Ny still från "Breaking Dawn- Part 2"
Ny bild från Kristens kampanj med Balenciaga - "Florabotanica"
Kristen Stewart spotted very sexy,alluring in new Balenciaga perfume photo. Recently, this new Balenciaga perfume ad photo, hit the net and features Twilight Saga main cutie Kristen Stewart rocking out a sexy,alluring pose for the cameras. This new photo also shot down previous claims that the company was unhappy with her after the big cheating scandal she was involved in. The photo ad is for their new perfume called, “Florabotanica.”
The shot was designed by Nicolas Ghesquière, and has Kristen striking a profile pose in a mostly black and white theme with tinges of color clustered in the top right corner. The new ad is appearing in the latest issue of Spanish Elle magazine, and the fragrance is scheduled to be released in select stores in September 2012.
Kristen also recently had very good things to say about Balenciaga,stating, “I love Balenciaga fashion because it is incredibly bold and forceful, yet feminine and sexy.I found there was a real creativefreedom in this project. I feel blessed and really proud to be the face of this new fragrance.” Stay tuned.
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Internationella trailern för "BD-P2" har släpps
Virgingmedia.com: "Kristen Stewart wants to be scared"
Kristen Stewart likes to be ''scared''.
The 22-year-old actress - who has seen her four-year relationship with boyfriend Robert Pattinson fall apart after she cheated on him with her 'Snow White and the Huntsman' director Rupert Sanders - says she doesn't like to feel in control of her life when she's working and loves the excitement being an actress brings.
Speaking in an interview before the cheating scandal, Kristen said: ''I just really am trying, trying, all the time. But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control. Actors walk around wearing these little tool-belts of acting skills. And I just don't find that interesting to watch. I never want to see someone who clearly can cry at the drop of a hat. That's so uninteresting. And so many actresses are so f**king crazy. They're emotional wrecks, so they pretend to be these characters. But the emotions aren't coming from the right place. Do you know what I mean?''
The 'Twilight Saga' beauty also revealed how when she's working, she is so preoccupied with the shoot she forgets to do every day things.
She told US Weekly magazine: ''I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body. They wrap and they send me back to my trailer and I f**king fall to pieces. I suddenly realise that I've had to pee for six hours. And I'm starving.''
Kristen på omslaget till Little White Lies Magazine

Robert Pattinson. Twilight. Getting naked in indie movies. Fame. These are some of the things we won't be talking about with Kristen Stewart. "Oh, good." says the actress, slightly taken aback when we give her the good news. We're sat on the roof terrace of a hotel - heavily populated on the ground floor by security guards - and it's week two of Cannes Film Festival. Only 22-years-old, Stewart is being afforded the kind of elite protection from the media usually reserved for Hollywood's biggest megastars. But we don't really want to ask her about that either.
In fact, LW Lies only has one question: what does Kristen Stewart want to talk about? "Right," she says. Then she thinks. "I don't want to sell myself. People are so weird. They suddenly find themselves so interesting that they think they're worth selling. Typically speaking, the most interesting thing to me about myself is, right now, the fact that On the Road is coming out. And I want to talk about On the Road.Chapter Two: On the Road
To talk about on the road is to discover that, although people ask Kristen Stewart a lot of questions, the answers all lead to one place. It's really simple: she's a 22-year-old kids who's crazy-stupid in love with her job. "Oh my god, I fucking love it so much," she beams. "I'm not Maryloul; I'm Sal. Right now, I feel so full. I'm like, bursting. I should be working. I don't want to take a break. It's funny, on set, I don't have to go to the bathroom, I don't have anything wrong, I'm perfectly fine, so through-and-through. I'm not hungry. I'm literally not even in my own body. They wrap and they send me back to my trailer and I fucking fall to pieces. I suddenly realise that I've had to pee for six hours. And I'm starving."
This kamikaze work ethic left her co-star Chris Hemsworth dumbfounded on the blockbuster Snow White and the Huntsman. Why, wondered the Aussie heartthrob, was she attacking a basic Hollywood fantasy like it was a Paul Thomas Anderson drama? "Awww..." she smiles, affectionately. "He's the same way. Well, he takes it very much at face value. Sometimes I need to make myself do that. I just really am trying, trying, all the time. I mean, Walter actually said to me several times during On the Road, 'Stop reaching, you're already there.' But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control. Actors walk around wearing these little tool-belts of acting skills. And I just don't find that interesting to watch. I never want to see someone who clearly can cry at the drop of a hat. That's so uninteresting. And so many actresses are so fucking crazy. They're emotional wrecks, so they pretend to be these characters. But the emotions aren't coming from the right place. Do you know what I mean?" And you have to remind her: this is your interview: you tell us.För att läsa resten utav intervjun, klicka [här].
Poster för Breaking Dawn Part 2 - UHQ
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"SWATH" släpps på dvd i oktober?

Kristen på TIFF den 6 september

Ny/Gammal outtake från Entertainment Weekly (2009)
Ny/Gammal intervju från Access Hollywood 2002
Kristen kommer inte medverka på nästa Comic Con

"Although Rob, Kristen and Taylor will not be with us this time out we will have a super line-up of other Twilight stars and the weekend will be filled with special events, movie prop and costume displays, contests, panels, auctions, parties, exclusive merchandise, music and much more, including some surprises!"
Kristen ute i LA - 20 augusti

Outtakes från 2006 - nu i HQ
Stills från On the Road - HQ
iPad-scans från Entertainment Weekly (Augusti)
Huffingtonpost:"Kristen Stewart drops out of new film "Cali"
Hemsidan Huffingtonpost har nu kommit ut med att Kristen inte ska medverka i filmen "Cali". Läs med nedanför.
Kristen Stewart might have issued a very public apology after news broke that she cheated on boyfriend Robert Pattinson with married director Rupert Sanders, but the young actress has since been mum and has even dropped out of an upcoming film.
Both Variety and GossipCop confirmed that Stewart has dropped out of a leading role in "Cali", a film directed by Nick Cassavetes and written by Michael Diliberti.
Stewart was set to star in the movie about San Fernando Valley lovers Mya (Stewart) and Chris (Alex Pettyfer), who sell a fake snuff film and escape with the cash only to "return from the dead" to save the younger sister Mya left behind.
GossipCop reports that Amber Heard has been asked to join the "Cali" cast, but it remains unclear whether Heard will take over Stewart's part.
According to the film's IMDb profile, Stewart is also credited as an executive producer.There is no word whether she will remain a part of the film in this capacity.
"Hopefully after all of this we can go and we can do it in the summer, like lock ourselves away for a few weeks in the Valley [in L.A.] in a little production office and get together really weird, freaky actor people," Stewart previously told MTV while promoting "Snow White and the Huntsman", the film that brought her and Sanders together. "It's filled with like the coolest characters."
TheHollywoodNews: "Kristen Stewart to ‘Lie Down In Darkness’ for new role?"
Kristen Stewart has been featured in the news A LOT recently – and not because of her ‘acting talents’. Whether or not what happened is true, Stewart is still attracting roles. The latest? Her name has been loosely attached to the book adaptation LIE DOWN IN DARKNESS.
Although an official statement has said that no offers have been made to potential cast members, reports have said if Stewart was to feature she would star as ‘tragic beauty’ Peyton, the unlucky victim of her father’s lust for young ladies. Based on the 1951 William Styron novel, the story tells the tale of Milton Loftis, a drunk trying to raise his family, consisting of his stubborn wife and two daughters.
As some already know, I’m not a fan of Stewart. I can’t really put my finger on why, but maybe it’s because she’s really, really boring.
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Filmtips!: Panic Room på Tv6