Kristen med ett fan i New York - 8 maj
Kristen och Rob på Marcus Fosters konsert - 17 april
I've never seen someone get into a car so fast in my LIFE !! #robertpattinson lmao @debbiedebm look at him LEAP ������
Seeing Robert tonight just made my day . Being in the same room ... Seeing him hang with friends .. His gorgeous smile !! Ahhh��
#robertpattinson ordered a Heineken tonight . Lol overheard his order
kristen left before Rob with a group of friends.
And #kristen is such a beauty ! Her skin is beautiful !!!!! She walked right by me&all I could do was stare at her !!! #dothekristen lol ;)
nooooo:((( she caught us completely off guard . She was walking pretty quickly too . The papz were following her.
Seeing Robert tonight just made my day . Being in the same room ... Seeing him hang with friends .. His gorgeous smile !! Ahhh��
#robertpattinson ordered a Heineken tonight . Lol overheard his order
kristen left before Rob with a group of friends.
And #kristen is such a beauty ! Her skin is beautiful !!!!! She walked right by me&all I could do was stare at her !!! #dothekristen lol ;)
nooooo:((( she caught us completely off guard . She was walking pretty quickly too . The papz were following her.
it was really dark in there, so no good pics without flash. They were covered by their friends throughout most of the show
yes! I caught a few cuteness overload moments, they both looked happy :) and they got flipped the bird for taking pics by some of their peeps though
it was really dark in there, so no good pics without flash. They were covered by their friends throughout most of the show
yes! I caught a few cuteness overload moments, they both looked happy :) and they got flipped the bird for taking pics by some of their peeps though
Två nya bilder på Kristen på Sun City Tattoo i El Paso
Ny/Gammal bild från SWATH UK Efterfest
Bilden är troligen från brittiska premiären av Snow White and the Huntsman - efterfest.

Ny/gammal bild på en ung Kristen
Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen från The Runaways
Två fanbilder med Kristen från 15 mars

Kristen Stewart let loose with pals on Friday night in Los Angeles.
Hitting up El Arco Iris restaurant for some Mexican food and fun, the former Twilight star was joined by a group of male and female friends, and they ordered a big bowl of chicken soup, a pitcher of the strawberry margarita and a pitcher of the house special margarita.
Kristen Stewart let loose with pals on Friday night in Los Angeles.
Hitting up El Arco Iris restaurant for some Mexican food and fun, the former Twilight star was joined by a group of male and female friends, and they ordered a big bowl of chicken soup, a pitcher of the strawberry margarita and a pitcher of the house special margarita.
"Kristen and her friends did a tequila shot," an onlooker tells PEOPLE. "The staff said that Kristen was super sweet and was very thankful and even took photos with them."
Dressed casually in jeans and a white T-shirt, the actress wore her hair wavy and down and flashed a peace sign in a photo that was taken at the eatery.
Ny fanbild med Kristen och Robert från igår - 20 mars
Kristen och Taylor med två fans - 12 mars
Still från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Bilden har vi lagt upp förut men nu är den inte beskuren.
Ny still från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Ny bild på Kristen på ett rullskridsko derby
Ny still från Breaking Dawn: Part 1
Ny/Gammal fanbild från premiären av Twilight
Bild på Kristen och Daniel Radcliffe från Oscarsgalan
Screencaps från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Ny bild på Kristen innan Oscarsgalan

"Here's the night's lineup, all set up and ready to go—with backup flats as options for each look. Not even crutches can stop this girl. She's simply stunning." — Tara Swennen