E!Online: "Aliens vs Vampires- Round 1"

Forget werewolves and witches and whatever other supernatural beings that are "all the rage" these days. It's all about vampires (duh) and aliens, thanks in large part to Stephenie Meyer.
The "Twilight" creator is one of the main reasons that bloodsuckers became hot again (Edward Cullen, anyone?) and now she's trying her hand at extraterrestrials too! So with the impending release of The Host, we figured it's the perfect time for a good old fashion throw down between the two species.
And who better to kick it off than Saoirse Ronan, the alien, Wanda, at the center of "The Host", and Kristen Stewart, vampire bride extraordinaire Bella Swan from "Breaking Dawn"? Both gals are involved in epic love triangles that change their whole lives (like say, becoming undead. Or remaining abducted).
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