Gemma Arterton om Kristens stil

Speaking of being a maverick on the red carpet, Gemma reveals that there's one star who's inspiring her style. 'I know it's been talked about a lot but I think Kristen Stewart is dressing so well at the moment. I love her attitude when she's on the red carpet. She's like [scowls] "this is it". She's the best at the moment in my opinion.'
Två HQ-bilder på Kristen från premiären i Berlin
Från Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiären i Berlin.
Gamla stills från Breaking Dawn Part 2 - nu i HQ
Dagens bild - 121130
Dagens video-121129
Chris Hemsworth om Kristen och hennes kändisskap

Chris Hemsworth claims Kristen Stewart experiences a “different sort of fame” because Twilight has “hysterical” fans.
The Australian hunk appeared alongside the actress in Snow White and the Huntsman. Chris feels relieved that despite appearing in hit movies such as Thor and Avengers Assemble, he can still maintain some normality in his life. The star has sympathy for Kristen, who hits headlines all over the world for both her career and private life.
“I think it’s a different sort of fame. With the utmost respect, Twilight’s certainly a teen audience… Sort of hysterical kind of fanbase, you know? Whereas Avengers is across all ages and people just love the films – and it’s a little different from what she experiences,” he told the latest edition of British magazine Empire. “I am, in my everyday life, most of the time, not looking like Thor. Whereas the character she played in Twilight and her walking down the street, they’re pretty similar – they’re both human and relatable.
“I think for that reason, it’s when the character is even more relatable and closer to who you are in your everyday life, the line gets blurred. The Avengers was a different thing and we certainly didn’t have hundreds of people outside our hotels like they do.”
The Australian hunk appeared alongside the actress in Snow White and the Huntsman. Chris feels relieved that despite appearing in hit movies such as Thor and Avengers Assemble, he can still maintain some normality in his life. The star has sympathy for Kristen, who hits headlines all over the world for both her career and private life.
“I think it’s a different sort of fame. With the utmost respect, Twilight’s certainly a teen audience… Sort of hysterical kind of fanbase, you know? Whereas Avengers is across all ages and people just love the films – and it’s a little different from what she experiences,” he told the latest edition of British magazine Empire. “I am, in my everyday life, most of the time, not looking like Thor. Whereas the character she played in Twilight and her walking down the street, they’re pretty similar – they’re both human and relatable.
“I think for that reason, it’s when the character is even more relatable and closer to who you are in your everyday life, the line gets blurred. The Avengers was a different thing and we certainly didn’t have hundreds of people outside our hotels like they do.”
Kellan Lutz om att jobba med Kristen

Was there a scene in the book that you were particularly looking forward to shoot in ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2′?
I’ve enjoyed a lot of different beats in the ‘Twilight’ story, but I was really looking forward to doing the arm wrestling scene with Kristen. It’s one of the big moments for Emmett, and the fans are really looking forward to it. It was fun to shoot. When I first read it in that book I was excited because Emmett finally had a one-on-one scene with Bella, and not just human Bella, but vampire Bella. We had a great time shooting it. I wish we could’ve spent a full day doing it just because I had so much fun doing that scene, but I loved every second. It’s a funny scene.
Kristen Stewart becomes a very different Bella in this film. How was it for you witnessing that transformation while shooting?
The transformation Kristen did with becoming “super” Bella was really interesting. I mean, she’s a whole ‘nother character, she made up a whole ‘nother character. And I spoke to Stephenie Meyer’s about it and she was just so impressed by it. Going through the sense of being a newborn vampire, all of the heightened senses, being able to smell really well, see really well, fight really well – she done such an amazing job showing that. And I couldn’t really tell, I think my make-up is the most pale out of anyone’s, I don’t know what it is – it’s super pale (laughs), but Kristen looked still just as beautiful.
Kristen i Variety Awards Studios
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Ny intervju med Roundtable

Stewart of course is on everyone’s mind right now as the last chapter of the Twilight Saga rakes in cash at the multiplex, but it’s easy to forget that she’s also carved out a nice niche for herself and done some of her best work in smaller scale films like Into the Wild, The Runaways, Welcome to the Rileys and now On the Road.
In front of cameras and in front of the media since before she was even a teenager, a lot of ink has been spilled about Stewart and her personal life so it’s not all that surprising she’s kind of a guarded presence. She has a reputation for being a difficult interview, but I don’t blame her. This is what happens in a world where a young woman’s behavior can be trumpeted as a “scandal” in tabloid headlines even when whatever it is all falls well within the boundaries of the law. We’re a society that seems to need to build people up and tear them back down again and it can’t be easy being buffeted by those forces at an age when a lot of people are still trying to figure out what they want to do with themselves.
So, it’s not all that surprising Stewart seemed a little bit nervous sitting down to a table full of microphones and people waiting to dissect her. Beyond the nervous energy though (a lot of toe tapping), Stewart’s enthusiasm for her character and the project won out. She spoke in stops and starts as the words tried to keep up with the thoughts in her brain, but this is clearly an intelligent person who has spent a lot of time getting inside her character Marylou. It was interesting too how much love and respect she has for the character. My take on Kerouac’s story and this adaptation especially is that it’s dominated by the men Sal Paradise (Sam Riley) and the free-wheeling Dean Moriarty (Hedlund) while the female characters (Stewart’s Marylou and Camille played by Kirsten Dunst) kind of got the raw end of the deal. It’s pretty clear though that Stewart at least sees her character very differently and she made me think about her in new ways.
On her character Marylou:
In front of cameras and in front of the media since before she was even a teenager, a lot of ink has been spilled about Stewart and her personal life so it’s not all that surprising she’s kind of a guarded presence. She has a reputation for being a difficult interview, but I don’t blame her. This is what happens in a world where a young woman’s behavior can be trumpeted as a “scandal” in tabloid headlines even when whatever it is all falls well within the boundaries of the law. We’re a society that seems to need to build people up and tear them back down again and it can’t be easy being buffeted by those forces at an age when a lot of people are still trying to figure out what they want to do with themselves.
So, it’s not all that surprising Stewart seemed a little bit nervous sitting down to a table full of microphones and people waiting to dissect her. Beyond the nervous energy though (a lot of toe tapping), Stewart’s enthusiasm for her character and the project won out. She spoke in stops and starts as the words tried to keep up with the thoughts in her brain, but this is clearly an intelligent person who has spent a lot of time getting inside her character Marylou. It was interesting too how much love and respect she has for the character. My take on Kerouac’s story and this adaptation especially is that it’s dominated by the men Sal Paradise (Sam Riley) and the free-wheeling Dean Moriarty (Hedlund) while the female characters (Stewart’s Marylou and Camille played by Kirsten Dunst) kind of got the raw end of the deal. It’s pretty clear though that Stewart at least sees her character very differently and she made me think about her in new ways.
On her character Marylou:
I really had to dig pretty deep to find it in me to play a person like that. It took a long time. I couldn’t say no. I would’ve done anything on the movie. I would’ve followed the movie in a caravan had I not had a job in it. I was like 14 or 15 when I read the book for the first time and 16 or 17 when I spoke to Walter for the first time. It was easy to connect the dots after having really gotten to know the person behind the character and what you would need to pull off a lifestyle like that. That didn’t happen until deep in the rehearsal process. At first I was just attracted to the spirit of it. I’m the type of person who needs to be pushed really hard to be able to let it all hang. I think that Marylou is the type of person you can’t help but be yourself around because she’s so unabashedly there and present all the time, like this bottomless pit of really generous empathy. It’s a really rare quality that makes you capable of living a really full, a really rich life without it taking something from you. You couldn’t take from her. She was always getting something back. She’s amazing.
Läs resten av intervjun [här].
Kristens intervju med Ticket (El Salvador)
Ny still från On the Road
Dagens bild - 121128
Kristen och Rob anländer till Los Angeles - 26 november
Jules Stewart nämner Kristen
Vid 1:08
Kristen och Robert lämnar NYC - 26 november
Dagens bild - 121127
Ett farväl från Bill Condon

Greetings to our global Twihard family,
On the flight now from Madrid to Berlin, I wanted to check in one last time, as you're finally getting a look at what we've all been working on so intensely. It's hard to believe that after our Berlin premiere tonight, my TWILIGHT journey will finally come to a close. It's been almost three years since I first wrote to you. I'm very proud of what we've created together since then, and I hope that PART II fulfills your expectations for the grand finale to Stephenie's sprawling saga. Fingers crossed that you've also managed to stay at least mostly spoiler-free, in order to enjoy the twists and parting gifts we have in store for you...
Thank you again for making me feel like a member of your fandom family online...for sleeping in The Line in San Diego in order to laugh with us in Hall H...for traveling great distances to join us in L.A. for last year's Tent City and this year's Fan Camp. Above all, thank you for trusting me with this universe you care so deeply about - we tried to match your intensity in our attention to every detail. That said, I don't think I'll ever live down the shame of being spied on by Twihard covens around the world on our very first night of shooting in Rio. Thanks to photos shot and instantly posted online of Bella and Edward on their honeymoon, we were called out in real time for missing a certain engagement ring... (Sorry -- again!)
As with you all, what I'll take with me from my time in Forks are so many great friendships - our massive cast of talented actors, and new creative partners such as Melissa Rosenberg, Guillermo Navarro and Phil Tippett. I hope to know them all for years and to work with them again soon, making movies yet to be dreamed up. At the L.A. premiere Monday night, Phil said we should make a "bloody, giant monster movie." But is there room for a musical number?
See you at the theatre.
Dagens video - 121126
Dagens bild - 121126
Ny still och BTS-video från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Ny still från On the Road
Kristen backstage på Conan O Brien Show
Kristens intervju med Télé Star (Frankrike)

