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Ny/Gamla bilder från 2007

Bilderna är från LA Book and science fiction convention 2007.

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Vem bar den bäst?

Vem bar den bäst? Kristen eller Anna Kendrick?



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Glad Halloween!

Hoppas alla får en trevlig halloween idag! Ska ni göra något speciellt eller kanske klä ut er? :)


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Kristen: "No, you can't take my picture"

"It's strange when you become a novelty...It's sort of like, 'Yeah, sure. Go put this on your Facebook so your friends can laugh at it.' And I usually say no to people like that, when they're like, 'Yo, yo, can I get a picture of you?' And it's like, 'No...you [#$*!].' That's what I'm thinking."

Kristen Stewart chatting with the L.A. Times recently about getting recognized when she's out and about

The article notes how cool and calm Stewart was during the interview until a guy (we wouldn't even say fan since he had to ask her full name) noticed her and asked to get a picture for his girlfriend.

Isn't that why we love this girl—for saying what every other celeb in the world wishes they had the guts to admit?

Whatever, nice of K.Stew to oblige the common folk, but we think she does it with a little more heart when they are real fans.


Ny/Gamla bilder från "In the land of women"



En ny still från "Twilight"

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En artikel om Kristen i Star Market Magazine - USA

Kristen Stewart is the lead actress in one of the biggest Hollywood franchises ever, and if she seems caught off guard by her massive fame (and she does, often), she's not as shocked as Jodie Foster. "I am surprised she is an actress," Foster recently told E!. When Stewart was just 11, she played Foster's daughter in the David Fincher thriller Panic Room, and "I didn't think [stardom was] where she was headed," Foster confessed. "And even though her mom said, 'No, she really, really wants to be an actress,' I felt like, 'Nah, she won't because she really doesn't have the stereotypical personality.'"

What Foster means, of course, is that we're used to seeing our female movie stars a certain way: bubbly, ambitious, and willing to do hard time in run-of-the-mill romantic comedies if it eventually leads to eight-figure paychecks and one prestige picture that nets them an Oscar nod. To say the least, the 20-year-old Stewart has circumvented that route on her path to the top, but what comes next for such an unconventional starlet? Does Kristen Stewart actually want to be a movie star, and what kind of post-Twilight prospects does she have? Vulture asked industry insiders those questions to answer that Star Market perennial: If Kristen Stewart were a stock, should you buy, sell, or hold?

Stock History:
Before landing her transformative role in the 2008 film Twilight, Stewart had carved out a career as a promising child actress. Aside from a few bids at the mainstream (it may be hard to believe the super-serious Stewart ever starred in a comedy called Catch That Kid, and yet it happened), Stewart spent adolescence honing her indie bona fides in films like The Safety of Objects, Undertow, Fierce People, and In the Land of Women. Her offhandedly sexy performance in Sean Penn's Into the Wild put her at the top of several directors' wish lists, including Catherine Hardwicke's, who cast Stewart in what would become a five-film Twilight saga.

Since then, Twilight has taken up most of Stewart's time, though she did squeeze in an acclaimed performance as Joan Jett in the little-seen rock biopic The Runaways. Several of the indie films Stewart shot prior to the release of Twilight have been trickling out since — this weekend's Welcome to the Rileys, where she plays a foul-mouthed stripper, is the last of them — but by and large, Stewart's been too wrapped up in Bella Swan to truly test her mettle outside the franchise.

Stewart leads a pack of under-25 actresses like Mia Wasikowska (21), Emma Stone (21), Carey Mulligan (25), and the surging, similar Rooney Mara (24). She's closely followed by The Lovely Bones star Saoirse Ronan (16), her Twilight colleague Dakota Fanning (also 16), and Dianna Agron (24) from Glee.

If you need more proof about how wildly Stewart's career swings from vampire blockbusters to the art house, here it is: She'll earn $25 million for doing the final two Twilight films, but for Welcome to Rileys, she settled for scale plus ten (meaning, the SAG-negotiated minimum weekly payment plus the agent's usual 10 percent commission, which is also picked up by the production).

Market Value:
In Twilight films, Stewart has earned numbers that are simply incomparable to any other actress; it's rare enough that any Hollywood franchise would be female-led, let alone one that routinely pulls in almost $700 million worldwide with each installment. The question is, can Stewart bring any of her mainstream appeal to her smaller films? So far, she hasn't been able to; Adventureland and The Yellow Handkerchief were both underperformers, and for all the heavy hype and paparazzi attention that her casting brought to The Runaways, the movie's wide release was scuttled before it hit the $4 million mark.

What Hollywood Thinks:
As an actress, Stewart is well-liked and in high demand, but as a movie star, people aren't so sure. "I think she’s great," said one top agent we spoke to. "The taste of Stewart, and really, of all these girls who are her peers, their tastes are [movies like] Welcome to the Rileys. They have a depth that, at this age, is highly unusual. For a while there, there was nothing interesting happening with this age group: You had all these girls — Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, Amanda Bynes — you'd see them look in a mirror, and you'd know there was nothing looking back at them. You can almost tell there's nothing going on underneath. That's what Miley Cyrus is doing now with The Family Bond at Universal: 'A CIA agent discovers he has a teenage daughter when she shows up in the middle of a mission!' You do these overly commercial movies, and then you're out of gas at age 24."

But is Stewart going to do any commercial movies outside of the Twilight franchise? "It's hard to say," admitted a manager. "She doesn't appear to be funny, so she better be genuinely able to deliver when it comes to drama. Most women become stars through romantic comedies, so if you can't or won't work in that area, you need to be either extraordinarily talented [or] work in drama. And then, even Nicole Kidman burned out. So unless you're Kate Winslet, too indie is not the way to go."

Many of the insiders we spoke to commented on Stewart's famously press-shy personality. Though some of her reticence is understandable, given the overwhelming interest in her relationship with Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, one publicist claimed that the enthusiasm gap between Stewart and her more press-savvy compatriots is hurting her.
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Kristen kläder från WTTR finns på Archlight Theater i Hollywood

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Kristens intervju med Time Out - New York, USA

Kristen Stewart is often painted as one of Hollywood’s most awkward starlets—painfully shy, ill-suited to the spotlight and, for better or worse, entwined with the Twilight saga and her embodiment of its romantic heroine, Bella Swan. In Welcome to the Rileys, the 20-year-old actor plays Mallory, a teenage runaway stripper who forms a fast, intense bond with the grief-stricken Doug (James Gandolfini), who lost his daughter in a fatal accident. Together they create an ad hoc family only slightly more dysfunctional than most. We spoke with Stewart about Twilight, Rileys and hanging out in strip clubs.

You seem very attracted to roles in which you play someone who is defiant, constantly fighting for something—emotionally, physically. What is Mallory fighting for the hardest?
I think she’s just trying to survive. She’s had a rough upbringing, which has taken something from her on a really basic level. It’s hard for a young girl in the normal world, but put her on the streets…she doesn’t realize that she does actually need people, that she needs to have a capacity to trust, accept and love other people. She sees and tastes that with Doug, realizes she can have it, and she’s not dead yet.

You shot this film between Twilight and New Moon, before Twilight had even been released, and you were still very young. Did you feel ready to play a runaway stripper at that point in your life?
I think I was 16 or maybe freshly 17 when I first read [the script for Welcome to the Rileys]. I was really intimidated, and I’m really glad that the film took the time that it did to find its legs, because I wasn’t in the position to play the part [then]. I wouldn’t have jumped into it as much. I would have been afraid of it.

What changed, besides getting a little older?
In order to play it right and not be a total fraud, we went to strip clubs and I talked to girls in, like, really gross bars. [Director] Jake Scott gave me all these really great books and recorded and transcribed conversations and stories from kids who’ve grown up on the streets.

Did you talk to girls who had grown up on the streets, or were you just in the clubs?
I didn’t go talk to runaways at shelters. I didn’t meet anybody that was under, I would guess, 25? I mainly just talked to girls who told me funny stories. We didn’t really delve into their histories, but the books and stuff that Jake provided me with were really right on.

What was the best book?
Gosh, it’s sort of funny to tell people this—there was this one in particular that there were a few things that were perfect and pictures that were really beautiful and heartbreaking, just strange. It’s called Raised by Wolves. It’s so good. This guy basically endeared himself into this world of street kids in Hollywood.

What do you think about young people who have fallen through the cracks of life?
It’s a strange little society. It’s a world of people living in a vicious circle, you know, an altered, broken, strange existence. But they’re all a family, and they’re making it work. Mallory takes herself out of that.

Did anything about filming the movie scare you?
When I was shooting I lost my mind a little bit. I was so comfortable. I literally was stomping around the city in fishnets and half of a robe, like walking to set from base camp like, “No, fuck it, I’ll just walk, don’t worry about it.” I had absolutely no fear in the world. You never know if you can do something until you do it.

You’re under more pressure than most actors because of Twilight, and perceptions about typecasting and your range.
Yeah, and you know, it definitely doesn’t deter me in any way, but it’s something that I think about when asked: “Has anything changed?” That has, but the work hasn’t.

You’re about to shoot the final film in the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn. Are you still enjoying it, or are you desperate for it to end?
I can’t wait to do it, I can’t wait to get it out…it’s the craziest, longest buildup. It’s just like, Let’s fucking do it already, you know what I mean? But at the same time, it’s sad. Not to be totally and completely candid, but—I know some people think they’re bad—but they’d be really bad if the cast didn’t really love them.


Tre outtakes från LA Times



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Kristens intervju med The Huffington Post - USA

Foulmouthed and feral, the kohl-eyed stripper-prostitute portrayed by Kristen Stewart in Welcome to the Rileys is a battery of neurotic tics: she nibbles her fingers, scratches her undefined lips, and shakes one foot mechanically. There are bruises on her calves from pole-dancing. Her hair is unkempt, her skin waxy. In her willful self-neglect, she is pitiful.

This 17-year-old apparition could, in a different life, be Bella Swan's sister -- the promiscuous one who acted out and vanished, leaving Bella uncertain, unsmiling, and ill-equipped to deal with rejection. There's no such sister, of course, in the Twilight movies to rationalize Bella's depressiveness, alienation and her attraction to the undead and the vulpine -- though part of it stems from her parents' split. But Stewart makes Mallory, the girl in Rileys, so defensive and evasive, so willing to offer a lap-dance or oral sex in lieu of explanations, that we know she has a history fraught with traumas, desertions, and betrayals.

"We find her on the cusp of giving up, of becoming one of those girls that you see in those clubs who are dead inside," said Stewart, 20, in a recent interview. "They really have nothing behind their eyes when they look at you, you're not equals anymore because they've lost something -- they don't feel wholly about themselves. She's been abused and made to think that she's a lesser person, and she truly hates herself. She doesn't have the capacity to trust other people, or feel worthy of love. But hopefully in this movie, if it's the movie that I wanted to do, I think you can see that she's starting to envy people that are more whole, that like themselves. I'm not saying that she makes a full recovery, but what happens to her in the story does spark a question."

