Video till 'The Forgotten' - Breaking Dawn soundtrack
Här är den officiella videon till Green Day's låt The Forgotten som kommer finnas med på soundtracket till Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Spoilervarning! Några nya scener finns med!
Kristen med i franska Melody Times
We can not wait. At the same time, the fateful date of 14 November makes us a little scared. Normal: At that time the fifth and final film of the Twilight saga will be out in theaters. A moment of intense emotions in perspective.
"Weird". The word may now return often in the actors' mouths of Twilight. Sure, it had to be weird for them to shoot all together for the last time. But for them, it is ultimately only a secondary strangeness. For them, this whole last part seems out of the ordinary.
"This film has nothing to do with the other four previous ones," confirms Robert Pattinson, Edward interpreter."Vampires are really superbizarre dudes." Kristen Stewart, meanwhile, won't be original. When asked what she thinks of this second part which is about to land on our screens, she does not hesitate: "Let me tell you that this movie is very special. And that's a compliment : Breaking Dawn Part 2 is indeed bizarre." That is to think that she and Robert have been talking and spreading the same word! Fortunately, Bill Condon, the director of this latest opus is more talkative. "I always thought that the first part was composed of two chapters. One would be romantic, the other horrific, but in the case of this last episode, I think we can describe the set of epic."
Taylor Lautner, the actor playing Jacob, on the other hand thinks that what fans want the most is to see how this version 2.0 of Bella option vampire will behave now. "They all want to know how she went from this clumsy girl to be hypersexy, graceful and athletic." Bill Condon is also in the same direction: "We can not imagine how this transformation is a major event before seeing it. Her transformation from a simple high school girl to a warrior is simply mind blowing." Compliments that will certainly go to Kristen Stewart's heart. However, the girl seems to have had some difficulty in this experience.
Robert Pattinson: "Since she's supposed to have changed looks, Kristen had to wear contact lenses. Like the other vampires in the film. She had to complain about 500 times more than me." Another difficulty for the star of the film was to embody a warrior on high heels. "This grace that has naturally Bella, the actress says funnily, I did not develop it at all!"
Läs resten av intervjun [här].
"Weird". The word may now return often in the actors' mouths of Twilight. Sure, it had to be weird for them to shoot all together for the last time. But for them, it is ultimately only a secondary strangeness. For them, this whole last part seems out of the ordinary.
"This film has nothing to do with the other four previous ones," confirms Robert Pattinson, Edward interpreter."Vampires are really superbizarre dudes." Kristen Stewart, meanwhile, won't be original. When asked what she thinks of this second part which is about to land on our screens, she does not hesitate: "Let me tell you that this movie is very special. And that's a compliment : Breaking Dawn Part 2 is indeed bizarre." That is to think that she and Robert have been talking and spreading the same word! Fortunately, Bill Condon, the director of this latest opus is more talkative. "I always thought that the first part was composed of two chapters. One would be romantic, the other horrific, but in the case of this last episode, I think we can describe the set of epic."
Taylor Lautner, the actor playing Jacob, on the other hand thinks that what fans want the most is to see how this version 2.0 of Bella option vampire will behave now. "They all want to know how she went from this clumsy girl to be hypersexy, graceful and athletic." Bill Condon is also in the same direction: "We can not imagine how this transformation is a major event before seeing it. Her transformation from a simple high school girl to a warrior is simply mind blowing." Compliments that will certainly go to Kristen Stewart's heart. However, the girl seems to have had some difficulty in this experience.
Robert Pattinson: "Since she's supposed to have changed looks, Kristen had to wear contact lenses. Like the other vampires in the film. She had to complain about 500 times more than me." Another difficulty for the star of the film was to embody a warrior on high heels. "This grace that has naturally Bella, the actress says funnily, I did not develop it at all!"
Läs resten av intervjun [här].
Stephanie Meyer nämner Kristen och Robert

MTV: Kellan Lutz recently said there's a special bonus scene during the credits. What can you say about that?
Meyer: That's actually incorrect. What they've been talking about will be in DVD extras I assume but it's not in the credits. There is no extra scene.
MTV: Of course the fans are very excited to see Kristen's interpretation of Bella as a vampire at last.
Meyer: It's subtle and yet kind of amazing. She's very self-possessed the way she holds herself. She's a completely different kind of character.
MTV: Meanwhile Robert Pattinson has been describing the vampire sex in the film as "ridiculous" in recent interviews.
Meyer: Yeah I saw that. I think he was talking about how it was so hard to keep a straight face [during that scene]. For the actors, there are 40 people in the room and most of them are inches away from you. It's a kind of awkward menage-a-forty going on. I think when you see the scene it's a testament to their acting ability that you don't see any of that in that moment at all.
Meyer: That's actually incorrect. What they've been talking about will be in DVD extras I assume but it's not in the credits. There is no extra scene.
MTV: Of course the fans are very excited to see Kristen's interpretation of Bella as a vampire at last.
Meyer: It's subtle and yet kind of amazing. She's very self-possessed the way she holds herself. She's a completely different kind of character.
MTV: Meanwhile Robert Pattinson has been describing the vampire sex in the film as "ridiculous" in recent interviews.
Meyer: Yeah I saw that. I think he was talking about how it was so hard to keep a straight face [during that scene]. For the actors, there are 40 people in the room and most of them are inches away from you. It's a kind of awkward menage-a-forty going on. I think when you see the scene it's a testament to their acting ability that you don't see any of that in that moment at all.
Exklusiv intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor
På torsdag, 2.00 (natten till fredag), kommer det vara en exklusiv intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor på MTV. Ni kommer att kunna se intervjuven LIVE [här]. För er som inte kan vara uppe mitt i natten kommer vi lägga upp intervjun här på sidan så snabbt som möjligt dagen efter! Ni kan även ställa frågor till dem på twitter om ni hashtaggar #AskTwilight .