This is Accompanied by Robert Pattinson, 26, that Kristen Stewart, 22 gave in Los Angeles, the last interviews which put an end to the Twilight Worldwide Promo. Meeting.
TS: Bella is finally a vampire. Did you like theMetamorphosis you like it?
KS: Absolutely. First because I had to do more stunts. And also because Bella becomes the strongest vampire of all. She always had a lot of confidence but here, no one doubt it!
Do you feel you have said goodbye to Bella now that filming is completed?
KS: This experiment, which represents five years of my life will remain engraved in me.
If you had to choose one moment from all these shootings, what would it be?
KS: The wedding. First, because this is the last scene we shot and especially because we have waited for years, for this marriage! I felt so light. It was truly memorable.
What are your plans? Do you have a clear plan for success after Twilight?
KS: No, I'll be guided by my instincts.
Your name was in all the magazines this summer, because of your love ... Hard to live?
KS: If I consider the opinion of others, respect for privacy, it can be very destructive. I decided not to pay attention.
Do you feel you have lost your freedom by becoming so famous?
KS: It is unsettling, yes. But I feel more comfortable today than five years ago. And thanks to Twilight, I have a link with milions of people around the world. And this is unique!
TS: Bella is finally a vampire. Did you like theMetamorphosis you like it?
KS: Absolutely. First because I had to do more stunts. And also because Bella becomes the strongest vampire of all. She always had a lot of confidence but here, no one doubt it!
Do you feel you have said goodbye to Bella now that filming is completed?
KS: This experiment, which represents five years of my life will remain engraved in me.
If you had to choose one moment from all these shootings, what would it be?
KS: The wedding. First, because this is the last scene we shot and especially because we have waited for years, for this marriage! I felt so light. It was truly memorable.
What are your plans? Do you have a clear plan for success after Twilight?
KS: No, I'll be guided by my instincts.
Your name was in all the magazines this summer, because of your love ... Hard to live?
KS: If I consider the opinion of others, respect for privacy, it can be very destructive. I decided not to pay attention.
Do you feel you have lost your freedom by becoming so famous?
KS: It is unsettling, yes. But I feel more comfortable today than five years ago. And thanks to Twilight, I have a link with milions of people around the world. And this is unique!
Kristen och Robert anländer till New York - 23 november
Ny still från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Intervju med Global TV Galgary
Borta tills på söndag
Jag (Erica) kommer att vara bortrest tills på söndag, så det kommer inte bli några uppdateringar från min sida tills dess. Men på söndag kväll är jag tillbaka!
Ha en jättebra fortsatt vecka!
/Erica (
Kristens intervju med Global Montreal
Gammal outtake från Teen Vogue - HQ
Dagens bild - 121121
Intervju med Bravo TV
Tara Swennen pratar om Kristens stil

Tara Swennen has been Kristen Stewart's stylist since the actress appeared on the Into the Wild red carpet wearing Chanel in 2007. Since then, we've seen Stewart in everything from studded minis and many T-shirt-and-jean combos to the more recent floor-length gowns and sheer jumpsuits. Quite the evolution. For the Twilight finale, Swennen — who also styles Julie Bowen and Connie Britton — chose particularly dramatic looks, aiming to put Stewart in outfits that would reflect this "end of an era" for tween fans, starting with a butt-baring, nude Zuhair Murad number. "It took a lot of balls for her to wear that dress, so I'm super-proud of her," Swennen said of the controversial pick. Read ahead for the stylist's thoughts on red-carpet sneakers, Ghesquière's departure from Balenciaga, and where she thinks Stewart's style will evolve from here.
How did you choose the looks for these recent Twilight red carpets?
It all stemmed from the fact that this was the end of a big chapter in her life. Twilight is coming to a close, so we wanted to do stronger looks. Just recently, she’s embraced doing the long-gown thing, so it was definitely an opportunity for me to stick as many as I could on her. We just wanted to make a grand escape, I guess, rather than a grand entrance. And through the years, she’s come into her own, and so now she’s letting me play a little bit more. I’m going from a glam moment to an androgynous moment from one carpet to the next; we like making sure that we push boundaries on every carpet.
Right, legs seem to be her thing, and now she’s wearing these long dresses. Why the change?
I think it’s just time. She’s become a woman since I’ve known her. She’s a tomboy at heart (both of us are), but she understands that fashion is an arena, that she can be a chameleon and not dress the way she does every single day. She’ll always change into her Converse by halfway through a carpet, which is to be expected at this point, but she puts on the heels for me for the photos, God bless her. At the end of the day, I want my clients to be comfortable because I think it shows. She needs to put on her sneakers and that’s alright with me.
How did you choose the looks for these recent Twilight red carpets?
It all stemmed from the fact that this was the end of a big chapter in her life. Twilight is coming to a close, so we wanted to do stronger looks. Just recently, she’s embraced doing the long-gown thing, so it was definitely an opportunity for me to stick as many as I could on her. We just wanted to make a grand escape, I guess, rather than a grand entrance. And through the years, she’s come into her own, and so now she’s letting me play a little bit more. I’m going from a glam moment to an androgynous moment from one carpet to the next; we like making sure that we push boundaries on every carpet.
Right, legs seem to be her thing, and now she’s wearing these long dresses. Why the change?
I think it’s just time. She’s become a woman since I’ve known her. She’s a tomboy at heart (both of us are), but she understands that fashion is an arena, that she can be a chameleon and not dress the way she does every single day. She’ll always change into her Converse by halfway through a carpet, which is to be expected at this point, but she puts on the heels for me for the photos, God bless her. At the end of the day, I want my clients to be comfortable because I think it shows. She needs to put on her sneakers and that’s alright with me.
Läs mer [här].
Kristens intervju med Much Music NML
Ny BTS-bild från inspelningen av Breaking Dawn Part 2
Bill Concon nämner Kristen i intervju med Movieline

You filmed Parts 1 and 2 simultaneously, sometimes having Kristen Stewart play weak, dying Bella in the same afternoon as strong vampire Bella.
Condon: I really do think that Kristen Stewart is amazing, but I feel like in terms of this series she doesn’t get credit for how much she accomplishes. I think if someone were to sit and watch these two movies that we made together at the same time and realize that Kristen shot that all together, it’s just another level of her gift. She was stepping out of her comfort zone, because there was so much Kristen in teenage Bella — and now this was someone who she was just creating. I think Kristen, who’s tough on herself, was able to step out of all that stuff and just really own everything.
Condon: I really do think that Kristen Stewart is amazing, but I feel like in terms of this series she doesn’t get credit for how much she accomplishes. I think if someone were to sit and watch these two movies that we made together at the same time and realize that Kristen shot that all together, it’s just another level of her gift. She was stepping out of her comfort zone, because there was so much Kristen in teenage Bella — and now this was someone who she was just creating. I think Kristen, who’s tough on herself, was able to step out of all that stuff and just really own everything.
Ny BTS-video från inspelningen av Breaking Dawn Part 2
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Kristens intervju med Vogue India

Through four books and five movies, a new cult was born -- Twihards they called themselves. Twilight fans watched their heroine Bella transform from a socially awkward teenager in love into a jaw-droppingly beautiful vampire mother, a transformation somewhat mirrored in real life where the teenage child star Kristen Stewart grew up into a bankable Hollwood star.
"I'm kinda tripping out [professionally], because I've always been in a position where I love films, and they don't have money, and I'm attached to them forever. I don't get to realize some of the parts that I would love to play. But now I can get projects off the ground; I can get them made,"Stewart says.
Now on the promotions trail for the last movie in the Twilight series – The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 – does she feel like there should have been more to the story?
On the contrary, "I’m so happy that the story is told," says Stewart. "We had five years. The fact that this thing is out and it’s not weighing on us anymore, I’m super excited about that. I don’t want it to sound like I’m excited to be done with the experience. It’s a feeling, and I will definitely miss that, but I feel like it’s not going anywhere. It is strange. But, things shouldn’t stay stagnant. You’ve got to move on.”
"I'm kinda tripping out [professionally], because I've always been in a position where I love films, and they don't have money, and I'm attached to them forever. I don't get to realize some of the parts that I would love to play. But now I can get projects off the ground; I can get them made,"Stewart says.
Now on the promotions trail for the last movie in the Twilight series – The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 – does she feel like there should have been more to the story?
On the contrary, "I’m so happy that the story is told," says Stewart. "We had five years. The fact that this thing is out and it’s not weighing on us anymore, I’m super excited about that. I don’t want it to sound like I’m excited to be done with the experience. It’s a feeling, and I will definitely miss that, but I feel like it’s not going anywhere. It is strange. But, things shouldn’t stay stagnant. You’ve got to move on.”
Se till att läsa resten av intervjun [här].
Intervju med Yahoo UK
Intervju med TVN (Polen)
Intervju med BILD (Tyskland)