Stewart and I had 20 minutes together in a Manhattan hotel room that had been stripped of everything except three chairs. "Spare," she observed. She wore a black and white check shirt and jeans. There was no small talk, just an interview. She was serious, impersonal, passionate when she got going on the subject of her work, the words tumbling out in a rush: I liked the sense that acting mystifies her. And then she was gone, leaving her sunglasses on the floor. Instead of signing onto eBay, I gingerly returned them to the aide, or agent, standing outside. That was that.

Following Stewart's stealthy, brooding Joan Jett in The Runaways, her performance in Rileys further complicates the actress's image, which has been founded on passivity and a certain wryness. Not that Bella is archetypal. In making her moodier and less knowing than most high-school movie heroines, and bequeathing her her own shyness, Stewart has maintained the character's elusiveness; no mean feat to pull off over the course of three tentpoles (it'll be five by November 2012).

Mallory, in contrast, is an imploding force of nature. In her fishnet holdups and gloves, she is less the hardboiled hooker she imagines herself to be than a lamb in vixen's clothing, a child playing brutalizing adult games. Strung-out and slummocky, Mallory is more convincing that the movie itself, for along comes a well-to-do plumber (James Gandolfini), grieving for his dead teenage daughter, to attempt her rescue. He rejects her crude sexual advances, cleans her apartment, and fines her for saying "fuck." And then along comes his wife (Melissa Leo), surmounting her agoraphobia to chase him to New Orleans, to complete the makeshift Riley family.

As both fairytale and three-way psychological case study, Jake Scott's film is overly schematic, but it's not without reality checks: as when Mallory flees into the night yelling back at her surrogate parents, "I'm nobody's little girl -- it's too late for that shit!" As damaged as Mallory is, Stewart gives her the bitter integrity of someone who, having made her squalid bed, is going to lie in it. And she has her principles: "I don't do anal, German Shepherds, or porno tapes," she tells Gandolfini's Doug, who's more intent on unblocking her toilet. It's unsettling to hear Stewart say these words, and it was unsettling for her to play the part.

"I was very scared of it, actually," she said. "Both well before I did it, when I was too young to play her, and then all through rehearsal. But once we started shooting, I shocked myself in that I was unselfconscious about not wearing too many clothes or saying the words that were coming out of my mouth. I was finally ready and, I don't know, mature enough that it didn't bother me."

Mallory's liaisons with her johns, one of whom leaves her with a busted lip, take place off screen, but they troubled Stewart nonetheless. "I know that we never have to see that, but that doesn't matter because at a certain point it becomes technical -- you have to play it as if it happened, so there's really no difference. If it's all inside, if you don't have to show her being worked over by some guy, it's not less difficult to play. One thing I couldn't get out of my head -- and this is overtly sexual and explicit -- was that she was constantly open and, like, raw. It's awful, and it never goes away. You walk around with that always."

One of the byproducts of the huge media attention focused on Stewart -- specifically her relationship, whatever it is, with Robert Pattinson, her Twilight co-star -- has been the obscuring of her talent. Few critics have analyzed her understated style or the way she dominates the frame without appearing to do or say much. There are actors Stewart's age as beautiful as her, but none as compellingly reticent. In Welcome to the Rileys, as in the Twilight series and such diverse films as Into the Wild, Adventureland, and The Runaways, Stewart's acting has a steady pulse that's interrupted by sudden violent zigzags of emotion. She has no idea why her presence is so muted.

"I don't know where it comes from," she said. "I just want to achieve a certain feeling. You do have to be aware of what's coming out, because you're telling a story. You can't always lose yourself, although that's when it's at its best. I don't have a lot of control over it because I'm not really the best technical actor. There are actors I've worked with who, at the drop of a hat, can pull out whatever they need to convey something. My most heightened emotional scenes have always snuck up on me. I've never been able to push a tear out. You have to have a faith that, because you love a part so much, what you're trying to do will find it's way through you, but sometimes it doesn't. That happens to me all the time. I don't think I'm ever going to acquire that skill, and I'm pretty sure there will be times when people will get confused and say, "That's weird -- she should have been so much better in that." But there will times in between where I'll get lucky."

She pauses. "Oh God, the thought of doing something and thinking you didn't do it justice, you didn't do it right. It's the worst feeling -- I can't even explain it to you."


Intervju med Ivillage - svarar på frågor från fans


Intervju med BBC


Ny bild från presskonferensen för WTTR i New York



Nytt klipp från "Welcome to the Rileys"


Förlåt för dålig uppdatering

Förlåt för dålig uppdatering idag men jag är tillbaka imorgon! :) Jag har nämligen ett slutprov i fysik A imorgon som jag måste plugga till.


Tv-spot för "Welcome to the Rileys" #1


Intervju med Moviefone


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Intervju med Fandango


Ny still från "Welcome to the Rileys"



Kristen i E! News 'Fashion Police'

Kristen är vid 1.25 i videoklippet nedan.


Beau Nelson pratar om Kristen

Beau Nelson är Kristens make-up artist.

The Examiner Beau Nelson is the makeup artist to the stars, and creative director of Beaute Cosmetics, which in turn means our guru to follow. In the following Q&A with the artist, he answers some questions you've been dying to know. Here's what he had to say about makeup, Kristen Stewart, and skincare:

What is your all time makeup faux pas?
I think as long as foundation matches the skin, everything else is a matter of taste.

Which celebrities have you worked with?
Kristen Stewart, Mary J Blige, Mariah Carey, Kate Beckinsale, Uma Thurman, Milla Jovovich, and many others

Is there any look they all ask for at some point?
Each of my clients is pretty individual, I think the one thing they all expect from me is beautiful skin, beyond that we like to switch it up. I try to keep my clients looks very current and fashion forward.

Can women actually make their eyes look bigger? How so?
Beige eyeliner on the inner rim can extend the white of the eye making the eyes appear a bit bigger and more "doe" like, but sometimes just drawing attention to the eyes using smoky shadows can make them the focus of the face without making them look bigger.

You work with Kristen Stewart quite a bit (and are responsible for some AMAZING looks, if I must say), what is your favorite look to give her?
The think about Kristen is that shes very open to experimenting. I can literally come to her with an idea and most of the time shes totally up for it. I know she does love her smoky eyes though, but I try to do a completely different look on her every time we work together.

What are some makeup looks fellow fair-skinned readers can steal from her?
Shes back to Brunette now, but when she was blond we experimented with color a bit. We did a dark green smoky eye and also a burgundy one and kept lips neutral. Peach blush also looks very pretty on fair skin, especially if you have any red undertones in your hair.

Is there a specific skincare line that you refer to your clients?
I love and personally use the Kanebo Sensai line of skincare and I tend to give it to all my clients as well. I also use the clarisonic, which I think makes a huge difference in the skin.


Intervju med E! Online


Tre nya stills från "Welcome to the Rileys"



Ny intervju med Reelz Channel


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Kristen och Robert i Tv Taro Magazine - Japan

Interviewer: Do you feel tired of acting Edward over and over again?

Robert: I try to find something different in each sequel. As I get older I have different opinions or point of view to the story. And We have different director each time which is good; they bring us whole different idea. I also think that it is good that we are still young; we are still in the middle of the career and we are hungry to prove ourselves’ strength. Kristen may be has the longest career, but she is too, only 20 years old. There is no one who is yawning and say “so bored, I only here for money.” We are not making a movie that is not appeal to no one. There are so many people waiting for us to do a great job making a fantastic movie, I aware of that.

Interviewer: So, in Eclipse, Bella has negative feeling for marriage, how do you feel about it for yourself?
Kristen: Well, I don’t deny wanting to get married. Not that I am saying that I will marry soon, but I do have a wonderful family. So in the future I would like to have one for myself.

Interviewer: In what circumstances do you feel you are happy?
Kristen: When I am not lying to anybody including myself.


Ny intervju med E! News


Ny bild på Kristen från inspelningen av "Eclipse"



Resten av intervjun med MTV Rough Cut

Se resten av intervjuerna HÄR!


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Ny/Gamla bilder från inspelningen av "Twilight"



Kristen i Star Inc Magazine - Kanada

Star Inc: You will yet again will take on the part of Bella, with the beginning of making Breaking

Dawn, the final instalment of the Twilight Saga…
Kristen: I hope that I will manage to make the people forget Bella some years from now, once Twilight will definitely be over. In the meantime I follow the evolution of Bella in becoming a vampire. The making of BD offers a mulitide of challenges. I love that!

SI: Would you like to become a vampire in real life?
K: No, I like the idea of aging and dying eventually. Ask me the question again in 40 years, when I will be old and wrinkly – then I will maybe give you an answer which is quite contrary! (laugh)

: Bella will get all the powers that the Cullen members have. Which one would you really like to possess?
K: I would love to read people's thoughts. I often wonder what the people I talk to think and if they are telling me the truth…

SI:  What do you do to find inner peace?
K :  I know my limits and I understand what to do in order not to go beyond them. I love it much more to listen than to talk. I was in terror during my first encounters with the press. I was afraid of the questions, afraid not to know what to answer, afraid to say something stupid or to come across like an idiot.

SI:  And today?
K: It is different with you. I have the impression that we talk to each other several times a year, and that for years…

SI:  That is not too far from the truth!
K:  I know(laughs). That's why I am less timid, but don't try to take advantage of this!

SI:  When will you finally reveal the nature of your relationship with Robert?
K: Let us meet again in a couple of years, after the final cut of the making of Twilight, and
then I will tell you everything… or almost everything (laughs).

SI: Robert said that you wouldn't hesitate to tell him if he makes a mistake or if he should
redo a scene. Is that true?
K:  It is true that it happened that I asked the producer to redo a scene because I thought Rob could have done it better. And he is grateful for that every time! (laughs)

SI: Robert also says that he wouldn't dare to tell you the same for fear that you might tell
him to go to hell (don't know if the expression comes across that harsh… could also be "Piss off")
K:  He is a liar! (laughs) He constantly challenges me in front of the cameras and he constantly makes me surpass myself when acting. In fact we have been challenging (can't find the exact translation but she means that she corrects him and vice versa if they are not happy with the scenes) each other for years, and we know
each other by heart. It is similar with Taylor. I know when he could do better.

SI:  And you manage to get used to the Twilight-craze? Is it easier for you to cope with it?
K: Let's say that I managed to appreciate our fans. But normally no one can get used to finding oneself on a stage in front of 20 000 people who scream, like it happened to us in Munich recently. This is really so weird, that I can not really describe what I feel about it!