Här är det MTV skrivit på deras hemsida:
MTV: The highly anticipated release of Breaking Dawn - Part 2 truly marks the end of an era. And since MTV News has followed the record-breaking franchise from the beginning, we're pulling out all the stops to celebrate the final chapter in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling vampire romance series.
Get ready for an extra-special dose of "Breaking Dawn" goods Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. ET, when MTV News presents "MTV First: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," an exclusive sit-down with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, during which they will introduce a never-before-seen clip from the film on MTV.
Following the on-air introduction of the exclusive clip, the "Twilight" trio will stick around for a lengthy interview on and will joined by other castmembers as well. Fans can get in on the action immediately by submitting video or text questions beginning today via or Twitter (@MTVNews, hashtag #AskTwilight).
In the meantime, don't miss our Twi-Fight Saga: A "Twilight" Tournament, which features dozens of characters going head-to-head in a battle that lets the fans choose their all-time favorite, who will be crowned November 12. After you've cast your vote in the Twi-Fight over at, check out MTV or tonight (October 30) at 6:55 p.m. ET/PT for the world premiere of Green Day's music video "The Forgotten," the first music video from the film's soundtrack, on MTV and "The Forgotten" marks the band's first contribution to a "Twilight" soundtrack, which will drop three days before the film's release, on Tuesday, November 13.
Last but certainly not least, MTV will present a "Twilight Takeover" on Saturday, November 10, and Sunday, November 11, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz, who will treat fans to a series of exclusive MTV moments from the very first interview with the cast through his latest exclusive interviews. The moments will appear throughout the weekend around MTV's scheduled programming.
Get ready for an extra-special dose of "Breaking Dawn" goods Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. ET, when MTV News presents "MTV First: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," an exclusive sit-down with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, during which they will introduce a never-before-seen clip from the film on MTV.
Following the on-air introduction of the exclusive clip, the "Twilight" trio will stick around for a lengthy interview on and will joined by other castmembers as well. Fans can get in on the action immediately by submitting video or text questions beginning today via or Twitter (@MTVNews, hashtag #AskTwilight).
In the meantime, don't miss our Twi-Fight Saga: A "Twilight" Tournament, which features dozens of characters going head-to-head in a battle that lets the fans choose their all-time favorite, who will be crowned November 12. After you've cast your vote in the Twi-Fight over at, check out MTV or tonight (October 30) at 6:55 p.m. ET/PT for the world premiere of Green Day's music video "The Forgotten," the first music video from the film's soundtrack, on MTV and "The Forgotten" marks the band's first contribution to a "Twilight" soundtrack, which will drop three days before the film's release, on Tuesday, November 13.
Last but certainly not least, MTV will present a "Twilight Takeover" on Saturday, November 10, and Sunday, November 11, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz, who will treat fans to a series of exclusive MTV moments from the very first interview with the cast through his latest exclusive interviews. The moments will appear throughout the weekend around MTV's scheduled programming.
Breaking Dawn Part 2-stills i HQ
En behind the scenes-still och en still från Breaking Dawn part 2 finns nu i HQ.
Klicka på respektive bild för att se den i HQ.
Kristens photoshoot för brittiska Vogue - HQ
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2
"Welcome home, newlyweds"
Dagens bild - 121031
Dagens video - 121030
Intervju med Kristen i tidningen Notas Para Ti
Twilight is coming to an end after 5 movies. How do you feel about it?
I’m sad. We were a family, and we actually cried when we finished filming the last scene. But then we celebrated.
Who will you miss the most?
Definitely Taylor. We were together everyday, and now we hardly see each other, but I hope our friendship is not over.
Who would you like to work with next?
I really admire Natalie Portman, and I hope I could film a thriller or an action movie with her. She’s a great actress.
Would you work in a different saga again?
No franchise can match Twilight. I don’t know if I’d ever do another one, but I would like to star in a horror film.
I’m sad. We were a family, and we actually cried when we finished filming the last scene. But then we celebrated.
Who will you miss the most?
Definitely Taylor. We were together everyday, and now we hardly see each other, but I hope our friendship is not over.
Who would you like to work with next?
I really admire Natalie Portman, and I hope I could film a thriller or an action movie with her. She’s a great actress.
Would you work in a different saga again?
No franchise can match Twilight. I don’t know if I’d ever do another one, but I would like to star in a horror film.
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2
ET Online har Twilight-vecka denna vecka och de har lagt ut ett nytt klipp samt en förhandsvisning av Green Day's video till låten de har med på soundtracket till Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Klicka på bilden för att se videon!
Kristen på omslaget för Glamour - November 2012
Kristen pryder omslaget till polska Glamour i november.
Kristen ute i Los Angeles - 29 oktober
Kristen sågs igår eftermiddag utanför Four Seasons Hotel där de höll en presskonferens för all press inför Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Fler bilder hittar ni [här].
Dagens bild - 121030
Ny intervju med Kristen i franska tidningen Gold
Ny intervju med Kristen, Robert och Stephanie Meyer i den franska tidningen Gold.
Q: What is it like to arrive at the end of Twilight?
Kristen Stewart: It's very strange. We know there are plenty of people that we will never see again, it's a bit like the end of high school. It was great, but something new is waiting for us, perhaps something even bigger.
Stephenie Meyer: No, that I do not believe it. (laughs) I just hope that the fans will love the end as they liked the first four films. Personally, I was eager to see what would give Bella as a vampire. Kristen is great, the scenes are really cool.
KS: I also can not wait for it to happen. Twilight vampires are truly unique. When we are transformed, everything is amplified when, as humans, we already have special abilities, they are exacerbated.
Robert Pattinson: I'm very happy, not that it stops, but that it is reaching the end. I remember when we shot the first movie, we were all stressed out by the idea that there would be no success and that we wouldn't shoot more of the saga. Then we saw the popularity it has suscited and the fan support has never dried up, even after four films. It is an extraordinary adventure that we have experienced, I am happy to be a part of it.
Q: What will you miss?
KS: Probably the fans, they were passionate, they have supported us all these years. There are very few films that generate much enthusiasm from the public. It's amazing to live such a phenomenon.
Q: What you liked the most?
SM: See Kristen, Rob, Taylor, Mackenzie and all of the others given life to my characters.
KS: I love my character Bella, the way it is, it evolves. She is the coolest girl in the saga.
Q: The relationship between Bella and Edward changed radically in the last film, can you tell us?
RP: Edward has always been surprised by the attitude of Bella for the first four movies ! Is he more surprised now that this she is a vampire? I'm not sure. What changes the most is that they are now equal. he should no longer protect her all the time, she won't be able to die. On the other hand, it is a newborn, she is fierce and can kill anyone if she can not control it. Edward will need to help her and teach her how to act a vampire. They will get closer as a couple. They know they will now be able to spend eternity together ... Finally, if the Volturi permit it.
KS: They will form a true couple. Bella transformation may be what dedicated their union, even more than marriage. The presence of Renesmee will also make them evolve at once. They are parents, and given the speed at which their daughter grows up, they will quickly take over their duty.
SM: Bella and Edward love their daughter, but everyone is wary of her. It affects the look they have towards her. Did they create a monster hiding behind the face of an angel?
Kristen Stewart: It's very strange. We know there are plenty of people that we will never see again, it's a bit like the end of high school. It was great, but something new is waiting for us, perhaps something even bigger.
Stephenie Meyer: No, that I do not believe it. (laughs) I just hope that the fans will love the end as they liked the first four films. Personally, I was eager to see what would give Bella as a vampire. Kristen is great, the scenes are really cool.
KS: I also can not wait for it to happen. Twilight vampires are truly unique. When we are transformed, everything is amplified when, as humans, we already have special abilities, they are exacerbated.
Robert Pattinson: I'm very happy, not that it stops, but that it is reaching the end. I remember when we shot the first movie, we were all stressed out by the idea that there would be no success and that we wouldn't shoot more of the saga. Then we saw the popularity it has suscited and the fan support has never dried up, even after four films. It is an extraordinary adventure that we have experienced, I am happy to be a part of it.
Q: What will you miss?
KS: Probably the fans, they were passionate, they have supported us all these years. There are very few films that generate much enthusiasm from the public. It's amazing to live such a phenomenon.
Q: What you liked the most?
SM: See Kristen, Rob, Taylor, Mackenzie and all of the others given life to my characters.
KS: I love my character Bella, the way it is, it evolves. She is the coolest girl in the saga.
Q: The relationship between Bella and Edward changed radically in the last film, can you tell us?
RP: Edward has always been surprised by the attitude of Bella for the first four movies ! Is he more surprised now that this she is a vampire? I'm not sure. What changes the most is that they are now equal. he should no longer protect her all the time, she won't be able to die. On the other hand, it is a newborn, she is fierce and can kill anyone if she can not control it. Edward will need to help her and teach her how to act a vampire. They will get closer as a couple. They know they will now be able to spend eternity together ... Finally, if the Volturi permit it.
KS: They will form a true couple. Bella transformation may be what dedicated their union, even more than marriage. The presence of Renesmee will also make them evolve at once. They are parents, and given the speed at which their daughter grows up, they will quickly take over their duty.
SM: Bella and Edward love their daughter, but everyone is wary of her. It affects the look they have towards her. Did they create a monster hiding behind the face of an angel?
Ny/Gamla bts-bilder från Jalouse photoshoot
Dagens bild - 121029
Dagens video - 121028
Balenciaga photoshoot nu i HQ
Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV-spot "Love lasts a lifetime"
Dagens bild - 121028
Kristen kommer medverka på The Tonight Show