Who sees them kissing on-screen sees: It's love. Who stands between them feels: There is a yo-yo love.
Their comments: No comment!
Only their hearts know the truth!
KRISTEN STEWART - she was 17, shy, stubborn, silent as the "Twilight" madness began.
ROBERT PATTINSON - then 22, a London model who lived in three bags. The buddy typ, book worm, techie.
I met both five times - in five years. And I've always asked about love! The answers? Smiles, silence, shrugs. Later a yes.
First it was game, then PR, then hidden love, then separate love. And now?
The German premiere of the last part of the Twilight saga, "Breaking Dawn (release date: Thursday).
BILD: Are you happy that it's over?
Kristen (22): "I'm happy that the love story is told. I feel liberated and I am free, but I do miss it at the same time. "
BILD: What do you regret?
Robert (26): "There is a price, which you have to pay. You are 24 hours in the job, if you go out in public. "
Kristen: "You're trying to protect your life, but at the same time you also rob your life."
BILD: How do you escape from your fame?
Robert: "Fame is like a prison. But I have family and old friends, who are my real world. "
Kristen: "I have to build steel barriers around me. You get a very different view of life and people. You will be thrown out of your comfort zone, you're apprehensive. But this fear is also a welcome feeling when you grow up, want to explore the world! "
Their comments: No comment!
Only their hearts know the truth!
KRISTEN STEWART - she was 17, shy, stubborn, silent as the "Twilight" madness began.
ROBERT PATTINSON - then 22, a London model who lived in three bags. The buddy typ, book worm, techie.
I met both five times - in five years. And I've always asked about love! The answers? Smiles, silence, shrugs. Later a yes.
First it was game, then PR, then hidden love, then separate love. And now?
The German premiere of the last part of the Twilight saga, "Breaking Dawn (release date: Thursday).
BILD: Are you happy that it's over?
Kristen (22): "I'm happy that the love story is told. I feel liberated and I am free, but I do miss it at the same time. "
BILD: What do you regret?
Robert (26): "There is a price, which you have to pay. You are 24 hours in the job, if you go out in public. "
Kristen: "You're trying to protect your life, but at the same time you also rob your life."
BILD: How do you escape from your fame?
Robert: "Fame is like a prison. But I have family and old friends, who are my real world. "
Kristen: "I have to build steel barriers around me. You get a very different view of life and people. You will be thrown out of your comfort zone, you're apprehensive. But this fear is also a welcome feeling when you grow up, want to explore the world! "
BILD: Your dreams and goals in life?
Robert: "I want to make a lot of films and get better."
Kristen: "I don't know what will happen in a year. I never know what to do before the decision is in front of me! "
He smiles. She yawns. When they look at each other, it clicks in their eyes. In Berlin, Kristen and Robert went bowling in the evening. The ball of love rolled.
Mackenzie Foy pratar om Kristen och Robert

Foy, 12, agrees "it's a little weird" how much she looks like her on-screen parents Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart."Kristen's eyes are green just like mine. And then Rob is kind of goofy. I'm kind of goofy like Rob," she says, curling up today at the Ritz-Carlton in skinny jeans, a plaid shirt and slim navy high-top Converse sneakers.
Foy had fun on set, from riding a furry mechanical bull (meant to be Jacob the werewolf) to keeping a swear jar for her older stars and donating the proceeds to St. Jude's hospital. "Some of them paid me in advance," she said, laughing. Although Stewart,"did say a couple bad words, I'm not gonna lie," Foy describes Stewart, who guards her character ferociously in the film, as a " best friend-sister-mom all combined."
Plus, she got some cool downtime with the cast. "I heard Kristen play her trumpet," she says, laughing. "Rob got her a trumpet and you could hear in the hotel."
Foy had fun on set, from riding a furry mechanical bull (meant to be Jacob the werewolf) to keeping a swear jar for her older stars and donating the proceeds to St. Jude's hospital. "Some of them paid me in advance," she said, laughing. Although Stewart,"did say a couple bad words, I'm not gonna lie," Foy describes Stewart, who guards her character ferociously in the film, as a " best friend-sister-mom all combined."
Plus, she got some cool downtime with the cast. "I heard Kristen play her trumpet," she says, laughing. "Rob got her a trumpet and you could hear in the hotel."
Kristens intervju med T4
Dagens bild - 121119
Rösta på Kristen i People Choice Awards 2013

Kristen har blivit nominerad i följande kategorier:
- Favorite movie (Snow White and the Huntsman)
- Favorite face of heroism
- Favorite onscreen chemistry (Snow White and the Huntsman)
- Favorite movie fan following (Twihards Twilight)
Se till att gå in och rösta på henne [här]! Ni kan rösta flera gånger!
Intervju med NME
Från pressjunket i London.
Bild på Kristen och Robert ute i London - 17 november
Kristen i tidningen THR (Beauty Issue)
"I'm blessed to have people around me that I don't feel are only professional. I've never met anybody as absolutely warm and open as Adir." - Kristen Stewart on her hair stylist Adir Abergel.
Dagens bild - 121118
Kristen och Robert bowlar i Berlin - 16 november
Två intervjuer från pressjunket i London
Intervju med 4Music
Från premiären i London.
Kristens intervju med GO (Danmark)
Dagens bild - 121117
Premiär för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Berlin
Kristen hade på sig en klänning från designern Elie Saab och skor från Louboutin.
16 november

Bilder innifrån teatern
Hela livestreamen från premiären
Video innifrån teatern
Presskonferens för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Berlin
Kristen och Robert anländer till Berlin - 16 november
Kristen på BBC Radio 5
Intervju med Monsieur Hollywood
Från pressjunket för Breaking Dawn Part 2 i Los Angeles.
Kristen, Robert och Taylor på El Hormiguero
Behind the scenes-klipp från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Varning! Kan innehålla spoilers för er som inte sett Breaking Dawn Part 2!
Premiär för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Madrid
Dagens bild - 121116
Julien Macdonald pratar om Kristen

Julien Macdonald has spoken exclusively to Grazia Daily about his reaction to seeing Kristen Stewart wearing his demure creation in Madrid today. So what’s his verdict? ‘I think the styling was perfect, she kept it quite simple with tousled hair and a classic pair of black heels,’ he told us. ‘Kristen is an actress who never gets it wrong on the red carpet and she lets the clothes speak for themselves whilst keeping them looking modern and cool.’ And are you a Twilight fan, Mr Macdonald? ‘I’m a big fan of Twilight – I have liked it since the beginning and am so sad to see it come to an end!’ Hear, hear.
‘Kristen Stewart is one of my favourite actresses of the moment and it’s an honour to dress her for the red carpet.’ Of course, it’s an incredible feeling for the London-based designer to see any of the world’s style-setters donning his dresses. ‘It inspires me to create more collections and push myself more and more,’ Macdonald says. ‘I’m lucky to have dressed a wide range of celebrities and VIPs who are great role models to others and who are often watched for their style choices.’
Kristens intervju med ITN
Från pressjunket för Breaking Dawn Part 2 i London.
Intervju med HeyUGuys
Från pressjunket för Breaking Dawn Part 2 i London.
Backstage-bild från Conan
Presskonferens för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Madrid
InStyle's Best Dressed List 2012
Kristen på tredje plats.
Kristen på Conan - 14 november
Dagens bild - 121115
Premiär för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i London
Intervju med Washington Post
Intervju med Kristen, Robert och regissören Bill Condon.

