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Nya stills från "Eclipse"
Ett fan träffade Kristen, Robert och Taylor på en resturang

Backstage-klipp med David Slade från "Eclipse"-DVDn
Kristens double, Roberta, pratar om Kristen och Robert

KSBR: We've heard you mention many times that people thought that you and Kristen look alike. What do you think about that?
R: Kristen is so beautiful, her beauty is so divine that the fact that someone thinks that we look alike is a very huge honor.
KSBR: Did you take a picture with Kristen and Robert?
R: No.
KSBR: She commented to you something about you look alike?
R: No.
KSBR: Can you tell us something about the scenes?
R: All I can tell you is that the scenes are AMAZING. Wait for it. I'm sure you'll gonna love it.
KSBR: How did you react when you knew you were hired to be a stunt of a worldwide known saga, with thousands of fans?
R: I was flattered and very happy, I knew about the huge responsibility!
KSBR: At the end of shooting, did you feel that you could have help more than you helped or done anything differently?
R: Thank God everything worked out. I wouldn't have done anything different.
KSBR: How was your relationship with Robert and Kristen?
R: A proffessional relationship.
KSBR: Do you think Rob and Kris were enjoying Brazil?
R: Well, it's difficult to answer, but I think they enjoyed Brazil very much.
KSBR: If you could define Kristen by a word, what would it be? And Robert?
R: Kristen is lovely and Rob is humorous.
KSBR: You don't speak english. How did you communicate with the production?
R: Talking in spanish.
KSBR: What was your first impression of them? They look like a real couple?
R: They are the Hollywood's cutest couple. Kristen is very sweet and everybody can see that Rob is in love with her.
KSBR: Are you a Twilight fan? What did you think of Kristen before filming? And then?
R: I don't consider myself a Twilight fan, but a Kristen fan. And being able to know an idol is exciting. Now I want to see all the Twilight movies and I just bought the last book that I can't stop reading. I think I ended up being a fan after all.
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Kläddesigner till WTTR pratar om att förvandla Kristen till Mallory

Klicka här eller på bilden ovan för att lyssna!
Kim Bowen, costume designer for the film Welcome to the Rileys, is interviewed in the latest "Industry Interview" for Southern Gothic Productions. Bowen talks about working with director Jake Scott and actors Kristen Stewart, James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo, to create costumes for this dark film. She also shares stories about tranforming Stewart into the teenage runaway, turned stripper, she portrays.
Ny/Gammal intervju från premiären av "The Runaways"
Kristen och Robert på #1 i Potrait Magazine's lista över 'Best movie kisses'
#1. Bella Swan and Edward Cullen (Twilight)
With a staggering 77% of your votes, the Twilight kiss came out as being the Top Movie kiss. I have a feeling this one will continue to be on the top lists of romantic movie moments for a very long time. After all, what better love is there then the love from an eternal (stud) vampire? Millions of people couldn’t wait to see how Bella and Edward's first kiss from the series of books would turn out on the big screen and it’s oblivious to see, most of you were very happy with it. MTV Movie Awards 2009 crowned the movie scene as the best kiss with millions of you guys voting. So, let’s see what all the fuss was about...
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"Eclipse" TV-spot - Italien
Förlängda och borttagna scener i "Eclipse" i HD - extramaterial
Borttagna scener
'It's not life or death' - Bella and Angela
'I can't wait to see what you're going to do next' - Charlie and Bella
Förlängda scener
'Just keep the window closed' - Edward and Bella
'From now on I'm Switzerland' - Edward, Bella, and Jacob
'Someone's creating an army' - Edward, Bella, Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett'
'Bella, I envy you' - Bella and Rosalie
'What did I say about a low profile' - Riley and the newborns
'Jacob's thoughts are pretty loud' - Edward and Bella
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Borttagen scen från "Eclipse" - extramaterial
Recension om "Welcome to the Rileys" från svenska sidan Sourze

Betyg: VG
Titel: Welcome to the Rileys
Genre: Drama
Regi: Jake Scott
Manus: Ken Hixon
Musik: Marc Streitenfeld
Medverkande: James Gandolfini, Melissa Leo, Kristen Stewart, David Jensen m.fl.
Speltid: 110 min
Ända sedan Doug (James Gandolfini) och Louis (Melissa Leo) tonårsdotter omkom i en bilolycka för åtta år sedan, har paret glidit ifrån varandra. Ett äktenskap på 30 år på väg mot sin undergång. Louis lider av panikattacker och har inte lämnat huset på åtta år. Doug, å andra sidan, klarar inte av att vara hemma. När han en dag besöker sin dotters grav och ser att Louis beställt en gravsten åt dem också, med namn och födelsedatum ingraverade, får han nog.
"Jag är inte död än" konstaterar han till Louis och beger sig till New Orleans på en affärsresa. Där träffar han 16-åriga Mallory (Kirsten Stewart), som jobbar på en lokal stripklubb. Hon väcker faderskänslor hos honom och han beslutar sig för att stanna kvar i Louisiana på obestämd tid, vilket får Louis att trotsa sina sociala fobier och även hon bege sig söderöver...
Gandolfini personifierar den deprimerade Doug, som känner betydigt mer än han får utlopp för, och framförallt när Mallory lockar fram livslusten hos honom igen - är hans gestaltning som bäst.
Kirsten Stewart som envist förknippas med Twilight-filmerna kan betydligt mer än så, vilket hon redan visat i bland annat "Into the Wild". Scenerna mellan hennes skadeskjutna rollfigur Mallory och Gandolfinis sökande Doug är i sig en anledning att se den här filmen.
Fast vi ska inte glömma Melissa Leo. För svenska tv-tittare syntes hon senaste som John Goodmans fru i tv-serien "Treme" (även den utspelar sig i New Orleans). Louis skulle ganska lätt kunna bli en riktigt påfrestande rollfigur, ett emotionellt kontrollfreak ut i fingerspetsarna. Leo gör henne mänsklig och spelar henne med betydligt mer humor än man skulle kunna tro.
Mallory är den person som det är svårast att få grepp om, men så handlar Jake Scotts drama trots allt inte om henne, utan hon blir en bakgrund mot vilken Dougs och Louis äktenskap utspelas.
Tack och lov levererar inte Scott några moralpredikningar på slutet, det finns tillförsikt och mycket att fundera på när ridån går ner. Med andra ord, ett festivaldrama när det är som bäst.
"Breaking Dawn" filmas i Vancouver fram till 15 februari 2011