Kristen kommer att vara med på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno den 5 november. Vi lägger upp intervjun här när det kommit upp på internet.
Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV-spot "Romance"
Kristen i Cosmopolitan USA - december 2012
Dagens bild - 121027
Kellan Lutz pratar om Kristen

“Kristen is a strong girl — mentally, physically emotionally,” he said. “She’s probably one of the best actresses I’ve worked with. She’s a strong cookie! It was really fun to bring that scene to life. I can’t wait to see it at the premiere with the fans.”
Kristen och Rob lämnar konsert - 25 oktober
För fler bilder, klicka [här].
Tweets från kvällen:
- So cool listening to Prince live tonight with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Mark Foster, Sophia Bush and many others
- Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart dodging the paps leaving the Prince private concert 5 minutes ago
- Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart looked adorable together tonight. So nice to see.
Kristen anländer till Los Angeles - 25 oktober
Johnny Harris om Kristen

It must have been a privilege to be part of a dwarf gang alongside Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, Ian McShane...
I said to Ray one day on set that if it wasn’t for the likes of him and Bob Hoskins it wouldn’t have been possible for me to enter the profession. But Ray said it was exactly the same for him, and he went back to people like Michael Caine, even further to Charlie Chaplin. With these guys I can quote lines from their films so to be standing next to them and performing was kind of dreamlike. Going home after work and explaining what had happened that day was like explaining a weird dream. Ray Winstone was there… Bob Hoskins was there… We were in a forest - but we were all dwarves, and Kristen Stewart was crying… It was surreal.
And how is Kristen Stewart to work with?
For such a young lady to be steering the size of ship she was, she’s amazing. She just got her sleeves rolled up and stuck in. She’s very diligent, very inclusive. We were a real unit. We formed a real bond.
I said to Ray one day on set that if it wasn’t for the likes of him and Bob Hoskins it wouldn’t have been possible for me to enter the profession. But Ray said it was exactly the same for him, and he went back to people like Michael Caine, even further to Charlie Chaplin. With these guys I can quote lines from their films so to be standing next to them and performing was kind of dreamlike. Going home after work and explaining what had happened that day was like explaining a weird dream. Ray Winstone was there… Bob Hoskins was there… We were in a forest - but we were all dwarves, and Kristen Stewart was crying… It was surreal.
And how is Kristen Stewart to work with?
For such a young lady to be steering the size of ship she was, she’s amazing. She just got her sleeves rolled up and stuck in. She’s very diligent, very inclusive. We were a real unit. We formed a real bond.
Kristen kommer medverka på The Today Show

Den 8 november kommer Kristen att vara med på The Today Show. Vi kommer lägga upp intervjun här så fort den kommit upp på internet.
Dagens bild - 121026
Kristen på Tokyo Flygplats - 25 oktober
Ny poster för On the Road
Dagens bild - 121025
Ny/Gammal bts-bild från Twilight
Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV-spot "Strongest"
Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV-spot "Generation"
Breaking Dawn Part 2 TV-spot "Alive"
Intervju från fan eventet i Japan - 24 oktober
Här är intervjun med Kristen under fan eventet för Breaking Dawn Part 2 i Japan idag.
Ny/Gamla outtakes från Sundance 2008 i HQ
Mackenzie Foy nämner Kristen i tidningen J-14

Q. You got to spend timewith all of the Twilight stars. What were some of your favorite moments when the cameras stopped rolling?
Mackenzie: I went hiking with Kristen (Stewart) and that was really, really fun.
Kristen på fan event i Japan - 24 oktober
Kristen på fan event i Japan för Breaking Dawn Part 2 idag.
Fler bilder och videos kan ni hitta [här].
Dagens bild - 121024
Kristen på AFI Fest den 3 november
Kristen kommer att vara med på On the Road-premiären på AFI Fest i Los Angeles den 3 november enligt [MovieMantz]. Mer om det kan ni läsa [här].

