller är 2 mars. På bilden nedan har ni priserna för både DVD och Blu-ray samt deluxe boxen med både Breaking Dawn Part 1 samt Part 2 på

Bilden är skapad av mig (Kimberly) använder ni den, länka till [stewartdaily].
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Dagens bild - 130202
Cute and funny moments (part 39) - video
Borta över helgen
Jag (Erica) är borta över helgen men på måndag uppdaterar jag som vanligt igen! Ha en bra helg :)