Ny/Gammal intervju med Kristen för "The Messengers"
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Behind the scenes för "Eclipse" av The Hillywood Show
Castet från "On the road": sångröster
3. Kristen Stewart - "Angels from Montgomery" from the movie Into the Wild (2007)
4. Viggo Mortensen -
5. Amy Adams - "If I Didn't Care" from the movie Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
6. Terrence Howard - "Love Makes You Beautiful"
7. Kirsten Dunst - "Dream of Me"
De 10 bästa thriller-filmerna från 2010 - "Eclipse"

Resturang med Kristen på väggarna
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PopsugarUK tycker att Kristen ska spela Kate Middleton i "The Royal Romance FIlm"

Kristen och Selena Gomez som Snövit-favoriter
Our loyalties are so torn! After getting ourselves super excited over the news Kristen Stewart might be playing Snow Whitenow we hear that she may be competing against Selena Gomez. And we can totally see Selena being perfect for the role too! Which amazing girl should the studios choose?
According to DisneyInfonet Selena has been asked to attend February auditions for the Disney Princess role. The report says Selena, 18, and Kristen, 20, are director Rupert Sanders’s favorites at the moment, although IMDB has Alicia Vikander listed as the rumored lead.
The girls are apparently auditioning alongside Leighton Meester, Nicole Anderson and Miranda Cosgrove who are all trying out for various parts in the film.
Klicka här för att rösta på din favorit som DU tycker ska få rollen som Snövit!
5 anledningar till att Kristen är perfekt för rollen som Snövit
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Ny/Gamla bilder på Kristen och Dakota Fanning från Sundance 2010
Två nya behind the scenes-klipp från "Eclipse"
CelebTV pratar om Kristen som snövit
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Elizabeth Reaser om bilden från "Breaking Dawn"

Alice Braga om Kristen: "She's adorable and a phenomenal actress"

Alice is impressed by Kristen’s career path so far. “I think the choices she makes in independent films working with upcoming directors helps her a lot. And then she moves to something as big as Twilight, it is really important to take those chances and do that, she loves cinema and she just does it!”
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Kristen i rollen som 'Snövit'?

Is Kristen Stewart the fairest of them all?
The Twilight star is on the list for the role of Snow White in Universal’s Snow White and the Huntsman.
The movie, being directed by Rupert Sanders, is in deep casting mode, with Viggo Mortensen entering negotiations to play the Huntsman earlier Wednesday. Charlize Theron is in negotiations to play the evil queen.
Stewart is a name that Universal has kept coming back to since acquiring the project even as it went through a series of screen tests with actresses such as Riley Keough, Felicity Jones and Alicia Vikander. Emily Browning tested this past weekend (Stewart has reached a point in her career where testing isn't required).
Stewart, arguably one of the biggest stars in the world thanks to the Twilight movies, has focused on indie projects in between the vampire romancers, and this could become her first studio project since becoming a name. It also would put her in the shoes of an iconic character. The Gersh-repped actress is currently shooting the Breaking Dawn movies, but the Snow White team has been making repeated overtures even as late as last week
Deadline reports that Kristen Stewart “looms large as a potential lead” in the role of Snow White in “Snow White And The Huntsman.” Uh, not much more than that other than confirmation of rumors that have been making the rounds, but certainly a much different choice that relatively smaller names that have been mentioned up until now.
That was fast. Michael Fassbender is officially out of Universal‘s hotly-tipped “Snow White and the Huntsman” (he took Ridley Scott‘s “Prometheus” instead) and evidently a replacement has already been found. Viggo Mortensen is reportedly in talks to join in the fantasy re-imagining that newcomer Rupert Sanders is helming. Notice that Charlize Theron is only mentioned to be in talks in Variety‘s report, because, as we’ve been saying for weeks now, she’s not officially locked in like many have assumed (and like Fassbender, she may take a “Prometheus” role which would likely see her exit the project as well).
Written by Evan Daugherty, the script was high up on the 2010 Blacklist pages, and this new spin on the popular fairy tale sees the titular huntsman (Mortensen) being hired by the evil queen (Theron, if she decides to take the role) to track down her runaway stepdaughter, the fairest in all the land. When he realizes that the queen intends to kill Snow White, he helps her escape, and the pair go on the run. Apparently, the huntsman and Snow White will be chained together for a good portion of the film, and there is still a handsome prince who will win the fair lady’s heart.
Actresses such as Riley Keough, Felicity Jones (who now has Sundance buzz from the hit indie “Like Crazy”—it was bought by Paramount), Bella Heathcoat and Alicia Vikander are all up-and-coming actresses that have reportedly been up for the role, but no one has officially nabbed the part yet. “Snow White and the Huntsman” already has a Dec. 21, 2012 release date and is aiming to shoot this summer. Theron and Mortensen co-starred together briefly in “The Road” in 2009.
Kristen Stewart's name is at the center of rumors surrounding Snow White and the Huntsman.
Right now, the Twilight Saga actress “looms large” for the title character role, according to Deadline. Due to scheduling conflicts, Viggo Mortensen has become the most likely Huntsman, replacing Michael Fassbender.
Georgie Henley pratar om Kristen i en intervju med Flaunt Magazine