Intervju med Kristen i tidningen 15 a 20
Kristen is wearing jeans, white tee, green and brown jacket and her famous wild hair.
Is being a vampire everything you thought and more?
I waited so long to do this! Nobody else got to analyze their characters as human beings first, and then vampires, which has everything to do with what you’ll as a vampire. Everything that makes you great is amplified once you become a vampire. People has seen Bella going through her normal progress of life. But then all of a sudden she’s tr into a transformed into a fantastic version of who she was, but at the same time she’s like a baby. She doens’t know how to use her powers. It was fun molding her without being dominated by fear.
What about the physicall aspect of this role. Did you get to do something you hadn’t done before?
Yes, wires. There’s a scene in which I hunt a mountain lion. I was thrown from a platform into a foam matt with the help of wires. They wanted me to attack the lion and look fierce. But the first few takes I was screaming because you feel like your stomach is flying out of your body through your mouth. I used to watch everyone else before, and be all “Come on, do it!” but after five takes it actually became fun (laughs). She’s the best vampire. After having a baby there is nothing more stable than the nature of being a mother, there’s nothing more ferocious and agressive. It’s a mix of both things, but I tell you, that feeling of your stomach flying out of your mouth is not easy.
Where you scared?
Never! (she says clearing her throat).
Were you ever afraid that something could happen to you while filming these stunts?
Fear is a good thing. Some people use themselves as tools, and they have great self-control. After that they can look back on their own feats, and I’m always like ‘I don’t know what just happened’ Getting nervous is great for me, it pushes me.
Have your fears changed?
You have to be ok with your own fears. If you’re an honest person you’ll make mistakes, but it’ll be okay. The most interesting things happen after making mistakes.
Have you had time to reflect on these four years?
They’re over, but at the same time it’s not the end yet.
What will you miss about Bella?
I’m taking her with me. I won’t have to miss her. I don’t feel like I have to come back and do something for her. I’ve taken everything from her, but her load is not on me anymore. It sounds weid, but I feel close to all the characters I’ve played.
Is vampire Bella a role model for girls?
Generally, yes, of course. She’s honest, she goes against what’s been set for her. I know people criticize her because of certain aspects of how she rejected parts of herself for a man. But that’s ridiculous. This relationship is equal. You need to be a very strong person to get where she is, and realizing that even if you don’t make it, it’s worth the try. Even if BD2 didn’t happen, Bella is the kind of person who would’ve done everything in the exact same way, anyway.
Do you think love changes with time?
I think it depends. It’s different for everyone. People are capable of living in different ways.
Is being a vampire everything you thought and more?
I waited so long to do this! Nobody else got to analyze their characters as human beings first, and then vampires, which has everything to do with what you’ll as a vampire. Everything that makes you great is amplified once you become a vampire. People has seen Bella going through her normal progress of life. But then all of a sudden she’s tr into a transformed into a fantastic version of who she was, but at the same time she’s like a baby. She doens’t know how to use her powers. It was fun molding her without being dominated by fear.
What about the physicall aspect of this role. Did you get to do something you hadn’t done before?
Yes, wires. There’s a scene in which I hunt a mountain lion. I was thrown from a platform into a foam matt with the help of wires. They wanted me to attack the lion and look fierce. But the first few takes I was screaming because you feel like your stomach is flying out of your body through your mouth. I used to watch everyone else before, and be all “Come on, do it!” but after five takes it actually became fun (laughs). She’s the best vampire. After having a baby there is nothing more stable than the nature of being a mother, there’s nothing more ferocious and agressive. It’s a mix of both things, but I tell you, that feeling of your stomach flying out of your mouth is not easy.
Where you scared?
Never! (she says clearing her throat).
Were you ever afraid that something could happen to you while filming these stunts?
Fear is a good thing. Some people use themselves as tools, and they have great self-control. After that they can look back on their own feats, and I’m always like ‘I don’t know what just happened’ Getting nervous is great for me, it pushes me.
Have your fears changed?
You have to be ok with your own fears. If you’re an honest person you’ll make mistakes, but it’ll be okay. The most interesting things happen after making mistakes.
Have you had time to reflect on these four years?
They’re over, but at the same time it’s not the end yet.
What will you miss about Bella?
I’m taking her with me. I won’t have to miss her. I don’t feel like I have to come back and do something for her. I’ve taken everything from her, but her load is not on me anymore. It sounds weid, but I feel close to all the characters I’ve played.
Is vampire Bella a role model for girls?
Generally, yes, of course. She’s honest, she goes against what’s been set for her. I know people criticize her because of certain aspects of how she rejected parts of herself for a man. But that’s ridiculous. This relationship is equal. You need to be a very strong person to get where she is, and realizing that even if you don’t make it, it’s worth the try. Even if BD2 didn’t happen, Bella is the kind of person who would’ve done everything in the exact same way, anyway.
Do you think love changes with time?
I think it depends. It’s different for everyone. People are capable of living in different ways.
Kristen gästar Live with Kelly and Michael

Den 7 november kommer Kristen att gästa Live with Kelly and Michael. Vi kommer lägga upp intervjun här så fort det kommer upp på internet.
Kristens meddelande till fans i Finland
Kristen i tv-showen Sukkiri i Japan - 23 oktober
Del 1
Del 2
Dagens bild - 121023
Dagens video - 121022
Ny trailer för Breaking Dawn Part 2
Ny scener
Kristen anländer till Tokyo - 22 oktober
Dagens bild - 121022
Gamla outtakes otaggade och i HQ
Snow White and the Huntsman på DVD
När release datumet för Snow White and the Huntsman-dvdn kom ut var det inte riktigt säkert om datumet stämde eftersom att det var "fiktivt" men nu stämde datumet. Nu finns alltså SWATH på dvd! Ni kan beställa direkt från [här]!

Bilden är skapad av mig (Kimberly) och om du lånar den, länka till stewartdaily.
Laurie Halse Anderson nämner Kristen

"The book keeps getting reborn. When the film version of Speak came out with Kristen Stewart, and then when she became Bella in Twilight, that brought a whole other cohort to the book. I'm in that film [Speak] for like 8 seconds. It was really evident that [Stewart] was an incredibly talented young woman—she was 13 at the time."
Kristen på Katy Perrys födelsedagsfest - 20 oktober
Kristen står i bakgrunden.
Ny/Gamla outtakes från ELLE Photoshoot 2010
Dagens bild - 121021
Gamla outtakes i HQ
Breaking Dawn Part 2 Featurette (Varning spoilers!)
Dagens bild - 121020
Dagens video - 121019
Mackenzie Foy pratar om Kristen och Robert