LOS ANGELES — Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson sit side by side on a sofa at the Four Seasons hotel, discussing the end of the five-film project that made them famous and brought them together.
“Twilight” rocketed both to superstardom, and their real-life romance only propelled them further. With Friday’s release of the final film in the franchise, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” the young actors bid farewell to the worldwide fantasy sensation, but not to the tabloid attention they garner wherever they go. The pair finish each other’s sentences during a recent interview as they talk about how much their lives have changed since the first “Twilight” movie was released in 2008.
“After the first one, I mean, it’s a different world you’re living in,” says Pattinson, 26.
“Also, we’re at that stage of life when things are shifting anyway,” adds Stewart, 22, who was just 17 when she first played Bella Swan.
Global fame makes growing up challenging, they say, acknowledging they’ve become more insular. “It’s a really weird thing because you kind of have to hide,” Pattinson says, “and hiding really destroys the thing which, for one thing…” Stewart interjects: “That fuels you as an actor.”
“Yeah. It destroys your fuel,” he continues, “and also it destroys — you get to the point where you start to lose interest in things because you spend so much time…”
“Guarding,” Stewart says.
“Yeah, and that’s your world,” Pattinson says. “Your world gets smaller. There’s a massive contraction. And the weirdest thing is the more you contract it, the more the (public) interest goes up. It’s so crazy. There’s no way around it. You’re either on a 24-7 reality-TV show, or people think you should be.”
“No, it’s hilarious,” Stewart says, not looking like she finds it very funny. “Either way, people are like, ‘Ugh. Famewhores.’”
But she has wanted every “Twilight” film to be successful and knows it’s not popular to complain about the personal costs of fame. “This is a really scary question to answer because people instantly just hate you for even saying that anything is close to unsavory or whatever or however you want to put it,” she says.
“Twilight” rocketed both to superstardom, and their real-life romance only propelled them further. With Friday’s release of the final film in the franchise, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” the young actors bid farewell to the worldwide fantasy sensation, but not to the tabloid attention they garner wherever they go. The pair finish each other’s sentences during a recent interview as they talk about how much their lives have changed since the first “Twilight” movie was released in 2008.
“After the first one, I mean, it’s a different world you’re living in,” says Pattinson, 26.
“Also, we’re at that stage of life when things are shifting anyway,” adds Stewart, 22, who was just 17 when she first played Bella Swan.
Global fame makes growing up challenging, they say, acknowledging they’ve become more insular. “It’s a really weird thing because you kind of have to hide,” Pattinson says, “and hiding really destroys the thing which, for one thing…” Stewart interjects: “That fuels you as an actor.”
“Yeah. It destroys your fuel,” he continues, “and also it destroys — you get to the point where you start to lose interest in things because you spend so much time…”
“Guarding,” Stewart says.
“Yeah, and that’s your world,” Pattinson says. “Your world gets smaller. There’s a massive contraction. And the weirdest thing is the more you contract it, the more the (public) interest goes up. It’s so crazy. There’s no way around it. You’re either on a 24-7 reality-TV show, or people think you should be.”
“No, it’s hilarious,” Stewart says, not looking like she finds it very funny. “Either way, people are like, ‘Ugh. Famewhores.’”
But she has wanted every “Twilight” film to be successful and knows it’s not popular to complain about the personal costs of fame. “This is a really scary question to answer because people instantly just hate you for even saying that anything is close to unsavory or whatever or however you want to put it,” she says.
Läs resten av intervjuen [här].
Live stream för premiären i London

Ni kommer kunna titta på premiären för Breaking Dawn Part 2 från Leichester Square, London [här]. Den börjar 18.30/18.45 svensk tid.
Intervju med Allociné
Två nya stills från Breaking Dawn: Part 2
Dagens bild - 121114
Intervju med The Warner Cable
Intervju med NTVZero Japan
Fullt upp
Hej alla läsare!
Jag lever tro det eller ej, fastän uppdateringen från min sida är död. Jag har fullt upp med skolan just nu så allt jag gör är att plugga varje dag. Därför hinner jag inte uppdatera här. Men jag ska se till att blogga lite i helgen om jag får tid.
Hoppas ni förstår!
Nya bilder på Kristen och Stephanie Meyer
Kristens intervju med Korean TV
Intervju med E! Online
Från premiären av Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Kristen Stewart only just got to don fangs in the final Twilight Saga installment. So, it would only make sense that fans crave more vampire K.Stew. But what does Bella Swan, er, Bella Cullen think about it?
"I'm not sure," Stewart told us when she hit the black carpet at the premiere of the final Twilight film, Breaking Dawn Part 2 Monday. "It would have to be pretty special."
So, how does it feel walking the fifth and final red carpet, held at Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live?
"You know, I think the most go-to answers for everyone on one of these carpets is, 'Oh my gosh, it's so surreal,'" Kristen explained. "But to be honest with you, this time especially is so completely surreal. I'm just trying to absorb it. I'm trying to be here." She continued, "Every time we come back to do anything for these movies it's always the same feeling. It's what we're going to miss. It's that excitement! You don't ever get to share movies on such a vast... I mean, like I have something in common with every single person here, which doesn't happen so it's pretty cool."
Tonight though, Kristen is only looking to have fun. "I feel like we graduated when we finished shooting," she revealed."This is like the after-party."
And what an entrance she made in a sexy, lace number by Zuhair Murad. A far cry from anything she would have worn in her early Twilight days. "Let me think back. Let me analyze my fashion as a whole," Kristen joked when asked how her fashion has evolved over the years. "I don't know. But I do like this thing, so I feel all right."
So, how does it feel walking the fifth and final red carpet, held at Nokia Theatre at L.A. Live?
"You know, I think the most go-to answers for everyone on one of these carpets is, 'Oh my gosh, it's so surreal,'" Kristen explained. "But to be honest with you, this time especially is so completely surreal. I'm just trying to absorb it. I'm trying to be here." She continued, "Every time we come back to do anything for these movies it's always the same feeling. It's what we're going to miss. It's that excitement! You don't ever get to share movies on such a vast... I mean, like I have something in common with every single person here, which doesn't happen so it's pretty cool."
Tonight though, Kristen is only looking to have fun. "I feel like we graduated when we finished shooting," she revealed."This is like the after-party."
And what an entrance she made in a sexy, lace number by Zuhair Murad. A far cry from anything she would have worn in her early Twilight days. "Let me think back. Let me analyze my fashion as a whole," Kristen joked when asked how her fashion has evolved over the years. "I don't know. But I do like this thing, so I feel all right."
You'd think Kristen Stewart would want to take a nice long deserved vacation after the Twilight madness comes to an end. But no—the gal doesn't want to slow down.
"I'm kinda desperate to get a job right now," she told E! News on the black carpet tonight. "I'm itching to go back to work."
For now, it's all about Breaking Dawn: Part 2. "I feel really good," she said. "I'm trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don't want to miss one." And one moment she will never forget is the first day of shooting the first Twilight. "We shot the climax of the movie at the very start of production and I almost passed out before I walked onto my first entrance," K. Stew said. "I literally had to hold onto the door handle to not fall over." She added with a laugh, "If you don't feel like you're terrified and want to pass out, it's not worth it."
But, still, Stewart said she thinks there are still more parts of the Twilight story to be told. "There are so many avenues than this of this story that have been unexplored...maybe not...about Edward and Bella I would love to look at...the backstory for some of the other Cullens and the werewolves."
"I'm kinda desperate to get a job right now," she told E! News on the black carpet tonight. "I'm itching to go back to work."
For now, it's all about Breaking Dawn: Part 2. "I feel really good," she said. "I'm trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don't want to miss one." And one moment she will never forget is the first day of shooting the first Twilight. "We shot the climax of the movie at the very start of production and I almost passed out before I walked onto my first entrance," K. Stew said. "I literally had to hold onto the door handle to not fall over." She added with a laugh, "If you don't feel like you're terrified and want to pass out, it's not worth it."
But, still, Stewart said she thinks there are still more parts of the Twilight story to be told. "There are so many avenues than this of this story that have been unexplored...maybe not...about Edward and Bella I would love to look at...the backstory for some of the other Cullens and the werewolves."
Kristen och Roberts intervju med LA Times
Från premiären av Breaking Dawn Part 2.

It may seem like "Twilight" is coming to a close -- what with thousands of fans descending upon Los Angeles Monday night for the premiere of the final film.
But the journey isn't yet over for the stars of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2," who will jet to Europe this evening after attending the film's Hollywood premiere.
"Knowing we have to go to London tonight and then to Madrid is so annoying," said Robert Pattinson, decked out in a green Gucci suit.
Kristen Stewart seemed more taken with the present moment. Asked how it felt to know the vampire franchise was finally coming to a close, she could only muster the word "surreal."
"I know the most go-to answer for everyone on these carpets is 'Oh my gosh, this is so surreal,'" she said, affecting a valley girl voice. "But to be honest with you, this time is so completely surreal. I'm trying to absorb it. I'm trying to be here."
But the journey isn't yet over for the stars of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2," who will jet to Europe this evening after attending the film's Hollywood premiere.
"Knowing we have to go to London tonight and then to Madrid is so annoying," said Robert Pattinson, decked out in a green Gucci suit.
Kristen Stewart seemed more taken with the present moment. Asked how it felt to know the vampire franchise was finally coming to a close, she could only muster the word "surreal."
"I know the most go-to answer for everyone on these carpets is 'Oh my gosh, this is so surreal,'" she said, affecting a valley girl voice. "But to be honest with you, this time is so completely surreal. I'm trying to absorb it. I'm trying to be here."
Dagens bild - 121113
Efterfest för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Los Angeles
Premiär för Breaking Dawn: Part 2 i Los Angeles
Kristen och Stephenie Meyers intervju med LA Times