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Bilder från januari 2009 - nu i HQ
Recension för "Welcome to the Rileys" på HD.se

I rollistan: James Gandolfini, Melissa Leo, Kristen Stewart.
Längd: 1 tim, 50 min.
Röda Kvarn, Helsingborg
Betyg: 2
"Welcome to the Rileys" sänder tydliga "amerikansk independentfilm"-film signaler, även om man inte ska bedra sig: regissören Jake Scott backas upp av pappa Ridley Scott och farbror Tonypå produktionssidan.
Hur som helst förstår vi snabbt, att här handlar det om vanliga människor och deras relationer, kriser och vardag.
Anslaget är lätt teatralt, berättelsen rejält tillspetsad. Två av huvudrollerna spelas av riktiga skådespelare, kända sådana, men de är ändå inte filmstjärnor som ängsligt vårdar sitt varumärke. Och deras prestationer ska läggas på filmens pluskonto.
Paret som handlingen kretsar kring, Lois och Doug Riley, spelade alltså av Melissa Leo, som var fantastisk i "Frozen river" häromåret, och James Gandolfini alias Tony Soprano. Sedan deras dotter tragiskt dog håller sorgen hela deras liv i ett järngrepp. Lois torgskräck begränsar henne till en snäv bana runt förortsvillan i New Jersey, och hon håller i sin tur Doug som i en lina runt sig.
Allt förändras när Doug gör en utbrytning och åker på affärsresa till New Orleans. På en klubb träffar han den unga Mallory (Kristen Stewart från Twilight-filmerna), som rymt hemifrån och lever på att strippa och prostituera sig.
Trots att filmen på ett motsägelsefullt sätt högexponerar Mallorys kroppsliga företräden, är det fadershjärtat som vaknar hos Doug. Han blir mer eller mindre ett plåster på flickan, flyttar in i hennes unkna lägenhet och börjar renovera både det som rör sig och det som inte gör det. Att Mallory spjärnar emot gör honom bara ihärdigare.
Hur rörande Dougs enorma behov av att få vårda än är, så är hans beteende och hela situationen för underlig för att det ska gå att svälja.
Han verkar faktiskt lite sjuk i huvudet på ett sätt som inte bara kan komma ur sorg. Det blir inte mindre konstigt när Lois tar sig ur sin egensnickrade bur och ansluter sig.
Manuskonstruktionen är så tydlig att den gnager sönder all inlevelse. Inget blir bättre av ett symbolspråk som ställer det blodfulla New Orleans mot ett nordligt präktigt suburbia, och på ett ytterligt grumligt sätt speglar den trasiga Mallorys utåtagerande sexualitet i Lois pryda moderlighet.
Kristen älskar Food Network

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Elizabeth Reaser om Kristens bakning och förlovning

"Breaking Dawn" på Entertainment Weekly's lista '15 heta filmer 2011'
Breaking Dawn: part 1 (nov. 18)
Even if you don't know each plot twist and turn from the final book in Stephenie Meyer's best-selling series, every self-respecting Twihard is aware that Breaking Dawn features Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) becoming vampire man and wife and sharing a marital bed for the first time. ''Finally!'' laughs director Bill Condon. ''It isone of the most anticipated scenes, and I spent a tremendous amount of time thinking about it. You want to play with what people expect and maybe subvert it a little and surprise them.''
Källa och bildkälla
Ny/Gammal intervju från Friday Magazine - Schweiz