Q: What was your first time meeting, Taylor, Kristen and Rob like?
M: Well I met Kristen and Rob in the hair and make up trailer, and I think the first time I met Taylor was… in the first scene actually.
Q: When you wrapped up did they show up for your last scene?
M: Yeah, it was just me and Kristen.
Q: You were the final two?
M: Yes.
Q: But the rest of the crew probably showed up right? "That's a wrap on Mackenzie"!
M: The crew was there and the visual effects guy and all that stuff, because it had to do with the wolves. All the other cast, they weren't wrapped yet, they just had the day off so it was just me and Kristen. It was nice.
Q: Who was the biggest prankster on set? Or the biggest jokester?
M: Rob was pretty funny. He had some pretty funny jokes
M: Well I met Kristen and Rob in the hair and make up trailer, and I think the first time I met Taylor was… in the first scene actually.
Q: When you wrapped up did they show up for your last scene?
M: Yeah, it was just me and Kristen.
Q: You were the final two?
M: Yes.
Q: But the rest of the crew probably showed up right? "That's a wrap on Mackenzie"!
M: The crew was there and the visual effects guy and all that stuff, because it had to do with the wolves. All the other cast, they weren't wrapped yet, they just had the day off so it was just me and Kristen. It was nice.
Q: Who was the biggest prankster on set? Or the biggest jokester?
M: Rob was pretty funny. He had some pretty funny jokes
Ny TV-spot för Breaking Dawn Part 2
Ny scen vid 0:17
Ny still från On the Road
Breaking Dawn Part 2 i SFX Magazine
Intervjuer med Kristen och Robert.
(Klicka på bilderna för att se dem i större storlek)
Här är intervjun med Kristen om det är svårt att se vad det står:
"There's nothing stronger than a woman protecting her child" Kristen Stewart, Bella.
How different is Bella as a vampire?
To me Bella has always been emotionally honest and because of that, sometimes unsteady, and desperate and stumbling. So once she is finally a vampire, it feels so good. The fact that as a vampire you think a mile a minute, nothing is ever going to be anything other than decisive. Also, she has this feral, protective nature - there is nothing stronger than a woman protecting her child. So everything she is as a vampire is infused with the things that made her great as a human. But she is this very new, young animal and is figuring out how to use the tools she has been given. It's like a 12-year-old getting into a six-speed sports car and being like, "Whoa!"
What about the challenges from a physical point of view? Did you act stronger?
Yeah, I wanted to feel that strong but obviously you can't. You have to fake certain things. I liked being able to actually run on the ground - not on treadmills - get actual space behind me. There were different ways we accomplished looking strong and fast, and my favorite bits were the ones we could actually do.
What did you do to change her look as a vampire?
Well, Alice dresses her after she becomes a vampire because Bella is so focused on other things, like having the self-control to not rip everyones's throat out, even though that comes very easy to her. But within Alice's ridiculous choices of wardrobe, everything is functional, her clothes are very straightforward - and then she will go and wear some random pair of high-heeled boots, and you'll be like, "What are you doing? This is weird."
Are you worried people will always talk to you about Twilight, whatever you do next?
People always talk about the fact that I have got super-duper famous on Twilight, but if people who loved the books have a hard time seeing me in other parts, it's the ultimate compliment. I understand that. I am proud of Twilight and hopefully people will keep talking about it.
How different is Bella as a vampire?
To me Bella has always been emotionally honest and because of that, sometimes unsteady, and desperate and stumbling. So once she is finally a vampire, it feels so good. The fact that as a vampire you think a mile a minute, nothing is ever going to be anything other than decisive. Also, she has this feral, protective nature - there is nothing stronger than a woman protecting her child. So everything she is as a vampire is infused with the things that made her great as a human. But she is this very new, young animal and is figuring out how to use the tools she has been given. It's like a 12-year-old getting into a six-speed sports car and being like, "Whoa!"
What about the challenges from a physical point of view? Did you act stronger?
Yeah, I wanted to feel that strong but obviously you can't. You have to fake certain things. I liked being able to actually run on the ground - not on treadmills - get actual space behind me. There were different ways we accomplished looking strong and fast, and my favorite bits were the ones we could actually do.
What did you do to change her look as a vampire?
Well, Alice dresses her after she becomes a vampire because Bella is so focused on other things, like having the self-control to not rip everyones's throat out, even though that comes very easy to her. But within Alice's ridiculous choices of wardrobe, everything is functional, her clothes are very straightforward - and then she will go and wear some random pair of high-heeled boots, and you'll be like, "What are you doing? This is weird."
Are you worried people will always talk to you about Twilight, whatever you do next?
People always talk about the fact that I have got super-duper famous on Twilight, but if people who loved the books have a hard time seeing me in other parts, it's the ultimate compliment. I understand that. I am proud of Twilight and hopefully people will keep talking about it.
Behind the scenes-stills från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Kristen och Robert i Los Angeles - 17 oktober

Florabotanica live chat-video
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Kristen tackar fans i Danmark
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Kristen i InStyle UK - november 2012
London Metro skriver om On the Road
(Från iPad)
Max Theriot nämner Kristen i intervju

What was your first acting gig?
"Catch That Kid" with Kristen Stewart and Corbin Bleu. It came out in 2004.
You've co-starred with people like Kristen Stewart, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Lawrence. Who is your dream love interest on-screen or an actress you think you'd have chemistry with?
It's obviously not Jen anymore because we've already done that. I'm really close friends with Kristen and have been since I started acting because she's the first person that I ever met. That might be a little difficult because we're so close, but at the same time maybe it would be easy because we're good friends. She appears in "Jumper" but I didn't have any scenes with her. We've been trying to do something together since then, but it didn't work out. I'm sure eventually we'll do something together.
"Harry Potter," "Twilight" or "The Hunger Games?"
I'm going to go with Kris on this and take "Twilight."
"Catch That Kid" with Kristen Stewart and Corbin Bleu. It came out in 2004.
You've co-starred with people like Kristen Stewart, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Lawrence. Who is your dream love interest on-screen or an actress you think you'd have chemistry with?
It's obviously not Jen anymore because we've already done that. I'm really close friends with Kristen and have been since I started acting because she's the first person that I ever met. That might be a little difficult because we're so close, but at the same time maybe it would be easy because we're good friends. She appears in "Jumper" but I didn't have any scenes with her. We've been trying to do something together since then, but it didn't work out. I'm sure eventually we'll do something together.
"Harry Potter," "Twilight" or "The Hunger Games?"
I'm going to go with Kris on this and take "Twilight."
Ny/Gamla bts-bilder från The Twilight Saga
Ny/Gamla behind the scenes-bilder från The Twilight Saga. Bilderna är från The Twilight Saga Complete Archives.
Dagens bild - 121017
Kristen ute i Beverly Hills, Los Angeles - 11 oktober
Visste du att..
..Kristen har tre bröder, varav två är adopterade. Cameron är hennes riktiga bror och Dana och Taylor är adopterade.
Kristen i Harper's Bazaar Russia - november 2012
Kristen i ELLE Russia - november 2012
Kristen och Rob ute i LA - 15 oktober
Dagens bild - 121016
Kristen och Rob ute i LA - 14 oktober

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were photographed together last night for the first time since their split in July and ET has the exclusive photos and video.
Tune it to ET tonight for the exclusive video footage and more photos of the Twilight superstars back together. Stewart, 22, and Pattinson, 26, were spotted at the Ye Rustic Inn, a bar in Los Angeles' trendy Los Feliz neighborhood.
The Twilight stars are scheduled to make their first red carpet appearance since the split later this month while promoting The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which hits theaters November 16.
Tune it to ET tonight for the exclusive video footage and more photos of the Twilight superstars back together. Stewart, 22, and Pattinson, 26, were spotted at the Ye Rustic Inn, a bar in Los Angeles' trendy Los Feliz neighborhood.
The Twilight stars are scheduled to make their first red carpet appearance since the split later this month while promoting The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which hits theaters November 16.
Visste du att..
..Kristens mamma Jules är från Australien, vilket gör att Kristen är halvaustraliensk.
Ny intervju med Kristen i Fashion Canada