Kristen och Robert är det snyggaste paret på röda mattan 2010

# 1 Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
When it emerged that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were more than just an on-screen couple the world was hooked! Despite keeping details of their relationship under wraps, their ability to wow on the red carpet is undeniable! We love the contrast between Rob’s public-school boy style and Kristen’s laidback American approach to fashion. Even in this Yigal Azrouël embroidered taffeta dress Kristen opts for a pair of converse rather than heels - a playful look she has made her signature style.
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Vem bar den bäst?

Förlängd scen från "Eclipse"-DVDn
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Första bilden från "Breaking Dawn"

Scout Compton nämner Kristen

Q: So if I were to ask you about the best day of your life, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
A: The best day of my life?
Q: Yeah, I know it’s a tough one.
A: Yeah, oh man. Well probably the best four days of my life were when I took a road trip with Kristen Stewart (The Runaways, Twilight), and we took a road trip to Ohio from LA to see Rob (Zombie) perform. It was just such an overall amazing experience for me
"Eclipse"-DVD commentary - tältscenen
"Twilight" som Disney-film

En till video från extramaterialet från "Eclipse"
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Ny/Gammal bild från Montreal

Mer extramaterial från "Eclipse"
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Kristen på #7 i Teen Vogue's '50 Best Dressed Celebs Of 2010'
Två ny/gamla bilder från Coachella Festival

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En behind the scenes-video från "Eclipse"
Tre extended scenes från "Eclipse"
Tre ny/gamla bilder
Ny/Gamla promobilder för "Twilight"
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Kristen och Robert i Tigerbeat Magazine
Tre nya TV-spots för "Eclipse"
"Bella's choice"
Svensk poster för "Welcome to the Rileys"

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Catherine Hardwicke nämner Kristen

Q: Who are the men competing for Red Riding Hood's affections?
A: One of them is Peter, played by Shiloh Fernandez. She feels he is her soul mate, but he's had more of a troubled past. They love each other but that's not the way her mother wants Amanda's life to go. She wants her daughter to have a better life and arranges a marriage with Henry, who's played by Max Irons, the son of Jeremy Irons. He's a very striking-looking kid, as is Shiloh, who's very soulful. Shiloh was my runner-up for Edward in "Twilight" but he and Kristen [Stewart] didn't have the instant chemistry lock that is now well-known.
Exklusivt behind the scenes-klipp från "Eclipse"
Kristen intervju med Sky.com för WTTR
Chaske Spencer nämner Kristen och Robert
Did you have any idea of how immensely popular Taylor and you guys were going to be after New Moon?
No way. I didn’t even know who Taylor was at first. And then, during the shoot, we weren’t like Kristen and Robert. We could all walk around, hang out together in Vancouver. Now we have to split up the pack. We see the paparazzi and I’m like, “Okay, Bronson and Alex, you go that way! One of us is going to have to take the fall so the others can get away!”
Kristen i Scene Magazine - USA
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Kristen och Roberts doubles delar med sig av vad som hände på inspelningen
When Robert entered the boat with me, I could not speak. He is beautiful too - said Roberta, 23, who worked on the film, but, by contract, could not talk or take pictures with the stars.
Referred by a friend of the production of the film, Raphael called Roberta to join the team as a stand-in. But even with limited contact, the Brazilians could see that the couple gave signs that their chemistry was beyond the screens.
- You could see that they are in love (lovers?). They were quite comfortable with one another - says Raphael, on the honeymoon scenes played in Paraty. Raphael, 22, thought Pattinson was taller and stronger than him. He was surprised by the simplicity of the guy. Roberta enjoyed the comparisons with Stewart:
- The production people joked that I was prettier than the real Bella. But it is because I am more sympathetic. Kristen is very reserved. Their job was to mark camera movement and lighting of the characters. So the only players to reach the "recording".
Top 10 Denim Looks från 2010
Kristen i Weekly Magazine - USA

Förlåt för den dåliga uppdateringen
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Ny/Gammal intervju från promotion för "Eclipse"
Kristen i Discshop Magazine - Sverige
Rösta på Kristen som MTV's Hollywood Homecoming Queen