SI: It is said that you are imprisoned in your hotel room when you travel…
K: That is ridiculous! (laughs) I read all the lies that are being written about me, and 99% of it is wrong! But I am a control freak. That is the perfectionist side of me. That's why I need to know what others say about me.

SI: Some compare you with Angelina Jolie. Do you take this as a compliment?
K: I don't have the impression that I resemble her physically. But Angelina is a great actress who has made some excellent choices in her career. I really don't see who people can compare me to her…

SI: People say that you are one of the sex-symbols of our generation…
K: Me? A sex-symbol (breaks out with laughter). I am only the girl from Twilight! Many peoplestill don't know my name and call me Bella on the street. But I am not doing this job in order to achieve a certain grade of popularity.

SI:  Let's talk about Welcome to the rileys, A movie that you are really proud of and which will be shown this month in many cinemas in the USA.
K: It is because of movies like that, that I wanted to become an actress. For me there is no stronger emotion than that to play a girl that I will probably never become. The life of Mallory, my character, is complex. She is only 16 and she survives by selling her body. Her whole existence will change when a man offers
her to pay her simply for living with him, without sex, without physical contact. Just to be by his side.

SI:  Are you not afraid that your fans will be shocked to see this heavy movie?
K: It is not a movie with nudity. Apart from that you only see me once when I am doing a
strip-tease. I hope that the young girls will go and see WTTR because there really are young people who have a terrible and complex life like the one of my character…

SI: How did you prepare to play Mallory?
K: I met girls who helped me to play her, a messed up girl, as if she had lost her identity and humanity… The hardest thing was to make it clear that there is a glimmer of hope, but also to show it when is really breaking down. That is what makes her meet Doug Riley.

SI: James G. plays Doug. How did this collaboration work?
K: It was something exceptional that has develop between us. We really quickly became friends.

SI: Do you worry about the life after Twilight?
K: What fills me with passion are the stories and characters that force me to embody someone. My work is the same, that I toil for a production with an enormous budget like BD, or a movie like WTTR. It doesn't make a difference to me. I have just spent the Walter Salles for the making of On the Road. To participate in a play based on a book by Jack Kerouac with a great director, along with actors that I respect, like Kirsten Dunst and Viggo Mortensen, well, that is why I do this work…


Kristen i tidningen Cinema - Sverige



Bilder från inspelningsplatsen för "Breaking Dawn"



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En till recension om "Welcome to the Rileys"

Kristen Stewart is continuing on her crusade to try and distance herself from the Twilight series, and establish herself as a serious actress. Last year she did it with Adventureland, and this year, she had a couple more serious films at Sundance. In one, she plays Joan Jett, and in it has a lesbian love scene with Dakota Fanning. In the other, Welcome to the Rileys, she plays a 16 year old, runaway, making ends meet in New Orleans as a part-time exotic dancer, and part-prostitute. Okay, we get it Kristen, you’re a serious actress. Fortunately, she has some great company in Rileys that makes her look pretty good.

This film comes from director Jake Scott. Scott has done some TV stuff, but most notably, he’s directed music videos for Radiohead, Tori Amos, REM, and The Cranberries. The story is written by Ken Hixon, who hasn’t written anything since the 2002 De Niro film, City by the Sea. When summarized, the story sounds awfully cliched. James Gandolfini plays Doug Riley, a successful business owner who’s married to a literal shut-in played by Melissa Leo. She hasn’t left the house since her daughter died in a car wreck four years ago. In an attempt at a normal relationship, Doug starts sleeping with a diner waitress, who dies at the beginning of the movie.

During a business trip to New Orleans, Doug comes across Mallory (Stewart), who looks quite a bit like his deceased daughter, and clearly needs help. He moves in with her. He takes the energies formerly focused on his affair, and redirects it on her. This prompts the shut-in mother to drive down to the Big Easy, where she ends up moving in with the two, and they become a makeshift family, teaching each other to heal.

Yes, it’s about as cliched as you get. Fortunately, there are some fantastic parts of the film. Leo’s performance is outrageously good. Usually stuck in heavy-handed crime dramas (Homicide, Frozen River), she was free to showcase her perfect comedic timing. I’m not being overly superlative to say that she was the best part of the show.

Next comes Stewart, whom I love to hate. I’m not sure why. But this is the first film that I’ve seen her in where I felt like she wasn’t playing herself. She really made an impression and if this is the sort of stuff we can expect out of her, I’ll soon be a fan.

Then there was Gandolfini, who can’t do a southern accent to save his live. The script had fun making him a puritanical sort, which made his speech to Mallory about not using the f-word just SO hilarious since we all know him as Tony Soprano. Yes, the irony is that in-your-face. This is certainly standard Sundance fare, especially considering the ending, which is the same as several festival films this year. However, after a slow start, it picks up quite nicely. It’s definitely above average, and is both charmingly funny, and will tug at your heartstrings.

Score: 7.5/10
Pros: Great supporting performances, plenty of authentic laughs
Cons: Somewhat conventional, the script is weak at parts


Recension om "Welcome to the Rileys"

One of the most emotionally eloquent moments in Tyler Perry's For Colored Girls, is when a grieving mother who's lost her children cries out in despair, 'God didn't save my babies.' To which another character replies, 'Then save some other women's babies.' This key episode in excavating human hope when there's not much around, more than makes its point but never follows through. Welcome To The Rileys on the other hand, assumes the burden of that mission in the extreme, and however unlikely.

James Gandolfini drops his tough guy Sopranos persona and gets in touch with his sensitive side in Welcome To The Rileys as Doug, a suburban Indiana plumber running a successful equipment business. He's also trying to move on with his life as best he can after the death of his only child, while keeping looming midlife crisis at bay. Unlike Doug's withdrawn, chronically depressed wife Lois (Melissa Leo) who still fusses over their departed daughter's room as if she's still around, and has even made the couple's reservations so to speak, much to his dismay, at the local cemetery for internment next to their child's grave.

Doug's frustrating, seemingly borderline terminal existence gets turned around during a plumber's convention down in New Orleans one night, when he heads off to a low end strip bar to drink away painful memories. But he's cornered instead by sexually aggressive combo stripper/lap dancer and underage incidental hooker Mallory (Kristen Stewart) and spurns her relentless flirty advances.

When Doug runs into Mallory the next day by chance, he's soon moving into her life as father figure to a surrogate daughter as substitute for the one he's lost whether she likes it or not, and she mostly doesn't. And after Lois' wayward spouse announces he's not returning home anytime soon, she somehow overcomes her self-imposed physical isolation from the world. And impulsively heads off to join him in a quite thankless and most unwelcome parenting endeavor, targeting a fiercely resistant Mallory.

Welcome To The Rileys is the feature film debut of Ridley Scott offspring, Jake. And with Jake Scott's embrace of psychologically driven, muted dramatic momentum over action, he's evidently not a chip off the old block.

But while the pacing often sags, Stewart and her radical transition along with impressively expanding range from Twilight's moping teen to abrasive, profoundly damaged rude womanchild, effectively picks up the slack. As she settles into a sleazy routine that seems just as relaxed hanging around infatuated vampires, as glued to stripper poles and pasties. Though a testosterone stifled Gandolfini appears somewhat less comfortable in his own extreme switchup from wise guy to relative wimp, and assigned here to deferring to Stewart as the no-nonsense sassy chick in charge.

Samuel Goldwyn Films
Rated R
2 1/2 stars


Dagens bild



Nya bilder på Kristen hos Regis & Kelly



Kristen nominerad i Capricho Awards 2010

Movie of the Year:
Best Kiss: Edward and Bella for Eclipse
Best International Actress: Kristen Stewart
Best Real Life Couple: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
Klicka HÄR för att rösta!
Översättning av Kay.


Fyra filmer med Kristen på TV1000 ikväll

Ikväll har TV1000 en Kristen Stewart-kväll där de visar fyra av hennes filmer. Detta är också första gången någonsin som New Moon visas på Svensk tv.

16.00 What just happened
18.00 Twilight
20.00 New Moon
22.10 The cake eaters
Källa: tv1000.se


Intervju med CNN

En intervju med både Kristen och Melissa Leo från CNN.


Kristen nominerad som "Most Elegant"

Hello Magazine har en omröstning där Kristen är nominerad som Most Elegant. Klicka HÄR eller på bilden nedan för att rösta på Kristen!


Så får du Kristens perfekta hy


Dagens bild



Kristen, Rob och Taylor i Baton Rouge



"Welcome to the Rileys"-poster på ännu en Billboard skylt.



Kristen, Rob och Taylors intervju med Sky News Magazine - England

(Klicka på bilderna om ni vill se dem i större format)
Movies.Sky.Com With the fourth Twilight movie in production and all three of the films so far showing on Sky this November and December, we find out exclusively from the franchise’s young stars whether three really is a crowd. Interview: Jenny Cooney.

“They never do the kissing scenes when I’m on set, so you genuinely feel like someone’s cheating on you!”

When Sky Movies Magazine sits down with the lead actors from the Twilight franchise – Kristen Stewart (Bella), Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob) – it’s immediately evident just how close these young A-listers are.

Which is not surprising given how much their lives have changed in the two years since the first Twilight movie was released in 2008. Overnight, Stewart (18 at the time), Pattinson (22) and Lautner (then just 16) became teen idols, swept away in an incredible wave of Twilight mania.

Now, as they approach their fourth movie together, Breaking Dawn – Part 1, and with the first three movies (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) showing on Sky this November and December, we get the lowdown on what it’s like to be part of one of the most successful franchises ever…

Sky Movies Magazine: So, the third movie came out in cinemas earlier this year and you’re about to start shooting the fourth – did you ever expect Twilight to be such a big success?
Taylor Lautner: It was a big surprise. When we were filming Twilight we just thought we were making a movie that we were passionate about. We didn’t know if anybody else was going to want to watch it. We had no idea it was going to turn out like this and then it just kept growing and growing.
Robert Pattinson: I genuinely thought this was a dark little indie vampire love story... And then it just ended up being this massive thing. I didn’t see it coming at all... But it’s not like I objected to suddenly being in a big film! I mean, it’s great.
Kristen Stewart: What’s cool is that you have this fantasy full
of myths and stuff. So it does raise the emotional stakes. I think that’s why girls love it so much, because it’s just a little bit more serious than what you’re dealing with in real life. It’s just a little bit more passionate than whatever you’re feeling.