In the advertising campaign for Balenciaga Florabotanica (from $90, at department stores and, Kristen Stewart, the face of the dark floral fragrance, stands amid a minefield of ominously beautiful botanicals, inspired by the same vintage Pierre Frey wallpaper that influenced Nicolas Ghesquière’s Fall 2011 collection. Hovering near a stoic Stewart is what appears to be a Venus flytrap, angling to chomp down on her head.
“I think he’s fucking amazing,” Stewart says of Ghesquière, the house’s creative director and the man who wooed her to front its latest fragrance, perhaps with the promise that she wouldn’t have to pose on satin sheets—or smile. Though, on set, she would have been willing to cooperate if that had been the order of the day. “I was like, ‘Do you want me to stand a certain way to show the curves of the dress? Do you want me to model it up?’ By default, you sort of learn these things over the years, but they were like, ‘No, no, no, just stuff your hands in your pockets and just stand there.’”
Seated on a sofa in a suite in Paris’s Hôtel Le Bristol, the 22-year-old actress runs her hands through her tangled mane, flipping it back and forth. It’s the end of June, nearly a month before Stewart’s world is shaken up like a snow globe when a paparazzo snaps her mid-makeout with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, devastating Twilight fans rooting for Bella and Edward in real life. She talks Aaron Sorkin-fast, her sentences punctuated with profanity that seems as involuntary as breathing. “I’m sorry, I think [swearing] kind of discredits everything you say,” she says in reference to her earlier F-bomb, which won’t be her last.
Much like her first script read with Robert Pattinson, which was arranged to see whether the pair had any chemistry (it was “electrifying,” director Catherine Hardwicke told Vanity Fair), Stewart felt a strong connection to Ghesquière right off the bat. The two met at a Bruce Weber Interview shoot when she was just 14 years old.“Sometimes you meet people and instantly recognize something in them, and you explore that friendship because you want to figure out what you recognized about them at that first second.” Like Stewart, and previous Balenciaga fragrance face Charlotte Gainsbourg (“she’s a fucking great actress, man”), Ghesquière doesn’t play the games expected in their respective industries. “The soul-sucking fashion side of things is so clearly not him, and that’s why I am attracted to him and his world,” says Stewart.
Perfumers Olivier Polge and Jean-Christophe Hérault geared the scent to a younger perfume wearer—like, say, a Twihard—but instead of making it insipidly sweet, they imagined what an 18th-century garden of poisonous flowers would smell like. The predominant note is Turkish rose (edgier than the English variety), reinvented by way of amping up its green and spicy aspects. Stewart offers a perfume application tip. “If you wear it casually, wear it in the morning. Wear it when you haven’t showered. I know that sounds disgusting, but that’s the fucking sexiest thing.”
“I think he’s fucking amazing,” Stewart says of Ghesquière, the house’s creative director and the man who wooed her to front its latest fragrance, perhaps with the promise that she wouldn’t have to pose on satin sheets—or smile. Though, on set, she would have been willing to cooperate if that had been the order of the day. “I was like, ‘Do you want me to stand a certain way to show the curves of the dress? Do you want me to model it up?’ By default, you sort of learn these things over the years, but they were like, ‘No, no, no, just stuff your hands in your pockets and just stand there.’”
Seated on a sofa in a suite in Paris’s Hôtel Le Bristol, the 22-year-old actress runs her hands through her tangled mane, flipping it back and forth. It’s the end of June, nearly a month before Stewart’s world is shaken up like a snow globe when a paparazzo snaps her mid-makeout with her married Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, devastating Twilight fans rooting for Bella and Edward in real life. She talks Aaron Sorkin-fast, her sentences punctuated with profanity that seems as involuntary as breathing. “I’m sorry, I think [swearing] kind of discredits everything you say,” she says in reference to her earlier F-bomb, which won’t be her last.
Much like her first script read with Robert Pattinson, which was arranged to see whether the pair had any chemistry (it was “electrifying,” director Catherine Hardwicke told Vanity Fair), Stewart felt a strong connection to Ghesquière right off the bat. The two met at a Bruce Weber Interview shoot when she was just 14 years old.“Sometimes you meet people and instantly recognize something in them, and you explore that friendship because you want to figure out what you recognized about them at that first second.” Like Stewart, and previous Balenciaga fragrance face Charlotte Gainsbourg (“she’s a fucking great actress, man”), Ghesquière doesn’t play the games expected in their respective industries. “The soul-sucking fashion side of things is so clearly not him, and that’s why I am attracted to him and his world,” says Stewart.
Perfumers Olivier Polge and Jean-Christophe Hérault geared the scent to a younger perfume wearer—like, say, a Twihard—but instead of making it insipidly sweet, they imagined what an 18th-century garden of poisonous flowers would smell like. The predominant note is Turkish rose (edgier than the English variety), reinvented by way of amping up its green and spicy aspects. Stewart offers a perfume application tip. “If you wear it casually, wear it in the morning. Wear it when you haven’t showered. I know that sounds disgusting, but that’s the fucking sexiest thing.”
Kristen kommer inte till Rome Film Festival
Kristen kommer inte att vara med på Breaking Dawn Part 2-premiären på Rome Film Festival, detta meddelar Indie Wire.

It’s a bit of good news/bad news for Italian Robsten fans. The good news: the epic conclusion to the vampire story of our time, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2″ will make its world premiere at the Rome Film Festival. The bad news? Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart won’t be there. That red carpet just shed a single tear. But is this a sign the ‘Breaking Dawn — Part 2′ press jaunt will have significantly less participation by its two leads as they work their relationship out? While the studio has insisted plans will go forth as planned, one wonders…
Ny/Gammal intervju med Kristen från Screen Rush
Ny/Gammal intervju med Kristen från Screen Rush på On The Road Cannes Press Junket.
Kristens intervju börjar vid 1:47.
Dagens bild - 121015
Kristen kommer att ha en live-intervju för Balenciaga

Du kan registrera dig [här] och skicka in dina frågor till Kristen. Det finns inget max antal frågor du kan skicka och det är gratis att registrera sig på hemsidan. Tjugo frågor kommer att väljas ut och live-intervjun kommer filmas och sändas på Balenciaga Facebook-sida.
Källa och bildkälla
Översättning gjord av Erica. Kopierar ni, länka då till [].
Kristen i Marie Claire UK - November 2012
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Ett helt nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2 visades på Sitges Film Festival förra veckan och nu finns klippet online.
Dagens bild - 121014
Officiell banner för Breaking Dawn Part 2
Summit har släppt den officiella bannern för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Kristen, Garrett och Kirsten i InStyle USA - November
Nya stills från BD Part 2 - The complete film archives
Dagens bild - 121013
Eric Odom pratar om Kristen

Q: When you found out you were cast in this – I know you had known Jack Morrissey, so you had a relationship with Bill Condon – but aside from him, who were you most excited to get to work with in this film?
Erik: Oh, there’s a lot of them for a lot of different reasons. For one, I’m a huge fan of Kristen [Stewart]’s. I think Kristen is just a really great performer. Michael Sheen’s another one. There were little moments here and there with Michael where it was just fun to watch him work, you know? And really just watching these actors at the top of their game just going back and forth and sparring with each other during these scenes really going for it. There are a lot of them. I’d say Kristen,Michael, Noel Fisher’s another guy who I was a big fan of before we started filming, and he’s really great. And then to be completely honest, I’ve probably been crushing on Ashley Greene since day one, so that was … it was nice to work with her too, she’s a sweetheart.
Erik: Oh, there’s a lot of them for a lot of different reasons. For one, I’m a huge fan of Kristen [Stewart]’s. I think Kristen is just a really great performer. Michael Sheen’s another one. There were little moments here and there with Michael where it was just fun to watch him work, you know? And really just watching these actors at the top of their game just going back and forth and sparring with each other during these scenes really going for it. There are a lot of them. I’d say Kristen,Michael, Noel Fisher’s another guy who I was a big fan of before we started filming, and he’s really great. And then to be completely honest, I’ve probably been crushing on Ashley Greene since day one, so that was … it was nice to work with her too, she’s a sweetheart.
Eric Odom spelar Peter i Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Ny design
Nu har jag ändrat designen på bloggen, tryck på F5 om ni inte kan se den. Tyckte det var dags att byta eftersom den andra varit uppe i över ett år. Nytt och frächt! :)
Hittar ni något fel så lämna gärna en kommentar!
Nya stills från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Dagens bild - 121012
Danny Morgan och Walter Salles pratar om Kristen