The Berlin Luxury hotel 'The Regent', Kristen Stewart shuffles into the room. "Hello", she says and raises her hand a bit unmotivated. Her voice sounds as if she's just smoked a cigarette. Her smile is just as shy as cool. She's wearing the light brown shoes unlaced, loose hair. Grey jeans and knotted jeans shirt. Dark nail polish. No socks. This woman is currently one of the biggest stars on the planet.
The Twihards admire her: Hardcore "Twilight" fans who have been waiting for hours in Berlin in front of the hotel to get a glimpse of Kristen. Yet still she has an image problem: Because Kristen doesn't smile very often on the red carpet and on photos, she's rated as conceited and chronically in a bad mood.
"It affects me deeply when someone writes me I don't feel like doing all this. But it's not!" she says. She's just overwhelmed by the paparazzis and the fans.
"The energy you get is overwhelming. And when I'm overwhelmed I feel so sensitive. And I go like this: zzzzzzt!" She does a gesticulation in front of her face. "The wall runs high."
Kristen doesn't hide her feelings. She is snappy, sometimes even funny, snaps with her fingers and restarts the sentences three times until she has the right words."When I'm not on set, I'm not an actress. I can't put on a mask."
"KStew" is a real Hollywood-Kid. Her parents work in the TV- and Film-Business. With eleven years she played along Jodie Foster in "Panic Room", her first big role. She used to have mini appearances in other Hollywood productions and in a commercial for Porsche. When Kristen flew as Bella Swan with vampire Edward Cullen through the forest in 2008, she was on the top. At twenty.
Now part 3 of the Twilight Saga is in the cinemas. Kristen, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have signed for two more. What will it feel like when it's all over? "Honestly we all can't wait to get out of those characters." Sure: The young stars are under pressure.
"As long as it's not over, I have to think about it all the time. The fans have high expectations. It's not an easy situation." This also goes for her relationship to Robert Pattinson. She tries to keep it private, questions are strictly forbidden.
Sometimes, Kristen says, she'd like to confront the Twihards and say: "Hey, I'm no demi-goddess! I was just lucky to get the role." And although she struggles with the fame, she knows: "Without Twilight my life would be a fight. I'd be so frustrated if I'd just film Indie-movies which reach nobody." And she'd hate that even more than not being able to go to Starbucks just like that.
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Kristen på listan 'Top 50 mest sökta kändisar' på teenvogue.com
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Bilder från inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" 21 januari

En intervju med Kristen från "Welcome to the Rileys"-DVDn
Bild och video från inspelningsplatsen för "Breaking Dawn" i Baton Rouge

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Recension för "Welcome to the Rileys" i Sydsvenskan

Genre: drama
Regi: Jake Scott
Kristen i Total Film Magazine - USA
Nina Dobrev pratar om Bella och Edward

Nina also described the differences between her Elena and Kristen Stewart’s Bella telling the Associated Press, “I think the public can compare them, but I think they are so different … Their personalities are different, the reason they do things are different. Bella does everything for herself and Elena does everything for others. But both are great in different ways.”
Nina reveals how she first caught Twilight fever: “I have read the Twilight books. I actually read them before all the movies came out. I shot a movie in Salt Lake City, where Stephenie Meyer is from, and somebody who knows her gave me the books and said, ‘You need to read these. They’re great.’ They are really good.” And even though she thinks Robert Pattinson’s character Edward is ideal, she’s not making moves on Bella’s man. “I love Edward and the love story between him and Bella. It’s nice to currently experience something similar.”
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Loggan för "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 1"
Garrett Hedlund pratar om intima scener med Kristen i "On the road"

Because if he was… He may have a problem watching the upcoming movie adaptation of Jack Kerouac's On the Road.
As y'all know, Kristen Stewart stars in the Walter Salles-directed film opposite Country Strong's hunk of hotness Garrett Hedlund. The two do lock lips in the flick. "There's a few," Hedlund tells me of his and K.Stew's more intimate scenes.
However, what will make the cut is anybody's guess. Hedlund insists, "Walter didn't even watch dailies while we were filming," he says. "You know, there just wasn't the budget for it. We just kept pushing forward and pushing forward."
So when will we see the movie? "I think the end of the year or early next year," he divulges.
Bellas hus byggs upp på nytt inför "Breaking Dawn"
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Mariel Belanger (Taha Aki's tredje fru) pratar om Kristen

QWP: Were there any memorable moments on the set of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse that you can share with the fans?
MB: I spent as much time as I could on set and not in my trailer just so I could take in the whole experience. I got to watch Kristen Stewart as she mimicked my performance for the morphing into Third Wife part. She was nice, introduced herself to me. I felt welcomed by pretty much everyone I got to meet. I really enjoyed watching the stunts, it happens so fast, but when you’re on set – you know exactly how many falls and hits they take.
Kristen på Screenjunkies lista '10 best actresses of 2010'

Another year, another list of the best female actresses of 2010. The year 2010 has been chalk full of amazing movies and compelling performances. Some of the usual favorites have made a return to the screen after a long hiatus, which makes for a highly competitive field for Best Leading Actress at the Oscars. Here are some of our favorites from 2010:
7. Kristen Stewart for "The Runaways" Kristen Stewart steals the show in this movie documenting the rise of Joan Jett and Cherie Currie. This is the kind of role she is meant to play and is absolutely brilliant. Stewart is jaded and the very essence of Rock 'n' Roll in the 1970s. She is quickly making a name for herself as one of today's best actresses.
Fem frågor om Kristen