SMM: Have your lives changed a lot with all the press and fan attention?
TL: Yeah, a little bit, because it’s not normal to wake up and have 12 paparazzi cars waiting for you, who are just going to follow you all day...
KS: It’s really funny when they fall down all over each other because they’re running backwards to try and get your picture. Whenever you see me really happy in a paparazzi shot, it’s because I’m laughing at them.
TL: But the pros that come with the job highly outweigh the cons. I’ve been having the time of my life these past two years. But it’s very important to not let it affect your life. I really live in two different worlds. I have the Twilight world and then I have the same world that existed before, with my family and friends.
RP: I’m relatively fearful about when the series ends, because it’s such a great security blanket. It’s like a net. You can afford to make mistakes when you have another Twilight film to make. But after that, I guess you’re on your own.

SMM: You guys have worked together for a while now – how have your relationships changed?
KS: We have a completely different relationship now. We’ve become good friends... I care immensely about Rob and Taylor, we’ve really grown close – and it doesn’t get weird!
TL: Yeah, we’ve grown closer and closer. I mean, we’re like best friends now and it’s really amazing how much that helps. We’re able to be more open with each other and we have more fun. I think that creates a better working environment.

SMM: Do you ever annoy each other?
KS: They don’t annoy me [laughs]. We have totally normal relationships with each other... We can be honest and not be worried about offending each other.
TL: Kristen and I are super close [shoots a mock ‘challenging look’ at Pattinson]. We talk about anything and everything. During downtime we’ll either throw a football around or she’ll throw a grape and I’ll catch it in my mouth... You get really bored on set sometimes. I don’t know how we’d film this franchise if we weren’t as close as we are. It’d be a nightmare.

SMM: Taylor and Rob – your characters are rivals in the films. Is it difficult shooting the scenes, particularly in Eclipse, where you fight?
TL: Rob’s very funny. Like in the tent scenes where we’re yelling and screaming at each other – it’s so hard hating Rob because he’s just a fun, nice guy, so having to look him in the eye and scream at him is difficult. Every time after they called ‘cut’, we both just burst out laughing, so that’s pretty challenging.
RP: I was in a very strange mood when we were shooting that scene [laughs].
I kept getting obsessed with the word, ‘thoughts’, because with an American accent it sounds like ‘farts’. And I couldn’t get over it, the entire day. The opening line was, “Can you at least keep your thoughts to yourself?” I mean, I’m sitting in this tent and every single time [laughs]... And Taylor got to the point where he was just like, “That doesn’t even sound the same – it’s not funny at all.”

SMM: Does that happen a lot?
RP: [There was a scene] where Kristen was supposed to be asleep on the floor. So I looked down and she’s looking up and trying to make me laugh the entire time. But it meant the scene got some energy to it, because I was trying to stop myself laughing and that kind of made it easier.

SMM: Jacob and Bella come even nearer to getting it together in Eclipse – does that cause any weirdness between you?
TL: It was good for Jacob to get in there and get his shot and kiss Bella for the first time. Definitely [laughs].
RP: Not only do they do the kissing scenes, they never do it when I’m on set. You genuinely feel like someone’s cheating on you... I’d come back to work and be like, “So how was it?”
TL: [There was one kiss] at the climax of the movie. We’re on top of this mountain and the background was amazing. It’s a really important, emotional moment... But it was so funny because whenever Kristen and I would kiss, as soon as we’d finish, Kristen would look at me and go, “We just kissed.” I’d be like, “Yeah, we did.” It was funny.

SMM: Did you guys get embarrassed?
TL: No, when Kristen and I do scenes, we are Jacob and Bella. Everything we do, whether we’re kissing or fighting. We definitely live those characters so after three movies it kind of just happens now.
KS: Yeah, I could probably be certified absolutely insane at this point because
I’ve gotten so into the head space of Twilight’s reality…

SMM: Can you tell us a bit about the next installment, Breaking Dawn?
KS: Well, it’s now been split into two movies. We start filming in November…
TL: I’m really excited that it’s going to be two movies. I think that’s going to work really well and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Bill
Condon [the new director]. When I heard he was on board I was like, “OK, this is going to be golden.”
KS: I think each director has suited the projects perfectly. Catherine [Hardwicke, the director of the first movie] has a really strong connection to youth and discovery and stuff like that, and it’s really hard to describe how nice Chris [Weitz, the director of New Moon] is. He’s so compassionate and has a wisdom about him – I really needed someone to look up to and who was willing to go to the depths with me. David [Slade, the director of Eclipse] has more of a morbid sensibility. Which is good as Eclipse gets a little scarier…

SMM: How have your characters changed as the movies progress?
RP: When I first read the books, I was like... I can’t play this. This is impossible. But I’ve tried the entire time to make [Edward] the perfect underdog. No matter what anyone says to him, no matter what heroic deeds he does, it’s impossible to convince him that he’s done anything right. And the only thing that has made him feel alive – feel anything – is Bella.
TL: In New Moon, I was kind of playing a split personality; for the first half I was the old Jacob and then the second half, I was the new Jacob. For Eclipse, Jacob has matured and he’s a little more serious because he knows what he’s dealing with now, which was definitely emotionally challenging. That’s why Eclipse is my favourite movie, because everything that’s great about this franchise – the romance, the action, the danger, the suspense, everything – Eclipse takes to a whole other level. It’s the height of the love triangle – Bella is being torn between these two guys who are literally fighting for her.
KS: Well, in Breaking Dawn, Bella becomes a wife. She becomes a mother. Luckily I’ve played the character for a while. If Breaking Dawn was its own movie, it would be much more difficult to play such a young wife and mother, but because I have been with her since she was 17, it’s been a progression. I think that’s what’s so cool about the series. It takes her a long time to get to that point and she loses a lot and then gets it back. I think to make decisions like that you have to really know yourself and trust yourself and she achieves that. She’s very straight up and honest about everything and I’m excited because I know the guys so well and we’ve all taken this journey together.



Intervju med CBS News


Behind the scenes-bideo från Regis & Kelly


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Intervju med NY1

Det går inte att bädda in videon så för att se den klicka HÄR eller på bilden nedan!


Regissören till WTTR jämför Kristen med Meryl Streep

NEW YORK — "Welcome to the Rileys" director Jake Scott has used phrases like "emotionally naked" and "got dirty" to describe Kristen Stewart's performance in the film. The 20-year-old actress plays a broken young woman thrust into a life of stripping in a seedy club and selling her body in fetid motel rooms.

At the film's red-carpet premiere in Tribeca on Monday night, Scott continued to hit on those same themes of unvarnished emotionality, comparing KStew to one of the most critically lauded and emotionally expressive actresses in Hollywood.

"That's like Meryl Streep stuff, you know?" he told MTV News.

He was speaking specifically about how Stewart took on such a demanding role at such a young age — and how she delivered such a top-notch performance. "I know that she put a lot of herself into that role," he said. "She was exposing herself emotionally. In order to do that, you have to put yourself there. It was an act of courage on her part, especially considering she was only 18."

Stewart's co-star, Melissa Leo, agreed, telling us how she and James Gandolfini watched in awe as KStew blossomed on the "Rileys" set. "I met Kristen at a very special time," she said. "She had just done 'Twilight.' She had been acting for a while. She has always carefully chosen her roles. Playing the character, she was acting for the first time as an emancipated actor. It was a treat for James and I to watch her spread her wings."

That's exactly what Scott was watching on the red carpet Monday, as Stewart strode confidently from interview to interview. "She's grown up," he said. "She's a woman now. She was a girl when I first met her. I've now known her probably three years. She's just becoming this wonderful woman."


Kristen tar emot priset för 'Best Fantasy Actress' på Scream Awards


Kristen pratar om att vara gudmor och att vara mamma

In the upcoming "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn," Kristen Stewart's character, Bella Swan, becomes a mother. But that's a reality the actress says she has a hard time comprehending.

"My best friend just had a baby. She's my age. So I'm a godmom now, which is ... crazy," said the 20-year-old during an interview to promote her upcoming film "Welcome to the Rileys."

Asked if the experience was helping her tap into her own maternal instincts, she replied: "It's actually making me realize more that I have absolutely no idea. Like, I see that going on, and I'm like, 'Oh, my God.' "

Though "Breaking Dawn," the fourth installment in the “Twilight” franchise, doesn’t begin production for a few weeks, Stewart says she's already been caught up with preparations for the film. She's had a number of meetings with director Bill Condon and has even temporarily eliminated some favorites from her diet.

“I want a cheeseburger so badly, but, you know, I have to be a vampire in a few weeks,” she said over lunch at a restaurant in Topanga, where she settled for a veggie burger.

Ironically, she won't even be able to show off her figure for the majority of "Breaking Dawn."

“I’m incredibly pregnant in the first movie,” Stewart said, adding that she has spent the last couple of weeks trying on prosthetic bellies. “I’ve worn it. It’s ... crazy. I’ve done fittings. It gets immense. It gets so massive at some point that it actually looks inhuman. Like it’s hurting her. There are striations of bruises.”

Tänk er att ha Kristen som gudmor!

Dagens bild



Kristen utanför Regis & Kelly - video


Intervju med HitFix


Jake Scott (regissör till Welcome to the Rileys) pratar om Kristen


Ny poster för "Welcome to the Rileys"



Kristen om att producera egna filmer


Kristen om att bli mamma i "Breaking Dawn"


Kristen, Jackson och Nikki tar emot priset för 'Best Fantasy movie' på Scream Awards


Intervju med Extra TV


Citat från Kristen på presskonferensen för "Welcome to the Rileys"

On dressing like a stripper for the film:
"What surprised me most was the fact that I was so unaware of the fact I was walking down the street with my robe open and just not caring at all. I had no inhibitions, I wasn't scared."

On the Twilight cast:
"I'm really lucky to have my cast on the series because as soon as we get back on set together, you always think it's going to be hard to get back there but it's not. We've all wanted to tell the story for so long and it's all finally going to come to fruition."

On doing the sequel to Wanted:
"People were talking about that a while ago, but I don't know what I'm doing next. I have no idea."

On how she gets out of a role:
"The few things that I've done between the Twilight movies have just coincidentally been very different, but I haven't been like, 'Oh I'm going to shock everyone right now and do something totally different.' It's always been totally informed by something speaks to you and you need to do it."

On getting absorbed in her role:
"I tend to — and I'm not being deadly serious about this, but it is kind of — but I tend to really offend people who are in my life when I go. Especially on this one. It was the first time I'd ever been alone on a movie. I loved stomping around the city like it was mine . . . So I didn't really miss too much, I was having a great time."

On going to a strip club:
"I went to my first strip club and upon entering the guy was like, 'You have to come back later if you want a job.' . . . So he must have thought you [Jake] were my pimp."

On being old enough for the role: "I'd known about this for a while before it got up and running . . . And I'm really glad that it took a while to do so because I think I was old enough to play the part as opposed to not ready. I think I would have shied away from too much."