On Twilight:
“The first one felt like our one-shot, didn’t it?” Meyer asks Stewart during a recent wide-ranging interview with the L.A. Times.“[Our attitude was] we are all going to go have fun and make a vampire movie and that’s it, we will walk away from it. I don’t think anyone of us thought it was going to be five years of our life.”
On the Pressure of the Saga:
“I never let the imposing, ever-present cloud of pressure affect me,” Stewart said. “To me, it was all pressure from the inside. Not the outside. That could have been crippling. You would wind up playing a really disjointed character if you were trying to satisfy a hundred thousand girls.”
“And every girl wants something different from each other,” added Meyer.
“I wanted to protect [Bella] so badly. That’s how I find myself gravitating to certain roles,” she said. “I have to say though, considering we didn’t know we were going to finish the series, we made the first one our own in a way I would never, ever, ever feel humanly comfortable doing later on. I was much more concerned with detail later on in the series.”
“The first one felt like our one-shot, didn’t it?” Meyer asks Stewart during a recent wide-ranging interview with the L.A. Times.“[Our attitude was] we are all going to go have fun and make a vampire movie and that’s it, we will walk away from it. I don’t think anyone of us thought it was going to be five years of our life.”
On the Pressure of the Saga:
“I never let the imposing, ever-present cloud of pressure affect me,” Stewart said. “To me, it was all pressure from the inside. Not the outside. That could have been crippling. You would wind up playing a really disjointed character if you were trying to satisfy a hundred thousand girls.”
“And every girl wants something different from each other,” added Meyer.
“I wanted to protect [Bella] so badly. That’s how I find myself gravitating to certain roles,” she said. “I have to say though, considering we didn’t know we were going to finish the series, we made the first one our own in a way I would never, ever, ever feel humanly comfortable doing later on. I was much more concerned with detail later on in the series.”
Ny bild på Kristen med fan från Jimmy Fallon Show
Mackenzie Foy pratar om Kristen med E! News
Dagens bild - 121112
Kristens favoritlåtar från The Twilight Saga
Kristen gör en andra donation till Shoe Revolt
Kristen gjorde, förra året, en donation till Shoe Revolt i form av sina Keds. Nu gör hon en andra donation och donerar denna gång ett par Converse.

Even if you know little about Kristen Stewart, you probably know that her signature look includes an awesome pair of Converse sneakers! Kristen has once again chosen to use her fame to take a stand against human trafficking and sexual coercion. You may remember last year when Kristen Stewart's signed Keds raised $1,500 for Shoe Revolt and its partner programs.
Each year, an estimated 200,000 American youth, primarily girls, are at high risk to falling prey to a form of human trafficking called sex trafficking. This is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. The fact is traffickers, known as pimps, have declared war on the American youth. For pimps, teens are not human beings but property; they see teens simply as a means to gain profit. The average age of entry into prostitution in the U.S. is 12 to 14 years old.
Shoe Revolt is pleased to announce that our next auction will kick off appropriately with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 2 on November 16th. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on an autographed pair of size 7 charcoal Converse sneakers signed by Kristen Stewart. What better way to show your support for Kristen then to make a bid and support such a worthy cause.
Kristen was recently interview by Little White Lies for their Sept 2012 issue in which she says, "I feel like you need to do something. I made Welcome to the Rileys [in which Stewart played a young woman with emotional issues] a few years back, and now I want to open two halfway houses, one in New Orleans and one in LA. And I want to make a documentary about why it's important. But all this ridiculously empty charity work that you see? …… I want to do it right. Right now, I just feel it. It's not to be wasted." Kristen's efforts are definitely not wasted and she is certainly on the right track to making her voice known as someone who isn't willing to let this injustice continue. Please join her in kicking human trafficking to the curb….in style, one shoe at a time!
Kristen Stewart's shoes will be a part of our celebrity auctions with 100% of the proceeds going toward victims & survivors of sex-trafficking. By contributing, your support for Shoe Revolt and its scholarship program ensures that victims (human beings) are not ignored or forgotten, but are remembered and living free. To learn more about Shoe Revolt, our scholarship program, upcoming auctions or how you can join the movement, check out or Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook and twitter for auction details.
Each year, an estimated 200,000 American youth, primarily girls, are at high risk to falling prey to a form of human trafficking called sex trafficking. This is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. The fact is traffickers, known as pimps, have declared war on the American youth. For pimps, teens are not human beings but property; they see teens simply as a means to gain profit. The average age of entry into prostitution in the U.S. is 12 to 14 years old.
Shoe Revolt is pleased to announce that our next auction will kick off appropriately with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 2 on November 16th. Fans will have the opportunity to bid on an autographed pair of size 7 charcoal Converse sneakers signed by Kristen Stewart. What better way to show your support for Kristen then to make a bid and support such a worthy cause.
Kristen was recently interview by Little White Lies for their Sept 2012 issue in which she says, "I feel like you need to do something. I made Welcome to the Rileys [in which Stewart played a young woman with emotional issues] a few years back, and now I want to open two halfway houses, one in New Orleans and one in LA. And I want to make a documentary about why it's important. But all this ridiculously empty charity work that you see? …… I want to do it right. Right now, I just feel it. It's not to be wasted." Kristen's efforts are definitely not wasted and she is certainly on the right track to making her voice known as someone who isn't willing to let this injustice continue. Please join her in kicking human trafficking to the curb….in style, one shoe at a time!
Kristen Stewart's shoes will be a part of our celebrity auctions with 100% of the proceeds going toward victims & survivors of sex-trafficking. By contributing, your support for Shoe Revolt and its scholarship program ensures that victims (human beings) are not ignored or forgotten, but are remembered and living free. To learn more about Shoe Revolt, our scholarship program, upcoming auctions or how you can join the movement, check out or Also, make sure to follow us on Facebook and twitter for auction details.
Kristen och Roberts intervju med Philippine Star