It's homecoming time everyone! All around the country, teenagers are smearing on too much make-up and jumping into ill-fitting suits to take part in that great fall tradition that separates the cool kids from the weirdos. One of those cool kids is Dakota Fanning, who was crowned her high school's homecoming queen last weekend. Congrats Dakota; we're thrilled! But we also have to ask: Did you have any real competition? It's just that there probably aren't any other gals in her high school who are HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STARS.
All of this got us wondering, what if there was a homecoming for all of young Hollywood? Would Dakota win? Hell, would she even make it onto the ballot?
We put together our own homecoming ballot of pop culture superstars and Dakota didn't make the cut. Want to know who did? Click below to find out and to vote on who should be crowned king and queen. We added a few other categories to determine who should chaperon the soiree and what the all-important hors d'ouerves should be.
Begin stuffing the ballots immediately. Voting will close tomorrow at 10 p.m. E.T.
Rösta på Kristen som Homecoming Queen HÄR!
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Nya bilder på Kristen och Robert i Paraty, Brasilien
Kristen i sina Keds Sneakers

Twilight star Kristen Stewart banks on her timeless Keds lace-ups to cushion her tootsies whether heading to a movie premiere, out to dinner in Hollywood or a quiet night in the Big Apple.
En video från Paraty
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Bilder från inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn"

För att se mer bilder, klicka här!
Kristen på framsidan av ELLE Girl - Japan
Ny fanbild från flygplatsen i Brasilien

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Kristen och Robert på flygplatsen i Brasilien
Kristen i Hola Magazine - Brasilien

Kristen and Pattinson living romance in the brazilian rhythm
Rio became the center of the world, last week for the fans of Bella and Edward. That explain why Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are in Rio de Janeiro, hosted in Copacaba Palace Hotel. The couple arrived in Brazil on November 5th to film some Breaking Dawn scenes in the ‘’Wonderfull City” and in Paraty, where the characters have their honeymoon. This is the forth and last movie of the Twilight Saga.
Since Titanic (1997), with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, no other movie couple stars has aroused so much hysteria. In the case of Kristen and Pattinson, it is bigger because, out of the screens, they keep a secret romance. In the breaks when shooting scenes at Marina da Gloria and Lapa, they looked each other and kissed.
Although Kristen loves Bella, she’s exciticed for her new role, Mary Lou, in “On the Road”, directed by Walter Salles. In this interview, she talks about expectations for her career.
With the attention that you received with Bella, did it change the way you relacionate with people?
No, no. This wouldn’t be able to transform me. Maybe I am more serious than a lot of people, and this causes a wrong idea about me. I prefer to study, observe and listen what others say about me.
You are filming the forth and last movie of the saga. How do you feel about that?
Im anxious to complete the Bella’s evolution and her transformations. The shooting will bring new challenges and for the character, and that’s exciting. Im also excited to go beyond Bella, closing a chapter of my life. One day, in one or two decades, it will be great to look back and see this phase.
Are you anxious for your career in the future?
Im more anxious with the others movies that I did recently. I had an awesome experience with (director) Walter Salles filming “On the Road” (about Jack Kerouac’s life), with Kisten Dunst and Viggo Mortensen.
When will you talk about your dating with Robert Pattinson?
Lets wait a few years until the last Twilight movie release. And then, I will say everything. Or something like that (laughs)
Billy Burke pratar om att jobba med Kristen
Nya fanbilder från flygplatsen i Rio de Janeiro - 13 november
Mer bilder från Isle Esme för inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn"
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Parodi på "Eclipse" från the Hillywood Show
Rösta på Kristen i UK's Richard Attenbourgh Film Awards

- Which actress do you think gave the best performance of the year in 2010?
Angelina Jolie
Noomi Rapace
Julia Roberts
Kristen Stewart
Gemma Arterton
- Film Star of 2010 - Actress
Kristen Stewart in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
För att rösta, klicka HÄR!
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Nya bilder från inspelningen på Isle Esme för "Breaking Dawn"
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Liten sneak peek på "Eclipse"-menyn
Billy Burke om smekmånadsscenerna i "Breaking Dawn"
Tre nya outtakes från Backstage Magazine
Ett fans berättelse från filmandet av 'Waterfall'-scenen i "Breaking Dawn"

I woke up at 5 a.m., see how anxious I was! I got up, took a shower, did the dishes, everything just to kill time. I prepared a bag with some clothes, my camera, the Breaking Dawn book, pens and, of course, my flag. I went to school because I couldn’t miss it, I’d have an important test. I did the test very quickly and met Julia Marques at the exit, as arranged, to go to Taquari. We took the bus and then met her uncle, who would take us to Taquari. We went to a an area where there are a lot of waterfalls, but there were no cars, it was all really desert, and it was 9:30 a.m. We started asking the locals about where they were filming and they said Cachoeira da Usina. We went there and started to see armored cars, doubles’ cars and vans and stuff. We ran up to where they allowed us and we sat quietly. Suddenly, a security guard arrived – who later I found out to be the chief – he was a gorilla, rude, an enormous monster, who asked us to leave. We left quietly, but cursed him a lot. In the meantime, there were about 6 people who knew filming was at the waterfall. We talked to the girls and they told us they got there walking through the woods around. They got there, but one of the girls who was with them started to scream and cry because she had seen Robert. Then 3 other gorillas popped up and made them leave.
Helpers started to arrive. Julia and I became friends with most of them, who gave us chairs, shadow and water. We showed them our flag and they were hopeful for us. When it was about 3 p.m., Kristen came down to change her outfit. We saw her going up in white bikini and shorts. She was gorgeous! My vision of her is of a porcelain doll, white, short, her hair in contrast. We started screaming: KRISTEN, KRISTEN! And some posers started to scream: BELLA! BELLA! After she left, I asked the girls if Kristen was there (at the waterfall) and they Said ‘just Bella’. I was shocked by that. We stayed up to 5 p.m. waiting. Everybody we met was hoping we could give them the flag. When they were coming down, one of our friends said he would wave and that we should be quiet and when he waved we should run and give them the flag. But some paparazzi arrived and Julia and I tried to mislead them, but the posers kept saying they had seen them and stuff. In the end, the paps did a big mess, making the Police set a barrier in front of us. So Julia and I ran and positioned ourselves at the speed bump. When we saw cars approacing, we started to scream. The paparazzi were following, so their car stopped right in front of us for the security guards to do their job. In the meantime, Julia and I covered Rob’s window with the flag and suddenly we heard someone knocking on the glass. We got the flag down and put our faces on the glass. We waved and he replied and sent us a kiss, everything with that crooked smile that makes our legs weak for being so perfect. I died! Then Kris saw him wave, did the same and sent us a Kiss too, smiling. Really, we were shocked! When he was opening the window (according to our intuition), the security guard came back, after going wild and throwing the paps’ keys away (on the other side of the road). They went away. We ran after the car, which is really pathetic.
Källa och bildkälla
Kristen i US Weekly - USA

