Intervju med Screengeek från London-premiären av "BD - P1"
Bild på Kristen i London - 29 november
Besök på inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" i mars
Jamie Campbell om Kristen och Robert

Charlize Theron pratar om "SWATH" och Kristen
Luckily, MTV News had a fun-filled chat recently with Stewart’s “Huntsman” co-star Charlize Theron, during which the South African-born beauty revealed that she and Stewart are about to shoot the film’s climactic battle sequence.
“I’m still shooting ['Huntsman'], I’m going back in two days,” Theron told us as she promoted the comedy “Young Adult.” “I haven’t really worked with [Kristen]. I’ve done some small things with her, but we’re about to shoot our big showdown, and fingers crossed for me. It’s the big battle. I’m just really, really, really hoping I get to kill her,” she said with a smile. “That is how the story ends up, right?”
Ny still från "Breaking Dawn"
Filmtips: "The Runaways" på CANAL+ Emotion
Robert Pattison pratar om "Breaking Dawn" och nämner Kristen
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Bella och Edwards bröllops video kommer att vara med på dvdn
Kristen: "I had a pretty real experience"
In a new interview, Kristen revealed her very personal feelings about the wedding scene. And it seems like she’s identified so strongly with Bella for so long, that it was like her “own” wedding.
“I think it’s right, it’s very true to the book. I didn’t do too much thinking on the day, I had a pretty real experience,” she said, almost talking in a stream of consciousness. I had so much build up and anxiety going into it. I was able to release most of it before we actually did the scene and so I felt like I remember it as if it happened, instead of all the things that I was trying to act, trying to put in the scene, conversations with director, no – I don’t even think I talked to Bill that day you know what I mean, we’d already done all that work so that day was just about walking down [the aisle].”
The interviewer also asked her what inspired her to play such a good, protective mother since she’s never been pregnant or been a mother. Kristen replied: ”The book. Bella suddenly turns into a completely different person and it’s so fundamental, so it comes from somewhere physical and it’s so animalistic and feral the way that she responds. There’s one thing in the world that’s important, and it’s that and I liked that!”
Födelse scenen i "BD part 1" verkar ha en "epilepsi verkande effekt"
You may have heard it reported recently on your local news, that seizures are being reported across the country from people who attended a screening of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1. Apparently some individuals who are prone to seizures, have been triggered by the flashing colored lights in the birth scene.
The scene in question involves Kristen Stewart’s Bella giving violent birth to half-human, half-vampire spawn, a situation not only bloody and frenetic in nature but also featuring special effects including sudden bursts of light. This kind of content has been known to trigger “photosensitive epilepsy,” which can send a viewer into mini-seizures.
Another man who asked to remain anonymous reported similar symptoms after watching the scene at a theater in Salt Lake City. (Don’t worry, dude, your “Twilight” secret is safe with us.)
A request for comment from “Twilight” production company Summit Entertainment wasn’t immediately returned Friday. The frequency, intensity, pattern and size of a flashing light source, as well as the viewer’s distance from the light, all factor into photosensitive epilepsy, according to the nonprofit Epilepsy Therapy Project.
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Intervju med IMDb
Filmtips: "Welcome to the Rileys" på Canal+ First

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DVD-omslag för Breaking Dawn- Part 1
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 just hit theaters on November 18, and looks to repeat atop the box office once again this weekend. Summit Entertainment has released the cover art and special features details for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1's Blu-ray and DVD release, although the studio has not revealed a release date yet. Take a look at the cover art and special features details below, and we'll be sure to keep you posted on a street date for these titles as soon as it's made available.
Man får ju såklart tänka på att detta inte något som fullt färdigtutvecklat så man kan ju inte säga än att dvd omslagen kommer att se ut så här.
Intervju med Entrevista Cinespace Peru
Kristen ute i London - 24 november

Kristen pratar om Bella med WISN 12 News
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Bilder på Kristen och Robert i London - 23 november

Bilder från "SWATH"-inspelningen - 21 november
Borta i helgen
Nya "Breaking Dawn"-stills i People Magazine