Eve MacSweeney: Since she had just started a year’s worth of filming of the two-part finale of the Twilight Saga in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I went there to see her. It’s a fairly small town, so at first I thought it would be fun for her to show me around and visit the local places she likes. Wrong! I totally underestimated how hard it is for her to go anywhere without being mobbed. We met in the house of a friend of hers on a gated property, and even then, if she caught sight of a teenage girl in the distance, she would virtually drop to the floor so as not to be seen.
Vogue.com: Did anything surprise you about Kristen?
Eve MacSweeney: Since, as she herself put it, “I just can’t go to the mall,” she’s developed some unexpected hobbies. She likes golf (lots of space, not a lot of human contact), and she really is an excellent self-taught cook. She told me she reads food magazines and watches a lot of cooking shows. When we met, she made an amazing tortilla soup with all kinds of accoutrements, along with pulled pork. Delicious!
Vogue.com: What did you learn about her approach to fashion?
Eve MacSweeney: She had fun with the Proenza Schouler boys in our photo shoot, and she definitely keeps a young spirit in the way she dresses, like wearing short, not long. When she’s dressing for an event she likes to keep things spontaneous—she has her stylist pull three or four looks and puts on whatever she feels best in at that moment.
Vogue.com: How does she feel about playing Bella Swan?
Eve MacSweeney: Kristen takes her responsibilities to Twilight fans incredibly seriously, because she knows how important it is to them that the Bella they see on-screen is true to the character in the books, which she reads and rereads on set. She was joking about the honeymoon scene in Brazil, which she had just come back from filming. As she tries to seduce Edward (Robert Pattinson) in a sexy negligee, the crew was urging her to “shake it up a bit.” But she said, “I was like ‘Aaaah!’ I couldn’t do it. It would have gone against everything I’ve ever been used to playing with her.”
Vogue.com: What did she tell you about her personal life?
Eve MacSweeney: She won’t talk about Rob Pattinson, which is smart of her because if she started, it would never end. And she described how she keeps her sanity by “building a perimeter of people” around her that she can have fun with and not have to feel so aware of the strange circumstances her fame imposes on her. She has a very solid, close family and is really very down-to-earth, as well as being passionate about acting and intelligent about thinking up ways she can use her success to do good. Her plan is to find a way to help teenage runaways get back on their feet, a subject close to her heart after her role in Welcome to the Rileys.
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Kristens pengar: Vad har sex med saken att göra?

The Twi-star reveals...She plans to develop a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get their lives back, an idea that was inspired by her research for the role of a runaway in the sex trade.
"Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is, ‘Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?' " Stewart says in the new issue of Vogue magazine.
Stewart, who reportedly is banking more than $25 million for the two Breaking Dawn movies, says of the halfway houses, "Right now it's the thing I feel most connected to."
Even though the actress can now help the less fortunate in Jolie-esque ways, that doesn't mean she doesn't miss having a so-called regular life. "There's no way to eloquently put this," she says. "I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often. And also to not ever be just ‘some girl' again. Just being some chick at some place, that's gone.' "
However, we do learn that during the fall (when the interview took place), she was reading Anna Karenina, Dave Cullen's Columbine and Into the Wild author Jon Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven. She admitted that L.A. musician Jenny Lewis leaves her utterly starstruck. "She's the only person I've ever met that I can't function around," she said.
She also listens to the Shins and Broken Bells and she's a Food Network junkie because her new hobby is cooking. Oh, and she also really enjoys playing—ready for this?—golf!
And remember when Jodie Foster told us she didn't think Stewart was going to pursue acting after working with her on Panic Room? Well, now K.Stew even admits, "At that time I just thought it was fun. I don't think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at 9 years old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, ‘I'd like to star in the play.' "
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E!News om Kristens Vogue-omslag
Recept på Kristens kända tortillasoppa

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Outtakes från Vogue
Behind the scenes-video från Vogue
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Ny/Gammal intervju för TV2 Danmark
Still från "Breaking Dawn" i HQ
Robert och Peter om Kristen som vampyr
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Kristen med i programmet Style Stars
Ny/Gammal bild på Kristen
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De 7 mest skandalösa kyssarna i award-show historia

Ny/Gammal bild från "The Messangers"
Kristen i Vouge - USA (nu i HQ)
Kristen på målning av Richard Phillips

Kristen Stewart, 2010
“I think the easiest one right off the bat was Kristen because of her relationship with Pattinson; plus, New Moon and Twilight were such a success. And just at that time she was hitting it big with The Runaways with Dakota Fanning. The Runaways was kind of a great but wasted opportunity, because the film was horribly directed and terribly shot, but their performances isolated from that were great.”
Jake Scott pratar om Kristen
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Intervju från Vogue

