Kristen på Late Show With Craig Ferguson

Två HQ-bilder på Kristen från premiären i Berlin
Från Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiären i Berlin.
Ett farväl från Bill Condon

Greetings to our global Twihard family,
On the flight now from Madrid to Berlin, I wanted to check in one last time, as you're finally getting a look at what we've all been working on so intensely. It's hard to believe that after our Berlin premiere tonight, my TWILIGHT journey will finally come to a close. It's been almost three years since I first wrote to you. I'm very proud of what we've created together since then, and I hope that PART II fulfills your expectations for the grand finale to Stephenie's sprawling saga. Fingers crossed that you've also managed to stay at least mostly spoiler-free, in order to enjoy the twists and parting gifts we have in store for you...
Thank you again for making me feel like a member of your fandom family online...for sleeping in The Line in San Diego in order to laugh with us in Hall H...for traveling great distances to join us in L.A. for last year's Tent City and this year's Fan Camp. Above all, thank you for trusting me with this universe you care so deeply about - we tried to match your intensity in our attention to every detail. That said, I don't think I'll ever live down the shame of being spied on by Twihard covens around the world on our very first night of shooting in Rio. Thanks to photos shot and instantly posted online of Bella and Edward on their honeymoon, we were called out in real time for missing a certain engagement ring... (Sorry -- again!)
As with you all, what I'll take with me from my time in Forks are so many great friendships - our massive cast of talented actors, and new creative partners such as Melissa Rosenberg, Guillermo Navarro and Phil Tippett. I hope to know them all for years and to work with them again soon, making movies yet to be dreamed up. At the L.A. premiere Monday night, Phil said we should make a "bloody, giant monster movie." But is there room for a musical number?
See you at the theatre.
Kristens intervju med Vogue India

Through four books and five movies, a new cult was born -- Twihards they called themselves. Twilight fans watched their heroine Bella transform from a socially awkward teenager in love into a jaw-droppingly beautiful vampire mother, a transformation somewhat mirrored in real life where the teenage child star Kristen Stewart grew up into a bankable Hollwood star.
"I'm kinda tripping out [professionally], because I've always been in a position where I love films, and they don't have money, and I'm attached to them forever. I don't get to realize some of the parts that I would love to play. But now I can get projects off the ground; I can get them made,"Stewart says.
Now on the promotions trail for the last movie in the Twilight series – The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 – does she feel like there should have been more to the story?
On the contrary, "I’m so happy that the story is told," says Stewart. "We had five years. The fact that this thing is out and it’s not weighing on us anymore, I’m super excited about that. I don’t want it to sound like I’m excited to be done with the experience. It’s a feeling, and I will definitely miss that, but I feel like it’s not going anywhere. It is strange. But, things shouldn’t stay stagnant. You’ve got to move on.”
"I'm kinda tripping out [professionally], because I've always been in a position where I love films, and they don't have money, and I'm attached to them forever. I don't get to realize some of the parts that I would love to play. But now I can get projects off the ground; I can get them made,"Stewart says.
Now on the promotions trail for the last movie in the Twilight series – The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 – does she feel like there should have been more to the story?
On the contrary, "I’m so happy that the story is told," says Stewart. "We had five years. The fact that this thing is out and it’s not weighing on us anymore, I’m super excited about that. I don’t want it to sound like I’m excited to be done with the experience. It’s a feeling, and I will definitely miss that, but I feel like it’s not going anywhere. It is strange. But, things shouldn’t stay stagnant. You’ve got to move on.”
Se till att läsa resten av intervjun [här].
Kristen gör en andra donation till Shoe Revolt
Kristen gjorde, förra året, en donation till Shoe Revolt i form av sina Keds. Nu gör hon en andra donation och donerar denna gång ett par Converse.

