9 nya stills ifrån "The Runaways"

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3 nya stills ifrån "Eclipse"

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MTV Movie Awards 2010
Best movie/Bästa film
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
The Runaways
Best kiss/Bästa kyss
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson The Twilight Saga New Moon
Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning The Runaways
Best female performance/Bästa kvinnliga framträdande
Kristen Stewart The Twilight Saga New Moon
Kristen Stewart The Runaways
Global superstar/Global superstjärna
Kristen Stewart
Källa: hisgoldeneyes.com
Kristen och Rob pratar om förhållanden
James Woods pratar om Kristens framtida projekt
Källa: robstenation.blogspot.com
Screencaps från "Eclipse"-filmen

Källa: eclipsemovie.org
Fyra nya stills från "The Runaways"

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Bilder från "The Runaways"-press conference

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Ny bild från New Moon-inspelningen med cast och crew

Kristen tar fel bil
Ny intervju med Kristen och Dakota
Kristen i Beverly Hills

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Officiella Eclipse-postern

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Kristen om "The Runaways"
'As soon as somebody said, 'Hey, do you want to play Joan Jett?' I said, 'Yes, definitely!' And then you realize afterward what a big job that is."
That's Kristen Stewart talking. And, as things turned out, that's Kristen Stewart playing Joan Jett in The Runaways: punked out in leather and a Jett-black shag in the just-released rock biopic about the '70s all-girl glam band.
In the film, which opened Friday and neatly captures the head-spinning rush of being onstage thrashing your guitar when you're 17 years old, Stewart is the Wynnewood-born Ms. Jett and Dakota Fanning - another kid actor who has managed to segue into young-adult roles - is Cherie Currie, the blank-faced blond lead singer in the stripper couture.
Stewart, who turns 20 next month and has a modest little franchise going with The Twilight Saga, says that for her generation, the Runaways - up and running from only 1975 to 1979 before hitting a wall of drugs, drink, egos, and exhaustion - are pretty much unknown.
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Kristen väljer sina favorit-artiser på SXSW
Intervju med Kristen om "The Runaways"

Tidningen Self har intervjuat Kristen och Dakota Fanning om The Runaways. För att läsa mer än det här under, klicka här!
”I don’t think a lot of people know what options the first all-female rock ‘n’ roll band had,” Kristen Stewart told SELF during an interview in New York earlier this week. ”A lot of girls don’t realize there was a time when you couldn’t do something, like you really couldn’t do that [be in a band]–it was unexpected and looked down upon. We’ve grown up thinking we can be happy and do whatever we want, but back in the day, in terms of attitude and being who you are just personally, you used to not be able to be.”
The movie, which focus on the relationship between edgy punk-rocker Joan Jett and Bowie-obsessed Bardot lookalike Cherie Curie, is as much a raw, gritty look at the L.A. rock scene as it is a cautionary coming-of-age tale. As Jett, Kristen Stewart has found an outlet for all the buttoned-up angst of the Twilight franchise–from her jet-black hair to rough voice, she channels the musician’s nervous energy and fierce passion to make her dream a reality to a tee. Dakota Fanning plays her counterpart, the 15-year-old Curie who, after being plucked from the roller-rink crowd, goes from sex kitten to drug addict seemingly overnight. The chemistry between the two actresses is as electric as their eyeliner.
Källa: lionandlamblove.org
Kristen-intervju med ELLE
Kristen på LAX
7 minuters smygtitt på "Eclipse"
Mer videos från New Moon-dvdn
Shooting in Italy
Break-up scene
Charlie puts Bella to bed
Robert screws up scene

Kristen på ABC Popcorn
Källa: kstewartfan.org
Sneak peek från "Eclipse"
Nya stills från "The Runaways"

"The Runaways"-premiär i Austin

Källa: robstenlove.com
3 extended scenes från New Moon
Nya ottakes från 'Entertainment Weekly' 2008

Källa: kstewartsource.com
Kristens intervju med Vanity Fair
Källa: robstenation.blogspot.com
Kristens överraskningsvideo för Dakota
"The Runaways"-premiär i New York

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Nylon Magazine-intervju
The Runaways is about many things, but perhaps most importantly, it’s about the connection between Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, whose friendship boosted the band into short-lived stardom. Twenty-five years after they first jammed in a cramped trailer in the Valley, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning—the duo who plays them in Floria Sigismondi’s debut film, out this Friday—are filling their platform shoes, both onscreen and off. We caught up with the duo to learn how they first bonded and whether we can expect a solo album anytime soon.
How did you get into character—especially when it came to singing and performing the songs?
Dakota Fanning: [Singing] was something that I was a little bit nervous about, something that I’ve always been self-conscious about. So I was really excited to do it, because I knew I couldn’t have done it any other way—I just would have felt weird about [lip-synching].
Kristen Stewart: Luckily I had Joan [Jett] on set every day. There’s a lot of stuff on the internet that you can look at, there’s a lot of photos, and there’s a little bit of footage, so we really did need Joan and Cherie there in order not to tell a completely superficial—I would feel like a little doll walking around with black hair, I wouldn’t feel like I was actually playing Joan.
I was just talking to Joan, and she was saying how similar you are in so many ways.
KS: I think she thinks we’re incredibly similar, because I just played her in a movie. It’s so funny, because when we see each other now, I’m pointing out the differences. I’m like, See, I don’t normally do that!
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Källa: kstewartfan.org
Hur 'cliffdiving'-scenen i New Moon spelades in
Källa: twilightsweden.se
Deleted scene från New Moon
Exklusivt klipp från "The Runaways"
Källa: robstenlove.com
Kristen hos Jimmy Fallon

Källa: edwardandbella.net
Mer extra-material från New Moon-dvdn
Life after Twilight
Shooting in Italy
Behind the scenes with Taylor Lautner
Kristen hos Regis & Kelly

Kristen som värd för VH1 Top 20 Countdown
Källa: kstewartfan.org
Behind the scenes på New Moon
Källa: robstenation.blogspot.com
Kristen i New York

Mer bilder går att hitta här.
Kristen på LAX

Källa: robstenlove.com
3 klipp från New Moon-dvdn
Källa: mtv.com
"The Runaways" intervju med Kristen och Dakota
Källa: kstewartfan.org
Ny bild på Kristen från "The Runaways"

Källa: eclipsemovie.org
Kristen twittrade för Welcome to the Rileys
Och föresten, numera heter Twitter, Twatter.

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