In other words, Stewart projects the kind of wary, rebellious edge that is so much more typical of her age group - she is 20 - than gleeful high spirits, which is problably one reason she is head and shoulders above her peers in Hollywood's power pyramid, and a director's darling. Scott heard about her from his friend Sean Penn after Penn cast her as the unmoored daughter of hippie parents in the memorable Into the Wild. "Sean said, 'You've gotta see this kid,' Scott recalls. "She's just so alive!" For Bill Condon, currently ensconced in a year's worth of filming for Breaking Dawn, the two-part finale of the mighty Twilight Saga, "Kristen was the top of my list of reasons to do this movie."\
On a fall weekend in a quiet, suburban part of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the town where the Breaking Dawn set is located (with much secrecy and heavy confidentialy agreements), Stewart, a slyph in tomboyish jeans and a lumberjack shirt, is moving around the kitchen of a friend's house, cracking her knuckles as she talks. She gets nervous dealing with the media - TV interviews in particular, she says, make her squirm - and she is sometimes accused of being downbeat and defensive in her public appearances, not least because she rarely smiles. She nurses some bad-girl career. "I choose things that are so overly ambitious, and if I can't do steff like that, I don't want to be doing this.", she says. Scratch the surface, however, and the attitude seems more about the passion and perfectionism she feels about her work and the opposite. "A compulsion absolutely fills you", she says of finding a good part, and admits that she sometimes has difficulty lettin go.
Today she is stoked from having just returned from shooting On the Road with Walter Salles, the masterly Brazilian director of The Motorcycle Diaries and Central Station. She plays a character based on Neal Cassady's wirst wife, LuAnne Henderson, opposite Garrett Hedlund and Sam Riley. It was an intense improvisatory experience that left her "crying my head off," she says. "I didn't want to leave." Installing herself in Baton Rouge for the foreseeable future was "like going back to school... Twilight is a different beast." A massive production planned to the millisecond and freighted with dollars signs waiting to happen, Breaking Dawn brings several years of Stewart's life to a climax. She feels the weight of portraying Bella Swan, "a character who is embedded in so many people's psyches at this point. It's starting to enter my head a lot more than it used to because it's at the end and it's come such a long way. I just want the fans of the book to be happy." She laughs. " I don't necessarilt care about anyone else."
To a large segment of the population, Stewart may have sprung fully forned onto the screen as an incarnation of their favorite heroine. (At last count, Stephenie Meyer's books have sold some 100 million copies worldwide.) But, despite her youth, Stewart has made more than 20 films, many of them independent and nearly all of them stellar, and pulled off such pitfall-ridden roles as a teenage rape victim and a girl disabled by neurological illness. She grew up in the Valley, the daughter in a family on the more nuts-and-bolts side of the industry - her mother is a script supervisor, her father a TV producer, her brother is a grip. After being spotted as a child at a school performance, Stewart walked straight onto the A-list, talking her first proper role in 2001's The Safety of Objects, an adaptation of A.M. Homes story collection, alongside Glenn Close and Patricia Clarkson, and her second in Panic Room, a virtual two-hander with Jodie Foster. "At that time I just thought it was fun," she says, grateful that she began her career before adolescent insecurities set in. "I don't think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at nine years old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, 'I'd like to star in the play."
Some facts about Stewart: Currently on her nightstand are Dave Cullen's Columbine; Into the Wild author John Krakauer's Under the Banner of Heaven, a study of radical Mormonism; and Anna Karenina. On her playlist, the Shins, Broken Bells, and Jenny Lewis, the L.A musician who puts Stewart in the unusual position of being starstruck herself: "She's the only person I've ever met that I can't function around." (Stewart also plays guitar and was thrilled to portray Joan Jett, whom she got to know, in The Runaways.) Her favorite movies are John Cassavetes' A Woman Under the Influence, starring Gena Rowlands, and La Vie in Rose, with Marion Cotillard.
She loves Jane Fonda in Klute. Her new hobby is cooking, no doubt encouraged by the fact that she lives in a somewhat isolated way: "You build a perimeter of people that are really important to you." Friends tease her for wathcing the Food Network with a stern frown of concentration on her face. "I'm such a dork." (The frown pays off. For lunch, she prepares an elaborate, and delicious, Mexican tortilla soup with numerous condiments, slong with pulled-pork sandwiches.) She also likes involving private membership and small numbers of people over large areas. So far, a regular if interesting young woman. In other ways, not regular at all. If she sees a teenage girl. Stewart will literally duck and cover. "There's no way to eloquently put this", she says. "I just can't go to the mall. It bothers me that I can't be outside very often. And also to not ever be 'some girl' again. Just being some chick at some place, that's gone."
She can pinpoint the week she stopped being "some girl" and entered the land of 24-hour security, lockdowns, and endless speculation about her relationship with her co-star Robert Pattinson, which she refuses to discuss. ("It's not my job.") She had completed the first Twilight movie, which had not yet been released, and just filmed Welcome to the Rileys in New Orleans, where, she says, "Ifeel so good walking down the street by myself," before correcting herself: "At least I used to." She went back for an extra week of work during editing, and suddenly she coudn't walk down the street anymore. "It really erupted," she says. "It was a weird thing to watch."
Stewart, who is careful never to complain about the mixed blessing of the Twilight phenomenon, is smart enough to understand the nature of her particular celebrity. "Masses of girl identified with Bella in a really profund way, for want of a better world," she says. "The connection that I've seen people have.. I've seen it physically. It's the chacacters they're flipping for." She also feels the power for good that comes with her influence. "It's funny when you are endowed not only with pulic recognition on a fucking seriously vast level, but also money," she says with endearing earnestness. "Like, funds." (She was reportedly paid $25 million for the two films of Breaking Dawn, plus a percentage of the gross.) "Anytime I hear that somebody's really rich, the first question is 'Do you do anything with it? Or do you, like, chill? You just sit on it?'" She is thinking carefully, strategically, about how best to put her own contribution to use, and has a plan - inspired by her researches for the role of a runaway in the sex trade - to set up a network of halfway houses to help those who want to recover and get back on their feet. "That would be amazing," she says. "Right now it's the thing I feel most connected to."
Kristen i Vouge - USA
Datum när "Breaking Dawn" filmas i Vancouver
Nyheter från inspelningen av "Breaking Dawn" i Baton Rouge