Kristen och "Breaking Dawn"-castet på röda mattan
Två nya behind the scenes-bilder från Leno
Kristens intervju med Milenio Magazine - Mexico

It seems as thought you’re not very happy with your new found celebrity status.
No. That’s just a way to make yourself go crazy. When the first movie came out I did read stuff, I googled myself often, I was curious. I ended up reading a bunch of stories about me that were not true, and it was awful. I mean, even if half of that stuff was true, or even less than that was true, that would mean I’m a pretty terrible person (laughs). So I decided to stay away from all of that, because in the end people are going to write whatever they they want. I prefer to not get pissed off.
Friends like Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner? You’re one envied girl.
(Laughs). We spend so much time together on set that I think it’s normal to hang out together afterwards, and try to have fun. We’re young and we need to release stress sometimes (laughs).
Kristen och Rob ute i London - 21 november

Kristen pratar om Bella med PhilStar
Bilder på Kristen i London imorse - 21 november

Tre nya stills från "Breaking Dawn"

Cementplattan utplacerad på Hollywood Bouleward
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Behind the scenes-klipp från Ellen Degeneres Show
Kristen och Rob mat med David Moss - "Hollywwod & Dine"
En video direkt efter inspelningen av Ellen Degeneres Show
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Bilder från London - 18 november

Bilder från inspelningen av "Snow White"
"Breaking Dawn"-special - Ellen Degeneres Show
Kristens intervju med Time Warner Cable
Kristen hos Conan O'Brien
Kristens intervju med Terra
Behind the scenes-bilder från "Breaking Dawn"

Kristens intervju med The Hitlist - MSN Movies Blog

We can’t talk too much about this, but there’s a great cliffhanger at the end of this — when you read the script were you frantically going ‘Where’s the next page?’ You know what happens next, but could you believe that that was where they were choosing to end it?
Stewart: That’s where I wanted to end it. It’s such a natural break, so I was really happy that there were no more words at the end of the script. I was like ‘Yes, perfect. That’s exactly right.’ I think it ends in the best way.
In the second and third films, there’s a lot of this over-arching plot and conspiracy. This film really gets back to the relationship between Edward and Bella in this great interesting way. Was that gratifying as well to sort of return to the heart of the story?
Stewart: Yeah, that’s what I keep saying Bill (Condon, director) did, is he really had his finger on the pulse of it. The thing is in ‘Eclipse,’ we’re all supposed to be sort of disconnected. In this it’s the first time you don’t think that (Edward and Bella) are possibly going to break up. That’s not the conflict in the movie. There are other conflicts now. I don’t know, there’s like this weird sense of clarity. Bill’s also not afraid of being really sincere, and sometimes sentimental when that’s what it is in the books. What affects you in real life is really sentimental sometimes. I mean it’s easy with this to go, ‘Well, we can’t make it corny,’ and its not. That was the part that hits, and I think that’s why it has the heart, because Bill wasn’t afraid of it.
In a lot of ways, this is a movie that could only be made by someone who made ‘Dreamgirls,’ ‘Gods and Monsters’ and ‘Candyman 2.’ Do you find its interesting balancing the sex, the romance, the horror, and the slight edge of terror in all of this, or do you just play what’s on the page and that delicate balance comes out of the script?
Stewart: No, I think it was that (Condon) wasn’t afraid of anything. Parts are genuinely frightening as well, and I look dead. I wasn’t expecting him to push it that far. It’s funny that he has both, its funny that he has a beating heart in one hand and he’s definitely able to be really raw and kind of grotesque sometimes. When the beautiful bits poke out of that, they shine even brighter. I’m glad we weren’t afraid to make it gritty.
Edgar Allen Poe has this line about how the most poetic thing in the world is the death of a beautiful young woman. When you’re looking at footage of you mock-dead, do you get a little freaked out or do you think, ‘I look really good. I feel sad about me, too?’
Stewart: I’m looking at her going, ‘A nice out of body experience babe, hell, yeah.’ No I think it is weird to see dead me. I also don’t like having another me existing. I walked into the room and was like, ‘Hey watch it. You’re a little too similar to me.’ I don’t like the feeling.
The fully body replica kind of got to you a little bit?
Stewart: Yeah, its like ‘Hey, quit copying me,’ you know what I mean?
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Reklam för "BD"-avsnittet på Ellen Degeneres Show
Avsnittet kommer att sändas den 18 november 21.00 (svensk tid). Vi lägger självklart upp avsnittet här på bloggen efteråt så fort det kommit upp på internet.
Kristen om sexscenen, privatlivet och förändringen
Nytt videoklipp från Ellen Degeneres Show
HQ stills från Ellen Degeneres Show