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Secret's out
När saxofonister spelade en bossa nova melodi och festprissar dansade genom gatorna i Rio de Janeiro under morgontimmarna 8 november gav Robert Pattinson Kristen Stewart en ros, snurrade runt henne i en trans-liknande dans och lutade sig över henne för en djup kyss. Visst, de följde bara manuset för "Breaking Dawn" (som kommer ut i november 2011), där deras karaktärer äntligen viger sig. Men när kamerorna slutade att filma, slutade inte magin. "Efter att de filmat kyssen, höll dom i varandras händer", säger en åskådare om paret, som kom till Brasilien den 5 november. "Det var ett speciellt tillfälle för dem."
Fans kan förvänta sig riktiga kärleksscener i fortsättningen. "De är mycket mer öppna om att de är ett par nu," säger en nära källa till Pattinson, 24. Nu när Stewart, 20, har lättat på sina krav att de inte går ut officiellt, "du kan inte, inte älska dem," säger kompisen. "De är för söta."
Perfect match
Inte för att Stewart har gett upp tömmarna i relationen. "Hon är den tuffa, medan han är den sårbara," säger källan. "När Kristen är i närheten, stängs allt av. Han är fullständigt träffad."
Hjärtekrossaren ger Stewart högsta betyg i behandling, inlusive en Edward Cullen-liknande beredskap till att försvara hennes ära. Nyligen, stötte action-hjälten Jason Statham på Kristen Stewart i en bar i Los Angeles, enligt kompisen. "Jason är så stor, och Rob är så mager," säger vännen. "Men Rob sa, 'Jag tror att du har haft tillräckligt med tid med henne.' De blev irriterade, och dörrvakter blev inblandade."
Men det ultimata priset för en tapper riddare skulle vara att följa filmens handling. "Jag skulle inte bli förvånad," säger vännen. "om de gifte sig redan nästa år."
Översatt av mig. Om du kopierar så länka tydligt till Stewartdaily.
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MTV's 14 Celed Cat Ladies
ClutchMTV When we think of cat ladies, we think of doughy middle aged women with a poof of graying hair. In short, we think of Susan Boyle. The self-professed cat lady has defied cat lady stereotypes and she's not alone. Our research shows that there are cat ladies (and cat dudes) hidden throughout the ranks of functioning society. Some, like Susan Boyle, fit the physical stereotype. Others, like Katy Perry and Kristen Stewart, do not.
It makes sense that some of Hollywood's most successful people are closet cat ladies, what with the ability of cats to act as caretakers, improve their owners' health and teach everyone how to be kinder, gentler souls. Also, some can play the keyboard really well. So what famous people are hiding in the cat closet, stroking their tabbies? Read on for a list of 14 celebrities who have managed to defy the myth that cat ladies are nothing but kooky old kooks.
Number 3 Kristen Stewart
Kristen is a big animal lover and even predicted that that she'll become a crazy cat lady one day. Talking about her 6-year-old cat Max, she said, "We have a really strong, really weird codependent, almost Bella/Edward relationship. I'm going to be a crazy cat lady one day, I'm sure."
No. of cats: 1.
Other pet we can picture her owning: A werewolf.
InStyle magazine om Kristens klänning i "Breaking Dawn"

InStyle Over the weekend, the Internet was on fire with images of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson smooching in Rio during filming for the upcoming Twilight film. First: Aw! Second: Who made that fantastic nude sheath she’s wearing/where can we get it? Unfortunately for us, we talked to Summit Entertainment who confirmed the dress is “one-of-a-kind vintage.”
Aftonbladet pratar om "Breaking Dawn"
Kristen i Contigo Magazine - Brasilien
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Tre nya klipp från "Welcome to the Rileys"
Kristen och Robert lämnar sitt hotell den 8 november
Bilder på Kristen och Robert i Paraty - 9 november
Kristens intervju med Euronews
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Rösta på Kristen och "Eclipse" i People's Choice Awards 2011

Nu är nomineringarna för årets People's Choice Awards här. Kristen är nominerad i tre kategorier och likaså The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Gå in HÄR för att rösta eller klicka på bilden ovan!
Kristens nomineringar:
Favorite Movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Favorite Movie Actress: Kristen Stewart
Favorite Drama Movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Favorite On Screen Team: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner
Favorite Movie Star Under 25: Kristen Stewart
Outtakes från Backstage Magazine
Ett fan berättar om när Kristen och Robert filmade i Lapa