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Kristen i Cosmopolitan - USA
"Twilight" som lego
Bild från "Breaking Dawn"

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Ashley Greene om Kristen som vampyr
MTV: Kristen Stewart said at the People's Choice Awards that she filmed some scenes as a vampire. What was your reaction to seeing Kristen as a vamp?
Greene: Glad to have her officially join the Cullen family!
Clevver TV: Om Kristens matlagning
Screencaps från 'Welcome to the Rileys'
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Kristen nämns i disney-serien 'Sonny with a chance'
Ny bloggare?
Hair do's and don'ts

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Scene Weekly om "Breaking Dawn"
De 10 bäst klädda kändisarna den här veckan

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Garrett Hedlund pratar om Kristens matlagning och om 'On the road'
Kristen på framsidan av Vogue US i februari?
FabSugar om Kristens klänning på PCA
Clevver TV: Highlights från People's Choice Awards
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'Showbiz Tonight' pratar om Kristen
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Kristen och Robert på Forbes 'Hollywoods top grossing on-screen couples'

$1.8 billion
Wyck Godfrey pratar om "Breaking Dawn"
Q: Where does the story split in half?
A: "We basically want to take the audience through the emotional part of Bella's journey as she becomes a vampire. The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth." The film ends just before she embarks on her supernatural transformation.
Q: The book has three segments, two of which present Bella's point of view and a middle that's devoted to the perspective of her rejected werewolf suitor, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). How is that handled?
A: "The story will break from her and follow Jacob throughout the course of the movie as he struggles with his own dilemma. There is a sense that as Bella and the Cullens (Edward's makeshift vampire clan) deal with her pregnancy, the world is still turning outside with Jacob."
Q: Why was Bill Condon, the Oscar-winning filmmaker best known for his musicals as the screenwriter of 2002's Chicagoand the director of 2006's Dreamgirls, selected as the director of the finale?
A: "These films have the most difficult stuff from a performance standpoint. With his history of directing, I can't think of anyone who would be better at bringing out the best in an actor." Plus, the director, who did the 1995 sequel to Candyman, is a fright-fare enthusiast. "He has an appetite for the genre and a passion for the Twilightbooks and movies."
Q: Considering what goes on during the torturous birth process, how can the rating be PG-13?
A: With Twilight's core of under-18 fans, "it would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated." However, "this is based on a much more mature book. We need to progress and be more sophisticated."
A compromise: Having the bloody, bone-crushing delivery be seen only through Bella's eyes. "She is looking through the haze, experiencing pain and everything rushing around her. We only see what she sees."
Q: How is the long-awaited consummation of Edward and Bella's love portrayed?
A: Even though their physical relationship goes way beyond what was shown in the first three films, "it does not become soft porn. It is a legitimate and important part of the movie, romantic and sensual."
Q: At the end of Breaking Dawn, about 70 or so vampires from around the world gather to face off with the Cullens and their allies plus Jacob's wolf pack. How can you keep both portions of the storytelling equally compelling?
A: "The second half is more of an action film in terms of life-and-death stakes." But the domestic moments of the first film possess an emotional punch. "There are the pangs of newlywed tension that occur that are relatable even in a fantasy film. Marriage is not quite the experience that they thought it was."
Q: Is there any chance that Condon could sneak in a musical number?
A: There might be traditional dancing at the wedding. But don't expect any of the wolf pack to suddenly howl a tune or do a soft-shoe shuffle.
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De 10 bästa klädda på People's Choice Awards
Amidst the People's Choice Awards teleprompter flubs, boring video packages, and less-than-funny hosting was some surprisingly foxy fashion. Traditionally celebs wait to pull out the big style guns for the Golden Globes or Oscars (or any award show with atelevised red carpet) but Taylor Swift, Kristen Stewart, Kim Kardashian and Selena Gomez looked every bit the Hollywood starlets tonight at the PCAs. Swift rocked her usual feminine, soft, retro look while Kardashian wore a shimmery curve-hugging dress. KStew looked better than ever in an ultra-mini Reem Acra dress and sky-high heels.
10. Malin Åkerman
9. Johnny Depp
8. Emma Roberts
7. Zac Efron
6. Minka Kelly
5. Taylor Lautner
4. Kim Kardashian
3. Taylor Siwft
2. Selena Gomez
1. Kristen Stewart
People's Choice Awards - bilder
Kristen i Creme Magazine - Nya Zeeland