Even if you know little about Kristen Stewart, you probably know that her signature look includes an awesome pair of Converse sneakers! Kristen has once again chosen to use her fame to take a stand against human trafficking and sexual coercion. You may remember last year when Kristen Stewart's signed Keds raised $1,500 for Shoe Revolt and its partner programs.
Each year, an estimated 200,000 American youth, primarily girls, are at high risk to falling prey to a form of human trafficking called sex trafficking. This is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. The fact is traffickers, known as pimps, have declared war on the American youth. For pimps, teens are not human beings but property; they see teens simply as a means to gain profit. The average age of entry into prostitution in the U.S. is 12 to 14 years old.
Shoe Revolt is pleased to announce that our next auction will kick off appropriately with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 2 on November 16th. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on an autographed pair of size 7 charcoal Converse sneakers signed by Kristen Stewart. What better way to show your support for Kristen then to make a bid and support such a worthy cause.
Kristen was recently interview by Little White Lies for their Sept 2012 issue in which she says, "I feel like you need to do something. I made Welcome to the Rileys [in which Stewart played a young woman with emotional issues] a few years back, and now I want to open two halfway houses, one in New Orleans and one in LA. And I want to make a documentary about why it's important. But all this ridiculously empty charity work that you see? …… I want to do it right. Right now, I just feel it. It's not to be wasted." Kristen's efforts are definitely not wasted and she is certainly on the right track to making her voice known as someone who isn't willing to let this injustice continue. Please join her in kicking human trafficking to the curb….in style, one shoe at a time!
Kristen Stewart's shoes will be a part of our celebrity auctions with 100% of the proceeds going toward victims & survivors of sex-trafficking. By contributing, your support for Shoe Revolt and its scholarship program ensures that victims (human beings) are not ignored or forgotten, but are remembered and living free. To learn more about Shoe Revolt, our scholarship program, upcoming auctions or how you can join the movement, check out or Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook and twitter for auction details.
Each year, an estimated 200,000 American youth, primarily girls, are at high risk to falling prey to a form of human trafficking called sex trafficking. This is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. The fact is traffickers, known as pimps, have declared war on the American youth. For pimps, teens are not human beings but property; they see teens simply as a means to gain profit. The average age of entry into prostitution in the U.S. is 12 to 14 years old.
Shoe Revolt is pleased to announce that our next auction will kick off appropriately with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 2 on November 16th. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on an autographed pair of size 7 charcoal Converse sneakers signed by Kristen Stewart. What better way to show your support for Kristen then to make a bid and support such a worthy cause.
Kristen was recently interview by Little White Lies for their Sept 2012 issue in which she says, "I feel like you need to do something. I made Welcome to the Rileys [in which Stewart played a young woman with emotional issues] a few years back, and now I want to open two halfway houses, one in New Orleans and one in LA. And I want to make a documentary about why it's important. But all this ridiculously empty charity work that you see? …… I want to do it right. Right now, I just feel it. It's not to be wasted." Kristen's efforts are definitely not wasted and she is certainly on the right track to making her voice known as someone who isn't willing to let this injustice continue. Please join her in kicking human trafficking to the curb….in style, one shoe at a time!
Kristen Stewart's shoes will be a part of our celebrity auctions with 100% of the proceeds going toward victims & survivors of sex-trafficking. By contributing, your support for Shoe Revolt and its scholarship program ensures that victims (human beings) are not ignored or forgotten, but are remembered and living free. To learn more about Shoe Revolt, our scholarship program, upcoming auctions or how you can join the movement, check out or Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook and twitter for auction details.
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Kristen kommer presentera Cecil B. Demille Award
Idag, 1 november, kommer Kristen att presentera Cecil B. Demille Award på Golden Globe Awards som kommer äga rum på Beverly Hills Hotel.

Kristen Stewart and Simon Baker to announce the recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Recipient will be honored at the 70th Annual Golden Globe® Awards for their outstanding contribution to the entertainment field. The show once again will be broadcast LIVE coast-to-coast on NBC on Sunday, January 13 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (PST)/8:00-11:00 p.m. (EST) from the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
The recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award is chosen by the HFPA board of directors. The list of winners provides a spectrum of talented human beings who have had an impact on the world of entertainment, be it Alfred Hitchcock, Lucille Ball, Sidney Poitier, Sophia Loren, Sean Connery, Barbra Streisand, Martin Scorsese or any one of those thoughtfully selected for the honor. Morgan Freeman received the award last year.
The recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award is chosen by the HFPA board of directors. The list of winners provides a spectrum of talented human beings who have had an impact on the world of entertainment, be it Alfred Hitchcock, Lucille Ball, Sidney Poitier, Sophia Loren, Sean Connery, Barbra Streisand, Martin Scorsese or any one of those thoughtfully selected for the honor. Morgan Freeman received the award last year.
Kristen kommer medverka på Jimmy Fallon Show

Den 7 november kommer Kristen att vara med på Jimmy Fallon Show. Vi kommer lägga upp klippet här på sidan så fort det kommer upp på internet.
Video till 'The Forgotten' - Breaking Dawn soundtrack
Här är den officiella videon till Green Day's låt The Forgotten som kommer finnas med på soundtracket till Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Spoilervarning! Några nya scener finns med!
Exklusiv intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor
På torsdag, 2.00 (natten till fredag), kommer det vara en exklusiv intervju med Kristen, Robert och Taylor på MTV. Ni kommer att kunna se intervjuven LIVE [här]. För er som inte kan vara uppe mitt i natten kommer vi lägga upp intervjun här på sidan så snabbt som möjligt dagen efter! Ni kan även ställa frågor till dem på twitter om ni hashtaggar #AskTwilight .