"After centuries of waiting, Rob and Kristen arrived around midnight and stayed on another street makes up and talking while rehearsing with stand-ins and extras. I went to see a little corner of what they were doing, and I saw Rob sitting on the hood of the car as a child laughing and talking with Kristen. I died inside, but I had to control myself to not give the flag. It was forbidden to photograph or videotape footage or anything of the set.
After the test, when the recording would begin in earnest, we were instructed not to look at pros players ("They're normal people who only speak English and have more money") or speak with them. Obviously I do not follow any of these rules, but neither was shocked as I saw a girl doing (she was removed from the set). The only song that played during the scene was a samba that was not boring, was only (imagine hearing the same boring music for 6 hours. While I was dancing, Robert and Kristen were passing by my side and right the first time, he inadvertently stumbled into me and I do not know why I apologized. He turned and smiled at me, so pretty! When they finished that first scene, after kissing in the street, I stood there watching what they were talking. Kristen said something to the director, analyzing the scene, saying what you think and what they should redo. After each decision she did, always participating, giving advice and sometimes asked to rebuild the same scene. Bill Condon attaches great importance to her opinion and she seemed very participatory, very involved, as if to make it perfect. I do not understand who says she is not even there for Saga, because from what I saw, every scene in the movie has a little finger of Kristen, a review of it.
Well, the end of the first scene, after Kristen went their views to the director, she and Rob were talking while the production people were setting up everything to save again. So I, who was standing near, said: "Kris, you rock!" She turned to me, looked at me with shining eyes and smiled! I won my night with that smile!
Every time Kristen was going back to the front to back the recording, she took off her shoe heel of a shoe and put Bella Keds any color (red, purple, yellow ...) and used to walk down the street. Since she was doing this, nearly fell and held on Rob. Speaking of Rob, they were holding hands all night, did not let go! Even after the "cut" with the cameras off, they were holding hands, patting one on the other hand, Robert was holding on tight to the waist and Kris pulled her close to him ... Kristen has come to bite the hand of Rob once kidding. How well she was unsure over the jumps, was clutching a shirt from Rob (as she did in the premiere of Eclipse in LA, has several pictures) and leaning on it. Later that night his shirt was already crumpled to hold both it and twist! They are very affectionate with each other, always caressing, smiling at each other and making jokes. See them kissing in front of me a million times, even for the characters, it was wonderful! In some they blew kisses, have caught it, Rob pulled her hair gently and put up 'accidentally' hand on the ass of Kris.
The Bella's engagement ring was very shiny, I think they have changed, or gave a polished, because it was beautiful! I also noticed the scar, I do not know how I managed to look the pulse of Kris, and she was in front of me, but I noticed!
After the shoot, when Robert and Kristen were already leaving, I spoke with John. He is super cute and was embarrassed when I said that the Brazilian fans of Kristen adored him, but gave a big smile and thanked him. In that, Kristen was looking and started laughing, then gave a bye-bye with a cute smile before leaving for good, and Rob too.
You could get very close to them during the shooting, near absurdly, insanely close. It was the happiest day of my life!"
Kristen och Robert påväg till Paraty
Kristen och Robert påväg att lämna inspelningsplatsen
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Inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" - Lapa
Inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" - Marina Da Gloria
Fler bilder på Kristen och Robert på flygplatsen i Brasilien
Nya bilder på Kristen och Robert i Brasilien
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Kristen i People Magazine - USA
Kristen och Robert tar kort med fans
"Adventureland" visas på Canal+ Drama 21.00

Ville bara informera er om att Adventureland kommer att visas på Canal+ Drama klockan 21.00. Missa inte!
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Historia från en tjej som bor på samma hotell som Kristen och Rob
I'm not a fan of the saga, but I admire these actors. I found them at lunch, they were with Stephenie
Meyer and a girl at a table and other guys in another. I don't understand English very much, even less the
European accent the girl had, but I admire it and I could see that they are really nice. At the hotel they asked me if I was a fan and not to bother them. I had no problem with it, I respect their space and privacy.
Kristen approached where I was, next to the waiter, said something in English that he understood and replied, and she greeted me. I gave her a greeting back, smiling. Kristen waited for the menu to order. She was talking with the other girl in English and I couldn't understand anything. Robert and Stephenie Meyer were on the table waiting for her and looked to her a lot (not exaggerating).
For many girls who are fans of the series would have liked to be in my place, however for me was like seeing
ordinary people. I only found out today that they came here to Brazil to shoot some scenes for the last movie. I can say that Kristen is a very beautiful girl, Kristen and Rob actually are together. They were very
tender to each other, Robert is very attentive to and loving towards her.
I'm staying for a week and I think I'll see them again. It's a pleasant experience. To see these actors was something amazing. I never thought that where I would stay I would find these actors who are admired by thousands and thousands of fans."
"Breaking Dawn" filmas 8 november 2010 - 22 april 2011
Kristen i People Magazine - USA
Kristens intervju med MTV
Bilder på Kristen och Robert på flygplatsen i Brasilien
Dagens video
Kristen på omslaget till Backstage Magazine - USA

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Kristen på flygplanet till Brasilien
"I'll die. Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson in my flight! In the seat-side!"