I mean, if you’re a fan of the books obviously I don’t need to give you any clues or reasons why you should go see the movie, but for someone who hasn’t I do feel that these movies do stand alone. There’s a lot of back-story in each one of them and so you don’t need to see the other ones to understand this one. In this case I think it’s just kind of a more mature look at the same dynamic. The love triangle is definitely at its height and it comes to a conclusion as well. It ends here and that’s been building up over the whole series. Also it has been more action than the other movies just because of the story and we have different vampires and everyone is trying to kill Bella again but it’s more people and they all battle and stuff. For non-Twilight fans it definitely is a more dynamic movie I think.
Is there a scene in Breaking Dawn that you hope makes the movie?
There are a million and we haven’t even shot it yet! I can’t wait to get married and have a kid. It’s all of that.
What designer would you love to see design Bella’s wedding dress? If you could dream it up what would it look like?
Well, Stephenie [Meyer] is absolutely in charge of that. I’m sure she has really specific ideas. I haven’t really thought about it. But I feel like Bella would definitely want something like really classic and really simple, too but beautiful. I have no idea in terms of designers…
People's Choice Awards - videos
People's Choice Awards - vinster

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Ny/Gammal intervju från 'The yellow handkerchief'-premiären
People's Choice Awards inatt

Ny/Gammal bild från "The Runaways"
Bästa miniklänningen från 2010
Over 15.000 voted for the Twilight star - not only did she beat Nina Dobrev with her glam Oscar gown, she's also taking the title for the best little dress.
Kristen Stewart had quite the year! Not only did she soak up her growing fame while promoting both Eclipse and The Runaways, but she also showed off great looks on the red carpet — just like the one-shoulder lace Valentino get-up she rocked at the Welcome to the Rileys premiere!
Paired with pumps and red lips, K-Stew totally blew all the readers away. Personally, Blake’s blue Marchesa at the Met Ball and Miley in her mini were two of my fave leggy looks from last year, but K-Stew took away the title.
Kristen, Robert och Taylor på PCA

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Kristens plats på People's Choice Awards
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Ännu en bild från Isle of Wight (nyårsafton)
Fan encounter från 'New Moon-premiären 2009

Anywho, after my NM encounter with her, my likeness solidified to a permanence. I had a great personal experience with her that made me feel quite special after 5 days of living on the streets. If it didn't go against the grain, I might say she was the best red carpet experience of the night. but there's no way I can say that when I got Rob to say my name ;) that being said...if i wasn't Robsessed, she'd get the gold medal by a mile:"
Welch was the first big star from Twilight to hit the carpet and I asked him for a picture but it didn't go so well. It was then that I decided to readjust my plan for taking pictures. I wouldn't ask for any pics with celebs. I'd just take them. they didn't mind you snapping away like a lunatic. I also never planned to get autographs but they expect it. They come to you looking for something to sign. I said what the hell and had them sign my new moon companion book.
So after realizing the celebs were not gonna really be able to take pics WITH you...i ditched that attempt...UNTIL...
The lovely Kristen Stewart came along. She was so calm and looked you dead in the eye and held it. She didn't look away or get shifty eyes. She would look at you, smile and talk...very engaging. Made you feel like you were the only one there. Since she was looking at me longer than the others, I actually felt comfortable asking her for a picture which she graciously said, "Of course." As we were taking the pic I blurted out, "I think you're great as Bella!" That's why I look crazy...I was talking while taking the pic and I was excited...she was so nice! She thought she said something while i took the picture and started apologizing. She thought I took the pic at the moment she said "thank you". Clearly I didn't and she looks fab and I look stone crazy. LOL I told her don't worry about it and to keep going (down the line). She's my 2nd fav encounter of the night. First is obvious. ;)
Fan encounter från 31 december 2010 (nyårsafton)