SWATH behind the scenes - från ET
Omslag, intervju + bilder från nya Entertainment Weekly

Twihards have long been anticipating seeing Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) honeymoon on Isle Esme and consummate their marriage amid flying feathers. And as audiences will see when The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 arrives in theaters this Friday, the love scene does not disappoint. But, according to the stars of the movie, things could have been even more steamy — if it weren’t for director Bill Condon needing to keep the action PG-13. “There’s a version where it was really intense,” recalls Pattinson in this week’s EW. “Cinematically, cut all together, it’s awesome,” says Kristen Stewart. “But we didn’t really do that scene.
“And when we did,” adds Pattinson, “they kept telling us to stop.”
The PG-13 rating also limited things with regard to the climactic birth scene, which takes place at the end of the film. “That’s what I’m really disappointed about — and I’ve talked about it with Bill,” says Stewart. “It was more sympathetic or something when I played the scene with less energy, and it made it easier for him to tell the story. But in the book, Bella is screaming, ‘NOOOOO!’ [Stewart stands and demonstrates.] And I did it like that — crazy and Exorcist-like. I was going for this weird mix of turning into the most feral mother you can imagine and also fighting for my own life. I mean, I was a nutcase. I was an absolute nutcase.”
“I do still love the birth scene,” says Lautner. “I know it’s frustrating that some things aren’t in there.”
“Yeah,” says Stewart, “I still love it too.”
Nya stills från "Breaking Dawn"
Bilder från "Breaking Dawn"-premiären i London
Ursäkta min frånvaro
Intervju från The Golden Globes
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Australienska Daily Telegraph intervjuar Kristen
Kristen Stewart courted fame as Twilight's leading lady, so why does the star still hide behind her broody alter ego?
Admitting you have a boyfriend shouldn’t really be headline news, but then Kristen Stewart is - albeit begrudgingly - used to her life being scrutinised. For more than a year, legions of Twilight fans across the world have suspected that Stewart and Robert Pattinson, who oozes brooding charm as vampire Edward Cullen in the films, were more than onscreen lovers. And now they have proof the romance they’ve seen blossom onscreen has spilled over into real life.
Looking pretty and much softer than some photos portray, she’s dressed in skinny jeans and a T-shirt, and happy to talk about how it feels to be at the centre of the Twilight storm.
Her life changed dramatically when she won the coveted role of Bella Swan almost five years ago, and as the fourth instalment, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, hits cinemas this week, she says she’s finally come to terms with her superstardom.
Often criticised for being unapproachable, or sometimes moody, when snapped by the paparazzi or on the red carpet, Stewart is sanguine about those moments, especially when she weighs them up against the amazing opportunities that have come her way as part of her speedy transition from anonymous to global phenomenon.
“Yes, I feel more comfortable at times now, but it really is about what mood you’re in,” she says. “If the mood strikes and if you’re feeling unselfconscious that day, you can have fun with it. The trouble with the red carpet is that it’s hard to fake it. So, if you’re having an introspective day or not thinking clearly, it comes across. Then people think that’s who you are all the time, but it’s not - that’s just five minutes of my life.”
She admits she’s had to learn to lighten up. “It’s easier now that I realise people don’t want me to be so serious all the time,” she says. “I used to care so much about certain questions. For instance, sometimes someone will say very frivolously, ‘What does the Twilight experience mean to you?’ And I say, ‘Do you want a quick answer or for me to tell you what I really think? Because that’s going to take a while.’”
This letting go has clearly made life easier for her. “You can only be concerned about what matters to you,” she says. “I approach all of this as a job. Acting is what I do, and I’m lucky to have such an awesome career, but it’s a slippery slope when you start to let things affect you personally. Keeping your head down is much better.”
As for Pattinson, all she’ll say is what’s hers is hers. “I’m selfish. I think, that’s mine, and I’d like whatever is mine to remain that way. It’s a funny game to play. I always tell myself I’m never going to give anything away, because there’s never any point or benefit for me.”