Danny Morgan:
Director Walter Salles got the cast together early. “So by the time we started filming we really had been hanging out together and it felt like a parallel between us making a film and the life they were leading in the book,” Morgan said.
“We were just on this adventure together. We had lots of fun – although I don’t think we were as decadent as they were.” And Morgan admits it took a little while to get to know Stewart and Mortensen. “They weren’t being distant, I was a bit starstruck. But we went out quite a bit to bars and Kristen would come along. She might have security but most of the time people were cool.”
It was only when they were travelling between locations that also included Mexico, Argentina and the United States that the hysteria surrounding the Twilight star became apparent. “At airports, there would be thousands of people screaming ‘Kristen’ and going mental. It must be tough. I don’t envy it. I was very impressed by how well she handles it at such a young age.”
Director Walter Salles got the cast together early. “So by the time we started filming we really had been hanging out together and it felt like a parallel between us making a film and the life they were leading in the book,” Morgan said.
“We were just on this adventure together. We had lots of fun – although I don’t think we were as decadent as they were.” And Morgan admits it took a little while to get to know Stewart and Mortensen. “They weren’t being distant, I was a bit starstruck. But we went out quite a bit to bars and Kristen would come along. She might have security but most of the time people were cool.”
It was only when they were travelling between locations that also included Mexico, Argentina and the United States that the hysteria surrounding the Twilight star became apparent. “At airports, there would be thousands of people screaming ‘Kristen’ and going mental. It must be tough. I don’t envy it. I was very impressed by how well she handles it at such a young age.”
Walter Salles:
“The composer Gustavo Santaolalla had seen one of the first cuts of Sean Penn’s Into the Wild and was so impressed that he told me, ‘Don’t look anymore for Marylou – just meet this girl’,” the director recalls. “Kristen was indeed everything we were looking for. She knew the book extremely well and she understood Marylou's essence – an independent spirit, a young woman who was way ahead of her time.”
Kristens intervju med

How are you finding your post-Twilight career?
KS: The only time I have ever had to answer that question is in an interview. I don't look for anything. It's a very odd thing to pretend to be someone else and let people watch you do that. It really takes something special and I never know what that is until I find it. People who put movies into boxes... Into genres... When life is really sad, it's really funny too and what is that? Is it a dark comedy? Or is it a dramedy? Or is it a drama that's sometimes funny? I have no desire to...This sounds so pretentious, but I don't want to be in the entertainment industry, movies can be pretty important if you want them to be, and it's the only time I feel like it's worth doing such a ridiculous thing as acting in a film.
How did you prepare to play Mary Lou in ON THE ROAD?
KS: it's weird because On The Road was my first favourite book and we were allowed to know so much more than what is told in the novel. The version that came out in 1957 compared to the scroll [the original scroll that Kerouac wrote], compared to reality and really who these people were... You can only do On The Road once, so I think it's really cool that all of those three stories are rolled into one. As a character, Mary Lou couldn't be further from me. Everything she does is outward, she is one of the most generous, absolutely open faced people and in reality... It's hard to play that on one note. In the book, she's fun and she's sexy and she's progressive because of the time and the bold things that she's doing, but you do sort of go ‘Gosh' as a more sensitive girl, you do go ‘Wow, I don't know if I could do that, I don't know if I could keep up'. That is what I love about the book because I want to be able to keep up with those people. Figuring out who Luanne actually was, she was a bottomless pit, no one could waste her, she had everything to give and she expected just as much in return. It was really really lucky that we had the tapes and the access to the biographers and basically just to humanise these characters. It is not about Mary Lou, the book is not about her, she is a peripheral character. To play her, it was really nice to be able to understand why she did some of the stuff she did and not just play a fun, sexy character.
KS: The only time I have ever had to answer that question is in an interview. I don't look for anything. It's a very odd thing to pretend to be someone else and let people watch you do that. It really takes something special and I never know what that is until I find it. People who put movies into boxes... Into genres... When life is really sad, it's really funny too and what is that? Is it a dark comedy? Or is it a dramedy? Or is it a drama that's sometimes funny? I have no desire to...This sounds so pretentious, but I don't want to be in the entertainment industry, movies can be pretty important if you want them to be, and it's the only time I feel like it's worth doing such a ridiculous thing as acting in a film.
How did you prepare to play Mary Lou in ON THE ROAD?
KS: it's weird because On The Road was my first favourite book and we were allowed to know so much more than what is told in the novel. The version that came out in 1957 compared to the scroll [the original scroll that Kerouac wrote], compared to reality and really who these people were... You can only do On The Road once, so I think it's really cool that all of those three stories are rolled into one. As a character, Mary Lou couldn't be further from me. Everything she does is outward, she is one of the most generous, absolutely open faced people and in reality... It's hard to play that on one note. In the book, she's fun and she's sexy and she's progressive because of the time and the bold things that she's doing, but you do sort of go ‘Gosh' as a more sensitive girl, you do go ‘Wow, I don't know if I could do that, I don't know if I could keep up'. That is what I love about the book because I want to be able to keep up with those people. Figuring out who Luanne actually was, she was a bottomless pit, no one could waste her, she had everything to give and she expected just as much in return. It was really really lucky that we had the tapes and the access to the biographers and basically just to humanise these characters. It is not about Mary Lou, the book is not about her, she is a peripheral character. To play her, it was really nice to be able to understand why she did some of the stuff she did and not just play a fun, sexy character.
För att läsa hela intervjun, klicka [här].
Nikki Reed pratar om Kristen i intervju
Sam Riley pratar om Kristen

Riley laughs: "Travelling through airports with Kristen is the bees' knees.
"I wouldn't really want to swap lives with her in any other aspect apart from how quickly you can go through airport security. They let you off the plane first and then they usher you straight through, straight into VIP."
On the Road på dvd
I veckan upptäckte jag att har gått ut med release datumet för "On the Road"-dvd!