Bilder på Kristen och Robert på flygplatsen i New Orleans, USA

Gammal bild från The Runaways Sundance-efterfest - nu otaggad

Kristen i US Weekly - USA

Backstage-intervju från The Tonight Show

To some, Kristen Stewart is simply "the 'Twilight' girl." Her arresting turn as love-struck teen Bella Swan in the swoony series of vampire romance blockbusters put her on the map and earned her the mantle of "movie star."
And for many young actors, this would have represented the chance to cash in, to do a whole bunch of well-paying wannabe hits with various supernatural love interests. Stewart, on the other hand, prefers the more challenging route: offbeat indies, parts that speak to her in a genuine way, and the occasional portrayal of an icon (like, say, Joan Jett). She only hopes that those who want to see her as nothing more than Bella will give her a chance.
"There's a road I'm going down now, and I'm aware that there's not as much of an audience for strange movies—for different, eclectic movies—and I totally accept that," she says. "But at the same time, if I do films like that, I want people to take it for what it is instead of going, 'Oh, let's see the 'Twilight' girl try to do this.'"
Stewart says she is deeply grateful for all the opportunities the runaway vampire franchise has sent her way, but she has made sure the personas she has taken on since have not been terribly Bella-like. Take her nuanced performance in the recent indie sensation "Welcome to the Rileys." As foul-mouthed teen runaway/stripper Mallory, Stewart is raw and real, a believably bruised troublemaker, and she more than holds her own opposite co-stars James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo. "I'm really glad that it took the time that it did to get made, because I think by the time I was 18, I was ready and more confident and mature enough to play the part," says the actor, now 20. "I had read the script when I was 16, and I was just too young. I would've shied away from stuff, I think."
"Rileys" director Jake Scott first took note of Stewart in Sean Penn's "Into the Wild." Her screen time is limited, but she made it her own. "I went for a drink with Sean Penn, and he said, 'Check this kid out,'" recalls Scott. "She didn't do very much in that film, but she just had this quality that I'd always imagined Mallory would have—I always say 'vulpine.' Kind of feral, a bit of an alley cat. That really is strong in her, even though she's come from a very happy, loving background. It's interesting; maybe that's why she can play such damaged characters, such complex characters."
"Welcome to the Rileys" was in the works pre-"Twilight," and Scott recalls having to fight a bit to cast Stewart. "I was lucky he thought I deserved it," she says with a laugh. Stewart did everything possible to live up to the faith Scott had in her, throwing herself into research and character work. "I'm from the Valley, and I've had the most normal and privileged upbringing, so the fear in that is sort of 'Who are you and what do you know'" she says.
Stewart read books on homeless teens, talked to real-life strip club workers, and even learned to pole dance. "You really don't see it in the movie," she says of the pole dancing, "which sucks—I mean, it doesn't suck. Jake didn't want to exploit Mallory any more than she already is, but I did find that they beat the hell out of themselves. I had bruises all over my legs, all up the sides of my body. I think we did everything we could to do it right. For the girls who can relate to a movie like this, it's so necessary. We would be such frauds if we didn't do the proper work."
For Stewart, "the proper work," the things you have to do to make a performance as authentic as humanly possible, is an integral part of the way she approaches a role. Those who do want to see her as awkward Bella Swan—a sometimes morose, sometimes wishy-washy teen—have likely never heard her talk about acting. There's a striking passion that takes over whenever she discusses truly connecting to a character, and even though she hasn't had to audition in a while, she doesn't make her choices lightly. When she wants a role, she really wants it.
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Kristen i OK! Magazine - USA

