Kristen är på omslaget för M Magazine
Don’t kill us, Robsten fans, but we could get used to seeing Kristen Stewart and Garrett Hedlund together…on magazine covers, that is!
Because the On the Road costars are posing for yet another spread together, this time for M magazine along with Sam Riley. And the moody shot, which boasts the special Cannes issue of the magazine, is red hot—even in black and white.
And while the trio appears to be more in character for Le magazine du Monde—rocking their retro looks and puffing on the ciggies they’ll be smoking plenty of in the movie (Riley plays a tortured writer, after all, so it’s practically a film necessity)—we are just getting more and more excited for Cannes.
OnTheFlix: "Twilight’s Kristen Stewart spotted tight, gray dress sexy on new Elle UK subscriber cover"
Twilightersanonymous: "Kristen on the June cover for ELLE"
The June cover of Elle UK is finally here, and Kristen Stewart looks stunning as usual.
Since the day we revealed that Stewart would star on the cover of our June issue, through the well-documented shoot in Los Angeles and all the hints sprinkled along the way, you’ve been so patient with us. Thanks for that.
The long wait is over. Feast your eyes on our June 2012 cover. Note the spring-ready Jil Sander ensemble, the sleek ‘60s-inspired hair, the ice-blue gaze… it’s totally Kristen, right.
The June issue marks Stewart’s second time as ELLE cover star. Since appearing on the July 2010 cover, the actress has risen to new heights of acclaim and adulation.
The issue hits newsstands on Wednesday 2 May. Before then, we’ll release an exclusive trailer for Snow White and the Huntsman. The behind-the-scenes video features an interview with Stewart, so follow us on Twitter @ELLEUK to make sure you’re the first to hear about it.
Rob och Kristen i OK Magazine Australia
Omslag, intervju + bilder från nya Entertainment Weekly