Så 21:a november är alltså datumet att vänta på!
Bilden är skapad av mig (Kimberly) och om du lånar den, länka till []
Filmtips: Adventureland på tv11
Om en dryg halvtimma börjar filmen "Adventureland" på kanalen tv11! Missa inte det!
Kristen om hennes stil och klicheér på röda mattan

So, we set out on a fact-finding mission to learn a bit more about the On The Road (and yes, Twilight) star and gossip-rag fixture. And we kinda fell in love with her. Here's what we learned: She's thoughtful and willing to explore when it comes to personal style and she's pretty freaking smart and self-aware when it comes to everything else. And really, that's what we look for in our friends.
Not sold? Read on for her thoughts on everything from grandma florals and getting to know yourself through fashion that challenges you to all of those verbs in Kerouac's writing and of course, that ubiquitous hand-on-hip celeb-on-red-carpet moment. We dare you not to be a believer by the end.
So, you went to the Balenciaga show on Friday. How was it?
"So sick! It really was incredible."
Did you see a standout look in the collection that really spoke to you?
"There was this small bustier in white that's typically worn with nothing under it, but they put a T-shirt under it, and it was sick! A few of its skirts, too, and the shoes — they were crazy! I feel like I don't need to think about what I'm going to wear for the next six months because it's pretty much handled."
When you see looks on the runway like that, do you immediately know which ones you'll want for the red carpet?
"All the stuff I see is definitely for the carpet. Any of the looks I saw today, I wouldn't want to waste on something that wasn't important because this round was really, really impressive and super-fance. Balenciaga is so particular, and I don't want to make it sound exclusive, but I mean, you need to know yourself to recognize yourself in the clothes; you have to really own it.
"What I love about fashion is that you find things that surprise you, that can uncover what's buried, that unleash certain aspects of yourself. Balenciaga does this like no other and I have a great time sifting through the stuff. Nicolas [Ghesquière] always picks the most fun things ever!"
On a more surface level, how is the Balenciaga aesthetic reflective of your own? What do you love about Ghesquière's designs?
"I think it's the balance — you can look really pretty, depending on what you decide to wear with a piece, but you can be really hard as well. It's rare to find a brand that's not one, or the other. I know it seems like I just wear simple shit when I'm dressing normally, and a lot of black, but I like colors! I mean, Nicolas is really out there and he really pushes it with patterns –– his patterned jeans are better than anyone's."
Ni hittar hela intervjun [här].
Garrett Hedlund pratar om Kristen med ELLE UK

Hedlund, 28, calls his pairing with Dunst, who plays his on-screen wife Camille, 'a blessing' and was also impressed by Stewart, who he met before Twilight was even made. "I saw her eyes and I thought she was like the next Robin Wright, so much depth. I knew she was going to go far."
Ny/Gammal intervju med Kristen i Tv Sorrisi e Canzon
-It will be hard for fans of the romantic Bella to recognize their beloved character
"Why? Marylou, too, is a romantic girl."
- Yeah, but she lives according to the 'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll' myth
"I wasn't ashamed of anything I filmed. Marylou is the most alive character of the book, and does everything with enthusiasm. It's the story of three guys looking for freedom, which they couldn't have in the America of 1947."
- She still is very transgressive
"I don't think they wanted to rise against something. The Beat movement and the year 1968 came later. Back then, they just wanted to live hard."
- Do you feel like a rebel?
"I don't know, I have more facets. One the one hand I have very tranditional values: I'm looking for love and want a baby one day. On the other hand, I have a secret and rebel side, that I maybe took from an Australian mom who handed down to me the love for adventure and freedom. And sometimes I feel a bit offbeat. That's also what I like about Kerouc's novel, it tells you not to imitate the others because it's good to be a bit different."
- Did you read the book?
"Of course, when I was 15. The funny thing is that I would identify myself with Sam, the narrator, the one who watches the others do crazy stuff then write about it. I remember telling myself: I need to find people who spur me like that in life!"
- Have you ever gone on a road trip?
"Oh yeah, I was really young. I only remember that the car stinked in the end!"
- What did you love about Marylou?
"I listened to her daughter and people who knew her on audio tapes. It moved me. She was more free than I am, but she was generous. She was looking for experiences then shared them with others. It was a different approach to life. I'm much more introvert and I was about to refuse the part for that reason."
- Why?
"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to lose control. But then luckily I managed to do it completely."
- You're an idol for millions of teenagers, but why don't you ever talk about your personal life?
"I don't sell myself. I sell my movies and my work. Actors who think they're interesting and sell their personal life are ridiculous. And I'd like to tell something to those curious people: if you like me, it's because you feel like we're similar. Then why do you want to find out who-knows-what secrets? I swear it's not worth it. My life is not different from yours."
- Maybe you still haven't got used to the consequences of fame
"It's true, I'm still living the first time I met fans. I thought I'd shot a weird small movie and I wondered if it'd be successful. Then I saw this ocean of screaming guys...That's when I knew I had become famous."
- Talking about Twilight, we'll see you in the last instalment soon. Can you tell us something?
"Expect a huge transformation. I'm not a shy high school girl anymore, but a bloodthirsty warrior. I spent three movies watching others play the vampires, now it's my turn and I told myself: I may come last, but I want to be the best one."
"Why? Marylou, too, is a romantic girl."
- Yeah, but she lives according to the 'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll' myth
"I wasn't ashamed of anything I filmed. Marylou is the most alive character of the book, and does everything with enthusiasm. It's the story of three guys looking for freedom, which they couldn't have in the America of 1947."
- She still is very transgressive
"I don't think they wanted to rise against something. The Beat movement and the year 1968 came later. Back then, they just wanted to live hard."
- Do you feel like a rebel?
"I don't know, I have more facets. One the one hand I have very tranditional values: I'm looking for love and want a baby one day. On the other hand, I have a secret and rebel side, that I maybe took from an Australian mom who handed down to me the love for adventure and freedom. And sometimes I feel a bit offbeat. That's also what I like about Kerouc's novel, it tells you not to imitate the others because it's good to be a bit different."
- Did you read the book?
"Of course, when I was 15. The funny thing is that I would identify myself with Sam, the narrator, the one who watches the others do crazy stuff then write about it. I remember telling myself: I need to find people who spur me like that in life!"
- Have you ever gone on a road trip?
"Oh yeah, I was really young. I only remember that the car stinked in the end!"
- What did you love about Marylou?
"I listened to her daughter and people who knew her on audio tapes. It moved me. She was more free than I am, but she was generous. She was looking for experiences then shared them with others. It was a different approach to life. I'm much more introvert and I was about to refuse the part for that reason."
- Why?
"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to lose control. But then luckily I managed to do it completely."
- You're an idol for millions of teenagers, but why don't you ever talk about your personal life?
"I don't sell myself. I sell my movies and my work. Actors who think they're interesting and sell their personal life are ridiculous. And I'd like to tell something to those curious people: if you like me, it's because you feel like we're similar. Then why do you want to find out who-knows-what secrets? I swear it's not worth it. My life is not different from yours."
- Maybe you still haven't got used to the consequences of fame
"It's true, I'm still living the first time I met fans. I thought I'd shot a weird small movie and I wondered if it'd be successful. Then I saw this ocean of screaming guys...That's when I knew I had become famous."
- Talking about Twilight, we'll see you in the last instalment soon. Can you tell us something?
"Expect a huge transformation. I'm not a shy high school girl anymore, but a bloodthirsty warrior. I spent three movies watching others play the vampires, now it's my turn and I told myself: I may come last, but I want to be the best one."
Mackenzie Foy om Kristen
I senaste nummret av Vanity Fair pratar Mackenzie Foy (Renesmee) om Kristen.

She already has her fansite but is full of admiration for Kristen Stewart, of whom she reports, "She was so super-sweet, one of the nicest, hardest-working people I have ever met."