Tre nya backstage-bilder från Jay Leno + intervju

To some, Kristen Stewart is simply "the 'Twilight' girl." Her arresting turn as love-struck teen Bella Swan in the swoony series of vampire romance blockbusters put her on the map and earned her the mantle of "movie star."
And for many young actors, this would have represented the chance to cash in, to do a whole bunch of well-paying wannabe hits with various supernatural love interests. Stewart, on the other hand, prefers the more challenging route: offbeat indies, parts that speak to her in a genuine way, and the occasional portrayal of an icon (like, say, Joan Jett). She only hopes that those who want to see her as nothing more than Bella will give her a chance.
"There's a road I'm going down now, and I'm aware that there's not as much of an audience for strange movies—for different, eclectic movies—and I totally accept that," she says. "But at the same time, if I do films like that, I want people to take it for what it is instead of going, 'Oh, let's see the 'Twilight' girl try to do this.'?"
Stewart says she is deeply grateful for all the opportunities the runaway vampire franchise has sent her way, but she has made sure the personas she has taken on since have not been terribly Bella-like. Take her nuanced performance in the recent indie sensation "Welcome to the Rileys." As foul-mouthed teen runaway/stripper Mallory, Stewart is raw and real, a believably bruised troublemaker, and she more than holds her own opposite co-stars James Gandolfini and Melissa Leo. "I'm really glad that it took the time that it did to get made, because I think by the time I was 18, I was ready and more confident and mature enough to play the part," says the actor, now 20. "I had read the script when I was 16, and I was just too young. I would've shied away from stuff, I think."
"Rileys" director Jake Scott first took note of Stewart in Sean Penn's "Into the Wild." Her screen time is limited, but she made it her own. "I went for a drink with Sean Penn, and he said, 'Check this kid out,'?" recalls Scott. "She didn't do very much in that film, but she just had this quality that I'd always imagined Mallory would have—I always say 'vulpine.' Kind of feral, a bit of an alley cat. That really is strong in her, even though she's come from a very happy, loving background. It's interesting; maybe that's why she can play such damaged characters, such complex characters."
"Welcome to the Rileys" was in the works pre-"Twilight," and Scott recalls having to fight a bit to cast Stewart. "I was lucky he thought I deserved it," she says with a laugh. Stewart did everything possible to live up to the faith Scott had in her, throwing herself into research and character work. "I'm from the Valley, and I've had the most normal and privileged upbringing, so the fear in that is sort of 'Who are you and what do you know?'?" she says.
Stewart read books on homeless teens, talked to real-life strip club workers, and even learned to pole dance. "You really don't see it in the movie," she says of the pole dancing, "which sucks—I mean, it doesn't suck. Jake didn't want to exploit Mallory any more than she already is, but I did find that they beat the hell out of themselves. I had bruises all over my legs, all up the sides of my body. I think we did everything we could to do it right. For the girls who can relate to a movie like this, it's so necessary. We would be such frauds if we didn't do the proper work."
For Stewart, "the proper work," the things you have to do to make a performance as authentic as humanly possible, is an integral part of the way she approaches a role. Those who do want to see her as awkward Bella Swan—a sometimes morose, sometimes wishy-washy teen—have likely never heard her talk about acting. There's a striking passion that takes over whenever she discusses truly connecting to a character, and even though she hasn't had to audition in a while, she doesn't make her choices lightly. When she wants a role, she really wants it.
"If you have to sit there and ask yourself if you want to do something, then you don't want to do it," she says firmly. "If you sit around going, 'Well, it's a good story, there are a few things that confuse me, but I can work it out'? No, no, no. I couldn't do that. I think I'd be so bad in whatever project that was. I can't make something work that doesn't completely speak to me. You just go, 'I want to live that. I'd really like to learn from that.' And you see it all so clearly."
In the 'Room'
When it comes to performing, Stewart saw things pretty clearly from an early age. Her mother was a script supervisor, so Stewart grew up hanging out on movie sets. "I would go to work with her, and I saw kids on set and I would be like, 'Gosh, I want a job,'?" she says, chuckling. An opportunity opened up when someone spotted her "singing some ridiculous song in a holiday performance thing" at school, she recalls. "There was somebody in the audience that helps you find an agent as a kid. It really, really would probably only ever happen in Los Angeles." At 9, she started auditioning for and landing movies. One of her early high-profile roles, as a diabetic youngster in the thriller "Panic Room," put her opposite Jodie Foster and under the direction of David Fincher.
"I think I went in six times over the course of several months, because they'd started production and then shut down and then recast people," Stewart says. "I really fought for that part. They made every kid that came up really work their asses off for it; it wasn't a quick thing. I had to read for David Fincher numerous times, and every time there would be notes. It was really intense." She understands the lengthy process better now, but at the time, she was just itching for the chance to prove herself. "I was like, 'God, dude, fuckin' relax, I can do it!'?" she says, laughing. "I was totally thinking that he should just trust me."
"Panic Room" got Stewart's career off to a nice start, but it wasn't until she starred in the dark indie "Speak" at age 13 that things clicked, that she recognized that acting could be fulfilling to her as a career. "I realized that you could get more from the job than just entertainment and not having to go to school," she says. "You could tell stories that people can take a lot from."
She went on to mix big, kid-friendly flicks with thoughtful independent projects, including actor Mary Stuart Masterson's feature directorial debut, "The Cake Eaters." Masterson remembers being impressed with Stewart's "Panic Room" performance, but she was even more blown away once they started working together. Stewart's character in "The Cake Eaters" suffers from Friedreich's ataxia, a disease that affects speech and movement. If the symptoms were depicted inaccurately, says Masterson, the result could have been offensive. But once again, Stewart was determined to do the work.
"She was totally committed to getting it right," Masterson recalls. "I gave her some interviews I had taped and introduced her to some people living with the disease, and she immersed herself in the process. She was very private about it, and I knew that was a good sign, because I had been through similar work on real-life characters before and I knew that what she was experiencing was a kind of protectiveness for the integrity of those souls suffering with what she would only have to play at."
When Masterson started doing festival Q&As for the film, "Twilight" hadn't come out yet and Stewart was far from a household name. "After every screening," the director says, "someone would always ask how I found an actress that good who had the disease."
'Road' Map
Stewart was in Pittsburgh working on the indie film "Adventureland" when she first got wind of "Twilight." At the time, she says, she didn't really have "enough room in my head" to even consider a project of that magnitude. Still, she was up for the audition and recalls being thrilled when director Catherine Hardwicke and actor Jackson Rathbone flew to Pittsburgh to meet with her. "We worked together for four hours," Stewart says. "And by the end of it, we didn't want to stop talking about it, and Catherine was like, 'Okay, well, I think you should do this. I'm gonna get on a plane now, but hopefully we can continue this discussion later.' I was like, 'Uh, does that mean…?' I couldn't believe it."
Like Scott, Hardwicke was charmed by Stewart's brief "Into the Wild" performance. "I felt her vulnerability and yearning leap off the screen when she sat on that bed in the trailer, trying to seduce Emile [Hirsch]," Hardwicke recalls. "Kristen has to feel everything—to connect, to make it her own. She is intense and powerful and athletically gifted. Bella Swan is clumsy. Kristen had to be the most awkward volleyball player in 'Twilight,' but in reality she's a superstar."
Stewart wasn't necessarily prepared for the "superstar" status "Twilight" would afford her, but she has tried to remain grounded and keep her decision-making process basically the same. "A lot changed, but at the same time the process of choosing stuff doesn't change," she says. "I guess I wouldn't know the difference if I didn't have 'Twilight,' because the things that have rolled in probably wouldn't have rolled in. I'm aware and thankful for that. And when something like 'Welcome to the Rileys' speaks to you, you have to jump on it."
That said, she's still genuinely surprised when filmmakers want to cast her in certain things—like Walter Salles' upcoming take on Jack Kerouac's novel "On the Road." "When it was sort of coming to be and I was the right age to play the part of Marylou, I didn't even want to think about it a whole lot, because I was like, 'They're gonna hire Scarlett Johansson,'?" Stewart says with a laugh. "Which would've been fantastic, but I just couldn't imagine inserting myself into that equation."
Now that she is part of the equation, she's bringing her usual commitment to the role—and, refreshingly, with a sense of wonder not typically found in young stars who have been working as long as she has. "I worked with my friend Tom Sturridge, and he plays Carlo Marx, who's Allen Ginsberg," Stewart says, excitement creeping into her voice. "And I would look over at him, and he's doing this fucking full-on Allen Ginsberg crazy monologue in the corner of some thumping, raving party, and I'm dancing to bebop jazz, and I'd be like, 'Tom, we're doing "On the Road." Just so you know? "On the Road."?'?"
Strategy Game
Though she has a distinctive way of evaluating potential roles, Stewart confesses that she avoids heavy strategizing when it comes to her career, "because to have a strategy, I couldn't have that thing where I didn't know what I wanted to do until it really screamed at me. But eventually—who knows how close or how far away this is—especially now that I've been given this enormous gift of 'yes,' I would love to develop projects and do them with people that are already close to me."
The "gift of yes" that the success of "Twilight" has given her is something Stewart still marvels at. But she understands the gift's limitations—and she doesn't want to use it to rehash Bella Swan. "I haven't tried it yet, but apparently it would be easy for me to greenlight a movie where I play the main part if I play a fairly normal-looking, pretty girl," she says. "There are a lot of those movies. But if I wanted to play, say, a transgendered prisoner [in in-the-works indie 'K-11'], which I really want to do, that doesn't hold the same weight."
Stewart knows that a lot of eyes are on her at this point. And she knows there are some people who will always see her as "the 'Twilight' girl." But she's determined to keep pursuing edgy parts, to build her career by always demonstrating her full commitment to whatever projects she takes on and by working hard for the writers and directors who entrust her with their visions. "Really," she says earnestly, "I just want to keep doing what I'm doing."
Tillbaka på fredag!
Nytt klipp från "Welcome to the Rileys"
Samlarbilder från "Eclipse"
Information om inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" i Brasilien