How do you feel now that the Twilight Saga has ended, sad or relieved?
Kristen: (Heaving a big sigh) Well, for five entire years I had the same moments tapping me on the shoulder and telling me that, you know, I was not free to think of anything else but Bella Swan. Usually, we did that over a five-month period and so at the end of five years I’m…hmmmm, I wouldn’t say “relieved” because it’s slightly misleading because I don’t want people to think that I want it to be over. But I do believe that five years is a long enough time to live in that fantasy world, so it’s nice to walk away at this point.
Robert: I’m not sure if I should feel sad about it but it definitely feels strange. Once you play the character a few times, it really does become like second skin to you and when it’s done, you do miss it. I mean, not yet but I know that one day, in a few years time, I will see one of these movies on TV and I guess I will feel strange.
You were 17 when you shot for the first Twilight movie in 2008. How has the Saga changed you?
Kristen: It’s hard to credit one experience with a particular change in you. I started when I was 17 and I am 22 now, and it’s impossible to actually mark the changes in my life during the past five years.
Robert: I was 21 when I did the first Twilight movie and I am 26 now. Well, I’m kind of braver now; I feel that I can go a little farther. It excites me what I’m gonna do next.
What are your fondest memories about the Saga and what’s the best lesson that you learned from it?
Kristen: I guess I became a little bit more comfortable living. When you’re younger, you look to the future and you feel like, “God, am I gonna feel always a little bit unsure? Am I always going not knowing exactly what the outcome of this journey is?” I don’t think Twilight gave that feeling to me but I’m sure that it just put things on a little bit escalated scale.
Robert: Oh yes, I remember my audition. I think I sent a tape from England and then I was asked to come to L.A. I felt that I was so weird in the audition and I was sure that I wouldn’t get the part. I called up my parents and told them that I didn’t want to act anymore.
How was the audition with Kristen?
Robert: No, I didn’t know. I was barely prepared. I took half of Valium before doing it. Kristen and I were told to do four scenes, one of them the first key scenes when our characters first met each other and when they kissed. I was pretty nervous all throughout so I couldn’t believe it when I was told four days later that the audition went well. I said, “Thanks to the Valium!”
Isn’t it weird and surreal that so many people love you or they hate you even if they haven’t met you?
Kristen: I think you should be a little more concerned about how you feel about yourself rather than how people feel about you. Yeah, it’s weird, super-weird! Let’s be honest, it’s fun to disregard people who don’t like you and it’s even more fun to find people who are your fans with whom you have a lot in common; there’s something that attracts them to you, and vice-versa.
You did a lot of running in the Saga and you look pretty athletic and sporty. How do you maintain your kind of body?
Kristen: (Breaking into smile) I don’t work out regularly. (And laughs!) Hmmm, I love stunt work that’s why I’m constantly hurting myself because I’m constantly throwing myself at things. Sometimes, I would tease myself, “Kristen, you’re not actually a vampire, you know!” You see some actresses…and I’m not thinking anyone in particular…you know, “You spend half of your life working on your body…!” No, I’m not like that kind of actress. I don’t do that.
What are your favorite scenes in the Saga?
Kristen: I have a lot of favorite scenes but to pick one…no! If you ask me what moments in the Saga surprised me, my answer would be very obvious; it’s the milestones, such as in the first movie (Twilight) it’s the first kiss and the last kiss, there’s the wedding scene and the giving-birth scene. There are just so many for me to name just one.
Robert: It’s definitely the last scene in the first movie where Bella and Edward are dancing. I always remember that scene.
What about the wedding scene? What was on your mind when you were doing that scene?
Robert: Oh that scene. I was kind of thinking how little involvement the groom has because everyone is looking at the bride and the groom is just kind of standing at the other end. It was fun, though. It was very beautiful!
Any role that you look forward to doing which is different from the Twilight genre?
Kristen: I haven’t found the next project yet. (She has just finished shooting On The Road. — RFL) I can’t be specific about what I want to do until it’s in front of me. Every one project doesn’t relate to the last or the one following it. Each project is different from the others. My expectation of myself is that I feel challenged when I’m pushed by the people that I’m working with, and if I could find those people I would be very happy.
Is there any chance for you and Kristen to do another movie together, not part of the Twilight Saga?
Robert: Oh yeah, I’d love to. It’s pretty likely that we would work together again.
Your co-stars said that you’re funny on the set, contrary to what people think that you’re quiet and serious. How would you like to do comedy for a change?
Robert: (Blushing) My instincts for comedy movies are really weird, hahahaha! What roles do I want to do next? I don’t know. Maybe a horror movie. I’d like to do one that would really scare people.
Kristen: (Heaving a big sigh) Well, for five entire years I had the same moments tapping me on the shoulder and telling me that, you know, I was not free to think of anything else but Bella Swan. Usually, we did that over a five-month period and so at the end of five years I’m…hmmmm, I wouldn’t say “relieved” because it’s slightly misleading because I don’t want people to think that I want it to be over. But I do believe that five years is a long enough time to live in that fantasy world, so it’s nice to walk away at this point.
Robert: I’m not sure if I should feel sad about it but it definitely feels strange. Once you play the character a few times, it really does become like second skin to you and when it’s done, you do miss it. I mean, not yet but I know that one day, in a few years time, I will see one of these movies on TV and I guess I will feel strange.
You were 17 when you shot for the first Twilight movie in 2008. How has the Saga changed you?
Kristen: It’s hard to credit one experience with a particular change in you. I started when I was 17 and I am 22 now, and it’s impossible to actually mark the changes in my life during the past five years.
Robert: I was 21 when I did the first Twilight movie and I am 26 now. Well, I’m kind of braver now; I feel that I can go a little farther. It excites me what I’m gonna do next.
What are your fondest memories about the Saga and what’s the best lesson that you learned from it?
Kristen: I guess I became a little bit more comfortable living. When you’re younger, you look to the future and you feel like, “God, am I gonna feel always a little bit unsure? Am I always going not knowing exactly what the outcome of this journey is?” I don’t think Twilight gave that feeling to me but I’m sure that it just put things on a little bit escalated scale.
Robert: Oh yes, I remember my audition. I think I sent a tape from England and then I was asked to come to L.A. I felt that I was so weird in the audition and I was sure that I wouldn’t get the part. I called up my parents and told them that I didn’t want to act anymore.
How was the audition with Kristen?
Robert: No, I didn’t know. I was barely prepared. I took half of Valium before doing it. Kristen and I were told to do four scenes, one of them the first key scenes when our characters first met each other and when they kissed. I was pretty nervous all throughout so I couldn’t believe it when I was told four days later that the audition went well. I said, “Thanks to the Valium!”
Isn’t it weird and surreal that so many people love you or they hate you even if they haven’t met you?
Kristen: I think you should be a little more concerned about how you feel about yourself rather than how people feel about you. Yeah, it’s weird, super-weird! Let’s be honest, it’s fun to disregard people who don’t like you and it’s even more fun to find people who are your fans with whom you have a lot in common; there’s something that attracts them to you, and vice-versa.
You did a lot of running in the Saga and you look pretty athletic and sporty. How do you maintain your kind of body?
Kristen: (Breaking into smile) I don’t work out regularly. (And laughs!) Hmmm, I love stunt work that’s why I’m constantly hurting myself because I’m constantly throwing myself at things. Sometimes, I would tease myself, “Kristen, you’re not actually a vampire, you know!” You see some actresses…and I’m not thinking anyone in particular…you know, “You spend half of your life working on your body…!” No, I’m not like that kind of actress. I don’t do that.
What are your favorite scenes in the Saga?
Kristen: I have a lot of favorite scenes but to pick one…no! If you ask me what moments in the Saga surprised me, my answer would be very obvious; it’s the milestones, such as in the first movie (Twilight) it’s the first kiss and the last kiss, there’s the wedding scene and the giving-birth scene. There are just so many for me to name just one.
Robert: It’s definitely the last scene in the first movie where Bella and Edward are dancing. I always remember that scene.
What about the wedding scene? What was on your mind when you were doing that scene?
Robert: Oh that scene. I was kind of thinking how little involvement the groom has because everyone is looking at the bride and the groom is just kind of standing at the other end. It was fun, though. It was very beautiful!
Any role that you look forward to doing which is different from the Twilight genre?
Kristen: I haven’t found the next project yet. (She has just finished shooting On The Road. — RFL) I can’t be specific about what I want to do until it’s in front of me. Every one project doesn’t relate to the last or the one following it. Each project is different from the others. My expectation of myself is that I feel challenged when I’m pushed by the people that I’m working with, and if I could find those people I would be very happy.
Is there any chance for you and Kristen to do another movie together, not part of the Twilight Saga?
Robert: Oh yeah, I’d love to. It’s pretty likely that we would work together again.
Your co-stars said that you’re funny on the set, contrary to what people think that you’re quiet and serious. How would you like to do comedy for a change?
Robert: (Blushing) My instincts for comedy movies are really weird, hahahaha! What roles do I want to do next? I don’t know. Maybe a horror movie. I’d like to do one that would really scare people.
Privat visning av On the Road i New York igår
Bill Condon pratar om Kristen med VH1
Dagens bild - 121109
Kristen på The Today Show
Kristens intervju när hon besökte The Today Show den 7 november.
Kristens MTV Rough Cut intervju
Kristens intervju med Backstage
Kristen Stewart is not who you might think she is.
Since her career rocketed into the stratosphere with the first “Twilight” film in 2008, Stewart has frequently been portrayed in the media as serious or sullen, intensely private and uncomfortable with giving interviews. But spend a few minutes with the 22-year-old, and it becomes apparent that nothing could be further from the truth. Seated in the corner of a Beverly Hills hotel restaurant in a simple white T-shirt and a baseball cap just days before the release of the final “Twilight” installment, “Breaking Dawn: Part 2,” Stewart seems at complete ease. She is thoughtful and warm; despite having only met once in passing six weeks earlier, she instantly recognizes and greets her interviewer with a friendly hug. She’s got a sharp sense of humor. And, for the record, “I actually like giving interviews!” She elaborates, “Given that I can talk to a hundred or more people at a press junket, at some point there is going to be something brought up that makes me see things I never considered. It’s fascinating to talk to so many people about one of the most important things in your life.”
Stewart is also an actor, and a good one at that, a fact that seems to get lost in all the media attention devoted to her personal life. But before “Twilight,” her talent was obvious to the likes of David Fincher, who cast Stewart at age 10 to play Jodie Foster’s daughter in “Panic Room,” and Sean Penn, who handpicked her to appear in his 2007 film “Into the Wild.” There are also her acclaimed turns in the indies “Speak” and as a young woman with a neurological disorder in 2007’s “The Cake Eaters,” a performance so convincing people would always ask director Mary Stuart Masterson where she had found an actor with the actual disease. Next month will see Stewart in one of her most challenging roles to date, as 16-year-old free spirit Marylou in “On the Road,” director Walter Salles’ screen adaptation of the beloved Jack Kerouac novel.
Stewart actually met with Salles in 2007 after the director caught her performance as a melancholy teen in “Into the Wild,” but it took several years for the film to get made. It’s time that Stewart is grateful for. “The role was so beyond me at that point,” she says. “I loved the character, and I would have done craft services to be involved with that movie. But I drove away shaking because I was thinking, ‘Oh, my God, I think I’m going to get the job, and I don’t know if I can do it!’ ”
Playing someone as uninhibited as Marylou, who romances both her boyfriend, Dean (Garrett Hedlund), and the film’s protagonist, Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), required Stewart to be exposed, figuratively and literally. The nudity didn’t intimidate Stewart, who played a stripper in 2010’s “Welcome to the Rileys,” though she knew it was something the media would latch on to, anticipating headlines like “ ‘Twilight’ Good Girl Bares All!” says Stewart, “I know it’s an odd thing to say, but it didn’t worry me. I really do love taking walls down. I didn’t want to hide, especially as Marylou—she’s the last person who would hide.” As it turns out, it was a simple dance scene that frightened Stewart the most. “But whenever I had doubts, I was able to talk to Walter, and all my apprehensions went away,” she says. She starts to praise her director at length before stopping herself and saying, “What can I say—he’s fucking awesome.”Salles has nothing but kind words for Stewart in return. “Kristen is a seriously talented actress who’s going to surprise us many times in the future,” the director says in a phone call from Brazil. “She has the possibility to do pretty much whatever she wants, and she opts for roles that are very courageous choices—characters you might not expect her to play.”
Since her career rocketed into the stratosphere with the first “Twilight” film in 2008, Stewart has frequently been portrayed in the media as serious or sullen, intensely private and uncomfortable with giving interviews. But spend a few minutes with the 22-year-old, and it becomes apparent that nothing could be further from the truth. Seated in the corner of a Beverly Hills hotel restaurant in a simple white T-shirt and a baseball cap just days before the release of the final “Twilight” installment, “Breaking Dawn: Part 2,” Stewart seems at complete ease. She is thoughtful and warm; despite having only met once in passing six weeks earlier, she instantly recognizes and greets her interviewer with a friendly hug. She’s got a sharp sense of humor. And, for the record, “I actually like giving interviews!” She elaborates, “Given that I can talk to a hundred or more people at a press junket, at some point there is going to be something brought up that makes me see things I never considered. It’s fascinating to talk to so many people about one of the most important things in your life.”
Stewart is also an actor, and a good one at that, a fact that seems to get lost in all the media attention devoted to her personal life. But before “Twilight,” her talent was obvious to the likes of David Fincher, who cast Stewart at age 10 to play Jodie Foster’s daughter in “Panic Room,” and Sean Penn, who handpicked her to appear in his 2007 film “Into the Wild.” There are also her acclaimed turns in the indies “Speak” and as a young woman with a neurological disorder in 2007’s “The Cake Eaters,” a performance so convincing people would always ask director Mary Stuart Masterson where she had found an actor with the actual disease. Next month will see Stewart in one of her most challenging roles to date, as 16-year-old free spirit Marylou in “On the Road,” director Walter Salles’ screen adaptation of the beloved Jack Kerouac novel.
Stewart actually met with Salles in 2007 after the director caught her performance as a melancholy teen in “Into the Wild,” but it took several years for the film to get made. It’s time that Stewart is grateful for. “The role was so beyond me at that point,” she says. “I loved the character, and I would have done craft services to be involved with that movie. But I drove away shaking because I was thinking, ‘Oh, my God, I think I’m going to get the job, and I don’t know if I can do it!’ ”
Playing someone as uninhibited as Marylou, who romances both her boyfriend, Dean (Garrett Hedlund), and the film’s protagonist, Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), required Stewart to be exposed, figuratively and literally. The nudity didn’t intimidate Stewart, who played a stripper in 2010’s “Welcome to the Rileys,” though she knew it was something the media would latch on to, anticipating headlines like “ ‘Twilight’ Good Girl Bares All!” says Stewart, “I know it’s an odd thing to say, but it didn’t worry me. I really do love taking walls down. I didn’t want to hide, especially as Marylou—she’s the last person who would hide.” As it turns out, it was a simple dance scene that frightened Stewart the most. “But whenever I had doubts, I was able to talk to Walter, and all my apprehensions went away,” she says. She starts to praise her director at length before stopping herself and saying, “What can I say—he’s fucking awesome.”Salles has nothing but kind words for Stewart in return. “Kristen is a seriously talented actress who’s going to surprise us many times in the future,” the director says in a phone call from Brazil. “She has the possibility to do pretty much whatever she wants, and she opts for roles that are very courageous choices—characters you might not expect her to play.”
Mer av intervjun kan ni läsa [här].
Något vi kan förbättra?
Hej på er! Jag är lite intresserad av vad ni, läsare, skulle vilja att vi förbättrade oss på? Eller om ni har något tips vad vi skulle kunna ha med här på bloggen? Tävlingar?
Kristen på Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Kristen, Robert m.f spelar Cast Play med My Space
Who's more likely to...
Kristens intervju med Summit
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Nya stills från On the Road
Dagens bild - 121108
Kristen på Live with Kelly and Michael - video
Kristen och Rob lämnar LAX - 6 november
Kristen och Robert syntes igår ta ett privatplan från Los Angeles Flygplats till New York där båda ska medverka på olika talk shows.
Fler bilder hittar ni [här].
Kristens intervju med Movie Feuds
Marios Schwab nämner Kristen