Twihards have long been anticipating seeing Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) honeymoon on Isle Esme and consummate their marriage amid flying feathers. And as audiences will see when The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 arrives in theaters this Friday, the love scene does not disappoint. But, according to the stars of the movie, things could have been even more steamy — if it weren’t for director Bill Condon needing to keep the action PG-13. “There’s a version where it was really intense,” recalls Pattinson in this week’s EW. “Cinematically, cut all together, it’s awesome,” says Kristen Stewart. “But we didn’t really do that scene.
“And when we did,” adds Pattinson, “they kept telling us to stop.”
The PG-13 rating also limited things with regard to the climactic birth scene, which takes place at the end of the film. “That’s what I’m really disappointed about — and I’ve talked about it with Bill,” says Stewart. “It was more sympathetic or something when I played the scene with less energy, and it made it easier for him to tell the story. But in the book, Bella is screaming, ‘NOOOOO!’ [Stewart stands and demonstrates.] And I did it like that — crazy and Exorcist-like. I was going for this weird mix of turning into the most feral mother you can imagine and also fighting for my own life. I mean, I was a nutcase. I was an absolute nutcase.”
“I do still love the birth scene,” says Lautner. “I know it’s frustrating that some things aren’t in there.”
“Yeah,” says Stewart, “I still love it too.”
Rob och Kristen's intervju med Vanity Fair Italy
First Question: and you, what do you think about weddings?
Rob: I don’t know until now, I’ve been at around twenty funerals and just 2 weddings, certainly for what I saw they’re more fun than the funerals.
But, didn’t you got emotional after the ring exchange?
Rob: the truth? I think that the major part of the men who get married, live the same kind of experience: you stay there, waiting.. the wedding day is a woman’s thing, it’s their day. It was different for Kristen: the dress, walking to the altar, the music. I got away with an “you are very pretty, let’s get married!”
Kristen: I have to admit it, I felt like a real bride: at the center of the attention, in a wonderful dress.. for that scene everybody had to leave their phones before entering: the dress had to be kept a secret.
In the movie there’s also a sex scene, it was hard to film it?
Kristen: To be honest it was funny to shoot, when there’s confidence with someone everything comes naturally
Rob: It was more embarrassing to take off my shirt near Taylor, have you seen his abdominals?! I felt like a loser.
There’s everything in this movie: sex, wedding, the honeymoon..
Kristen: yes, in Brazil. But since that we (of Twilight) are pro in programming stuffs, we went there during the rainy season. It was fun tho.
Rob: yeah: the honeymoon was really fun even if it was always raining.
And then you have a kid…
Rob: I’m not the one who gives birth.
Kristen: the baby bump was huge, unusually lightweight
How did you felt being pregnant?
Kristen: do I have to be honest? not particularly sexy
The sex, honeymoon and the kid were all good: wasn’t there something about Twilight that you hated?
Rob: contact lenses, a torture and I’ll definitely not miss them
Kristen: I agree: terrible and painful, but I particularly hated them because you couldn’t watch people directly in the eyes, the humanity aspect was off in someway
You have shot all the Twilight movies, so is over for you. but everybody else have to wait until the second part of BD.. How do you feel about it?!
Rob: Are you sure it’s over? it depends on Stephenie Meyer. I’ll say it right now, if she writes a sequel, I’ll be in.
Kristen: it will be over only when we’ll talk about it using the past tense. It’s been a really important part of my life: I was 17 when it started and now I’m 21. And finally I can legally drink.
And your dreams, before Twilight?
Kristen: Let’s see: I didn’t move to Sydney, the city I love the most, and I think I’ll not do it for quite some time. I really wanted to continue studying, but that was in the past. Right now I’m happy like this.. ah yeah I still write.
Rob: When I was a kid I wanted to be a pianist in a restaurant in the south of France. I went there with my dad, and I saw a relaxed man in a smoking playing, with a glass of Whiskey on the piano. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I’ll admit it: what it happened to me with Twilight, it’s not the life I thought I would have.
Intervju med norska Julia-tidningen
Finally! The Breaking Dawn premiere is just a few days away. Julia make sure to grab a coffee with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart looks shocked on the cup filled with steaming, hot coffee.
- Who put this here? Is it for me? Did someone put poison in my coffee?!
She then laugh and says:
- I'm just kidding.
Kristen takes a sip from her coffee with a big smile on her mouth. She's dressed up with jeans, a saggy t-shirt with V-neck and wide arms. On her legs, she is wearing light-blue sneakers. Her hair is dark-brown and she's almost with no makeup on. Her nail polish is dark blue. Last time Julia met Kristen, she was very shy. Today, she's more talkative and very funny.
How have you changed as a person since the first Twilight-movie?
- I was only 17 when I started the first movie. Now I'm 21 and have now become a grown up. I think, at least. I'll never be entire grown up, ha-ha! But I?m not as unsure and shy like when I was younger.
Can it be seen that you've more grown up now, by the movie-roles you choose?
- Yes, except from Twilight, I've played in some movies that are not for children. It's always different reasons for why I choose a movie to be in, It could be a well-written manuscript, a good director or an interesting story that wakes attention and that make me feel like I have to be in exactly that movie.
Is it strange that the series are going to an ending?
- Yes, it's strange. Usually it doesn't feel like you are ending a chapter in your life when you are finishing a movie, 'Ok, it's over now, goodbye all friends, I'm now moving on to a new project'. But the Twilight-movies are different. They?ve been a huge part of my life in such a long time that it will feel like a part of me is gone forever.
At least you have the movies left as memories
- Exactly. It's good memories. I've met all my best friends through the last years, so the movies have given me beautiful memories for the rest of my life.
Do you love your job?
- Yes, I really do! I love to be an actress and I'm so happy and grateful that I get to work with this.
Isn't it tiring to be forced to have bodyguards?
- No. I love my bodyguard. He's big, watch out! Ha-ha. We've become very good friends and it feels safe to have him close by, even if it's not always necessary. But for example if I'm on a big film-festival and a group of photographers gets an eye on me, and runs screaming to me, it can be kind of scary. That's when I need someone to help me keep them on a distance.
Can't Robert protect you?
- Ha-Ha. Not in those situations. They are even more interested in Robert than they are in me!
What's make it so fun to pretend to be another person than yourself?
- I think everyone likes it. Especially young kids. They pretend to be different persons, changing their voice and act out different scenes. Adults also 'play' different roles, but in another way. Maybe they are different persons at work, than home. Or that they act different, depending on who they are with. When you act in theater or movies, you get to pretend you are someone else. It's exiting and it keeps your fantasy going.
Do you write your own manuscript?
- I love to write. I write every day, diary and stories. Maybe, someday, it will be a manuscript, let's see.
In Breaking Dawn, Bella gets married. Did you get to choose the wedding dress?
- I got to try it on, but it was the movies costume designer, together with Stephenie Meyer, who wrote the book, that decided how it would look.
Were you nervous on the wedding day?
- Yes, actually. In a way it was like another day of shooting. But at the same time very personally to be dressed up in a wedding dress and be a part of a wedding. I got nervous. It was a huge day and it was an ordeal for me as a bride, even though it was not on real.
How was Robert when you shoot the wedding scenes?
- Robert is so silly. He just wanted to tease me and laugh at me, all the time. But it couldn't be like that. He had to be serious during the shooting. But as soon cameras were off again, we just joked around again, as usual.
What will you miss most about Bella?
- I've been in this role for such a long time and Bella has become a part of me. I love Bella because she?s such a strong girl that likes to help people. She?s not very scared. She has this inherent anger and stubbornness that keeps her move forward and being a good leader. That's what I admire!
Ny bilder från britiska GQ magazine
Kristen på november omslaget på tidningen GQ
US weekly- Fall's leading ladies
Kristen och Rob på omslaget av den franska tidningen Premiere Magazine
Kristen i W Magazine- September 2011
Smygtitt på Kristens W mag Cover på ET
Kristen i kommande nummer av Entertainment Weekly

Kristen på framsidan av "TV Today" - Tyskland
En av det bäst sålda omslagen 2010

Orginalbildkälla (bild nummer 2)
Bild nr 2 är redigerad av mig, Kimberly.