On taking her character with her:
"It's not just parts you play, it's sort of every experience you have in life shapes you and makes you who you are. Some of the most monumental experiences in my life have been working on films and playing parts, and this one more so than most — I don't want to compare them — but more than normal, had an effect on me."


Kristen hos Regis & Kelly


Kristen har "växt upp" efter att hon spelat in WTTR


Kristen om bröllopsklänningen i "Breaking Dawn"


Mer bilder från efterfesten för "Welcome to the Rileys"



Dagens bild



Två videos från Access Hollywood


Kristen utanför Regis & Kelly

Bildkälla 1 & 2


Dagens video


Kristens intervju med People Magazine - USA

After dyeing her hair
strawberry blonde this summer for her role in On The Road, Kristen Stewart has gone to the dark side, returning to her natural brown hair color. “I was blonde a little while ago,” Stewart told PEOPLE on the red carpet at the Cinema Society and Everlon screening of her film Welcome to the Rileys on Monday. “So now I’m dark again for Twilight,” she said, adding, “I feel much more myself with darker hair.” Director Jake Scott, who directed Stewart in Welcome to the Rileys, said he kept Stewart’s chestnut color for the movie. “She came from Twilight onto our film within the space of two weeks. I liked it, and we kept it. But we let it grow horrible and shaggy and let the split ends come out.” But as Stewart prepares for Bella’s Vampire incarnation in Twilight, she’s had to give up some unhealthy habits she picked up on the set of Welcome to the Rileys. “She ate badly, smoked tons of cigarettes, stayed up late,” Scott said. “She embraced the habitual nature of the character.” So Stewart is currently testing a lighter diet. “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing,” she told PEOPLE. “But I’m playing a vampire soon. I eat disgustingly normally. And so, right now, I’m trying to not put so much butter in my food and stuff like that.” And is the diet working? “Yeah, yeah,” she answered “I feel better . . . I guess so.”


Bild på Kristen hos Regis & Kelly



Kristens intervju med MTV Rough Cut


Bilder från "Welcome to the Rileys" efterfest



Kristen, Nikki och Jackson tar emot pris på Scream Awards


Intervju med ET Online på visningen av "Welcome to the Rileys"


En behind the scenes-video från "Eclipse"


Kristens intervju med LA Times - USA

"Twilight" fans love to debate their favorite novel in Stephenie Meyer's bestselling vampire series. Kristen Stewart says she has her own favorite -- and it's the most explicit and intense of the bunch.

"This one's really good. This one really goes there, finally," said the actress who plays the iconic Bella Swan of "Breaking Dawn." "This one is like the forming of a family. You see everything really come to fruition because I feel like [Bella] has sort of gone through an accelerated growth period."

In November, Stewart will reprise the Bella role when she begins filming the first half of “Breaking Dawn,” the fourth movie in the “Twilight” franchise, which will be directed by Bill Condon. The story follows [spoiler alert: if you aren't familiar with "Breaking Dawn," skip to the last paragraph] Bella’s marriage to vampire Edward Cullen (Rob Pattinson), as the two finally consummate their relationship and Bella becomes pregnant.

"At at this point," Stewart says, "you do accept [Bella] as a mom.”

Because their child is half-human and half-vampire, Bella’s pregnancy is riddled with complications -- all leading up to a dramatic birth scene, in which Edward tears open Bella’s stomach with his teeth to save their baby.

There has been speculation about how the graphic scene will be depicted on screen. Stewart acknowledges it's a "crazy concept," also describing werewolf Jacob's hearing "vampire teeth against vampire skin" during the childbirth scene.

Just how that will play out on screen, though, has yet to be determined. "I've seen the script," which tracks closely to the book, she says. "But it depends on how they shoot it."

Stewart, who was speaking to 24 Frames to promote her new independent drama "Welcome to the Rileys," said she thinks her "Twilight" character has been misunderstood. “Bella’s criticized sometimes for being, like, you know -- I don’t know, selfish and overly emotional and silly and frivolous and annoying and young,” said Stewart. “That’s sort of like a very judgmental way of looking at it."


Bilder från visningen av "Welcome to the Rileys"

Fler bilder kan du hitta här!


Förhandstitt på Kristens tal på Scream Awards


Intervju från ET Online


Två intervjuer från Access Hollywood


"Breaking Dawn" börjar filmas i veckan



Dagens bild



Två videos från Scream Awards


Kristen i Who Magazine - USA



Kristen screamed last night, looked hot doing it

Yes, Kristen Stewart was at Spike TV's Scream Awards last night!

There was some confusion at the start of the evening because her name had been taken off the media tip sheet, but...

Turned out she just wasn't able to make it to the arrivals in time. Why? Well, she'd been in Louisiana for about a day and a half rehearsing Breaking Dawn with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, so she was jetted in by private plane and made it to the Scream soiree with mere minutes to spare.

I'm told she landed in L.A. (Rob and Taylor stayed back for BD), hightailed it to a hotel for hair and makeup and slipped into a fab Guishem minidress and a pair of uh-maze-ing Giuseppe Zanotti heels. She then rushed over to the Greek Theatre, where she had a few minutes to hang in the VIP area (she and Nikki Reed gave each other a big hug) with the absolutely gorgeous Green Lantern duo Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds before running on stage to accept her shiny black statuette for Best Fantasy Actress from hunky Batman star Aaron Eckhart (more on him and his new movie, Battle: Los Angeles, later on).

Stewart returned to the VIP area, where she smoked cigs in a corner with a couple of suits and warmed herself under one of those portable heaters. She waved hello to Emma Roberts who was also puffin' away on cigs and chatting on a staircase landing with Scream 4 costars Neve Campbell and suddenly-single David Arquette and their director Wes Craven.

Reed and Jackson Rathbone tried to keep mum about when they'd be flying off to BD, but it sure sounded like it going to happen any second now.

Stewart didn't hang out much longer after Breaking Dawn was named Most Anticipated Movie. She had a plane to catch to New York today to do some publicity for her new indie flick, Welcome to the Rileys. She'll be on Live with Regis and Kelly on Tuesday before returning to BD.


Två bilder på Kristen när hon lämnar Scream Awards



Sandra Bullock älskar Kristen


Kristen och ett fan på Scream Awards



Dagens bild



Bilder på Kristen och Robert från inspelningsplatsen för "Breaking Dawn"

Här är lite bilder på Kristen och Robert på inspelningsplatsen för Breaking Dawn den 15 oktober.

Vill du se mer bilder? Kika in HÄR!


Kristens vinster på Scream Awards

Kristen vann:
Best Fantasy Actor: Kristen Stewart, Eclipse
Best Fantasy: Eclipse


Bilder på Kristen från Scream Awards

Mer bilder? Klicka HÄR!


Kristen är #1 på coolspotters.com's 'Most popular celebrity'

Kristen ligger på första plats på coolspotters.com's lista över 'Mest populära kändis'. Coolspotters.com är en sida där de lägger upp länkar till var man kan köpa likadana kläder som en kändis hade på sig vid ett tillfälle. Väldigt bra sida men tyvärr blir det så dyrt att beställa för oss i Sverige då både tull och skatt inräknas i priset.


Jenn Poske om att imitera Kristen

In case you weren't aware, the Twilight series has made something of a cultural splash in the last couple of years. Spoofmeisters Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans) sink their teeth into Stephenie Meyer's vampire saga for their latest offering, Vampires Suck, and have scored a pretty impressive Kristen Stewart look-a-like in the process. DS got in touch with actress Jenn Proske to learn about the art of imitating K-Stew.

Tip 1: Enjoy the experience. And watch New Moon a lot!

"Bella is such an iconic character right now and the movies are such a phenomenon, I love kind of delving in. The challenge of doing such a big character mixed with comedy and all the adventures that happened doing vampire stuff, the stunts and gags and everything that I got to do was just so much fun. She's a great character to play and I obviously got to watch New Moon, which I loved a bunch - it was a great time."

Tip 2: Get the hair-touching and lip-biting mannerisms down.
"Becca Crane my character had to be someone new and fresh as well. So it was a good combination of a little bit of me, a little bit of what I can bring to the comedy, and then adding Kristen's mannerisms and vocal patterns from her work in Twilight."

Tip 3: Love your subject matter.
"I would love to meet Kristen one day, that would be a huge treat... I would say [to her that] I'm a huge fan and loved her little part in the phenomenon. I'm honoured to have watched her work so much and I'd say that I wasn't bashing her at all."

Tip 4: Ignore the bad reviews.
"It not for the critics, that's not our audience. I went into the process knowing that this was a movie for the fans and for the Twilight lovers and haters who want to sit down and have a good laugh. I don't think it's an Academy Award-winning movie."

Tip 5: Deliberate over Team Edward vs. Team Jacob.
"You know I've got to say that I loved the vampire make up, I love their porcelain skin. If I could have vampire looks and sexiness and darkness and a werewolf ass I would be a happy person."

Tip 6: Get used to break-up angst.
"I loved shooting the break-up scene between Edward and Becca. I think that it's such a classic scene from New Moon and you know everything that could possibly go wrong to Becca in that scene happens."


Kristen i People Magazine - USA



Dagens bild



Kristen i Penelope - Brasilien



Kristen i New Orleans, Lousiana

Regissören Jake Scott (Welcome to the Rileys) sa under ett Q&A på New Orleans Film Festival att han och Kristen delade flygplan dit. Scene Magazine har också sagt att Kristen är där för saker som angår Breaking Dawn.


Kristens stripp-stil i "Welcome to the Rileys"

"She just looked gorgeous. Her looks inspired a thousand fashion editorials. She looked so fabulous." -
Welcome to the Rileys costume designer Kim Bowen when asked about Kristen Stewart's onscreen style

Totally a compliment, right? Thing is, K.Stew wasn't supposed to look über-fab. In fact, she was supposed to look the opposite of totally hot, which made it tough for Bowen to do her job.

How so?  "She's such a beauty and very naturally stylish—like a young Kate Moss," Bowen gushed about the gal she was lucky enough to dress. Hmmm. Those fitting sessions Kim and K had must have been fun, huh?

And just FYI, while others may not think K.Stew is the newest fashion It girl, Bowen used to work at Harper's Bazaar before turning to movies, so she knows a thing or two about the chicest of chicks.

"It was difficult [costuming her] because her style is captivating, and she couldn't look like that. She had to look obscure and private and hidden."

Explains why it took three tries to get K.Stew's stripper style, which includes mostly hoodies and sweat pants (off stage, of course), exactly right.  "She's got the perfect exhausted glamour. She personifies it," Bowen said. "Finally, we went to grungy, nasty stripper stores and got clothes from the Salvation Army to make the look."