“My team and I love Kristen Stewart. She often requests pieces personally. I like that she has an opinion about fashion. It’s lovely to see a woman adapting a dress to her personality in the way that she does. That’s when fashion becomes successful.”
Dagens bild - 121107
Kristen på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - video
Intervjun från när Kristen besökte The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 5 november.
Fler pressporträtt på Kristen, Robert, Taylor och Bill
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2
"They're coming for us"
Biljett till marathon nästa vecka
Fick en kommentar av en tjej som har en biljett över till Twilight-marathon på biograf Park i Stockholm nästa vecka. Här är hennes meddelande, så om någon vill gå och ha sällskap så kontakta henne!
jag hoppas detta publiceras, har ingen koll på hur det funkar här med denna typ av kommentar...
det är såhär att jag har en biljett över till maratonet på saga nästa vecka och undrar omdet är någon som är sugen på biljett + sällskap?
mitt sällskap har hoppat av, så nu står jag själv med en biljett för mycket....
om det är någon som är sugen kan väl denne antingen skriva till mig på kik; loislarsson eller maila till [email protected]
jag hoppas detta publiceras, har ingen koll på hur det funkar här med denna typ av kommentar...
det är såhär att jag har en biljett över till maratonet på saga nästa vecka och undrar omdet är någon som är sugen på biljett + sällskap?
mitt sällskap har hoppat av, så nu står jag själv med en biljett för mycket....
om det är någon som är sugen kan väl denne antingen skriva till mig på kik; loislarsson eller maila till [email protected]
Intervju med E! News
Kristens intervjuv med Fox5 Vegas
Dagens video - 121106
Kristen anländer till NBC Studios
Kristen på The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - bilder
Dagens bild - 121106
Ny still på Bella från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2 "The Mirror"
Ny intervju från THR med Kristen

The long road came to an end with the world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May, and now the L.A. premiere at the AFI Film Fest 2012 on Saturday, Nov. 3, at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. In one of the most star-heavy events at the festival, Kristen Stewart, Garrett Hedlund, Amy Adams and Salles all attended.
Stewart, who will wrap up her duties as the lead in the Twilight film series with the release of the final film this month, plays the free-spirited MaryLou in On the Road.
“We were allowed to know so much about the people who stood behind the characters,” the actress, wearing a black and white Balenciaga jumpsuit, told The Hollywood Reporter on the red carpet before the premiere.
While Stewart walked the red carpet solo on Saturday, she was joined by her Twilight co-star (and current beau) Robert Pattinson at the AFI Fest afterparty at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. They mingled with friends and Stewart’s co-stars around a large fire pit near the pool area.
Stewart says that Salles enrolled the main actors in a four-week “beatnik bootcamp” of rehearsals before shooting the film. Stewart’s character in the book was based on Kerouac’s friend Luanne Henderson, and Stewart got to spend a lot of time talking to Henderson’s daughter while researching the role.
“We were allowed to know things about her that people do not know,” she tells THR. “I think as soon as you know the people who inspired those characters, everything makes so much more sense. It’s not the easiest thing to live that life. It takes a really particular person to carry that out.”
Stewart, who will wrap up her duties as the lead in the Twilight film series with the release of the final film this month, plays the free-spirited MaryLou in On the Road.
“We were allowed to know so much about the people who stood behind the characters,” the actress, wearing a black and white Balenciaga jumpsuit, told The Hollywood Reporter on the red carpet before the premiere.
While Stewart walked the red carpet solo on Saturday, she was joined by her Twilight co-star (and current beau) Robert Pattinson at the AFI Fest afterparty at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. They mingled with friends and Stewart’s co-stars around a large fire pit near the pool area.
Stewart says that Salles enrolled the main actors in a four-week “beatnik bootcamp” of rehearsals before shooting the film. Stewart’s character in the book was based on Kerouac’s friend Luanne Henderson, and Stewart got to spend a lot of time talking to Henderson’s daughter while researching the role.
“We were allowed to know things about her that people do not know,” she tells THR. “I think as soon as you know the people who inspired those characters, everything makes so much more sense. It’s not the easiest thing to live that life. It takes a really particular person to carry that out.”
[Här] kan ni läsa resten av intervjun.
Kristens intervju med Sunrise (Australien)
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Kristens intervju med Wonderwall MSN
Kristen Stewart… shined bright on the red carpet at the AFI Fest screening of On the Road presented by Audi at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. The 22-year-old actress showed off her toned midriff i
n a cleavage-baring Balenciaga pantsuit and black Christian Louboutin heels, and said she knew the outfit would turn heads.