Her iconic character, Bella, is set to give herself away to Edward in Breaking Dawn, with a much-anticipated vampire wedding. There’s been some criticism over the years that Bella isn’t a positive role model for young girls, but Stewart loves playing the character.
“[Bella’s] caught up in something that feels much bigger than her, and she’s in a relationship that’s by no means unequal,” the Californian native explains. “Edward is so invested in their relationship, but he’s weaker-minded and doesn’t think they can overcome such adversity. But she has faith that it will work out, so I think she’s more courageous than Edward. I understand people think her weakness might be that she’s had to give up her life for him, but don’t you think that’s valiant?”
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OK! Magazine Mexico intervjuar Kristen om "Breaking Dawn"
She's a mother taking care of her baby...
- Yes, and there's no bigger feeling than being a mother. She's never experienced that. She's the strongest opposite of the relationship, considering he's left everything and quit before. So she realizes the risks in being with him forever and what she has to do with the love of her life, and Edward doesn't think they will make it, he doesn't have faith. I've always said she has a divine intuition, she knows it's going to work and she's willing to risk it. There's people who say she's not a good example, but I think she is.
Is the decision to give birth an argument pro-choice or pro-life?
- We talked about this during rehearsals, because we knew people would relate the story to that and we hope the audience doesn't focus on that aspect too much, because we didn't. Bella has no religion, she believes in fighting for what she considers precious and what gives her hope. It would be interesting to see how Stephenie deals with these questions.
The birth scene is hard to watch, will it be difficult for the audience to see their heroine go through this?
- It's horrifying, it's the end, and you're telling a story where the main message is "I would die for you," so you have to be as close to death as possible to send that message. It's a cool way to end the saga.
The sex scenes were not described in the book, how did you handle them?
- It didn't feel like we were filming a Twilight movie, but since we didn't have a description from the books, we still made a scene that respected the escence of Bella and Edward.
Jodie Foster was surprised that you chose this role and put yourself in the spotlight...
- Nobody though that this would happen, especially those who knew me before Twilight. In the beginning I acted like such a freak during press things that people were sure that I was a freak.
Have you talked to Jodie recently?
- Yes, she's an amazing person, and I was so lucky that my first major role was playing her daughter, because when you're that young your brain is like a sponge, and I learned how to behave and treat my co-workers.
How's a normal day in your life?
' I like reading, going out for walks, boring things.
Can you go on walks without your bodyguards?
Yes, I'm always careful where to go. I used to be very lonely and say things like "I can't deal with anything right now, I don't want to see anybody". Just the idea of going to 7-11 and having people staring at me makes me feel like they're absorbing me. But little by little, I learned to handle it better. I didn't know how to do it before, I used to cover my face.
Läs hela intervjun [här]
Ny/gamla outtakes från Elle US
Posters från "SWATH"
Billy Bourke: "She's such a geniune human being"
So tell us something cool about Kristen Stewart that most people wouldn’t know about her.
Billy Burke: Um, I’m not sure that there are things that people know about her. There’s a lot of conjecture and things people would love to believe because that’s what people do. That’s the weird, strange thing about this business. People look at people on a movie screen or in an interview and they develop ideas and opinions that probably most of the time are not anywhere near true. So I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that she’s probably way more misunderstood then people would imagine. And she’s such a genuine human being, and seems to be very true to herself. I really admire that about her.
Video från inspelningen "SWATH"- 10 Nov
Kort backstage video från Jimmel Kimmel
"SWATH" teaser trailer
Bilder från Jimmel Kimmel