Outtake från ELLE UK - UHQ



Dagens bild



Kristen på HITFIX's 2011 'Best supporting actress Oscar contenders'

Kristen Stewart, "Welcome to the Rileys"

Pro: She gives a strong and sympathetic performance as a young hooker who agrees to try and turn her life around under the guidance of a visiting salesman (James Gandolfini). She also gave a pretty great turn as Joan Jett in "The Runaways" earlier this year and has an impressive resume that has built up goodwill with roles in "Into the Wild," "The Yellow Handkerchief" and "Adventureland."

Con: The problem is the movie's distributor may not send out screeners (a big need for this one) and there's that "Twilight Saga" elephant in the room. She might need that series to be over before she's taken seriously again by the industry.


Kristen på Scott Feinberg's lista över 'Top acting talent under-30'

ScottFeinberg.com Over the past decade (2000-2009), only 24 of 200 nominations for acting Oscars have gone to individuals who were 30 years old or younger (at the time of the nominations announcement); of those, only 6 went to men (4 for best actor and 2 for best supporting actor), while 18 went to women (11 for best actress and 7 for best supporting actress); and in no year did more than 5 of the 20 nominees fall into that demographic (that happened once, but in most years the number was 1 or 2). There is, however, reason to believe that these trends will be halted, if not reversed for the long-term, when this year’s nominations are announced on January 25, 2011.

I find ample reason to believe that on that date, as many as 8 nominees — and possibly more — could still be 30 or younger. The most likely candidates: Jesse Eisenberg (“The Social Network”) for best actor, Andrew Garfield (“The Social Network”) for best supporting actor, Anne Hathaway (“Love and Other Drugs”) for best actress, Mila Kunis (“Black Swan”) for best supporting actress, Jennifer Lawrence (“Winter’s Bone”) for best actress, Natalie Portman (“Black Swan”) for best actress, Hailee Steinfeld (“True Grit”) for best supporting actress, and Justin Timberlake (“The Social Network”) for best supporting actor.
Following is an extensive list of Hollywood’s top actors and actresses who are currently 30 or younger, with those who gave standout performances in 2010 appearing in blue. (Some, such as “Blue Valentine” stars Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling, will turn 31 prior to the nominations announcement, which is the primary reason for why they are not included among the names listed above.)´

Top Actresses (30 or younger)

Eva Green (7/5/80)
Michelle Williams (9/9/80)
Bryce Dallas Howard (3/2/81)
Julia Stiles (3/28/81)
Catalina Sandino Moreno (4/19/81)
Jessica Alba (4/28/81)
Natalie Portman (6/9/81)
Beyonce Knowles (9/4/81)
Jennifer Hudson (9/12/81)
Alexis Bledel (9/16/81)
Sienna Miller (12/28/81)
Jessica Biel (3/3/82)
Thora Birch (3/11/82)
Hayley Atwell (4/5/82)
Kirsten Dunst (4/30/82)
Rebecca Hall (5/19/82)
Elisabeth Moss (7/24/82)
Anna Paquin (7/24/82)
Romola Garai (8/6/82)
Abbie Cornish (8/7/82)
Anne Hathaway (11/12/82)
Melanie Laurent (2/21/83)
Emily Blunt (2/23/83)
Kate Mara (2/27/83)
Gabby Sidibe (5/6/83)
Amber Tamblyn (5/14/83)
Greta Gerwig (8/4/83)
Mila Kunis (8/14/83)
Zoe Kazan (9/9/83)
Olivia Wilde (3/10/84)
America Ferrera (4/18/84)
Freida Pinto (10/18/84)
Jena Malone (11/21/84)
Scarlett Johansson (11/22/84)
Rooney Mara (?/?/85)
Keira Knightley (3/26/85)
Carey Mulligan (5/28/85)
Anna Kendrick (8/9/85)
Amanda Seyfried (12/3/85)
Gemma Arterton (1/12/86)
Kat Dennings (6/13/86)
Lindsay Lohan (7/2/86)
Emmy Rossum (9/12/86)
Olivia Thirlby (10/6/86)
Ellen Page (2/21/87)
Blake Lively (8/25/87)
Evan Rachel Wood (9/7/87)
Emma Stone (11/6/88)
Shareeka Epps (7/11/89)
Mia Wasikowska (10/14/89)
Keisha Castle-Hughes (3/24/90)
Kristen Stewart (4/9/90)
Emma Watson (4/15/90)
Jennifer Lawrence (8/15/90)
Emma Roberts (2/10/91)
Miley Cyrus (11/23/92)
Keke Palmer (8/26/93)
Dakota Fanning (2/23/94)
Saoirse Ronan (4/12/94)
Abigail Breslin (4/14/96)
Hailee Steinfeld (?/?/96)
Chloe Moretz (2/10/97)
Elle Fanning (4/9/98)



"Welcome to the Rileys"-recension av rottentomatoes.com

Welcome to the Rileys, to its credit, doesn't conform to narrative expectations. It's a drama, but a drama on the edge of utter destruction. Kristen Stewart is Allison ... or Mallory, depending on the scene (trust me, this makes sense). She's an exotic dancer in New Orleans, she meets James Gandolfini (who is on a business trip), and we're off from there.

James Gandolfini (as Doug Riley) is a damaged man. His wife, played by Melissa Leo, is a damaged woman. And of course Kristen Stewart's Allison is not exactly emotionally stable. As such, the interplay between the relationships involved is fraught with peril. It makes for an engaging, if tense, viewing experience.

On the acting front, Stewart is a live wire throughout the near two-hour running time presented here. She comes off like a rabid dog, completely unpredictable; it's easy to see why directors see so much potential in her work. She's great here. Gandolfini is also excellent, he continues to pick tremendous scripts (his work in In the Loop was also exceptional).

The intriguing part about Welcome to the Rileys is the innovation level of the story itself. It's not about New Orleans, it's not about strippers, it's not about any one thing in particular, though the broad themes of personal responsibility, grief, and trust are certainly broached. Each scene involves heavy doses of dialogue, but heavy doses of silence and body language, too. It's a patient and deliberate effort out of director Jake Scott and it portends well for his career. Mr. Scott clearly has a deft touch, something that will serve him well should he choose to continue in the genre of indie/dramatic work.

My only knock on Welcome to the Rileys? It's probably too subtle a work to really stick with viewers. The dialogue and settings are so natural that they don't lodge in your memory for long afterward. But you could do far worse. See it for Stewart's electric performance, Galdolfini's papa bear strength, or to scout an up-and-coming director in Jake Scott. If it makes it to a theater near you, give Welcome to the Rileys a few hours of your life. We'll meet back here to discuss.

Grade: B



Pressvisning för "Welcome to the Rileys" 18 oktober

Det kommer att vara en pressvisning för Welcome to the Rileys den 18 oktober och det kommer även vara galapremiär då i New York. (Synd att man inte bor där!)

Källa 1 & 2


Dagens bild



Ny trailer för "Welcome to the Rileys"


Nytt exklusivt klipp från "Welcome to the Rileys"


Dagens video

Angående dagens video som inte riktigt är "dagens" då jag inte lägger in en video/dag. Lägger in någon fanvideo lite då och då när det är dåligt med uppdateringar. Men nu har den fått en egen kategori i alla fall!


Jake Scott: "Directing Kristen Stewart is like 'Wrangling a herd of cats'"

"She's very vulpine—very wolfish—and wily, kind of twitchy. Directing her is kind of like wrangling a herd of cats."

—Welcome to the Rileys director Jake Scott when asked at a recent screening of the flick what it was like working with his leading lady,
Kristen Stewart.

Now, before you get your Krisbian panties in a twist, the dude meant it in a good way. We think. Either way, he ended up über-impressed with Kristen's performance in the movie—and she did, too!

"[Kristen]'s been playing this same character in—what?—two or three movies now, and that frustrates her," Scott dished on Twilight.

"She wants to be taken seriously as an actress—and the crazy thing is, before Twilight, she was doing that kind of work...She's very proud of her work in this movie."

One of those prevamp projects was actually how Kris landed the part as a runaway stripper in this family drama. Scott said he thought, "Oh my god, who is this kid?" when he saw Into the Wild. As he left the movie theater, he called Kristen's people and had an appointment set for the next day. And he definitely got an actress who's serious about her craft.

"Kristen, more than anyone, would go off-script or off-course, but it would be brilliant and it would work. But it would throw [Rileys costars] Jim [Gandolfini] and Melissa [Leo]."

Scott explained that the veteran actors would make adjustments during the scene for Kristen, because they "respected her so," and they were totally into the fact that it "kept them on their toes."

"Also, that was her character. She was unpredictable...an uncontrollable force," Scott explained.

If Stewart's still worried about being taken seriously as an actress, she won't after this low-budget baby hits theatres. Character-driven roles suit K.Stew, if we do say so ourselves.
Källa och bildkälla


Dagens bild



Vem bar den bäst?

Katie Holmes vs. Kristen

Vem tycker du bar den bäst?


"Eclipse"-soundtracket är nominerat i American Music Awards

The nominees for the 2010 American Music Awards have just been announced, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is up for "Best Soundtrack"( Favorite Soundtrack)

Eclipse soundtrack contributors Muse and Vampire Weekend are also nominated for "Favorite Alternative Rock Artist." Muse contributed the song "Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)" to the Eclipse album, while Vampire Weekend added "Jonathan Low" to the soundtrack.

Last year, Twilight's soundtrack won "Favorite Album" in the 2009 American Music Awards, so be sure to vote for Eclipse so the album can win this year as well!

Eclipse faces off with Glee: The Music, Volume 3 The Showstoppers and Iron Man 2.

Du kan rösta på Eclipse-soundtracket HÄR!


Jake Scott pratar om Kristen

His biggest coup, however, was casting Kristen Stewart, co-star of the blockbuster Twilight films, as the underage hooker that the plot turns on. “I loved her in Into the Wild. I thought, ‘Oh my God, that’s exactly the right quality I’m looking for in Mallory.’ It’s a sort of feral quality.”

Scott spent a good year with the screenwriter, streamlining plot points and making them subtle. The death of the Rileys’ daughter is established in a deft and unexpected manner. “She used to exist in flashbacks, but one of the first things I did with Ken was take all the flashbacks out. I kept going back to the idea of restraint.

“While we were in New Orleans, it was very tempting to photograph the cityscape for all of its beauty, but I really didn’t think that was relevant to the characters.

“Some people have said, “It’s a shame you don’t get to see Kristen actually dancing on a pole,’ but that was again a conscious decision. I didn’t shoot it. I was being asked to shoot it, but I wouldn’t shoot it because I didn’t feel that it was relevant to what Doug was going through. And I think, if I had shown her doing that, it was possible the audience would connect that to Doug and to something he was doing as a character. I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t want that to be in question"


Dagens bild



Kristen gästar "Live with Regis & Kelly" den 19 oktober

Enligt Interbridge Late Night LineUps kommer Kristen att gästa Live with Regis & Kelly den 19 oktober för att promota Welcome to the Rileys. Jag lägger självklart upp en video från programmet så fort som möjligt.