Här är det MTV skrivit på deras hemsida:
MTV: The highly anticipated release of Breaking Dawn - Part 2 truly marks the end of an era. And since MTV News has followed the record-breaking franchise from the beginning, we're pulling out all the stops to celebrate the final chapter in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling vampire romance series.
Get ready for an extra-special dose of "Breaking Dawn" goods Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. ET, when MTV News presents "MTV First: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," an exclusive sit-down with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, during which they will introduce a never-before-seen clip from the film on MTV.
Following the on-air introduction of the exclusive clip, the "Twilight" trio will stick around for a lengthy interview on and will joined by other castmembers as well. Fans can get in on the action immediately by submitting video or text questions beginning today via or Twitter (@MTVNews, hashtag #AskTwilight).
In the meantime, don't miss our Twi-Fight Saga: A "Twilight" Tournament, which features dozens of characters going head-to-head in a battle that lets the fans choose their all-time favorite, who will be crowned November 12. After you've cast your vote in the Twi-Fight over at, check out MTV or tonight (October 30) at 6:55 p.m. ET/PT for the world premiere of Green Day's music video "The Forgotten," the first music video from the film's soundtrack, on MTV and "The Forgotten" marks the band's first contribution to a "Twilight" soundtrack, which will drop three days before the film's release, on Tuesday, November 13.
Last but certainly not least, MTV will present a "Twilight Takeover" on Saturday, November 10, and Sunday, November 11, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz, who will treat fans to a series of exclusive MTV moments from the very first interview with the cast through his latest exclusive interviews. The moments will appear throughout the weekend around MTV's scheduled programming.
Get ready for an extra-special dose of "Breaking Dawn" goods Thursday, November 1, at 8 p.m. ET, when MTV News presents "MTV First: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2," an exclusive sit-down with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, during which they will introduce a never-before-seen clip from the film on MTV.
Following the on-air introduction of the exclusive clip, the "Twilight" trio will stick around for a lengthy interview on and will joined by other castmembers as well. Fans can get in on the action immediately by submitting video or text questions beginning today via or Twitter (@MTVNews, hashtag #AskTwilight).
In the meantime, don't miss our Twi-Fight Saga: A "Twilight" Tournament, which features dozens of characters going head-to-head in a battle that lets the fans choose their all-time favorite, who will be crowned November 12. After you've cast your vote in the Twi-Fight over at, check out MTV or tonight (October 30) at 6:55 p.m. ET/PT for the world premiere of Green Day's music video "The Forgotten," the first music video from the film's soundtrack, on MTV and "The Forgotten" marks the band's first contribution to a "Twilight" soundtrack, which will drop three days before the film's release, on Tuesday, November 13.
Last but certainly not least, MTV will present a "Twilight Takeover" on Saturday, November 10, and Sunday, November 11, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz, who will treat fans to a series of exclusive MTV moments from the very first interview with the cast through his latest exclusive interviews. The moments will appear throughout the weekend around MTV's scheduled programming.
Kristen kommer medverka på The Tonight Show

Kristen kommer att vara med på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno den 5 november. Vi lägger upp intervjun här när det kommit upp på internet.
Kristen kommer medverka på The Today Show

Den 8 november kommer Kristen att vara med på The Today Show. Vi kommer lägga upp intervjun här så fort den kommit upp på internet.
Mackenzie Foy nämner Kristen i tidningen J-14

Q. You got to spend timewith all of the Twilight stars. What were some of your favorite moments when the cameras stopped rolling?
Mackenzie: I went hiking with Kristen (Stewart) and that was really, really fun.
Kristen gästar Live with Kelly and Michael

Den 7 november kommer Kristen att gästa Live with Kelly and Michael. Vi kommer lägga upp intervjun här så fort det kommer upp på internet.
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Snow White and the Huntsman på DVD
När release datumet för Snow White and the Huntsman-dvdn kom ut var det inte riktigt säkert om datumet stämde eftersom att det var "fiktivt" men nu stämde datumet. Nu finns alltså SWATH på dvd! Ni kan beställa direkt från [här]!

Bilden är skapad av mig (Kimberly) och om du lånar den, länka till stewartdaily.
Missa inte live-chatten 21.00
Kristen kommer inte till Rome Film Festival
Kristen kommer inte att vara med på Breaking Dawn Part 2-premiären på Rome Film Festival, detta meddelar Indie Wire.

It’s a bit of good news/bad news for Italian Robsten fans. The good news: the epic conclusion to the vampire story of our time, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2″ will make its world premiere at the Rome Film Festival. The bad news? Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart won’t be there. That red carpet just shed a single tear. But is this a sign the ‘Breaking Dawn — Part 2′ press jaunt will have significantly less participation by its two leads as they work their relationship out? While the studio has insisted plans will go forth as planned, one wonders…
Kristen kommer att ha en live-intervju för Balenciaga

Du kan registrera dig [här] och skicka in dina frågor till Kristen. Det finns inget max antal frågor du kan skicka och det är gratis att registrera sig på hemsidan. Tjugo frågor kommer att väljas ut och live-intervjun kommer filmas och sändas på Balenciaga Facebook-sida.
Källa och bildkälla
Översättning gjord av Erica. Kopierar ni, länka då till [].
Officiell banner för Breaking Dawn Part 2
Summit har släppt den officiella bannern för Breaking Dawn Part 2.