“The first time I saw this thing, my jaw kind of hit the floor,” Stewart told Wonderwall. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
On the Road was a special film for Stewart, who found herself very connected to LuAnne Henderson, the real-life Marylou whom Stewart plays in the film. “To be so aware
of yourself and what you want, yet be so unaware of what other people think of you? You can have so
much, you can live so rich,” Stewart said of Henderson. “It’s hard to explain, it’s so ridiculous. So as soon as I read that, I thought I should find people like that in life so I can run after them.”
As for her own road trip, Stewart says there are only a select few she’d travel with, but when they hit the road
As for her own road trip, Stewart says there are only a select few she’d travel with, but when they hit the road
they’d be baggage free. “I think it all depends on who you’re with,” she said. “There would only be a handful of people I would go [on a road trip with]. My circle is small. But if you have nothing it makes it more fun because you have to go find it.
[Här] kan ni läsa resten av artikeln.
Intervju med Channel M6 (Frankrike)
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Intervju med Hot Hits
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Intervjun med Ten News Australia
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Dagens bild - 121105
Kristen i Vogues 'Best dressed of 2012'
Kristen och Robs intervju med Talking Pictures TV
Från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Ny bild på Kristen och Jillian Dempsey
Twilight-vecka på kanal 5
På tisdag börjar Kanal 5's Twilight-vecka de visar det tre första filmerna (OBS! inte "Breaking Dawn part 1")
Tisdag 21.00 "Twilight"
Onsdag 21.00 "New Moon"
Torsdag 21.00 "Eclipse"
Ny still från Breaking Dawn Part 2
Bilder från presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn part 2
Kristens intervju med Movieline

Stewart spoke with ML during the Toronto International Film Festival where the film had its North American premiere. She shared thoughts on her character's "hard love," how she grew herself being a part of the film and how this was the "biggest experience" she's felt on a set.
So what was your road to On the Road?
I was 14 or 15 when I first met Walter Salles. I spoke to him when I was 17, I think I may have shot the first Twilight, I'm not sure - possibly I was about to go do it. At first I was talking about playing another part, so it's been a long time coming. I don't know how I was able to get around that kind of energy, but to convey that I loved this thing in the way [Walter Salles] does and as soon as you get around that energy it passes between you, nothing really needs to be said. I got the job on the spot, and I drove away just vibrating. I was like, 'Are you kidding me?' Plus I was very young, I wasn't quite old enough for the part yet.
When I read the book many years ago, I found it sprawling and didn't seem to have elements that would make it translatable to the screen - at least I remember thinking that at the time. What did you think of the book when you first read it?
I was reading it for school, so I had to read it. I did independent study when I was in high school. I remember, I took so long to read the book. All I had to do was read it and write a report, it wasn't like I had to do an intensive study of the book, and it took me months and months - I was late. But, I think my teacher was OK with it because I think ultimately the paper was good.
But, people say it's different when you read it at different ages - but for me at the time, it was fun! At that age you start realizing you have a choice in who you surround yourself with. Up until that point, you're just around circumstantially who you're with - your family or whatever - but at that point you can start choose your family - and I've got a great family by the way - but I mean just the people you decide to surround yourself with. I don't want to sound cliché, but people should pull something out of you that would otherwise remain unseen.
And when I read the book I thought, 'gosh I need to find people like that.' I'm definitely not [my character, Marylou's] type. As I continued reading it and got older, the weight of it started to mean more. I was totally enamored by the colors and the way he wrote it and jumped over words and how it read like a song. Then when I did the movie, to play a part like Marylou - she's very vivid. She's very colorful and interesting and on the periphery so you don't know how and why she can do the things that she does.
By the time it came to bring it to life, I didn't want to play just a crazy, wild sexy girl. I wanted to apply all the whys and get to know the people behind the characters. There's a weight to it. It's not easy to live a life like that. That's what makes these people kind of remarkable. It's a give and take. There's no way to have this without pain, but they're not frivolous, they can feel it…
So what was your road to On the Road?
I was 14 or 15 when I first met Walter Salles. I spoke to him when I was 17, I think I may have shot the first Twilight, I'm not sure - possibly I was about to go do it. At first I was talking about playing another part, so it's been a long time coming. I don't know how I was able to get around that kind of energy, but to convey that I loved this thing in the way [Walter Salles] does and as soon as you get around that energy it passes between you, nothing really needs to be said. I got the job on the spot, and I drove away just vibrating. I was like, 'Are you kidding me?' Plus I was very young, I wasn't quite old enough for the part yet.
When I read the book many years ago, I found it sprawling and didn't seem to have elements that would make it translatable to the screen - at least I remember thinking that at the time. What did you think of the book when you first read it?
I was reading it for school, so I had to read it. I did independent study when I was in high school. I remember, I took so long to read the book. All I had to do was read it and write a report, it wasn't like I had to do an intensive study of the book, and it took me months and months - I was late. But, I think my teacher was OK with it because I think ultimately the paper was good.
But, people say it's different when you read it at different ages - but for me at the time, it was fun! At that age you start realizing you have a choice in who you surround yourself with. Up until that point, you're just around circumstantially who you're with - your family or whatever - but at that point you can start choose your family - and I've got a great family by the way - but I mean just the people you decide to surround yourself with. I don't want to sound cliché, but people should pull something out of you that would otherwise remain unseen.
And when I read the book I thought, 'gosh I need to find people like that.' I'm definitely not [my character, Marylou's] type. As I continued reading it and got older, the weight of it started to mean more. I was totally enamored by the colors and the way he wrote it and jumped over words and how it read like a song. Then when I did the movie, to play a part like Marylou - she's very vivid. She's very colorful and interesting and on the periphery so you don't know how and why she can do the things that she does.
By the time it came to bring it to life, I didn't want to play just a crazy, wild sexy girl. I wanted to apply all the whys and get to know the people behind the characters. There's a weight to it. It's not easy to live a life like that. That's what makes these people kind of remarkable. It's a give and take. There's no way to have this without pain, but they're not frivolous, they can feel it…
Marylou's a forward thinking progressive soul, but she's also surrounded by this situation with her ongoing yet ever-changing situation with her ex-husband, Dean, who is still an emotional roller coaster, both for himself and her. Did you ever judge her in respect to why she'd tolerate him for so long?
No, I never had done so. I always wondered how she could take it. How deep is that well? How much can you give and how much can you let be taken from you?
What I found about her is that she's very unique to her time, but nowadays she'd be something else. Her capacity to see everyone's flaws and appreciate them is really unbelievable. Any interview we did with anyone who was involved with them [before doing the movie] always said the same thing - that she was such a wonderful woman. She's infectiously amazing. So, no I didn't judge her.
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Premiär för On the Road på AFI Fest
Bilderna är från igår, 3 november.
För att se fler bilder, klicka [här].
Två bilder från efterfesten:
Kristen tillsammans med Rob, Taylor och Bill
Bilderna är tagna på presskonferensen för Breaking Dawn Part 2. Med på bilderna är Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner och Bill Condon.
Inga uppdateringar från mig till på söndag
Fram till söndag kommer inte jag (Erica) att kunna uppdatera något, men förhoppningsvis kommer Kimberly att uppdatera lite. Men som sagt, på söndag kväll är jag tillbaka igen.
Hela Kristens Breaking Dawn Part 2 presskonferens
Kristens intervju med Access Hollywood
MTV First: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2 "The Talk"
Kristen, Roberts och Taylors intervju med ET
Kristen, Robert och Taylors intervju med ET Från Breaking Dawn 2 Los Angeles presskonferens.
Dagens bild - 121102
Breaking Dawn Part 2 - B-roll
Kristen meddelar Cecile B. Demille Award
Kristen meddelar att Jodie Foster kommer att få Cecile B. Demille Award i år.

Fler bilder har ni [här].
Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Los Angeles presskonferens
[Kommer att uppdatera inlägget med fler bilder när fler bilder av bättre kvalité kommer ut.]

[Här] kan ni läsa alla frågor och svar under presskonferensen och dessutom se fler bilder och videos.
Kristen och Roberts on set-intervju
Kristen och Roberts on set intervju för Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Bild på Kristen i Entertainment Weekly
En ny bild på Kristen där hon testar kläder till On the Road publicerades i Entertaintment Weekly.

Kristen kommer presentera Cecil B. Demille Award
Idag, 1 november, kommer Kristen att presentera Cecil B. Demille Award på Golden Globe Awards som kommer äga rum på Beverly Hills Hotel.

Kristen Stewart and Simon Baker to announce the recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Recipient will be honored at the 70th Annual Golden Globe® Awards for their outstanding contribution to the entertainment field. The show once again will be broadcast LIVE coast-to-coast on NBC on Sunday, January 13 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (PST)/8:00-11:00 p.m. (EST) from the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
The recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award is chosen by the HFPA board of directors. The list of winners provides a spectrum of talented human beings who have had an impact on the world of entertainment, be it Alfred Hitchcock, Lucille Ball, Sidney Poitier, Sophia Loren, Sean Connery, Barbra Streisand, Martin Scorsese or any one of those thoughtfully selected for the honor. Morgan Freeman received the award last year.
The recipient of the Cecil B. DeMille Award is chosen by the HFPA board of directors. The list of winners provides a spectrum of talented human beings who have had an impact on the world of entertainment, be it Alfred Hitchcock, Lucille Ball, Sidney Poitier, Sophia Loren, Sean Connery, Barbra Streisand, Martin Scorsese or any one of those thoughtfully selected for the honor. Morgan Freeman received the award last year.
Kristen och Rob på Halloweenfest igår - 31 oktober
Nytt klipp från Breaking Dawn Part 2 "Who's with me?"
Ny still på Marylou från On the Road
Kristen kommer medverka på Jimmy Fallon Show

Den 7 november kommer Kristen att vara med på Jimmy Fallon Show. Vi kommer lägga upp klippet här på sidan så fort det kommer upp på internet.