"Kristen is scheduled to make an appearance on Live with Regis and Kelly on Tuesday, October 19th to promote ‘Welcome to the Rileys’"


Ny still från "Welcome to the Rileys"



Kristen's backstage-intervju från Jay Leno Show



Dagens bild



Ännu fler bilder på Kristen och Robert från igår - 10 oktober

Klicka HÄR för att se alla bilder!


Mer bilder på Kristen och Robert från igår - 10 oktober



Regissören till "Welcome to the Rileys" pratar om Kristen

I didn't shoot a stripping scene. I refused to do it."

—Welcome to the Rileys director Jake Scott at a recent screening of his indie flick, when we asked him what he thought about the tabloids focusing on Kristen Stewart's striptease (or lack there of).

The guy was good-natured enough to laugh off the goss, but is adamant that the whole movie would have been different if he'd had K.Stew hit the pole.

That's not to say Kristen didn't take her role as a stripper very seriously:

"[Kristen] didn't want to hide," he 'fessed, after explaining the complexity of creating her character, Alison, saying that she had to be sexy and adult, but also young and sleazy.

"She's a very young, very sensitive woman, and the strippers she met while preparing for the role were—she describes them as—'open wounds,'" Jake continued. "And she wanted to represent them in the film."

As for getting "sleazy" for the film, the whole crew seems mucho-impressed with how far the Hollywood hottie was willing to go to ditch her naturally fab looks.

"She didn't want to shy away from that," costume designer Kim Bowen boasted about K.'s less-than-gorge looks in the film.

"Most actresses want to be perfect and pretty. But Kristen is real and looks real. A lot of actresses won't do that. She's a very truthful actress like that."

Like we've been saying all along! More on K.'s stylish side later, though.

Oh and just FYI, for the pervs still interested, Kristen's stripper ensemble is no naughtier than a Lady Gaga outfit—some tape over her ta-tas and mile high heels. And aside from some dirty talk and a few semi-glimpses of her derriere, her part isn't as scandalous as the tabs want you to believe.

So forget the whole friggin' stripper biz and see the movie because it's good—really good, actually.


Video från 10 oktober


Bilder på Kristen och Robert - 10 oktober

Kristen och Robert blev igår fotade när de satt i baksätet av en taxi i Beverly Hills tillsammans med en kompis.



Dagens bild



Kristen på Oprah Winfrey Show imorgon - Svensk tv

Missa inte imorgon då avsnittet där Kristen, Robert, Taylor och Dakota gästade Oprah Winfrey Show sänds på TV3. Det kommer att sändas mellan 13.05-14.00. Avsnittet är gammalt och sändes i maj på amerikansk tv och har funnits på internet ett bra tag. Men det kan ju alltid vara kul att se det på tv.


Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen och Robert från 31 oktober 2008



Kristen lämnar Thompson Hotel - 8 oktober


Bilder från Disco Babel i Rom, Italien - 31 oktober 2008



Bilder på Kristen och Robert från Vanity Fair 2008 - UHQ



Dagens bild



Bilder på Kristen, Robert och TomStu igårkväll

Fler bilder hittar du här!


Ny/Gamla fanbilder från inspelningen av "Twilight"



Kristen på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - Bilder

Mer bilder? Klicka här!


Kristen på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno



Ny/Gamla bilder från tidningen Oggi - Italien



Dagens bild



Nikki Reed pratar om Kristen och att "Breaking Dawn" börjar filmas nästa vecka

ATTENTION all Twilight Saga fans, this is the news you have been waiting for: Breaking Dawn will start filming NEXT WEEK!
Twilight Saga star Nikki Reed has been talking to OK! about the schedule for filming Breaking Dawn, and she says it starts next week in New Orleans.
She told OK! USA: "We’re heading to New Orleans first, in just over a week."
And Nikki, who told us she only just received the script for the final film (2 films, technically) in the saga last week, says she can't wait to get stuck in.
She added: "It looks really fantastic. I didn’t know how it was going to happen, how much they’d separate from the book, but it’s all there, it’s great.
"All the really comic moments that Jacob and I have together are all in there. And also, she [Rosalie] really is a sympathetic character in a sense. You get to really understand why she’s been the way she’s been.
"And to see her interact with a child - if I do it the right way, let’s cross our fingers that I portray it accurately - it’s kind of a really intense bond that we have that I think is really relatable. I’m look forward to humanising her a bit, if you know what I mean. Wink wink."
As for the highly-anticipated birth scene, Nikki said: “It’s intense. Once again, it’s going to be a whole other thing to see visually. We have the book and then the transition to the script."

So what about Kristen Stewart?
“Kristen does her thing,” Nikki told OK!.
K-Stew probably wants to spend some alone time with on/off screen boyfriend Robert Pattinson.


Ställ din fråga till Kristen

We're interviewing Kristen Stewart for her new film Welcome to the Rileys, and we want YOU to provide the questions! Tell us what you're dying to know, and we'll pick a few to ask her. And be sure to provide your first name and hometown so we can give you credit for your amazing questions.

Klicka HÄR för att ställa din fråga! (Du måste vara medlem, men det går fort att registrera sig och kostar ingenting)


Dagens video


Kristen på EW's 'Most Power Entertainers Of 2010'-lista - USA

Number 19 - Kristen Stewart

Box Office Average: $83.2M
Age 20
Lead Roles: 12
Box Office CUME (Cumulative Audience): $998.4M
She is the actress every tween girl wants to be. But outside the Twilight franchise, she has yet to assert herself as
box-office draw. 'The Runaways' earned $3.6 million.


Kristen på Forbes lista 'Celeb 100' - USA

Kristen ligger på plats #66.



Ännu en poster från "Welcome to the Rileys"



Dagens bild



Officiellt: Mackenzie Foy kommer att spela Renesmee i "Breaking Dawn"

Nu har Stephenie Meyer gått ut officiellt med att Mackenzie Foy kommer att spela Renesmee i Breaking Dawn. I ett meddelande hon postade på facebook skrev hon:

Hi Everyone!
Congratulations to the Twilight Facebook Fan Page!  15 million fans!  You guys never cease to amaze me.  In other news…
Very excited about our new Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy.  She’s an amazing young actress and I’m excited to work with her.  I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!
- Steph
Källa: twilightsweden.se


Två nya behind-the-scenes bilder från inspelningen av "The Runaways"



Kristen kommer att närvara på Scream Awards 16 oktober

Kristen kommer att närvara på Scream Awards den 16 oktober. Programmet är inte direktsänt och kommer sändas först 19 oktober i USA.

We know where Kristen Stewart will be on Oct. 16. The Twilight star has signed on to make an appearance at Spike TV's Scream 2010 awards at L.A.'s Greek Theater. (Show tapes Oct. 16 and then airs three days later.)


Exklusivt klipp från "Welcome to the Rileys"


Nya stills från "Welcome to the Rileys"




Jag måste bara tacka er som läser den här bloggen dag in och dag ut. Och tack för alla fina kommentarer jag fått på senaste tiden, sånt uppskattas! :) Jag lägger ned så mycket tid jag kan på att uppdatera den här bloggen och eftersom jag är själv kan det ibland bli lite segt med uppdateringar då jag går andra året på gymnasiet, måste göra läxor och så vill hinna vara med kompisar osv. Men jag gör så gott jag kan! :)

Vill ni kontakta mig angående länkbyte, om du har någon fråga eller om du vill ha en bild jag lagt ut går det alldeles utmärkt att maila till: stewartdaily@hotmail.com så svarar jag så fort jag kan.

Om ni vill läsa mer om mig (Erica) som ligger bakom Stewartdaily kan ni besöka min blogg här:

Nya outtakes från tidningen Bild - Tyskland



Dagens bild



Officiella postern till "Welcome to the Rileys"



Video från 5 oktober


Bilder på Kristen och Robert - 5 oktober

Kristen och Robert smög igår ut bakvägen till Troubadour Music Venue i Los Angeles och försökte gömma sig när de klättrade in i baksätet av en bil som väntade på dem. (De här bilderna är egentligen hemska, paparazzis borde tänka lite. Men tyvärr verkar de inte göra det!)



"The Twilight Saga: The Illustrated Official Guide" släpps den 12 april 2011

Inget direkt om Kristen, men det handlar om The Twilight Saga i alla fall.

The bad news: It’s not another sequel.

The good news: There will be plenty of brand-new details in The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, a reference book Stephenie Meyer created to accompany her best-selling novels. According to a press release from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, the $24.99 encyclopedia, which will go on sale April 12, 2011, includes “character profiles, outtakes, a conversation with Meyer, genealogical charts, maps, extensive cross-references, and much more,” including art by Young Kim, who illustrated Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1.

For her part, Meyer said, “I’m always amazed at how many in-depth questions my readers have about my characters and the world within the Twilight Saga. With The Official Illustrated Guide, I hoped we could incorporate as many details as possible, including character histories, like Alice’s back story.”

Let’s hear from Twilight fans–is this something you want for your collection?



Robert leder Kristen till en väntande taxi

En video från igår (4 oktober), där Robert springer och kollar så att en taxi väntar på dem innan han hämtar Kristen och leder henne till taxin. Sweet!


Kristen nominerad i 'Total Film Hotlist Awards'

Robert Pattinson
and Kristen Stewart have both been nominated for the 2010 Total FIlm Hotlist Awards.

Pattinson is nominated in the category of "Hottest Actor" alongside the likes of Bradley Cooper, James Franco, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ryan Reynolds, Shia LaBeouf, and Sam Worthington to name a few.

Stewart is nominated for "Hottest Actress" with Carey Mulligan, Natalie Portman, Ellen Page, Emma Stone, Jessica Alba, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, and others. Head here to vote for this portion.

HÄR för att rösta på Kristen, hon är nominerad i kategorin Hottest Actress.


Dagens bild



Melinda Sordino på plats 13 över "Best Female Characters" 1990-2000

Melinda Sordino (Som Kristen spelade i filmen Speak) har hamnat på plats 13 på IMDB's lista över Best Femake Characters 1990-2000.

IMDb Best Woman Characters 1990-2000
Number 13. Melinda Sordino (Kristen Stewart) 2004
HÄR för att se hela listan!


Tjugo barnstjärnor åt rätt håll

While a great deal of attention is paid to child stars whose lives take a wrong turn after early fame, we're focusing instead on those who have translated that early fame into extended success. In no particular order, they are:

3. Kristen Stewart
Actress, Twilight
"Handling the pressure of headlining the record-breaking Twilight franchise (and the press/fan scrutiny it has inspired) cannot be easy, yet Kristen Stewart has handled it with grace."