Let me just state, there was NO stalking involved, I am the only person in my group that loves Twilight and Kristen.
We went to Ventor to a couple of the pubs on new years eve. There aren't a huge amount of pubs and we were moving on to the next one when we stopped to get cash out. The guy in front of us looked familiar, and then i twigged it was Tom Stu!
Sure enough Rob was just behind him and Kristen walked past us with 2 other English girls (she is so little).
I couldn't believe it but i didn't say anything to them at the time. I was in shock a little (also mildy tipsy!) we continued with our pub crawl stopping off for a couple more drinks in another pub.
The final pub we got to at about ten to eleven in the evening and it was lovely so we decided to stay. Whilst goofing around with my best mate and having a smoke, I realised we were standing right in front of the Brit Pack!
Kristen hung out with the girls most of the time i was there (she didn't seem to get bothered much at all and was chatting away)
Later we went inside and I bumped into Rob (not intentional I swear!) the place was packed and small we stood right beside Kristen and her group watching the band play. They were all kinda mock dancing but then so were we as many drinks had been consumed at this point.
I went to buy more drinks at the bar, and some bloke was asking Rob for a picture, he very politely declined... but said he would sign something.
When i walked past I asked if he could sign a little ugly doll toy we had brought with us, which he did. Que a very interesting drunken conversation. The doll was blue and Rob wanted to know if it was racist to sign it! I laughed and said 'I didn't think so' he asked if we were having a good night. I replied by saying yes but I'm a probably a bit too pissed! he said 'yeah me too'!.
The clock chimed in twelve to old lang time there was kissing and hugging all round( sorry to say Rob and Kristen didn't appear to kiss in the pub).
I went outside for another smoke after twelve, and Kristen walked out with the two girls.... I went up to her and said something like 'Hey I don't want a picture or anything' which made her instantly relax a little and i continued on to say that The Runaways was my favourite film of this year, before i corrected myself and said last year ( i got a laugh ;) and that her performance inspired me to ask for a guitar for christmas from my boyfriend.
She said that was *beep* awesome and Joan would be thrilled to hear that' we chatted a little bit more before i said thanks happy new year, blah blah blah.
They all left at about quarter past twelve, we stayed at the pub drinking... a reporter came up and asked us some stuff and I told him to get bent! (drinking makes me feisty!!)
I did say in my post they didn't appear to kiss but only because their group was large and rob was much nearer the bar. however, yes i was kissing my boyfriend so they may have kissed or hugged when i wasn't looking (let me add i wasn't staring the whole time, but inside the pub Kristen was literally next to me, so it was hard not to look a bit!)
More stuff happened but that was pretty much the gist of it :) I am sooo stoked I met Kristen, (I realised she is in the background of one of our pictures, but I will not be posting that as it is a personal photo between me and my friends, we could of taken loads of sly photos of them, but we didn't want to invade with the privacy.
She seemed a little surprised when i mentioned the runaways! ha To the person who asked what i meant by tiny, she just seemed very petit, i'm about 5' 7and half and she was a good few inches shorter than me (I wasn't wearing heels, before any one asks lol!) She is skinny but doesn't look strange because she has a small frame.
She did look knackered though :( poor thing, but she was very polite :D
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Två nya bilder från Isle of Wight

Friends of the couple who spoke exclusively to "The Gazette" said "Robert and Kristen were hoping to blend in and not be noticed but unfortunately that didn't happen."
It improved impossible after the pair spent New Years eve at the Spyglass Inn in Ventnor. The couple and their entourage of 20 friends were spotted at the Spyglass on Friday night and returned for a bite to eat of Jacket Potatoes and side salads again this afternoon. Pattinson and Stewart were trying to avoid being the center of attention but their fame proved impossible.
After rumors hit the web that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had gotten into a fight over Kristen spending Christmas Eve with her "On The Road" co-star Garrett Hedlund, the pair were spotted walking on the beach in Ventnor The Gazette managed to obtain an exclusives picture of the couple clearly showing the romance was back on despite rumours of there break over Christmas.
Är borta tills 9 januari
En till bild från Isle of Wight 31 december 2010

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Bästa från 2010: Årets mest minnesvärda bilder

Ny bild på Kristen och Robert på Isle of Wight (31 december 2010)

They were outside on the sea front with a group of friends. It was nice coz everyone was really chilled. Me and my friend spotted him. He was just chatting to his friends and Kristen went somewhere and when she came back she went to him and they were both chatting with a guy whilst having some drinks. They sparked up so i waited until afterwards to i could ask them for a photo. My friend went up and spoke to Kristen who seemed shocked. Probably because they seem to have grabbed no attention what-so-ever so a couple of overly grinning fans wasn’t the first wish she had for New Year :S I took the photo and then asked if i could have one. Wished them a Happy New Year then went away very quickly, didn’t want to annoy them any more than i had already."