Intervju med T4
Denna vecka och tre veckor framåt är jag (Kimberly) på APU (Arbets Plats Utbildning). Men jag ska försöka uppdatera så gott det går i alla fall. Men då vet ni i alla fall varför uppdatering blir lite dålig...
Popsugar's "Rob and Kristen's Sweetest Offscreen moments"
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Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn- med Bella, Alice och Rosalie
Varning för spoilers!!
Glamour magazine outtakes (otaggade)
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Bilder inifrån Grauman Chinese Theatre- 3 nov
Intervju med ClevverTV
Intervju med Popsugar
BDKReviews intervjuar "Breaking Dawn"- castet
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Kristen i ny photoshoot för Vouge Italia
Filmtips: "Welcome to the Rileys" på Canal+ First
Gårdagens intervju med Black Tree TV
Intervju med The Insider
Bilder från Los Angeles presskonferens- 3 nov
Video från presskonferens i Los Angeles- 3 nov
Bilder från "The Tonight Show"- 3 nov
Kristen på "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
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Hela ceremonin på Hollywood Boulevard
Hela cermonin på Grauman's Chinese Theatre filmades igår.
Bilder från hand och fotcermonin på Grauman's Chinese Theatre- 3 nov
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p.s mer bilder finns men det har jag ingen info om var
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Bill Condon om din favoritscen i "Breaking Dawn"
Fandango: Fans are really looking forward to the wedding, the honeymoon, the birth and Bella's transformation scenes. What was your favorite to film and why?
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Rob och Kristen's intervju med Vanity Fair Italy
First Question: and you, what do you think about weddings?
Rob: I don’t know until now, I’ve been at around twenty funerals and just 2 weddings, certainly for what I saw they’re more fun than the funerals.
But, didn’t you got emotional after the ring exchange?
Rob: the truth? I think that the major part of the men who get married, live the same kind of experience: you stay there, waiting.. the wedding day is a woman’s thing, it’s their day. It was different for Kristen: the dress, walking to the altar, the music. I got away with an “you are very pretty, let’s get married!”
Kristen: I have to admit it, I felt like a real bride: at the center of the attention, in a wonderful dress.. for that scene everybody had to leave their phones before entering: the dress had to be kept a secret.
In the movie there’s also a sex scene, it was hard to film it?
Kristen: To be honest it was funny to shoot, when there’s confidence with someone everything comes naturally
Rob: It was more embarrassing to take off my shirt near Taylor, have you seen his abdominals?! I felt like a loser.
There’s everything in this movie: sex, wedding, the honeymoon..
Kristen: yes, in Brazil. But since that we (of Twilight) are pro in programming stuffs, we went there during the rainy season. It was fun tho.
Rob: yeah: the honeymoon was really fun even if it was always raining.
And then you have a kid…
Rob: I’m not the one who gives birth.
Kristen: the baby bump was huge, unusually lightweight
How did you felt being pregnant?
Kristen: do I have to be honest? not particularly sexy
The sex, honeymoon and the kid were all good: wasn’t there something about Twilight that you hated?
Rob: contact lenses, a torture and I’ll definitely not miss them
Kristen: I agree: terrible and painful, but I particularly hated them because you couldn’t watch people directly in the eyes, the humanity aspect was off in someway
You have shot all the Twilight movies, so is over for you. but everybody else have to wait until the second part of BD.. How do you feel about it?!
Rob: Are you sure it’s over? it depends on Stephenie Meyer. I’ll say it right now, if she writes a sequel, I’ll be in.
Kristen: it will be over only when we’ll talk about it using the past tense. It’s been a really important part of my life: I was 17 when it started and now I’m 21. And finally I can legally drink.
And your dreams, before Twilight?
Kristen: Let’s see: I didn’t move to Sydney, the city I love the most, and I think I’ll not do it for quite some time. I really wanted to continue studying, but that was in the past. Right now I’m happy like this.. ah yeah I still write.
Rob: When I was a kid I wanted to be a pianist in a restaurant in the south of France. I went there with my dad, and I saw a relaxed man in a smoking playing, with a glass of Whiskey on the piano. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I’ll admit it: what it happened to me with Twilight, it’s not the life I thought I would have.