Bilder på Kristen och Robert i västra Hollywood - 4 oktober

*UPPDATERAT INLÄGG* Nu finns bilderna otaggade och i HQ
Igår (4 oktober) syntes Kristen och Robert lämna en resturang i västra Hollywood.

(Klicka på bilderna för att se dem i större storlek!)


Två bilder från Entertainment Weekly 2009 - UHQ

Klicka här för att se bilderna i UHQ!


Dagens bild



Kristen och Roberts omslag till Harpers Bazaar vinner "Cover Of The Year"

CHICAGO, October 4, 2010 — The cover of the December 2009 issue of Harper’s Bazaar, featuring the lead actors of the hit movie franchise Twilight, was chosen by Amazon.com customers as “Cover of the Year.” This is the second year that Amazon.com has hosted the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) Best Cover Contest, and the fifth year that ASME has presented the awards. The announcement was made today by Larry Hackett, ASME president and managing editor, People, at the American Magazine Conference currently underway in Chicago, Ill.

Twelve category winners, chosen by Amazon.com customers during the first round of public voting, competed for the “Cover of the Year” honor. The Harper’s Bazaar cover, which won the “Best Vampire” category before it was chosen “Cover of the Year,” depicts Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in a rare shot together. While the epic image played on the idea of courtship, it was given extra heat due to their real-life romance.


Kristen och Robert på Soho House

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are both back in L.A. before Breaking Dawn duties start up, and they wasted no time getting together.

A clean-shaven Rob and a naturally glowing K.Stew were spotted at Soho House in West Hollywood Saturday night totally displaying their affection for one another during a dinner with friends.

"They were staring at each other throughout dinner and kept stealing quick kisses from one another during the night," an eyewitness tells E! News. "Rob's arm was around her for most of dinner and they kept looking at each other and giggling throughout the evening. They are definitely into each other."

Stewart arrived home to L.A. less than a week ago from filming On the Road in New Orleans and Arizona, while Pattinson just returned from London. And it seems like distance hasn't kept these two apart!

"They were by each other's sides the entire night," adds the eyewitness. "After dinner, Rob, Kristen and their friends moved to the patio where the group was smoking and the guys were drinking. Everyone was laughing and having a good time together, but you could tell Rob was doting on Kristen and making sure she was comfortable. They were next to each other everywhere the group went."

One friend in the six-or-so-person entourage was Tom Sturridge, Kristen's On the Road costar and one of Rob's best mates. And yes, although Rob has shaved that beard to get into Edward form, Tom still had the yummy scruff going on.

Stewart, dressed casually in jeans and a black hoodie sweatshirt, was sporting lighter hair still, def not her Bella 'do, while Pattinson covered his hair with a black beanie that showcased his freshly shaven face.

We're told the two were having a great time with pals and were undisturbed by the many gawking patrons, even tho Soho is the hottest and most exclusive hang in LA right now.

The happy couple's free time is a tickin' with Breaking Dawn right around the corner so we think it's totally cool they can hang and not be bothered.



Ny/Gamla videos från Sundance Festivalen 2010



TV1000 kollar in Kristen

Den 23 oktober kommer TV1000 att spela fyra av Kristens filmer i rad.
16.00: What Just Happened
18.00: Twilight
New Moon
22.10: The Cake Eaters

De har även lagt in en intervju med Kristen:

När jag släppte kontrollen blev jag mycket lyckligare

Heta skådespelaren Kristen Stewart är överallt just nu. Nu har du chansen att se henne i ”New moon” och ”Twilight”, filmerna som gav fart åt hennes karriär. Här berättar hon om livet som skådespelare och eftertraktad tonårsidol.
Har du ännu inte hoppat på ”Twilight”-tåget har du nu chansen. På TV1000 kan du se Kristen Stewart och Robert Pattinson i trilogins första två delar, samtidigt som den tredje filmen rullar på bio. Kristen Stewart är dessutom TV1000-aktuell i småstadsdramat ”The cake eaters” och kändistäta ”What just happened”.

I ”New moon” blir Bella lite adrenalinberoende. Hur mycket kicksökare är du?

– Det beror allvarligt talat på när jag vaknar och hur det känns den morgonen. Ibland är jag värsta mesen och ibland är jag villig att göra vad som helst. Så jag kan inte riktigt svara, jag är inte säker.

Vi får också se dig på en motorcykel som ser rätt cool ut. Gjorde du några av dina egna stunts?
– Patetiskt nog blev jag bogserad bakom en lastbil och jag var tvungen att se väldigt uppeldad ut fast jag egentligen mest kände mig generad. Men Taylor (Lautner) var mycket coolare än jag; han lärde sig faktiskt att göra det och det finns ett parti där han stannar genom att sladda. Taylor är så knäpp på det sättet, han kan göra vad som helst.

Var det mer press kring ”New moon” på grund av att den första filmen blev en sådan framgång?
– Definitivt. Men jag oroade mig aldrig för fansen; jag tror att de är medvetna om att allt filmerna kan göra är att fånga en essens, eftersom man inte kan få in hela boken i filmen. Det jag däremot oroade mig för var folk som inte var fans av böckerna utan blev det via filmerna och det faktum att ”New moon” totalt underminerar det som etablerades i ”Twilight”. Men det är det jag gillar med ”New moon”, att den liksom står på egna ben.

Känns det knäppt att göra en serie filmer och veta att ditt liv är planerat fram till 2011? Vad planerar du att göra när det inte blir fler ”Twilight”-filmer?

– Jag är inte mycket för att planera. När jag väljer jobb, väljer jag impulsivt och jag kan bara hänge mig åt ett projekt om jag känner mig dragen till det. Jag skulle aldrig kunna låtsas vara någon annan framför miljoner människor bara för att underhålla. Jag är ingen artist och bryr mig verkligen inte om erkännandet, så att jag var tvungen att skriva på för fyra filmer kändes inte läskigt. Det var ett tillfälle att utforska en karaktär i mer än sex veckor.

Är du förvånad över graden av uppmärksamhet som du har fått genom de här filmerna?

– Jag är väldigt medveten om – och det tar jag som en komplimang – att det finns fans där ute som inte kan skilja på mig och Bella. Samtidigt har det här gett mig så många möjligheter som skådespelare att jag inte kan be om något mer.


Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen för Filmink - Eclipse Presscon



Dagens bild



Kristen i Portrait Magazine's lista på "20 Most Beautiful Inside and Out"

#7 Kristen Stewart
“It’s ridiculous that a certain look equals being conventionally pretty.”

Kristen Stewart’s role of Bella Swan in Twilight has us taking notice in this young actress, not only in her acting but her unconventional beauty as well. Her not so thought out looks are more for her comfort, which makes some guys swoon even more to know that she doesn’t worry too much about appearance but can also clean up quite nice for awards and films. The girls love her down to earth look and find it makes her more approachable. Fans don’t immediately go ‘Oh my god, it’s the girl that plays Bella’ instead it’s more ‘Hey isn’t that Kristen Stewart or Bella’. And her personality fits this; she’s sweet shy and has none of the predetermined star qualities other celebrities seem to get after awhile in the business.

Kristen is like any other regular young adult, she wants to be comfortable, and loves her choices of fun t-shirts, ‘messy’ hair and jeans. Not a great amount of thought goes into these outfits, they are more get up and go; but they are thought out when it comes to the fact they are eco-friendly. She knows what she likes and wears it, no matter what ‘Hollywood’ or the media say about what’s wrong or right in fashion. Not only is Kristen into eco-friendly products she also was the host at a Haiti fundraiser in NYC. And after a busy schedule of promotions and filming when she finally arrived home to find a group of fans at her door with paparazzi she stopped to sign some autographs with a happy smile on her face. Is she a trooper or what? Although some fans are a little jealous of her dating status with Robert Pattinson she is a very sweet and nice girl to be around!

Why You Chose Her
Jean Watt: Kristen Stewart is physically beautiful, has great acting skills, abilities and screen presence, involves herself in the world of idealistic causes, is generous and supportive of her friends and the people she works with, she is seemingly shy, but tries to reach out to the public because she believes that's what is expected of her..and she is adorable.


Greg Mottola twittrar om Kristen

Greg Mottola (regissören för Adventurland) har twittrat om Kristen.

kstewfan10 @gregmottola did you actually know kristen was behind you dancing? lol
gregmottola @kstewfan10 had no idea. what a dork i am!
kstewfan10 @gregmottola haha your not a dork. was frickin hilarious
gregmottola @cupidscloud that is a really funny clip (in spite of me)
cupidscloud @gregmottola I know its kept many of us amused here on twitter... we all love it..
gregmottola @cupidscloud well, it is the real kristen ... she really is insanely special



Kristen och Robert i People Magazine - USA



Kristen, Robert och Tom har setts till i Los Angeles



Kristen i Celebrity Magazine - Grekland



Ny/Gammal outtake från Entertainment Weekly



Ny/Gammal still från "Twilight"



Dagens bild



Kristen på en lista över Most Awkward Celebrity Moments

Kristen ligger på 10:onde plats på en lista över Most Awkward Celebrity Moments.



Vem bär det rosa läppstiftet bäst?

People Magazine har en omröstning mellan Chloe Sevigny och Kristen om vem som bär det rosa läppstiftet bäst. Klicka HÄR för att rösta!


Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen och Robert från inspelningen av "Twilight"



Dagens bild



Amy Adams om Kristen

Amy Adams
was very popular recently with the young people in her life. You see, she recently spent four days in New Orleans shooting On the Road with Twilight star Kristen Stewart

"I got requests for autographs, and I didn't ask for a single one," Adams told me yesterday at Variety's Power of Women luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where she was honored for her work with the Bronx-based Ghetto Film School. Why? Adams may be a 36-year-old two-time Academy Award nominee and mother of one, but when it comes to teens, she said, "I guess I'm getting to the point in my life where I'm suspicious of teenagers and I'm intimidated a little bit."

Yes, Adams knows Stewart is 20 years old. "She's not a teenager, but she's close enough and I was very intimidated," Adams said.

Adams is a fan of Stephenie Meyer's vampire book series. "I told [Stewart] I read the books and she was like, 'You've read the books?' " Adams recalled. "She couldn't compute it, but you have to imagine I was playing this sort of bedraggled drug addict, so she was like, ‘That doesn't seem like the audience.' But she was incredibly gracious and lovely."



Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen med fans

Bilden är tagen backstage från Regis & Kelly när Kristen var där och gästade dem i juni.



Ny/Gammal bild ifrån inspelning av "Twilight"



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