The first and most bombastic is that Stephenie Meyer should come to Brazil, along with Rob and Kristen, to accompany the shooting. Yes, her, the author, the creator of everything, must step in brazilian territory as one of the producers on the film.
The second information is that Taylor also coming, with 99.9% certainty, is pure speculation, and also Mackenzie Foy. Only Rob and Kristen, and Sebastião Lemos and Carolina Virgüez, should participate as actors on the filming here, which makes more sense.
Informations from other sources tell us that the equipment for the filming will be rented in São Paulo and transported to Rio. It is estimated that only with the rental of those equipment they will be spending approximately 1 million of Reais (around $600 thousand dollars). Helicopters were reserved for aerial filming and three different islands were take in consideration for filming.
Regarding LAPA as a location, from the information that we obtained, it is possibly for a scene of the two main characters in a taxi on arrival at Rio de Janeiro, because they need a busy place, with a lot of people and strong lighting.
Paraty will indeed be the Headquarters for the crew and cast, which it will be divided into two luxurious Inns. It can also happen for them to use one of the Inns as a location for interior scenes in the house of Isle Esme. A security company was hired to errr … give full security to the crew and actors during their entire stay and armored cars have already been reserved.
Kaure, the maid of the Isle Esme and the first person to realize that Bella was pregnant, must be portraited by Carolina Virgüez, a colombian naturalized Brazilian actress with several awards and nominations as best actress in several national plays. There will be 4 and half days of filming.
Some people from the crew must arrive before the actors to ‘prepare the ground “and meet with the several service providers. On 3 / 11 there will probably be a meeting between these people so that each of their functions can be assigned.
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Intervju med Better TV
John Allen Cassady pratar om att träffa Kristen + nya bilder
They picked John up in a limo and delivered him to a five star hotel in Montreal. To his chagrin, Kristen wasn't waiting there for him. They brought him to a party where he met everyone. He spoke to people he recognized and people he didn't. John took photos with disposable cameras because he'd left his digital back in London. He took pictures of everyone and everything. The next day he's having lunch with the producers and asks, "So when do I get to meet Kristen Stewart?" "John," they said, "You met her last night. You flirted shamelessly for hours. You got photos of the two of you together." John didn't know what she looked like! "And I wasn't even drinking," he said.
Back in London John got all his pictures developed. One of them was lost by the photo company. It was the one with all the photos of John and Kristen Stewart. "Story of my life," John said.

Från vänster: Sam Riley, Garret Hedlund, Tom Sturridge och Kristen.

Recension om "Welcome to the Rileys" från Entertainment Weekly
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Joan Jett pratar om Kristen

Jett, who was played by Twilight star Kristen Stewart, says she's impressed that the film has inspired another generation of young women to pick up guitars
"It's really cute - but no, they don't come running up and screaming at you like they do to Kristen. Maybe they're afraid to or something."
Bilder på Kristen på New Orleans flygplats
Två gamla stills från WTTR - nu i HQ

Kristen i People Magazine - USA