Intervju med norska Julia-tidningen
Finally! The Breaking Dawn premiere is just a few days away. Julia make sure to grab a coffee with Kristen Stewart.
Kristen Stewart looks shocked on the cup filled with steaming, hot coffee.
- Who put this here? Is it for me? Did someone put poison in my coffee?!
She then laugh and says:
- I'm just kidding.
Kristen takes a sip from her coffee with a big smile on her mouth. She's dressed up with jeans, a saggy t-shirt with V-neck and wide arms. On her legs, she is wearing light-blue sneakers. Her hair is dark-brown and she's almost with no makeup on. Her nail polish is dark blue. Last time Julia met Kristen, she was very shy. Today, she's more talkative and very funny.
How have you changed as a person since the first Twilight-movie?
- I was only 17 when I started the first movie. Now I'm 21 and have now become a grown up. I think, at least. I'll never be entire grown up, ha-ha! But I?m not as unsure and shy like when I was younger.
Can it be seen that you've more grown up now, by the movie-roles you choose?
- Yes, except from Twilight, I've played in some movies that are not for children. It's always different reasons for why I choose a movie to be in, It could be a well-written manuscript, a good director or an interesting story that wakes attention and that make me feel like I have to be in exactly that movie.
Is it strange that the series are going to an ending?
- Yes, it's strange. Usually it doesn't feel like you are ending a chapter in your life when you are finishing a movie, 'Ok, it's over now, goodbye all friends, I'm now moving on to a new project'. But the Twilight-movies are different. They?ve been a huge part of my life in such a long time that it will feel like a part of me is gone forever.
At least you have the movies left as memories
- Exactly. It's good memories. I've met all my best friends through the last years, so the movies have given me beautiful memories for the rest of my life.
Do you love your job?
- Yes, I really do! I love to be an actress and I'm so happy and grateful that I get to work with this.
Isn't it tiring to be forced to have bodyguards?
- No. I love my bodyguard. He's big, watch out! Ha-ha. We've become very good friends and it feels safe to have him close by, even if it's not always necessary. But for example if I'm on a big film-festival and a group of photographers gets an eye on me, and runs screaming to me, it can be kind of scary. That's when I need someone to help me keep them on a distance.
Can't Robert protect you?
- Ha-Ha. Not in those situations. They are even more interested in Robert than they are in me!
What's make it so fun to pretend to be another person than yourself?
- I think everyone likes it. Especially young kids. They pretend to be different persons, changing their voice and act out different scenes. Adults also 'play' different roles, but in another way. Maybe they are different persons at work, than home. Or that they act different, depending on who they are with. When you act in theater or movies, you get to pretend you are someone else. It's exiting and it keeps your fantasy going.
Do you write your own manuscript?
- I love to write. I write every day, diary and stories. Maybe, someday, it will be a manuscript, let's see.
In Breaking Dawn, Bella gets married. Did you get to choose the wedding dress?
- I got to try it on, but it was the movies costume designer, together with Stephenie Meyer, who wrote the book, that decided how it would look.
Were you nervous on the wedding day?
- Yes, actually. In a way it was like another day of shooting. But at the same time very personally to be dressed up in a wedding dress and be a part of a wedding. I got nervous. It was a huge day and it was an ordeal for me as a bride, even though it was not on real.
How was Robert when you shoot the wedding scenes?
- Robert is so silly. He just wanted to tease me and laugh at me, all the time. But it couldn't be like that. He had to be serious during the shooting. But as soon cameras were off again, we just joked around again, as usual.
What will you miss most about Bella?
- I've been in this role for such a long time and Bella has become a part of me. I love Bella because she?s such a strong girl that likes to help people. She?s not very scared. She has this inherent anger and stubbornness that keeps her move forward and being a good leader. That's what I admire!